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Document:Boris Johnson's first two priorities for post-Brexit Britain1 February 2020ArticleRichard MurphyFunding the Future5,361Boris Johnson has admitted what Brexit was for. He wants to control and constrain people. The market in labour will be constrained. And let’s not for a moment pretend that a Freeport supports markets: freeports are instead about permitting the free movement of capital beyond the control of the state and without the imposition of any taxes.
Document:Bosnia, Kosovo, and Now Libya: The Human Costs of Washington’s On-Going Collusion with Terrorists29 July 2011webpagePeter Dale ScottGlobal Research417
Document:Bradley Manning post-sentencing statement21 August 2013statementChelsea ManningAssociated Press4,370
Document:Brazil is back31 October 2022emailAline PivaProgressive International4,476“We defeated authoritarianism and fascism in this country. Democracy is back in Brazil,” said Lula. Today, Progressive International congratulates our friends, allies, and comrades in Brazil and celebrates the founding of a new, internationalist Brazil.
Document:Break the silence: a world war is beckoning13 May 2014articleJohn PilgerJohnPilger.com6,654The risk that western sponsored events in Ukraine in Spring 2014 and persistent western lies about the situation, will lead to war with Russia
Document:Breaking Away From the Bolshevism2001book extractAlexandre Isayevich SolzhenitsynEthnopolitics Online170
Document:Brexit is the villain in accidental death of the economy6 August 2023ArticleWilliam KeeganThe Observer7,482The Brexit miscreants who conned the nation just carry on shamelessly, while their replacements, Rishi Sunak and co, take up the banner and Keir Starmer, once a noble remainer, offends his natural followers by ruling out rejoining the EU or even the single market.
Document:Brexit reveals Corbyn to be the true moderate12 September 2019blog postJonathan CookJonathan Cook blog13,609It is time to stop acting like zealots for neoliberalism, squabbling over which brand of turbo-charged capitalism we prefer, and face up to our collective responsibility to change our and our children’s future.
Document:Brian Jenkins, extract from The "Terrorism" Industry1990book extractEdward S. HermanThe "Terrorism" Industry9,793
Document:Brief on Monitoring Moldovan 2019 Elections26 December 2018BriefingIntegrity Initiative
Artur Gherman?
Anonymous13,775"As a conclusion, it is absolutely important for foreign missions and observers to start monitoring the Moldovan elections already now, since elections are made long before the voting date!"
Document:Bristol West CLP condemns suspension of Corbyn10 November 2020ArticleSKWAWKBOXSKWAWKBOX3,804Labour’s hierarchy has banned CLPs from debating or voting on Corbyn’s suspension or the EHRC report and some Regional Directors have blocked attempts to do so. It seems Bristol West members hold their democracy and their former party leader in too high a regard to toe the line.
Document:Britain - Incipient Fascist State3 February 2011articleDerek MartinGlobal Research17,676
Document:Britain Bans Press TV22 January 2012articleAshfin RattansiCounterpunch6,509The story of the banning of Press TV from the UK Sky Platform channel 515 that you will not see covered in the commercially controlled media.
Document:Britain and the Muslim Brotherhood18 December 2010book extractMark CurtisMark Curtis' Website24,743
Document:Britain didn’t vote Labour just to get a new iron chancellor4 August 2024ArticleWilliam KeeganThe Observer7,661The economic damage wrought by Brexit continues. Our investment and growth prospects would benefit enormously if Starmer and Reeves abandoned this policy of “no return to the customs union, single market or freedom of movement”. I repeat what I have said before: the Labour manifesto commits it to removing unnecessary barriers to trade. But Brexit is the most formidable barrier of all!
Document:Britain's noxious history of Imperial warfare7 January 2013book introductionJohn NewsingerGlobal Research21,161The British Empire is indefensible unless conquered peoples are somehow less worthy beings than the British. What British people would regard as crimes if done to them, were and are justified in the name of empire. The official narrative, still largely accepted in the West, is racist to its core and illustrates the hypocrisy of an Establishment that never tires of warning about the evils of racism at home whilst predicating its foreign policy on it.
