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Concept.png Vaccine Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Interest of• Kim Alberts
• Baxter International
• Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
• Russell Blaylock
• Roberto Burioni
• Jane Bürgermeister
• Catastrophic Contagion
• Center for Medicine in the Public Interest
• Children's Health Defense
• Anita Cicero
• Clade X
• Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations
• Brad Connett
• Bob Enyart
• Tim Evans
• Chris Exley
• William Foege
• Bill Gates
• Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization
• Global Health Security Agenda
• Jeremy R. Hammond
• Richard Hatchett
• Mary Holland
• Bruce Ivins
• Jennifer Jaynes
• Robert F. Kennedy Jr
• Safura Abdool Karim
• Robert Malone
• Eleanor McBean
• Robert Mendelsohn
• Merck & Co.
• Natural News
• Ab Osterhaus
• Louis Pasteur
• Stanley Plotkin
• PowderJect
• Stephen Redd
• Sanofi
• Sense about Science
• Kate Shemirani
• Simpsonwood Conference
• Moncef Slaoui
• Ben Swann
• Swissmedic
• Adrian Thomas
• Hans Tolzin
• Truthstream Media
• Brandy Vaughan
• Andrew Wakefield
• Andrew Zimmerman
A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular disease.


Vaccines, and mandatory vaccinations in particular, have been the subject of controversy, with some alleging that they are unsafe (in particular that they cause autism, a charge that the FDA sought to avoid by falsification of data), while others that they are necessary for maintenance of healthy populations. The Wikipedia page has been subject to protection.[1]

Baxter International

Baxter International has notably demonstrated the dangers of vaccine production, and the power of big phrama to censor the commercially-controlled media.


In February 2015, Natural News reported on March 1st that "A petition calling for the prohibition of laws requiring mandatory vaccines has been throttled by the White House, buried from public view and finally frozen for over 36 hours to prevent the petition from achieving 100,000 signatures". The tactic appears to have failed as by March 4th, the petition had over 111,000 signatures.[2]



Page nameDescription
AdjuvantAdditive to reduce the cost of vaccines - with an acknowledged "side effect" of reducing fertility.
GardasilCommon vaccine tied to reduced birth rates
ImmunocontraceptionImmunocontraception is the use of vaccines in order to cause temporary infertility.
Jenner InstituteOxford University linked research centre
RNA VaccineA vaccine based on changing the human RNA. The concept has long been of high military interest.
Self-spreading vaccineAllegedly only researched for use in animal populations, since use on humans would be against the medical principles established at the Nuremberg trials. But it would eliminate the need for a mass vaccination operation, making it very tempting for use during the 2020 plan to vaccinate the entire human world population.


Vaccine victims on Wikispooks

Roy Butler23 year old athlete who died shortly after Covid 19 vaccine injection, media cover-up.
Armoni HowardAmerican conservative activist who died from the COVID-19/Vaccine.
Bob SagetUS comedian known for his adult-oriented 'bad taste' stand-up comedy.
David SassoliItalian MEP; European Parliament President, presumed dead from the "vaccines" he himself promoted.
Gaia Young25 year old aristocrat "dies of headache" in July 2021


