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Document:David Cameron in the Knesset. March 2014article26 March 2014Francis Carr BegbieBenjamin Netanyahu
David Cameron
Israel-UK relations
A brief run down on the espionage involvement of Israeli firms active in the UK and US on the occasion of the visit of UK PM David Cameron to Israel on 12 March 2014
Document:David Cameron's 'counter extremism' experts work with far-right Donald Trump sympathisersArticle19 December 2015Nafeez Mosaddeq AhmedQuilliam Foundation
Frank Gaffney
Henry Jackson Society
English Defence League
Donald Trump
Clarion Project
The link between the two organisations (Henry Jackson Society and Quilliam Foundation) and Donald Trump is Frank Gaffney, who was the chief inspiration for Trump’s call to ban Muslims from entering the United States
Document:David Cameron's Jewish rootsarticle7 January 2014Martin Iqbal"Antisemitism"
David Cameron
David Cameron's 'aristocratic' Jewish ancestry, and the gross over-representation of Jewish influence and finance in British politics. Brings clarity to the question of why the UK Establishment is so excruciatingly biased and subservient to the interests of the Zionist State of Israel.
Document:David Irving and the Aktion Reinhardt Campsarticle1 April 2009Jürgen Graf"The Holocaust"
David Irving
Document:Deal or No Deal, Iran's Stock Keeps Risingarticle20 November 2013Sharmine NarwaniIran
Document:Dear Tom, about this Trotsky thing…..article11 August 2016Jeff GouldingLabour Party
Jeremy Corbyn
Tom Watson
National Executive Committee
Owen Smith
Michael Crick
Luke Akehurst
Tom Watson, Corbyn’s deputy, has launched an astonishing and utterly ridiculous attack on his leader’s supporters. In it he claimed that “Trotskyists are twisting the arms of young Labour members”.
Document:Deception and distraction strategies relating to the John F Kennedy Assassinationarticle2017Garrick AlderFred Lee Crisman
Lee Harvey Oswald
Dorothy Kilgallen
Marilyn Monroe
Roswell Incident
Robert Vinson
Maury Island UFO
Document:Deconstructing Nuclear Expertsarticle31 March 2011Chris BusbyFukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
Chernobyl disaster
This article was written just 2-3 weeks after the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi. It is notable for its scathing dismissal of official efforts to play down the seriousness of the radiation health effects of the disaster and in particular the credibility of the so-called experts regularly wheeled out by the commercially-controlled media.
Document:Defend Freedom of Expression – Support Mark HirstArticle15 May 2020Tommy SheridanCraig Murray
Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service
Alex Salmond
Mark Hirst
Lady Leeona Dorrian
If we don’t speak up now in defence of those guilty of no crime other than expressing their opinions and speaking truth to power then we will all one day be caught in the tangled web of thought control and authoritarian rule which will render us powerless to oppose injustice and resist draconian restrictions on our freedoms.
Document:Defending the UN Charter by Use of the Vetoarticle11 February 2012Ronda HaubenSyria
2011 Syrian Insurgency
A timeline summary of political/diplomatic events leading to the Russia/China veto of the February 2012 UNSC resolution on Syria.
Document:Depravity Redefined - Selling US Slaughter in Syriaarticle8 September 2013'Tony Cartalucci'Syrian Chemical Weapons AttackHow horrific images are used to manipulate gullible publics into defending the indefensible in Syria
Document:Destroying SyriaArticle23 January 2018Philip GiraldiSyria
Bashar al Assad
Donald Trump
Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi says the United States has zero evidence on the Syrian conflict. Someone should remind the President that similar scenarios did not turn out very well in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.