Document:Britain’s creeping cronyism1 September 2020ArticleRichard Norton-TaylorDaily Maverick10,344The culture of the Johnson government may be very different from that of Whitehall’s “permanent government”. But the two have one thing in common, lack of accountability and addiction to official secrecy.
Document:Britain’s delusions that it could take on the Taliban alone are ludicrous - what are our empire-nostalgic MPs smoking?19 August 2021ArticleTom FowdyRussia Today11,789The UK Parliament was recalled for an emergency debate over the Afghanistan/2021 withdraw. While the BBC focused on the divide between the sides of the house with their face mask wearing, Parliament was united against the withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan. Most MPs are urging Boris Johnson to go back to Afghanistan, and take on the Taliban, alone if necessary.
Document:Britain’s secret state5 March 2020articleKatharine GunDeclassified UK9,711Britain’s secret state and the need for whistle-blowing explained by 2003 Iraq War whistleblower Katherine Gun
Document:British 'spy' Le Mesurier was likely running away from someone before his death10 December 2019 16:24:00articleIbrahim AyralSabah newspaper6,540A look at some of the irregularities regarding Le Mesurier's fatal fall. The author suggests he may have tried to jump across the street from the roof of his house in order to evade pursuit.
Document:British Interests in Ukraine15 May 2014articleDavid MaloneGolem XIV - Thoughts24,883A forensic analysis of some of the British interests in Ukraine and - by inference, events leading up to and following the February 2014 coup
Document:British Intervention in British Guiana 195312 February 2007book extractMark CurtisMark Curtis' Website13,564
Document:British Jewish Zionist MP Gerald Kaufman says Israel acting like Nazis in GazaJanuary 2009SpeechGerald KaufmanUK/House of Commons6,099"However many Palestinians the Israelis murder in Gaza, they cannot solve this existential problem by military means. It is time for peace, but real peace, not the solution by conquest which is the Israelis' real goal but which it is impossible for them to achieve. They are not simply war criminals; they are fools."
Document:British MPs won’t get to see ‘WitchHunt’ in the House of Commons – the very place it needs to be shown3 March 2019ArticleRobert CohenMondoweiss11,983The WitchHunt deserves to be widely seen. And it will be from Sunday 17th March 2019 when it goes online for free viewing.
Document:British Skripal Narrative Fails the Occam's Razor Every Step of the Way26 September 2018blog postRob SlaneThe Blog Mire6,878Occam’s Verdict: Where is Sergei? He’s either dead, or he can’t be prevailed upon to make a statement backing up the official narrative, because he knows it isn’t true.
Document:British double agent who murdered for the IRA11 May 2003articleNeil MackayThe Sunday Herald4,622
Document:British extremists are importing tactics from the US hard right. Their target? Family drag shows22 June 2023ArticleTim SquirrellThe Guardian6,010The Institute for Strategic Dialogue has identified a new terror threat in this article published by Tim Squirrell, its head of communications, in the Guardian.
Document:British govt funded plan for censorship of factual NATO criticism3 October 2023ArticleJack PoulsonThe Grayzone10,334Leaked documents reveal British intel contractor Zinc Network singled out The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal for online censorship, and seeks to redefine factual criticism of NATO as disinformation
Document:British military presence near Venezuela ‘extremely concerning’5 February 2019ArticlePhil MillerMorning Star4,148Britain’s recent history of catastrophic military interventions should rule out any UK participation in Donald Trump’s attempts to destabilise a democratically elected government in Venezuela.”
Document:Brussels Attack: Another Chapter in NATO's Gladio Strategy?27 March 2016articleWayne MadsenStrategic Culture Foundation10,065Analysis of the 2016 Brussels Bombing from an experienced terror-sceptic.
Document:Brzezinski's Black Room Report to president Carter20 November 1979reportZbigniew BrzezinskiNational Security Archive721US National Security Advisor Brzezinski's plans for regime change in Iran, including many methods and covert tactics that are familiar 40 years later.
