George Soros

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Person.png George Soros   Keywiki Sourcewatch Website WikiquoteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
(businessman, spook, deep politician, psychopath?)
BornSchwartz György
Budapest, Hungary
CitizenshipHungary,  United States
Alma materLondon School of Economics
Children • Robert
• Andrea
• Jonathan
• Alexander
• Gregory
Spouse • Annaliese Witschak
• Susan Weber Soros
• Tamiko Bolton
Founder ofBest for Britain, Institute for New Economic Thinking, International Crisis Group, Open Society Foundations, Project Syndicate
Member ofAction Council for Peace in the Balkans, Council on Foreign Relations/Members 3, Democracy Alliance, Donald Trump/Conspiracy theories, European Council on Foreign Relations, International Crisis Group/Board, Munich Security Conference/Advisory Council, Open Society Foundations/Board, Refugees International/Board, The Good Club
Interest ofAdair Turner
Financial speculator, beneficiary of Black Wednesday

George Soros is a billionaire businessman whose commitment to "philanthropy" is underscored by his Open Society Foundations, which was founded in 1993 and has an annual budget of over $1.1 Billion[1].

The source of his fortune is less openly discussed; he appears to be a deep politician whose hand is detectable in a number of ventures. He has been called "a soulless sociopath".[2] and "the leading globalist puppet master"[3] Sam Gerrans for Russia Today called him "a psychopath’s psychopath" [4] for his role in orchestrating the 2015 refugee crisis[5].

Soros has been involved with setting up institutions that promote "secular liberal & democratic values" within the former Soviet bloc countries.[6], which allegedly has made him a target of Russian and European authoritarian nationalists according to the (Soros-backed?) OCCRP.[7]

He has been an advocate of the establishment of Central Banking systems in countries like Brazil and Ukraine.[8]. Ukrainian prosecutors were told not to investigate his Anti-Corruption Action Center during the 2016 US election, in which Soros backed Hillary Clinton.[9]

He has called for the regulation of social media giants and has called them a "menace to society"[10]. Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg reportedly ordered employees to conduct research[11] on Soros after he spoke negatively of the company at the World Economic Forum in 2018. [12]

A video by James Corbett


Hungarian by birth, George Soros was born and raised in Budapest. His father, Tivadar Schwartz, was a lawyer and a strong proponent of Esperanto - forcing him to speak it at home.

After WWII Soros studied under Karl Popper in 1947 in the London School of Economics.[3]


Soros worked at several merchant banks in London before moving to New York in 1963. In 1970, he founded Soros Fund Management and in 1973 created the Quantum Fund in partnership with investor Jim Rogers. Soros Fund Management achieved annual returns of around 30% and his reputation grew.[3] He retired for the first time in 2000, but has continued to trade, netting a profit of $4 billion in 2013 alone.[13]

Later Activities

Soros has been publicly referred to as "one of the world's most active philanthropists"[14]. He is believed to have a "great influence on US foreign policy."[3]

Another video by James Corbett

Douglas Murray wrote the following in "The Strange Death of Europe":

"In October 2015 the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, criticised Soros publicly as one of a circle of activists who “support anything that weakens nation states.” Soros responded publicly to confirm that the numerous groups he was funding were indeed working for the ends described by Orban."..."Soros said that it was his foundation which was seeking to “uphold European values,” while he accused Orban of trying to “undermine those values.”[15]

Income generation

George Soros' most famous trade occurred on Black Wednesday, and it profited him to the tune of around £1,000,000,000 in a single day.[3] This was at the expense of the UK taxpayer as represented by Norman Lamont, who was Chancellor of The Exchequer. Officially, this "trade of the century"[16] reflected Soros' courage and financial instinct, but some have speculated that the deal was agreed beforehand between the two men, probably at a meeting of Le Cercle.[17]

A 2011 email from Soros to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton outlining suggested actions[18] was cited by "Soros Very Likely Puppetmastered The Balkan Wars In Order To Enrich Himself".