Related Quotations

"COVID-19/Vaccine"“We need to be careful, as it's obvious pharmaceutical companies wish to make a profit and would like to keep always selling vaccines for everyone. But we need to prioritise; we need to know if they're needed or not. (We need to) not be subordinated to Big Pharma dictating us: "we need a third dose", "we need a fourth", "we need to vaccinate children".”Andres Manuel Lopez ObradorJuly 2021
"Vaccine passport"““We have no plans to introduce them” said the prime minister (Boris Johnson) when talking about so-called vaccine passports. “I certainly am not planning to issue any vaccine passports and I don't know anyone else in government who would”, said Michael Gove and “no one has been given or will be required to have a vaccine passport” said the man himself, the vaccine's minister Nadhim Zahawi. Now in a slope slipperier than the ones Eddie the Eagle used to chuck himself off, it seems the government have changed their mind. First it was talk of nightclubs or sports events, and now the government is I quote “not ruling out making students be fully vaccinated to attend lectures”.... I guarantee you this is not where it ends.”Michelle Dewberry26 July 2021
Autism“Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) rates around the world are skyrocketing for unknown reasons. Parents have fingered vaccines but studies have failed to confirm a link. Concurrently, aluminum, from vaccine adjuvants, has been found actively transported to the brains of animals inciting inflammation. Fluoride has been implicated in children’s brain dysfunction, and, fluoride has been shown to potentiate aluminum toxicity. No vaccine study to date has controlled for a practice widespread around the world – water fluoridation. Autism is more prevalent in United States cities that fluoridate their water supplies, and less prevalent in rural non-fluoridated areas even with high vaccination rates.”Robert Jay RowenFebruary 2017
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation“my full-time work at the foundation is mostly about vaccines and seedsBill Gates18 February 2010
Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationVaccines are a miracle — with just a few doses, they can prevent deadly diseases for a lifetime. We’ve made vaccines our number-one priority at the Gates Foundation because we’ve seen first hand their incredible impact on children’s lives.”Melinda GatesJanuary 2010
Boston Herald“These are the facts: Vaccines don’t cause autism. Measles can kill. And lying to vulnerable people about the health and safety of their children ought to be a hanging offense.”Boston Herald editorial staff8 May 2017
Byram Bridle“None of us were expecting, I don’t think, that the vaccines would be rolled out very early on in the phase three clinical trials. So the phase three trials are not done. So in essence, what this means is the public rollout right now is an extension of the phase three clinical trial. So those being vaccinated now are, whether they realize it or not, part of the phase three experiment.”Byram Bridle24 February 2021
Byram Bridle“We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now... We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen... So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.... We have known for a long time that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein. It is a toxin. It can cause damage in our body if it gets into circulation... Now, we have clear-cut evidence that the vaccines that make the cells in our deltoid muscles manufacture this protein — that the vaccine itself, plus the protein — gets into blood circulation.”Byram Bridle24 February 2021
Warren Buffett“In the pharmaceutical world of economic durable competitive advantages, having a patent on a best-selling drug is about as good as it gets. The next best thing is having a monopoly on selling a country’s national health program the vaccines it needs for its childhood inoculation programs. Both of these businesses are hugely profitable and GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) excels in both these categories.

The vaccine business is particularly attractive because an individual shot (or jab) costs GSK approximately $1.50 to manufacture and it sells to national vaccine programs for approximately $9 a shot. That gives GSK a net profit of approximately $7.50 a shot. This markup gives GSK a very healthy profit margin that improves with each and every new disease that the company develops a vaccine for. Consider this: GSK's profits rose 10% with the 2009 Swine Flu outbreak—a disease for which the company had a state-of-the-art vaccine ready to inoculate the masses.

In addition to its patents and the durable competitive advantage GSK has with the vaccines, it also established the relationships with the world's governments, and it has the financial capital to create, manufacture, and sell vaccines on a world scale. If you were in charge of the health of a nation's 30 million-plus children, who would you buy your vaccines from? Every year? Year after year? You’d pick the biggest and the best. There are only four pharmaceutical giants that control most of the vaccine production in the world and GSK is one of them.

There is another component to the vaccine equation that also spells BIG MONEY: Every year, women all over the world give birth to approximately 133 million new babies, 4.3 million babies in the U.S. alone. With the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommending that children aged birth through six receive 34 individual vaccine shots/jabs, that means the market for those 34 vaccine shots/jabs increases every year by 4.3 million in just the U.S. alone. This in turn means that the vaccine manufacturers selling in the U.S. have the potential to earn a profit of $1.09 billion every year (4.3 million x 34 x $7.50 = $1.09 billion). Consider the number of yearly vaccines worldwide and the numbers are staggering—approximately $34 billion a year (133 million x 34 x $7.50 = $33.9 billion). After ten years, in the U.S. alone, vaccine manufacturers will see more than $10 billion in net profit. On a world scale, the number jumps to a potential $340 billion in profits.

And wait, it gets even better. With the invention of each new vaccine comes a patent that is good for twenty years and guarantees that no one else can make the vaccine. In other words, the company has a monopoly.

Even when the patents expire, other companies rarely step into the market because the major manufacturers have a permanent relationship with the government health departments of the world. This enables manufacturers to continue making the same vaccines year after year while maintaining their large profit margins even after their patents have expired.