Document:Building Governance in the Western Balkans17 October 2018project proposalEuan GrantAnonymous25,306"The campaign will consider the digital landscape and the differing methods of coordinating on-line influencers, which could be through paid media, creative content or indirect 3rd party influencers". "Project risk: The proposed counter-measure narratives are themselves identified as external interference in WB6 countries"
Document:Bush Cheney Rumsfeld and 9/111 December 2005webpageMatt EverettWant to Know.info310
Document:Bush angle to Reagan shooting still unresolved as Hinckley walks16 August 2016ArticleRuss BakerWhoWhatWhy19,554John Hinckley who shot and wounded President Reagan was released from a federal psychiatric facility on 5 August 2016 after being detained for 35 years. Hinckley's family were well known to the Bush family. Coincidence? Sure. Anything, after all, is possible.
Document:CFR Membership 19934 November 2008membership listFREEApfn.org26,339
Document:CIA Coordinates Nazis and Jihadists19 May 2014articleThierry MeyssanVoltaire Network8,061Global politics used to be a question of Right (Captalist) - v - Left (Socialist) - or so we were expected to believe. Today the dominant question is 'Side with Anglo-US-Nato or oppose it?' - with the full spectrum of Left-Right present in both camps.
Document:CIA Experiments on Children12 August 2010articleH.P. Albarelli Jr.
Jeffrey Kaye
Document:CIA Killings Spell Defeat In Afghanistan8 January 2010articleDouglas ValentineInformation Clearing House10,369
Document:CIA OUT Teletype No. 8577029 November 1963memoJohn WhittenHistory Matters2,587A memo about the foreknowledge of the JFK Assassination evinced by Eugene Dinkin.
Document:CIA Planned Coup2 September 1963articleNgo Dinh NhuThe Times of Vietnam13,897
Document:CIA Research Paper SW91-10076X - Intelligence SummaryNovember 1991Research paperCIAJANCOM12,506Transcription of the unredacted 'Intelligence Summary' (pages 22-26) of CIA Research paper SW91-10076X titled 'Project Babylon' which names two ex-SAS soldiers as having been contracted to eliminate Gerald Bull
Document:CIA Support of Death Squads9 October 1999listRalph McGeheeSerendipity.li10,784List of Death squads that were supported by the CIA
Document:CIA wanted to kill Lockerbie bomber before trial5 July 2013articleGareth Rose
Bob Smyth
The Scotsman5,723A report of William Chasey's allegation (after being diagnosed with incurable cancer) that CIA agents tried to convince him to plant homing devices on Megrahi and Fhimah as part of the plot to assassinate them before the Lockerbie trial.
Document:CIA-MI6 Intel Ops and Sabotage7 February 2012articleFelicity ArbuthnotDandilion Salad - blog7,738In 1957, joint plans by the CIA and MI6 to destabilize Syria by means of staged border incidents and special forces assassinations of key political figures were approved by UK PM Harold Macmillan and US President Eisenhower.
Document:CND Gen list 226 December 2018name listIntegrity InitiativeAnonymous1,994list of names and email addresses of what seems to be intelligence workers/assets (CND is short for Christopher Nigel Donnelly)
Document:CND Integrity Initiative visit to Oslo, 29-31 Aug 201626 December 2018scheduleIntegrity InitiativeAnonymous6,852Donnelly's travel itinerary to Oslo + meeting how to create cell in Norway
Document:COINTELPRO Revisited - Spying & DisruptionarticleBrian Glick9,334
Document:COVID-19 – true or hoax?5 April 2020blog postJohn GossJohnplatinumgoss.com5,245Ask yourself this simple question. How many people do you know who have COVID-19? For me the answer is none. My advice would be for everyone to ignore the fake news put out by mainstream media.
Document:COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US4 March 2020ArticleLarry RomanoffGlobal Research10,297The varieties of COVID-19 in Iran and Italy have been sequenced and declared to have no part of the variety that infected China and must, by definition, have originated elsewhere.
Document:Cabinet Office Briefing Paper 21 July 200212 June 2005briefing paperThe Times14,514Generated for participants for the secret meeting of Blair’s inner circle on July 23, 2002, this classified paper states that since regime change was illegal it was "necessary to create the conditions" which would make it legal. The last page is missing.