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The group has enjoyed a high level of secrecy, though not up to the level of an even more select [[deep state milieu]], [[Le Cercle]]. In October 1955, ''[[Der Spiegel]]'' carried a major report on the 'secret conference' of the 'Bilderberg circle', even terming it  a "conspiracy" (in quotes). It reported on attendees and the discussions. This appears to have been the trigger for a serious {{ccm}} blackout, since the next time it was known to be mentioned by the corporate media was a short, isolated mention in a ''[[Washington Post]]'' article of 1963.<ref name=WashPost1963>{{Cite news |url= http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/washingtonpost_historical/access/163325712.html?dids=163325712:163325712&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&date=MAR+30%2C+1963&author=&pub=The+Washington+Post&desc=Secret+Meeting+Held+in+Cannes&pqatl=google |title= Secret Meeting Held in Cannes |newspaper= [[The Washington Post]] |date= 30 March 1963}}</ref> The blackout continued and until 2005 conferences were very rarely reported.<ref>{{cite news |newspaper= The Times |date= 18 April 1977 |page= 9 |author= Caroline Moorehead |title= Times Profile: The Bilderberg Group |quote= Henry Kissinger will be there. So will Helmut Schmidt, Baron Edmond de Rothschild, Joseph Luns, Giovanni Agnelli and Mrs Thatcher. This is the twenty-fifth Bilderberg meeting.}}</ref> Secrecy surrounding the group has been much eroded since 2010, particularly after reporting by [[Guardian]] reporter [[Charlie Skelton]].  
The group has enjoyed a high level of secrecy, though not up to the level of an even more select [[deep state milieu]], [[Le Cercle]]. In October 1955, ''[[Der Spiegel]]'' carried a major report on the 'secret conference' of the 'Bilderberg circle', even terming it  a "conspiracy" (in quotes). It reported on attendees and the discussions. This appears to have been the trigger for a serious {{ccm}} blackout, since the next time it was known to be mentioned by the corporate media was a short, isolated mention in a ''[[Washington Post]]'' article of 1963.<ref name=WashPost1963>{{Cite news |url= http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/washingtonpost_historical/access/163325712.html?dids=163325712:163325712&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&date=MAR+30%2C+1963&author=&pub=The+Washington+Post&desc=Secret+Meeting+Held+in+Cannes&pqatl=google |title= Secret Meeting Held in Cannes |newspaper= [[The Washington Post]] |date= 30 March 1963}}</ref> The blackout continued and until 2005 conferences were very rarely reported.<ref>{{cite news |newspaper= The Times |date= 18 April 1977 |page= 9 |author= Caroline Moorehead |title= Times Profile: The Bilderberg Group |quote= Henry Kissinger will be there. So will Helmut Schmidt, Baron Edmond de Rothschild, Joseph Luns, Giovanni Agnelli and Mrs Thatcher. This is the twenty-fifth Bilderberg meeting.}}</ref> Secrecy surrounding the group has been much eroded since 2010, particularly after reporting by [[Guardian]] reporter [[Charlie Skelton]]. In 2011, [[BBC]] headed an article "Bilderberg mystery: Why do people believe in cabals?"<ref>http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-13682082</ref>
===Blair's Denial to Parliament===
===Blair's Denial to Parliament===

Revision as of 16:39, 2 May 2016

Group.png Bilderberg  
(Deep state milieuWebsiteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png 4
Formation29 May 1954
FounderJózef Retinger
TypeSecret Society
Interest ofAmerican Free Press, Mario Borghezio, Conspiracy Archive, Dan Dicks, Robert Eringer, Daniel Estulin, Tony Gosling, Intellihub, Cristina Martín Jiménez, Manfred Petritsch, Phyllis Schlafly, The Truthseeker, Jim Tucker, Aleksander Milosz Zielinski
Exposed byJim Tucker
Bilderberg/1955 March
Bilderberg/1955 September
Bilderberg/1957 February
Bilderberg/1957 October
Bilderberg/Advisory Committee
Bilderberg/Climate change
Bilderberg/Premature deaths
Bilderberg/Steering committee
Long subject to a strong media blackout (almost never reported in newspapers before around 2010), protected by national police, the Bilderberg group holds an annual meeting of approximately 130 bankers, political & military leaders, CEOs of multinational corporations, editors and royalty. Meetings are firmly off the record, though some discussion topics have been leaked (e.g. fixing of oil prices, or the creation of the Euro).

