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Page nameDateTypeAuthor(s)SourceSizeDescription
Document:It's official: Russiagate is this generation's WMD23 March 2019articleMatt Taibbi69,940
Document:Italy 1947-19482003book extractWilliam BlumThe Killing Hope Website29,455
Document:Itamar - What the media missed17 March 2011articleAlison WeirCounterpunch78,729
Document:It’s Gonna Blow30 July 2020ArticleFred Reed9,903
Document:It’s Identity, Stupid1 March 2013articleRichard ThiemeThiemeworks11,747Insights into the real, counter-intuitive purposes and functioning of intelligence and security services. As a consequence of their determination of developments in surveillance, computing and related esoteric military technologies, their role of service to democratically determined policy has morphed into hidden, unaccountable shapers and arbiters of all policy that matters.
Document:It’s Nato that’s empire-building, not Putin7 March 2015articlePeter HitchensThe Spectator6,934Rare honesty, peppered with obligatory obeisances to western official narratives, about Nato empire-building since 1990 from a western mainsteam media journalist.
Document:It’s Not Socialism. It’s Another Mega Wealth Transfer.23 March 2020blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog7,281Amid the COVID-19 panic, it has hardly been noticed that Carphone Warehouse went bust, with 2,900 people losing their jobs. Its co-founder, David Ross, is of course the billionaire that Boris Johnson claimed paid for his luxury holiday to Mustique, whereas Ross claimed he only organised it.
Document:J'accuse13 January 1898open letterÉmile Zola'L'Aurore'27,919
Document:JFK - What We Know Now22 November 2010articleJames H. FetzerOp Ed News12,036A review of the JFK assassination evidence 47 years on, including comments on the Zapruder film
Document:JFK and RFK: The Plots that Killed Them, The Patsies that Didn’t13 June 2010articleJames FetzerVoltaire Network28,453
Document:JVL statement on Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis28 November 2019statementAnonymousJewish Voice for Labour6,143The Conservatives have given us austerity as an organising principle of government and as a result we have proliferating food banks, people sleeping and dying on our streets, our social care system on its knees, and local council budgets and services decimated. So, Rabbi Mirvis, which party is threatening the soul of the nation?
Document:Jack Straw Memo 25 March 200225 March 2002memoJack StrawUnknown5,879
Document:Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, extract from The "Terrorism" IndustryMarch 1990book extractEdward S. HermanThe "Terrorism" Industry2,128
Document:Japan as an American Client State28 September 2014articleKarel van WolferenThe Unz Review23,463How the US secured "Regime-Change" in response to the September 2009 DPJ upset to post WWII Japanese subservience.
Document:Jeremy Corbyn says “I Condemn Violence Against All Civilians, Why Can’t Keir Starmer?”12 October 2023ArticleJeremy CorbynTribune7,203In an interview with LBC, Keir Starmer was asked whether “cutting off power and water” to 2 million people, half of whom are children, was appropriate. He agreed that Israel “has that right”. Where is the empathy for Palestinians who have lost their loved ones, their homes and their futures? What happened to the universal application of international law?
Document:Jeremy Corbyn's Acceptance Speech 2013 Gandhi International Peace Award9 January 2014SpeechJeremy CorbynGandhi Foundation25,968Gandhi Award to a Man of Peace: Leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn
Document:Jeremy Corbyn's speech to the United Nations in full8 December 2017SpeechJeremy CorbynNye Bevan News22,966Jeremy Corbyn at the United Nations in Geneva upstages Theresa May at the European Union in Brussels
Document:Jeremy Corbyn’s Chatham House speech12 May 2017ArticleThe,380"Weapons supplied to Saudi Arabia, when the evidence of grave breaches of humanitarian law in Yemen is overwhelming, must be halted immediately."
Document:Jeremy Corbyn’s Coventry speech on Brexit in full26 February 2018SpeechJeremy CorbynNew Statesman29,458"So I appeal to MPs of all parties, prepared to put the people’s interests before ideological fantasies, to join us in supporting the option of a new UK customs union with the EU, that would give us a say in future trade deals."
Document:Jeremy Corbyn’s Opponents Burned the House Down to Stop Him - Now Keir Starmer Is King of the Ashes25 July 2020ArticleDaniel FinnJacobin55,636By sacking Rebecca Long-Bailey on a trumped-up pretext, Sir Keir Rodney Starmer has set the seal on a drastic shift to the right for the Labour Party. That shift comes just as the key arguments by Jeremy Corbyn’s opponents to justify a break with his left leadership have been falling apart in the face of overwhelming evidence.
