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"Fake news website"“long before “fake news” became a major media topic, the US government was already planning its legally-backed crackdown on anything it would eventually label “fake news".” 25 December 2016
"Fake news website"“The mainstream corporate media is desperate. They want to suppress independent and alternative online media, which it categorizes as “fake news”. Readers on social media are warned not to go onto certain sites. The intent of this initiative is to smear honest reporting and Truth in Media. Our analysis confirms that the corporate media are routinely involved in distorting the facts and turning realities upside down. They are the unspoken architects of “Fake News”.” 24 November 2016Michel Chossudovsky
"Financial services"“Using the simple privileges of banks, the "financial services industry" has become a gigantic predatory parasite draining the human and natural worlds of life.” 2013Ivo Mosley
"Flatten the curve"“[...] to betray secrets again .. we said we have to find a model, to generate compliance, which is a little bit "science-like", and that was this formula "flatten the curve". We talked, how is it possible to convince the people to go along? We told them -this [the model] looks like science right?- if you are disciplined, you can change the curve. There is a visualization of individual changes to one's behavior in a way that it connects to science.” 27 February 2024Heinz Bude
"Free market"“I don't think a free market has existed in the United States since I was born in 1935. The market is rigged by enormous subsidies that go to favoured businesses. It's rigged in a half dozen other ways but that way alone would tip the scales. We have so many businesses that actually are bankrupt. They can't compete but they seem to be able to compete because your tax money and mine get poured into them in quiet, unnoticable ways.” John Taylor Gatto
"Gulf of Tonkin Incident"“OK. Here’s what we did. We [were] within their 12-mile limit, and that’s a matter that hasn’t been settled. But there have been some covert operations in that area that we have been carrying on – blowing up some bridges and things of that kind, roads, and so forth. So I imagine they wanted to put a stop to it. So they come out there and fire and we respond immediately with five-inch guns from the destroyer and with planes overhead. And we cripple them up – knock one of them out and cripple the other two. And then we go right back where we were with that destroyer [the Maddox], and with another one [the Turner Joy], plus plenty of planes standing by. And that’s where we are now.” 3 August 1964Lyndon Johnson
"Hate group"“I attempted to criticize the “hate group” concept on Wikipedia, by adding a section doing just that to its “hate group” article. The top editors over there would have none of it. Wikipedia’s editors are so left-wing, they think the SPLC is a neutral, apolitical organization, if you can believe it. Wikipedia, a supposedly unbiased and independent online encyclopedia and information source, has unfortunately become a mouthpiece for the Cultural Marxist US power class.” 17 June 2019Amalric de Droevig
"Hate speech"“The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” George Orwell
"Hate speech"“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” George Orwell
"Humanitarian intervention"“Suddenly, children in Syria matter a lot to the West, while Yemen's child victims are rarely ever mentioned. Suddenly there’s an urgent moral issue being rushed through the court of public opinion. This has all the hallmarks of the prior propaganda campaigns we’ve seen before. Scant evidence, immediate assignment of blame, and a quick rush to military action before anybody can really properly question the train of events.” 14 April 2018'Tyler Durden'
"Humanitarian intervention"“Humanitarian justification of intervention does not benignly shape hegemonic foreign policy or reduce inter-state bellicosity; rather, it inflames both.” 2015Amy Baker Benjamin