And last but not least, vaccine manufacturers in the US are completely immune from lawsuits. Back in the 1980s several bad batches of vaccines injured so many children that the resulting successful lawsuits threatened to bankrupt the manufacturers, so the manufacturers lobbied a bill through Congress making them a protected class.”
Warren Buffett
Mary Buffett
COVID-19/Perpetrators/WEF“You have the option to not get vaccinated if you want, but then you can't go out in public.”Leana Wen2021
COVID-19/Resistance“I have done my bit and been vaccinated because we were told that was the route to protect others and regain our freedoms. Neither was correct. I will not allow my perfectly healthy body to become a cash cow for Pfizer.”Allison Pearson9 December 2021
Elizabeth Cousens“Plummeting measles vaccination rates should set off every alarm. Tens of millions of children are at risk of this deadly yet entirely preventable disease until we get global vaccination efforts back on track. There is no time to waste. We must work urgently to ensure lifesaving vaccines reach every last child.”Elizabeth Cousens2022
Bill Gates“In terms of intellectual property, what we do is actually very simple: we fund research, and we ourselves or our partners create intellectual property, so that everything that is invented with the help of foundation money and goes to richer countries actually pays off.”Bill Gates16 May 2011
Bill Gates“First, we've got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”Bill Gates
Innovating to zero TED talk
18 February 2010
Bill Gates“One of the questions I get asked the most these days is when the world will be able to go back to the way things were in December before the coronavirus pandemic. My answer is always the same: when we have an almost perfect drug to treat COVID-19, or when almost every person on the planet has been vaccinated against coronavirus.”Bill Gates30 April 2020
ID2020“Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.”Carlo Maria Viganò25 October 2020
Robert F. Kennedy JrNewspapers and electronic media outlets have suppressed legitimate debate over vaccine safety or the ongoing corruption scandals at the CDC. They allow ...Pharma shills almost unlimited use of the airwaves to spout Pharma propaganda—always unquestioned and unanswered. Newspapers won’t publish Op Eds or letters or comments from vaccine safety advocates. Even alternative press—like Huffington Post, Drudge Report, Salon, Slate and Mother Jones won’t allow discussion—and these are supposedly the antidote to a corporate controlled media. Astonishingly, many journalists openly advocate the censoring of any discussion about vaccine safety...The media’s silence on this issue is not simply a quid pro quo for billions of dollars of annual pharmaceutical advertising. Most reporters and media outlets accept the muzzle because they think they are safeguarding public health. They believe that allowing debate about vaccine safety and CDC corruption may cause the public to stop vaccinating.”Robert F. Kennedy Jr2015
Robert Malone“Many years ago, when I was working for the "Aereas Global Tuberculosis Vaccine Foundation", which was one of the early Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation nonprofit vaccine companies, the CEO hired a media consulting firm that mainly consisted of a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and a marketing manager. To ensure that favorable stories about the organization and its mission were printed, the "journalist" and the marketing specialist would consult with their clients and learn what story the organization wanted to be told in a major print publication. An article pushing the story would then be crafted, all of the necessary background assembled to meet whatever editorial review standards were likely to be encountered. Then this prebaked work would be fed to some "journalists" working for the targeted publication. My first "You're not in Kansas anymore" moment concerning modern journalism was when I saw this process used to "place" an article in The Economist, which I had naïvely believed operated as an independent arbiter of truth. Even then, I thought, - well, this can't be the norm, can it?”Robert Malone2022
Christian Perronne“I’m a Fellow of the Louis Pasteur Institute; I’ve worked in the field of vaccination for years and years. This is the first time in my life that I’ve heard from companies, from the manufacturers, from the ministers, from the WHO [such talk]: “It’s a very good vaccine—but we have to tell you that if you are vaccinated, you can get the disease anyway! And we’re not sure, but it may slow the transmission.” This is not normal. If you are vaccinated with an efficient vaccine, you are protected. You should not have to wear a mask any more; you should have a normal life. But in fact, in many countries, they say, “Oh, you’ve been vaccinated, but you’re not really protected.” And now they say to the vaccinated—who are supposed to be protected, who should have confidence!—“Oh, the unvaccinated will contaminate you!””Christian Perronne13 August 2021
RNA Vaccine“[...] also people will die in temporal connection with the vaccination. Then it is extremely important to find out whether the reason was the vaccination or another underlying disease. Because we will vaccinate the high-risk groups at the beginning. These are precisely the old and very old people, who of course also have a higher risk of dying, simply because they have already reached an advanced age.”Lothar Wieler5 December 2020
RNA Vaccine“So, we all assume that vaccines will be approved next year. We don't know exactly how they work, how well they work, what they do, but I am very optimistic that there will be vaccines, yes.”Lothar Wieler14 October 2020
Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez“There's a powerful public opinion campaign induced by Big Pharma. If one explores the national and international press, and traces recommendations like these, one can perceive an important lack of scientific information to support these kind of recommendations. And by contrast there are statements by Big Pharma executives that already take it for granted.”Hugo López-Gatell RamírezJuly 2021
Jon Rappoport“Long term, the medical cartel is the most dangerous cartel in the world, because they fly under a politically neutral banner. They claim they are completely non-partisan, we are here to help, to heal, and that's it. Who could doubt that? This is the greatest cover operation anyone could conceive of, using medical science, the medical system, with its toxic drugs, its toxic vaccines, to destroy whole populations from within. And occasionally come out with some massive epidemic program to further suppress and destroy populations.”Jon Rappoport29 September 2022
Bertrand Russell“Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.”Bertrand Russell1952
Rachel SchraerAndrew Bridgen was previously critical of policies like lockdown and the idea of vaccine mandates - but he praised the development of the Covid vaccine, and tweeted proudly when he received his doses.