Document:Determined on war - questions neither Bush nor Blair would answerarticle24 January 2003Tony BennIraq War 2003
Document:Did Canadian taxpayers foot Islamic State’s recruitment billArticle5 November 2015Tony GoslingIslamic State
Sajid Javid
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Shamima Begum
Kadiza Sultana
Amira Abase
Muhammad al-Rasheed
Ilhami Bali
Pieces in the secret service puzzle, such as how the girls were persuaded to get on the flight to Istanbul and how Canadian intelligence knew where and when they would be arriving remain unanswered. And this systematic failure of London’s media to report the key facts in this story begs the question: why have we not been told the full story?
Document:Did Corbyn leak the Labour GE2017 manifestoArticle11 May 2017SKWAWKBOXLabour Party
Jeremy Corbyn
Richard Leonard
UK/General election/2017
Did Jeremy Corbyn or another member of Labour's senior leadership team leak the draft manifesto as a political masterstroke?
Document:Did German bungling lead to Pan Am 103?Article24 September 1989Gavin HewittPan Am Flight 103
Marwan Khreesat
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine–General Command
Hafez Dalkamoni
Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
Abu Elias
The blunders of "Operation Autumn Leaves" didn't end with the case of Marwan Khreesat. One of those arrested in the 26 October 1988 sweep was a Palestinian by the name of "Ramzi Diab" which was not his real name, it turned out. That name had been taken from an Israeli passport stolen in Spain. The German police suspect he may actually have transported the Lockerbie bomb.
Document:Did the White House Help Plan the Syrian Chemical Attackarticle28 August 2013Yossef BodanskySyrian Chemical Weapons Attack
Document:Dikgang Moseneke to join bench of judges in Israel-Hamas world court caseArticle5 January 2024Kgaugelo MaswenengIsrael
South Africa
International Court of Justice
Genocide Convention
2023-2024 Israel-Hamas War
Dikgang Moseneke
Dire Tladi
Should presiding American Judge Joan Donoghue recuse herself when it comes to determining whether US staunch ally Israel has committed genocide in Gaza?
Document:Diplomatic Protection, the case of Nazanin Zaghari-RatcliffeArticle14 November 2017Oliver MilesMichael Gove
Boris Johnson
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe
Perhaps the best thing we could do for Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe would be to take a lead in offering assistance following the earthquake in Iran on Sunday
Document:Dissident British ex-diplomat Craig Murray indicted for blog posts in Kafkaesque caseArticle27 April 2020Ben NortonCraig Murray
Alex Salmond
Mark Hirst
Nicola Sturgeon
Lady Leeona Dorrian
“The state believes it has finally discovered a way to put me in prison without the inconvenient hurdle of a jury of my peers. This really is the epitome of bad law. To use it against freedom of speech is disgusting.”
Document:Don't stop Iran now, it's on a rollarticle18 March 2014MK BhadrakumarIranian nuclear progamIn the Spring of 2014, geo-political events are aligning and shifting in Iran's favour. The US and Israel don't like it.
Document:Donald Rumsfeld and the demolition of WTC 7article22 May 2014Kevin Ryan9-11/WTC Controlled demolition
Donald Rumsfeld
Further evidence of Donald Rumsfeld's complicity in the events of 9/11, with particular reference to his substantial connection to WTC7 and his lying about it and its destruction..
Document:Don’t Laugh! It’s “Anti-Semitic”!article4 February 2014Jonathan Azaziah"Antisemitism"
Dieudonné M'bala M'bala
All you need to know about French Comedian Dieudonne and the interests prompting both the French and UK Establishments to such ridiculous and downright nasty demonisation of him
Document:Doreen and Karen – a tale of two mothersarticle15 August 2013Francis Carr BegbieMind control
Doreen Lawrence
Karen Downes
A startling and telling comparison of the treatment of two horrific racially-motivated murders by the UK Establishment.
Document:Douma ‘attack’ witnesses speak at Russia-called OPCW briefing at The HagueArticle26 April 2018White Helmets
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
Douma attack
Halil al-Jaish who tended to people at the Douma hospital that day, told the press conference that some of the patients had indeed experienced respiratory problems. The symptoms, however, were caused by heavy dust, which engulfed the area due to recent airstrikes, and no one showed any signs of chemical warfare poisoning.