"Iran-Contra"“One of the most complicated and intrigue-filled scandals in recent decades, the Iran-contra affair dominated the news for many months. It consisted of three interconnected parts: The Reagan administration sold arms to Iran, a country desperate for materiel during its lengthy war with Iraq; in exchange for the arms, Iran was to use its influence to help gain the release of Americans held hostage in Lebanon; and the arms were purchased at high prices, with the excess profits diverted to fund the Reagan-favored "contras" fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua.” 1998Larry J. Sabato
"Iraq/WMD"“Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.” George Orwell
"Islamophobia"“"terrorism" in the post-9/11 American vernacular has become shorthand for "Islamic terrorism."” 2 April 2017Gregory Krieg
"Let's Go Brandon!"“the phrase and meme are fast becoming the most censored words of 2021, yet still entire stadiums of fans at sports games now regularly in unison shout Let's go Brandon ...even at high school or college games.” 20 December 2021
"Lone nut"“Nor, for example, is there any reason to interpret the 'lone assassin' verdict, which emerged immediately after [[JFK/Assassination|the assassination]] as itself an indicator of the conspiracy at work. On the perspective I am suggesting, almost before Kennedy's heart stopped beating the one thing which everyone involved would have agreed upon, without discussion, never mind coercion, was that a 'lone nut' verdict had to emerge. The 'truth' was not an issue: in politics the 'truth' is simply a tool.<a href="#cite_note-7">[7]</a> The point about the 'lone nut' is that it was then, and remains (cf Hinckley) the only safe explanation for political assassination within America. 'Disney America'<a href="#cite_note-8">[8]</a>, the fantasy pluralist democracy described in the textbooks on the American political system, cannot accommodate planned political assassination.<a href="#cite_note-9">[9]</a>1983Robin Ramsay
"National security"“We need to insist, as we insisted at Nuremberg, that no raison d'état is off-limits to public scrutiny, public criticism and public wrath.” 27 September 2015Amy Baker Benjamin
"National security"“What possible justification can there be, 43 years on, for information about it [the trial of the Shrewsbury 24], to be withheld on national security grounds? The failure to disclose has less to do with national security and much more to do with the potential for political embarrassment.” 2015Andy Burnham
"National security"“Human nature being what it is, the [[MICC]] comprises avaricious individuals who seek to gain private benefit at public cost. But the idea that all the players knowingly conspire to mastermind so intricate a system is difficult to prove, and unnecessary. Instead corruption among defence contractors, Representatives in [[US/Congress|Congress]] and the military brass is standard operating procedure camouflaged by an incestuous labyrinthine system and the primacy of '[[national security]]'. Not only do the corrupt actors need to be held to account but, as importantly, the system needs to be untangled.<a href="#cite_note-10">[10]</a>
To further understand this entanglement. I met [[Chuck Spinney]], a life-long [[Pentagon]] insider who experienced this labyrinth on a daily basis for over two decades. He produced a vast body of work explaining how the Pentagon really operates. His efforts culminated in the wrath of all the participants in the MICC but saw him featured on the cover of [[Time magazine|Time]] magazine.”
2011Andrew Feinstein
"Non-violent extremism"“non-violent extremism goes unchallenged, the values that bind our society together fragment.” 2015Theresa May
"Non-violent extremism"“It can even be argued that ‘non-violent extremism’ is a contradiction in terms. While there can be non-violent and violent radicals, it makes, in my view and based on the distinction between radicalism and extremism elaborated above, less sense to distinguish between violent and non-violent extremists.” March 2013Alex Schmid
"Open government"