It wasn't until last autumn that he began to make increasingly baseless claims, including that the vaccines were killing many people and that the damage was being covered up.

At first, he began highlighting some real, but rare, instances of genuine vaccine injury and misinterpreting real data to suggest these cases were more common than the research suggests.

But in recent weeks, this rhetoric has ramped up.

Extensive independent research shows that Covid vaccines are extremely effective at preventing deaths and that serious side effects (including approximately 60 deaths in England and Wales) are rare, given the tens of millions of doses administered.”
Rachel Schraer11 January 2022
ThimerosalDan Burton: Has thimerosal ever really been tested? Has thimerosal ever been tested by our health agencies?
William Egan: Only in those early tests that you know of that were done by Lily.
Dan Burton: When was that? That was done in 1929. Let's follow-up on that. In 1929, they tested this on 27 people that were dying of meningitis. All of those people died of meningitis, so they said there was no correlation between their death and the mercury in the vaccines. That is the only test that's ever been done on thimerosal that I know of. Can you think of any other?
William Egan: No, in people, no. Except for accidental exposures over time.
Dan Burton: So we have mercury that's being put into people's bodies in the form of this preservative, and has been since the 1930's, and it's never been tested by our health agencies. And yet you folks come here and you testify that there's no conclusive evidence, and the IOM says, they favor, get this, they don't say they're sure, they say they favor rejection of a causal relationship between mercury and autism and other neurological disorders. Nobody ever gives a categorical statement, that no, mercury does not cause this, no, it doesn't. And that's because you can't do it. So why in the world are we even putting a little bit of it in vaccinations?”
Dan Burton
William Egan
8 September 2004
Thimerosal“In spite of the scientific consensus that fears about its safety are unsubstantiated,[5][6][7][8] its use as a vaccine preservative was called into question by anti-vaccination groups, and it was phased out from routine childhood vaccines in the United States, the European Union, and a few other countries in response to popular fears.[9]”
Thimerosal“Thiomersal is very toxic by inhalation, ingestion, and in contact with skin (EC hazard symbol T+), with a danger of cumulative effects. It is also very toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long-term adverse effects in aquatic environments (EC hazard symbol N).[21] In the body, it is metabolised or degraded to ethylmercury (C2H5Hg+) and thiosalicylate.[12] Cases have been reported of severe mercury poisoning by accidental exposure or attempted suicide, with some fatalities.[22] Animal experiments suggest that thiomersal rapidly dissociates to release ethylmercury after injection; that the disposition patterns of mercury are similar to those after exposure to equivalent doses of ethylmercury chloride; and that the central nervous system and the kidneys are targets, with lack of motor coordination being a common sign. Similar signs and symptoms have been observed in accidental human poisonings. The mechanisms of toxic action are unknown.[22]”
Transhumanism“The 4th Industrial Revolution will lead to a fusion of our physical, our digital and our biological identities.”Klaus Schwab


Related Documents

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Document:The Big Picture, Easter 2020Facebook post12 April 2020Michael BuergermeisterThe aim of the lockdown seems to be threefold: to destroy the economy, distract attention from the introduction of 5G and to terrorise the populace into accepting voluntary vaccination, which would be its death knell.
File:Baxterinternationalinc investigation pharmafraud 2011.pdfReport9 May 2011Pharma Watch'Pharma-watch' report of their investigation into the ethical and business practices of pharmaceuticals company Baxter International
Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human RightsWikispooks PageUNESCOUNESCO Declaration stating that "Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice."


An official example

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