Document:Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, extract from The "Terrorism" Industry1989book extractEdward S. HermanThe "Terrorism" Industry6,306
Document:Jewish Money And The Labour Party11 April 2016articleGilad,785The Labour party is evidently dependent on the shekel pipeline. The numbers reveal why Labour has been hijacked by Jewish interests. Whether or not we like it, our leading opposition party is a hostage begging for the mercy of few wealthy Jews.
Document:Jewish terrorism in UN-mandate Palestine 1945-481 October 1948reportVarious contributorsAbout82,265Timeline-type list of Jewish violence in 'UN-Mandate Palestine' from 1945 to 1948 inclusive.
Document:Jews Boast of Owning Hollywood - But Slam Gentiles Who Say the Same Thing6 July 2014articleEditorial staffThe New Observer15,504Jewish control of Hollywood, Censorship by Google and the taboo on mentioning it by Gentiles
Document:Jews and Russians before the First World War - The Growing Awareness2001book extractAlexandre Isayevich SolzhenitsynEthnopolitics Online145
Document:Jihadism and the Petroleum Industry23 June 2014articleThierry MeyssanVoltaire Network8,264The ISIS/ISIL 'Jihadi invasion' of Iraq is nothing of the sort. It is a determined attempt by Usaia to Balkanise Iraq in furtherance of a carefully laid contingency plan to maintain control over the region.
Document:John Bolton on Trump18 June 2020blog postAangirfan4,083Mr Bolton should have come forward during President Trump's impeachment proceedings rather than save his account for a $2 million book contract
Document:John Searle Statecraft invoice 29 May 1829 May 18 JLinvoiceJohn Searle'Anonymous'505John Searle invoice to Institute of Statecraft for "Research activities"
Document:John Weir Affidavit3 January 1999affidavitJohn Weir63,183
Document:John Young Interview15 November 2013interviewMichael MorisyMuckRock News8,268
Document:Jonathan Institute, extract from The "Terrorism" Industry1990book extractEdward S. HermanThe "Terrorism" Industry6,634
Document:Journalism skill sharing seminar26 December 2018reviewVictor Madeira'Anonymous'5,667Foreign Desk Ltd suggested a joint event with the Integrity Initiative to groom 15 young journalists. The proposal has comments from II's Victor Madeira
Document:Journey To Aleppo Part I: Exposing The Truth Buried Under NATO Propaganda20 September 2016ArticleVanessa BeeleyMintPress News34,458The Syrian people are suffering under the ‘moderate rebels’ and ‘opposition forces’ backed by the US, NATO member states and their allies in the Gulf states and Israel. Yet their suffering is largely ignored in the mainstream media unless it furthers the agenda dictated by the US State Department.
Document:Julian Assange Must be Freed, Not Betrayed18 February 2020ArticleJohn PilgerCounterpunch17,070Sarah Ferguson's interview made no mention of a leaked document, revealed by WikiLeaks, called 'Libya Tick Tock', prepared for Hillary Clinton, which described her as the central figure driving the destruction of the Libyan state in 2011. This resulted in 40,000 deaths, the arrival of ISIS in North Africa and the European refugee and migrant crisis.
Document:Julian Assange Tortured with Psychotropic Drug8 May 2019ArticleKurt NimmoGlobal Research4,800The FBI, Pentagon, and CIA are “interviewing” Julian Assange in Belmarsh Prison. The CIA Director Gina Haspel (aka Chemical Gina) has her hands in this one, and we are being told that Assange is being “treated” with BZ (a powerful drug that produces hallucinations).
Document:Julian Assange at Moment of Truth15 September 2014Video transcriptJulian AssangeWikileaks Central8,318Speech by Julian Assange to the Moment of Truth event in New Zealand on 15 September 2014
Document:Julian Assange denied access to lawyers, visitors in Britain’s Belmarsh prison24 April 2019ArticleOscar GrenfellWorld Socialist Web Site10,730Chelsea Manning’s punitive detention is a warning of the treatment that will be meted out to Julian Assange if he is extradited to the US
Document:Julian Assange exposed the crimes of powerful actors, including Israel19 April 2019blog postAlison WeirIf Americans Knew blog58,667Julian Assange has recently been honoured with the 2019 Award for Journalists, Whistleblowers & Defenders of the Right to Information and Nobel laureate Mairead Maguire has nominated him for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.