Investigatory Powers Act 2016    Investigatory Powers Commissioner (Additional Directed Oversight Functions)
      (Security Service agent participation in criminality) Direction 2017

The Prime Minister, in exercise of the power conferred by section 230 of the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 ("the Act), directs the Investigatory Powers Commissioner as follows:

Citation and Commencement

1. This direction may be cited as the Investigatory Powers Commissioner (Additional Directed Oversight Functions (Security Service participation in criminality) Direction 2017
2. This Direction comes into force on 1st September 2017.

Additional Review Functions

3. The Investigatory Powers Commissioner shall keep under review the application of the Security Service guidelines on the use of agents who participate in criminality and the authorisations issued in accordance with them.

      Signed:TMay signature.png

      Date:    22-8-17-handwriting.png


Overpopulation and the overreliance on irrigation was a major factor in making the Maya vulnerable to failure: the trigger event of their collapse appears to have been a long drought beginning about 840 A.D. (communication of V. Scarborough, an archaelogist (sic!) from the University of Cincinnati [90]). Among many factors, such as war and plagues, that contributed to many of the collapses of ancient societies, there seem to be two main causes: too many people and too little fresh water. As a consequence, the civilization became vulnerable to environmental stress, for instance, a prolonged drought or a change in climate [90].

The societies themselves appear to have contributed to their own demise by encouraging growth of their population to levels that carried the seeds of their own decline through overexploitation of the land (communication of C. Scarre, an archaelogist (sic!) from the Cambridge University in England [90]). Similarly, the Akkadian empire in Mesopotamia, the Old Kingdom of Egypt, the Indus Valley civilization in India, and early societies in Palestine, Greece, and Crete all collapsed in a catastrophic drought and cooling of the atmosphere between 2300 and 2200 B.C.”

2003Didier Sornette
"Post-truth"Reality is under assault. Verbal confusion reigns. Truth and illusion have merged. Mental chaos makes it hard to fathom what is happening. We feel trapped in a hall of mirrors. Exposed lies are answered with other lies. The rational is countered with the irrational. Cognitive dissonance prevails. We endure a disquieting shame and even guilt. Tens of millions of Americans, especially women, undocumented workers, Muslims and African-Americans, suffer the acute anxiety of being pursued by a predator. All this is by design. Demagogues always infect the governed with their own psychosis.” 30 January 2017Chris Hedges
"Post-truth"“making use of fictional work for reinforcing messages about Russian hybrid warfare”

“Chinese authorities, bolstered by technology, arbitrarily and indefinitely detaining Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang en masse for actions and behavior that are not crimes under Chinese law.

And yet Chinese authorities continue to make wildly inaccurate claims that their “sophisticated” systems are keeping Xinjiang safe by “targeting” terrorists “with precision.””

1 May 2019
"Radicalisation"“These days kids know well that if you want to get famous and discussed by media for three weeks straight, then go shoot somebody and they will probably talk about you. That's the kind of stuff they train kids to think, without saying that. That's a horrible thing to say,but it's the truth. If you are a deranged kid out there, you're suicidal and want to be remembered, they are telling you, here's what to do. That's what radicalization looks like in the real world, not the fairytale they are building. Corporate media, the two-party paradigm, radicalize people every day. Having information in front of you, even crazy stuff, that is not what's doing that.” 2 November 2022The Last American Vagabond
"Russian Propaganda"

“What's funny about all this is that by constantly warning of the dangers of Russian propaganda, imperial spinmeisters are admitting that they know it's possible to manipulate public thought at mass scale using media. They're just lying about who's doing it to us.

In reality, they're not worried about Russian propaganda. "Russian propaganda" is just a spooky story we are told to keep us from noticing that our civilization is saturated in US propaganda.”

31 August 2022Caitlin Johnstone
"Safe and effective"“Drug companies never talk about the benefits and harms of their drugs but about their efficacy and safety. Words create what they describe and the preferred semantic is seductive. It makes you think it can only be good for you to take drugs, as they are both efficacious and safe. Another reason why patients and doctors generally trust their drugs as being both efficacious and safe is that they think they have been carefully tested by the drug industry and carefully scrutinised by the drug regulatory agencies using high standards before they are allowed on the market.
It is the other way round.”
2013Peter Gøtzsche
"Smart city"

““city will be divided into six districts, and motorists will get fined if they leave their neighbourhood too often

“150,000 residents will be allowed to use their cars as much as they like within their district and will be given free permits allowing them to drive to other districts on 100 days a year. If they exceed this limit, they will be fined, possibly £70 a journey or a day.” “A maximum of three permits a household will be allowed if there are several adults with cars registered to the address.”

“At the heart of the plan is a desire to reduce traffic and make city living more pleasant, creating a “15-minute city” within a small walking radius, a concept popularised during the pandemic”

- Nicholas Hellen Transport Editor of The Times in the article partly hidden behind the paywall”

23 October 2022Nicholas Hellen
"Smart city"

“A smart city program aims to create “an effective urban management system, creating safe and comfortable living conditions for citizens.”

Sobyanin’s “Smart City – 2030” project for Moscow provides an extreme example of what this initiative hopes to accomplish. The ambitious reimagining of the Russian capital is already being carried out by the city’s Department of Information Technologies.

Among other perks, Moscow residents will be issued “genetic passports” that can be used to administer gene therapies. “Wearable and implanted medical digital devices” will collect information about an individual’s lifestyle and calculate payments to health insurance companies.