A set of annual meetings named after the Hotel where the first meeting was held in 1954, subject to intense secrecy. Around 120 leaders of banks, military groups, multinational corporations, nation states and other deep politicians work out plans and report back to one another in secret.

Official Narrative

Bilderberg ON.jpg

Until recently the basic official narrative of the Bilderberg group was that there was no such group. Nowadays, the meetings are acknowledged, and the official narrative is generally that these famous and busy people, normally subject to scrutiny by paparazzi, need time to relax and take time off, play golf etc. It's an "annual, unofficial, invitation-only" social event. A rare 2005 BBC interview with Étienne Davignon is an exception to this rule, naming the conference and concluding that "informal and private networks like Bilderberg have helped to oil the wheels of global politics and globalisation for the past half a century".[1]


The intense secrecy and use of armed guards belie the claim that Bilderberg is a mere social event. Willy Claes, who attended Bilderberg in 1994, said on Belgian radio that at Bilderberg each participant is given a report and they are "considered to use this report in setting their policies in the environments in which they affect".[2] Étienne Davignon, former chairman, stated in a 2009 interview that the group "helped create the euro in the 1990s",[3] a boast which is supported by leaked documents and the Bilderberg's influence choice of the President of the European Central Bank.


Charles Douglas Jackson was important in getting the group set up.[citation needed]


The first Bilderberg Meeting, 1954

Since 1954, the group has had annual meetings usually in April, May or June. There were 2 meetings in 1955 and 1957. The 1976 meeting was cancelled due to Prince Bernhard's difficulties dealing with the Lockheed Bribery Affair.

Disgraced Secretary General of NATO Willy Claes stated in an interview that no two guests are allowed to sit next to each other more than once at Bilderberg, to enable the maximum exchange of views on important subjects. He also explained that guests are normally given around 10 minutes of talk time, after which a report is compiled of their presentation.[4]


Conferences have around 100-150 guests. Membership of the Bilderberg drawn mainly from Europe and USA. There have been almost no attendees from the southern hemisphere, possibly just one from New Zealand, and the first attendees from China were in 2011. [5]


Members are heads of multinational corporations, political and financial leaders as well as royalty. Dennis Healey reports that Bilderberg new invitees were expected to speak so that the steering committee members can evaluate them.[6]

Steering Committee

Full article: Bilderberg/Steering committee

Henri de Castries chairs the steering committee, other members include Étienne Davignon, journalist Bill Moyers, diplomat George W. Ball, perennial Bilderberger Victor Halberstadt, BBC Senior Independent Director Marcus Agius, Gabriel Hauge, Richard C. Holbrooke, Winston Lord and Paul Wolfowitz.

Advisory Group(s)

Even more rarefied is membership of the advisory group (or groups). In 2001 David Rockefeller was chairman of the international advisory group. It is unclear what this group (or groups) are responsible for, or how they differ from the steering committee. Membership is smaller, but overlaps the steering committee.



The group has enjoyed a high level of secrecy, though not up to the level of an even more select deep state milieu, Le Cercle. In October 1955, Der Spiegel carried a major report on the 'secret conference' of the 'Bilderberg circle', even terming it a "conspiracy" (in quotes). It reported on attendees and the discussions. This appears to have been the trigger for a serious commercially-controlled media blackout, since the next time it was known to be mentioned by the corporate media was a short, isolated mention in a Washington Post article of 1963.[7] The blackout continued and until 2005 conferences were very rarely reported.[8] Secrecy surrounding the group has been much eroded since 2010, particularly after reporting by Guardian reporter Charlie Skelton. In 2011, BBC headed an article "Bilderberg mystery: Why do people believe in cabals?"[9]

Blair's Denial to Parliament

When asked in March 1998 in the UK Parliament, UK Prime Minister Tony Blair denied that he or any members of his government had ever attended Bilderberg[10], something contradicted by fellow 1993 attendee, William Rees-Mogg, by the UK Guardian and by a subsequently leaked attendance list.[11] Moreover, in a candid moment, Blair later admitted attending the conference, terming it a "really useful group".[12]


Ferdinando Imposimato, Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy and former Senior Investigative Judge, the man who prosecuted the case involving the assassination attempt against Pope John Paul II, wrote a book accusing the Bilderberg Group of False flag terrorist attacks as part of a wider strategy of tension in Europe.[13][14]


Bilderberg appears to be more or less in control of some highly significant appointments.