Document:Dr Waney Squier - Medical Mafia Victimarticle21 March 2016Christina EnglandShaken Baby Syndrome
Medical Mafia
General Medical Council
Science/Problematic notions
Commentary on the decision of the UK General Medical Council to terminate Dr Squier's medical career over her 'expert witness' evidence in a number of criminal legal proceedings involving alleged 'Shaken baby syndrome' - An example of the 'Medical Mafia' enforcing its dogma
Document:Drool Britanniaarticle22 January 2016Mark NesopAlexander LitvinenkoCommentary on the Owen Inquiry Report into the death of Alexander Litvinenko
Document:Dropping bombs on behalf of Al Qaedaarticle9 April 2017Peter HitchensAl-Qaeda
Islamic State
Al-Nusra Front
On Friday morning 7 April 2017 the United States Navy launched 59 cruise missiles on behalf of Al Qaeda
Document:ECJ Advocate General says UK can revoke Article 50 unilaterallyArticle4 December 2018Tony ConnellyAlyn Smith
Catherine Stihler
Richard Keen
David Martin
European Court of Justice
Withdrawal from the European Union
Andy Wightman
Ross Greer
Joanna Cherry
Jolyon Maugham
Court of Session
Article 50 allows the "unilateral revocation of the notification of the intention to withdraw from the EU, until such time as the Withdrawal Agreement is formally concluded"
Document:EHRC avoids response to QC’s submission that Labour investigation breaches Equality ActArticle3 August 2019"Antisemitism"
Labour Party
Geoffrey Bindman
Iain McNicol
Jewish Voice for Labour
Jennie Formby
Equality and Human Rights Commission
UK/2006 Equality Act
Jewish Voice for Labour's submission to the Equality and Human Rights Commission points out that many of the worst aspects took place under the tenure of former general secretary Iain McNicol, while significant improvements have been made under his successor Jennie Formby.
Document:Easter 1916: When a terrible beauty was bornarticle23 March 2016John Wright1916 Easter risingThe 1916 Easter rising in Dublin against British rule in Ireland written just prior to the centenary of the events, with brief biographiacal information about its two principle leaders.
Document:Echelon News April 2000article30 March 2000Jacques IsnardIndustrial Espionage
Document:Economic Tasks - Vladimir Putinarticle30 January 2012Vladimir PutinRussiaA quintessentially orthodox IMF/WTO economic analysis from the Russian Prime Minister in the run up to the Presidential election in March 2012.
Document:Ed Miliband’s decision to oppose military action against Syria is an action of statesmanship of which Britons will be proudArticle28 August 2013Michael MeacherIran
Ed Miliband
Bashar al Assad
Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack
Rupert Murdoch
Jeremy Corbyn
Brian Leveson
It is all very well to rush to war in a surge of moral outrage, it is quite another to spell out clearly what are the war objectives and how exactly they are to be achieved.
Document:Eight activists go on trial for disrupting Israel’s weapons tradeArticle10 November 2023Mohamed ElmaaziPalestine Action
Huda Ammori
Richard Barnard
Elbit Systems
October 2023 Gaza−Israel conflict
The trial of the Elbit Eight takes place at a time when Israel is waging a genocidal war against Gaza – using weapons from Elbit Systems and several other British firms.
Document:Eisenhower's Holocaustarticle22 June 2008AnonymousDocument:In Eisenhower's Death Camps
Other Losses
Dwight Eisenhower
Disarmed Enemy Forces
A brief introduction to the treatment of German military prisoners by the allied authorities in the 18-24 month period AFTER the German unconditional surrender in May 1945.
Document:Election 2017: finally, a real choice for Britain's votersArticle17 May 2017Raoul MartinezCorporate media
Theresa May
Jeremy Corbyn
Parliamentary Labour Party
Mervyn King
2016 EU Referendum
UK/General election/2017
No wonder the billionaire-owned media are attacking Jeremy Corbyn with everything they've got. But we the people can still win.