By the end of the decade, Russia's capital will harness “digital technologies” to ensure “sustainable growth in the quality of life of Muscovites,” according to the project’s official website.”

12 July 2022Unlimited Hangout
"Smart city"

“"Public Buses Across Country Quietly Adding Microphones to Record Passenger Conversations Transit authorities in cities across the country are quietly installing microphone-enabled surveillance systems on public buses that would give them the ability to record and store private conversations. The systems are raising a number of privacy and security concerns.

The systems use cables or WiFi to pair audio conversations with camera images in order to produce synchronous recordings. Audio and video can be monitored in real-time, but are also stored onboard in blackbox-like devices, generally for 30 days, for later retrieval. Four to six cameras with mics are generally installed throughout a bus, including one near the driver and one on the exterior of the bus.

Cities that have installed the systems or have taken steps to procure them include San Francisco, California; Eugene, Oregon; Traverse City, Michigan; Columbus, Ohio; Baltimore Maryland; Hartford, Connecticut; and Athens, Georgia.

San Francisco transit authorities recently approved a $5.9 million contract to install an audio surveillance system on 357 buses and vintage trolley cars, paid for in full with a grant from DHS. The contract includes the option to expand the equipment to an additional 600 vehicles.

Concord, New Hampshire also used part of a $1.2 million economic stimulus grant to install its new video/audio surveillance system on buses, according to the Daily.

Transit officials say the systems will help improve the safety of passengers and drivers and resolve complaints from riders. But privacy and security expert Ashkan Soltani told the Daily that the audio could easily be coupled with facial recognition systems or audio recognition technology to identify passengers caught on the recordings."”

10 December 2012Wired
"Smart city"

“"A controversial bid to stop people travelling between neighbourhoods has been branded "a draconian ban on free movement" as the plan goes out to consultation.

Canterbury City Council unveiled its radical vision for the district last week, with it proposing to divide the city up into five areas"”

20 October 2022Daniel Esson
"State of emergency"Rights aren't rights if someone can take them away, They're privileges.” George Carlin
"Strike Hard Campaign"“The Strike Hard Campaign has shown complete disregard for the rights of Turkic Muslims to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. In Xinjiang, authorities have created a system that considers individuals suspicious based on broad and dubious criteria, and then generates lists of people to be evaluated by officials for detention. Official documents state that individuals “who ought to be taken, should be taken,” suggesting the goal is to maximize the number of people they find “untrustworthy” in detention. Such people are then subjected to police interrogation without basic procedural protections. They have no right to legal counsel, and some are subjected to torture and mistreatment, for which they have no effective redress, as we have documented in our September 2018 report. The result is Chinese authorities, bolstered by technology, arbitrarily and indefinitely detaining Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang en masse for actions and behavior that are not crimes under Chinese law.” 1 May 2019
"Strike Hard Campaign"“Credible estimates indicate that under this heightened repression, up to one million people are being held in “political education” camps. The government’s “Strike Hard Campaign against Violent Terrorism” (Strike Hard Campaign, 严厉打击暴力恐怖活动专项行动) has turned Xinjiang into one of China’s major centers for using innovative technologies for social control.” 1 May 2019

“Terrorism is not really an '-ism'. There's no connection between the Sandinistas who fought the Contras and Al Qaida or Colombia's FARC and fisherman turned pirates in Africa and Asia, yet they are all called "terrorists". That's just a convenient way for your government to convince the world that there is another enemy '-ism' out there, like communism used to be. It diverts attention from the very real problems.

Our narrow-minded attitudes and the resultant policies foment violence, rebellion and wars. In the long run, almost noone benefits from attacking the people we label as "terrorists", with one, glaring exception:- the corporatocracy. Those who own and run the companies that build the ships, missiles and armoured vehicles, make guns, uniforms and bulletproof vests, distribute food, soft drinks and ammunition, provide insurance, medicines and toilet paper, constructions ports, airstrips and housing and reconstruct devastated villages, schools, factories and hospitals. They, and only they, are the big winners. The rest of us are hoodwinked by that one, loaded word "terrorist".