Secretary General of NATO

In 1966, the number 1 item of the Bilderberg group's agenda, written by Robert R. Bowie, was the reorganising of NATO.[15] It is interesting to observe that since that meeting, no one has become NATO Secretary General without first attending at least one Bilderberg meeting.

UK Prime Minister

Since 1963, only two UK Prime Ministers have not attended the Bilderberg group (John Major and maybe Harold Wilson, though the latter is sometimes reckoned to have attended). Again, the most common pattern is to attend a Bilderberg meeting before become leader of a political party.

President of the European Central Bank

Of the three Presidents of the European Central Bank, the first two, Wim Duisenberg and Jean-Claude Trichet, were Bilderberg Steering Committee members and the next, Mario Draghi, attended the Bilderberg just before his appointment as president. The ECB's predecessor organisation, the European Monetary Institute was similarly lead exclusively by Bilderberg attendees.

Related Organisations

The Bilderberg group is often mentioned as a sister organisation of two other, less secretive, organizations: the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.

See Also


Related Quotations

Coefficients (dining club)“We must have an aristocracy - not of privilege, but of understanding and purpose - or mankind will fail. The solution does not lie in direct confrontation. We can defeat democracy because we understand the workings of the human mind, the mental hinterlands hidden behind the persona. I see human progress, not as the spontaneous product of crowds of raw minds swayed by elementary needs, but as a natural but elaborate result of intricate human interdependencies.”Alfred Milner1903
Will Hutton“Along with the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Conference, this (the World Economic Forum) is one of the key meetings of the year. No policy is made here; it is all talk, some of it banal and platitudinous. But the consensus established is the backdrop against which policy is made worldwide”Will Hutton
Charlie Skelton“Bilderberg is concerned about fake news? The world’s most secretive conference, which is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars keeping the press away from its sacred discussions, which has spent decades lying and obfuscating about itself, wants to ensure the spread of truth.”Charlie Skelton2017
Peter Thiel“I believe that it is always important to exchange views with people, no matter what their perspectives are. I think we have a lot of problems in our society and we need to be finding ways to talk to people. We need to find ways to talk to people where not everything is completely transparent. Libertarianism is not synonymous with radical transparency. That’s often an argument that Stasi would make in East Germany, when everything had to be monitored by society. And I think you have the best conversations in smaller groups where not everything is being monitored. That’s how you can have very honest conversations and you can think better about the future.”Peter Thiel2016
Donald Trump“Break with tradition, or so it seems. Vilified by the entire Rockefeller and liberal media establishment, but strong evidence he himself is "conservative CIA". Brought to power by "conservative CIA" CNP financiers/members as the Mercers, Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway. Trump himself has many long-standing, curious security state and establishment ties, among them: in December 2000 Trump was part of a 94-guest dinner organized by Bilderberg steering committee-, Pilgrims Society-, and 1001 Club-member Conrad Black, where Trump was seen chatting with Henry Kissinger at a table. Happy Rockefeller, the widow of Nelson Rockefeller; Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Richard Perle, Vernon Jordan and later exposed serial pedophiles Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell all were part of this dinner.”Joël van der Reijden
Donald Trump


Related Documents

TitleTypePublication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:Austerity Fascism is Comingwebpage8 June 2010Paul Joseph Watson
Document:CFR Membership 1993membership list4 November 2008FREE
Document:COVID-19 – true or hoax?blog post5 April 2020John GossAsk yourself this simple question. How many people do you know who have COVID-19? For me the answer is none. My advice would be for everyone to ignore the fake news put out by mainstream media.
Document:The Secret Society That Rules The WorldArticle7 November 2018Bas SplietIn his 1999 campaign autobiography, President George W. Bush mentioned his membership in passing: "My senior year I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society, so secret I can’t say anything more."
File:Bilderberg-history-1956.pdfreport1956Józef Retinger
File:Discussion on Weaknesses of Western Society.pdfpaper12 January 1958Bilderberg/Steering committeeResponse to "The Weakness of Western Society" by Rudolf Mueller
File:Pietro Quaroni's Comments on Rudolf Mueller's Paper.pdfpaperJanuary 1958Pietro QuaroniResponse to "The Weakness of Western Society" by Pietro Quaroni.
File:Weaknesses of Western Society.pdfpaperDecember 1957Rudolf MuellerA paper on the problems of integration and right the moral values.


4star.png 6 September 2016 Robin  A good overview and vital and original insights
This page contains not only a solid overview, but also important original research about the Bilderberg done by Wikispooks editors. Who knew that the Bilderberg have controlled the NATO Secretary General since 1966?
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