Document:Julian Assange is a suspected Russian intelligence asset24 February 2020ArticleSusie BonifaceMirror Online10,668"If Assange was interested in avoiding extradition to the US, he'd have gone to Sweden to answer the charges that were unlikely to see a conviction, and where he had far less chance of being extradited. But if he really WERE a Russian intelligence asset... well, then it all makes sense." - except that what it really makes is nonsense.
Document:Julian Assange to make final appeal in extradition case9 June 2023ArticleMark LoweInternational League of Nations4,232According to RSF, the upcoming appeal represents Assange’s final opportunity to contest extradition within the UK, unless he decides to bring his case to the European Court of Human Rights.
Document:Just like that: How the Tory magic trick was done18 December 2019blog postChris JacksonLeft in New Zealand11,262Boris Johnson will not be leading the people into any mythical promised land, rather they will be led like lemmings off the edge of a cliff. The population of the nation now have more austerity, economic inequality, privatising of the NHS and ever deteriorating public services to look forward to, led by a right wing, elitist, populist.
Document:Justice for Megrahi - Black's lies matter18 April 2021LetterPatrick HaseldineAbout14,002Don't let Suppressor Black mess up again at the UK/Supreme Court: much better to employ an English lawyer such as Gareth Peirce with a proven track record of success (Guildford Four, Birmingham Six etc.)
Document:Justice for Megrahi - Scotland must fund Supreme Court appeal27 April 2021LetterPatrick HaseldineAbout6,367#Scotland not #Libya must fund #JusticeForMegrahi appeal to #UKSupremeCourt. Should be a major issue in the #ScottishElections2021. #AlbaParty agree: do the other parties? @Anwar_and_Co @Ali2082009 @PrivateEyeNews @Dabaibahamid
Document:Justice for Megrahi - is Aamer Anwar capable of getting it?23 April 2021LetterPatrick HaseldineAbout12,539Is Justice for Megrahi achieved by blocking Twitter accounts? Is Aamer Anwar capable of getting Justice for Megrahi?
Document:Justice for Megrahi awaits at the Supreme Court4 April 2021LetterPatrick HaseldineAbout12,164My recommendation, Mr Anwar, is that you appeal to the UK Supreme Court to quash the Scottish Court in the Netherlands' 2001 conviction of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi on the basis of fabricated timer fragment evidence led by the "non-expert witness" Allen Feraday
Document:Justice for Megrahi is gonna happen!14 April 2021LetterPatrick HaseldineAbout8,889Aamer Anwar said: "I have no doubt that the new democratic Libyan Government headed by Abdul Hamid al-Dabaiba will support this final appeal for justice on behalf of the Al-Megrahi family and help in our efforts to prove the innocence of Libya and its people."
Document:Keir Starmer is a Long-Time Servant of the British Security State2 March 2021ArticleOliver EagletonNovara Media28,177Keir Starmer is sometimes praised for being an outsider in the world of politics (or mocked as too lawyerly and insufficiently political). But in reality, much of his work as Director of Public Prosecutions blurred the boundaries between prosecutor and politician – following the dictates of the Cameron coalition, negotiating with foreign officials on its behalf, and dropping or pursuing cases according to its interests.
Document:Keir Starmer's ‘antisemitism’ sacking is a signal that Israel is safe in his hands29 June 2020ArticleJonathan CookMiddle East Eye24,514Crackdown by UK Labour leader on left-wing rival will subdue critics of Israel in his party ahead of Israel's annexation move
Document:Ken Livingstone: Venezuela should have followed my economic advice3 August 2017InterviewJulia Hartley-Brewer
Luke Dolan
Talkradio2,905"America played a major part in Venezuela's current crisis but we won't know until 30 years from now, when all the papers get published."
Document:Kenny MacAskill: Scotland, but not as I know it15 September 2021blog postKenny MacAskillCraig Murray Justice Campaign blog9,125Craig Murray’s imprisonment is wrong and his prosecution undermines the liberties we claim to cherish. It’s Scotland but not as I know it or as it should be. As a former Justice Secretary, I find this shameful, and that it should happen under the watch of those who claim to cherish our Nations’ liberty is disgraceful.