Document:Elie Wiesel - A Prominent False Witnessarticle1987Robert Faurisson"The Holocaust"
Elie Wiesel
Suppressed information about the "Chief Witness to The Holocaust" together with home-truths and opinion for which its author was beaten close to death.
Document:Ellwood vs EllwoodArticle9 March 2023John EllwoodTobias Ellwood
George Galloway
Ben Wallace
Agenda 2030
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
Lockdown Files
The media profile of former minister Lieutenant Colonel The Right Honourable Tobias Ellwood has increased as a result of COVID-19. A recent interview of his on Sky News regarding the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine has raised a few eyebrows.
Document:Emperor Obama's Old-New clothes and the US energy wararticle2 October 2014Vera GraziadeiGlobalisation
2014 Ukraine coup
The Ukraine imbroglio is a 100% US engineered event aimed at isolating Europe from Russia and developing US business interests in alternative energy supplies for both Ukraine and Europe
Document:End Game for Benghazi Rebelsarticle3 August 2011Franklin Lamb2011 Attacks on Libya
Document:England prepares to leave the worldArticle4 November 2016Neal AschersonTheresa May
David Davis
Michel Barnier
"If you believe you are a citizen of the world you are a citizen of nowhere." Mrs May will pass into folklore with that line, just as Mrs Thatcher is remembered for "There is no such thing as society."
Document:Enough is Enough: What would Mandela have saidArticle28 March 2018David Rosenberg"Antisemitism"
Board of Deputies of British Jews
Jewish Leadership Council
Ben Turok
Traditional Britain Group
If the Board of Deputies and the Jewish Leadership Council want to belatedly take a stand against all racism, they might want to look instead at groups such as the Traditional Britain Group attached to the Conservative Party who are promoting white supremacism and state-assisted repatriation of immigrants to their “natural homelands”
Document:Ephraim Katzir and Israeli CBW Programarticle9 December 2012Richard SilversteinIsrael/Biological weapons
Some useful insights into the history of Israeli chemical and biological weapons development and use.
Document:Establishing a modern perspective - Nation-State vs Network Statearticle26 February 2016Chris DonnellyPerpetual war
Cold War II
"The...requirement is for the organisation to be able to get its message across, to ensure that the Government and the people understand that they are actually engaged in one (or more) instability, like it or not." Chris Donnelly believes “we are at war, but with peacetime attitudes."
Document:Estonia: Sunk due to n-cargo?Article17 May 1996Maarten RabaeySmuggling
Sinking of the MS Estonia
A summary of an article from the Belgian reporter Maarten Rabaey in the De Morgen newspaper from 27 April 1996 about details of the sinking of the ship, the so-called 'Felix Report' and the reasoning behind the almost immediate sealing of the wreck in a sarcophagus. Archive of this article here and here
Document:Europe in free fallarticle28 August 2015'The Saker'2015 European refugee crisisAn analysis of the European geo-political predicament illuminated by its burgeoning refugee crisis
Document:Evidence of Iranian Nukes may be Fakearticle18 November 2010Gareth PorterIran/Nuclear weapons
Document:Ex-Israeli Supreme Court chief Aharon Barak appointed as ICJ judge for genocide caseArticle8 January 2024The New Arab StaffGaza
South Africa
International Court of Justice
Genocide Convention
Aharon Barak argued that the rules of collateral damage permit the killing of Palestinian fighters even if led to the deaths of children. This was approved by Barak himself in a 2006 Supreme Court ruling, as cited in a report by a Canadian news outlet.
Document:Excess deaths in 2022 among worst in 50 yearsArticle10 January 2022Rachel Schraer
Robert Cuffe
NHS England
COVID-19/Premature death
Why did so many people die in 2022? This remarkable BBC News article doesn't explain why.