The current economic collapse has awakened us to the importance of regulating and reining in the people who control the businesses that benefit from the misuse of words like "terrorism" and who perpetrate other scams. We recognize today that white collar executives are not a special, incorruptible breed.”

Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann
"Terrorism/Response"“It is critical to understand that the threat from groups historically seen as direct sponsors of terrorism such as ISIS/Daesh and the coordinated state efforts from Russia in recent years are linked.” 6 August 2018Anonymous
"US/National security"“At long last, the government has conceded that plaintiff poses no threat to air safety or national security and should never have been placed on the no-fly list. She got there by human error within the FBI. This too is conceded. This was no minor human error but an error with palpable impact, leading to the humiliation, cuffing, and incarceration of an innocent and incapacitated air traveler. That it was human error may seem hard to accept — the FBI agent filled out the nomination form in a way exactly opposite from the instructions on the form, a bureaucratic analogy to a surgeon amputating the wrong digit — human error, yes, but of considerable consequence.” Judge Alsup
"Vaccine passport"“the ambition is huge; both in terms of scale – as it applies to all EU member states – and also in the power it would grant to citizens throughout the Bloc. For the first time, citizens would be able to use a European Digital Identity wallet, from their phone, that would give them access to services in any region across Europe....It gets really exciting when you realise that the wallet can host both digitalised identity and payment credentials. This could allow people, for example, to pay a deposit on a new apartment or settle an outstanding speeding fine directly from their smartphone.”
"Vaccine passport"“all EU citizens have a fundamental right to free movement in the EU. The EU Digital Covid Certificate, available in paper or digital format, will make it easier for Europeans to travel...” May 2021Ursula von der Leyen
"Vaccine passport"“Eventually we will need some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested (for COVID-19) recently, or when we have a vaccine, who has received it.” 18 March 2020Bill Gates
"Vaccine passport"““We have no plans to introduce them” said the prime minister (Boris Johnson) when talking about so-called vaccine passports. “I certainly am not planning to issue any vaccine passports and I don't know anyone else in government who would”, said Michael Gove and “no one has been given or will be required to have a vaccine passport” said the man himself, the vaccine's minister Nadhim Zahawi. Now in a slope slipperier than the ones Eddie the Eagle used to chuck himself off, it seems the government have changed their mind. First it was talk of nightclubs or sports events, and now the government is I quote “not ruling out making students be fully vaccinated to attend lectures”.... I guarantee you this is not where it ends.” 26 July 2021Michelle Dewberry
"War on Drugs"“A free market for drugs would unleash a drug epidemic, while a regulated one would create a parallel criminal market.” Antonio Maria Costa
"War on Drugs"“See, if you look at the drug war from a purely economic point of view, the role of the government is to protect the drug cartel.” Milton Friedman
"War on Terror"“Given terrorism's unique dependence on publicity and amplification, the media have a crucial role in either facilitating or obstructing the spread of terrorism against the West... manipulation of public opinion is in fact, central to the terrorist strategy. For this purpose, access to the media, indeed their domination, is indispensable.” James H. Fetzer
"War on Terror"“Western governments and the financial sponsors of jihad... [W]e remain allies with those who have sponsored this terrorism for the last 30 years.” Alain Chouet
"War on Terror"“The surest defense against terrorism is to refuse to be terrorized.” August 2006Bruce Schneier
'Feliks'“Wikipedia is not just what it appears to be. It is more than a lexicon. It is also a bogus encyclopedia, a small but effective opinion manipulation machine. In certain areas, the encyclopedia becomes a pseudo-encyclopedia and has for years been dominated by a small group consisting of approx. 200 people. The only thing remaining is something that looks like a reference book, but is in the hands of dogmatists and people who write in Wikipedia non-stop, but have no qualifications in the areas they write about.” 24 December 2018Dirk Pohlmann
Markus Fiedler
1916“Lord Milner had just orchestrated a British coup in 1916 ousting Labour’s Herbert Asquith in order to bring Milner’s Round Table group into dominance as a shaper of imperial foreign policy at a pivotal moment in history. This coup allowed this group to define the terms of the Post-war world at Versailles” Matthew Ehret-Kump