A 2016 article argued that he "Singlehandedly Created the European Refugee Crisis".[3]

Income expenditure

Soros reportedly gave away almost $12 billion up to 2015, a considerable fraction of which was disbursed through his Open Society Foundations.[13]. In a 2011 email to Hillary Clinton he wrote that "My foundation in Tirana is monitoring the situation closely".[18]

Soros is reported to have spent over $80 million in an effort to legalize cannabis in USA.[19]

Open Society Foundations

Full article: Open Society Foundations

The Open Society Foundations (OSF) is a foundation network which is described as being active since 1979.[20] It's operations are extraordinarily complex, and the group was labeled the least transparent think tank in the United States.[21] - "Since the 1980s, Soros has actively been pursuing a globalist agenda; he advances this agenda through his Open Society Foundations (OSF)."[22]

The OSF was banned by the Russian Prosecutor General's Office in 2015. They stated that the organization would "pose a threat to the foundations of the Russian constitutional system and security of the state."[23]

Hungary PM Viktor Orban has publicly critized Soros and passed a legislative package in 2018[24] to penalize individuals or organizations that support asylum seekers. [25] The Hungarian government dubbed the legislative package "Stop Soros"[26]

The OSF was a target of the DC Leaks website during the 2016 US Election. [27]

Remarks On The Influence of Social Media

Soros gave the following remarks in Davos at the World Economic Forum in 2018:

"Companies earn their profits by exploiting their environment. Mining and oil companies exploit the physical environment; social media companies exploit the social environment. This is particularly nefarious because social media companies influence how people think and behave without them even being aware of it. This has far-reaching adverse consequences on the functioning of democracy, particularly on the integrity of elections."

“They claim that they are merely distributors of information. The fact that they are near-monopoly distributors makes them public utilities and should subject them to more stringent regulations, aimed at preserving competition, innovation, and fair and open universal access."

"US-based IT monopolies are already tempted to compromise themselves in order to gain entrance to these vast and fast growing markets." (China and Russia) "The dictatorial leaders in these countries may be only too happy to collaborate with them since they want to improve their methods of control over their own populations and expand their power and influence in the United States and the rest of the world."[28]

Panama Papers

In 2016, Wikileaks termed the Panama Papers leak a "Putin attack" and that it "was produced by OCCRP which targets Russia & former USSR and was funded by USAID & Soros".[29]


Quotes by George Soros

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva“There are many other regional powers that can influence the course of history. Brazil stands out. The election of Lula at the end of last year was crucial.

On January 8th there was a coup attempt much like January 6th, 2021, in the US. Lula handled it masterfully and established his authority as president.

Brazil is on the front-line of the conflict between open and closed societies; it is also on the front-line of the fight against climate change. He must protect the rainforest, promote social justice, and reignite economic growth all at the same time.

He will need strong international support because there is no pathway to net zero emissions if he fails.”
16 February 2023
Slovakia“"My foundations contributed to democratic regime change in Slovakia in 1998, Croatia in 1999, and Yugoslavia in 2000, mobilizing civil society to get rid of Vladimir Meciar, Franjo Tudjman, and Slobodan Milosevic, respectively," Soros boasts.”


Related Quotations

He Will Not Divide Us“The Jewish word for "division" or "to divide" is Soros. #NoSoros #Shadilay”Brittany VentiJanuary 2017
Jolyon MaughamGeorge Soros has become one of the great bulwarks against fascism. He hasn't given @GoodLawProject any money. But I aspire to it acquiring sufficient influence that he does.”Jolyon Maugham8 February 2018
Open Society Foundations“The conventional view, shared by many on the left, is that socialism collapsed in eastern Europe because of its systemic weaknesses and the political elite's failure to build popular support. That may be partly true, but Soros's role was crucial. From 1979, he distributed $3m a year to dissidents including Poland's Solidarity movement, Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia and Andrei Sakharov in the Soviet Union. In 1984, he founded his first Open Society Institute in Hungary and pumped millions of dollars into opposition movements and independent media. Ostensibly aimed at building up a "civil society", these initiatives were designed to weaken the existing political structures and pave the way for eastern Europe's eventual colonisation by global capital. Soros now claims, with characteristic immodesty, that he was responsible for the "Americanisation"; of eastern Europe. ...

The Yugoslavs remained stubbornly resistant [to the sponsored free market revolution in Eastern Europe] and repeatedly returned Slobodan Milosevic's unreformed Socialist Party to government. Soros was equal to the challenge. From 1991, his Open Society Institute channelled more than $100m to the coffers of the anti-Milosevic opposition, funding political parties, publishing houses and "independent"; media such as Radio B92, the plucky little student radio station of western mythology which was in reality bankrolled by one of the world's richest men on behalf of the world's most powerful nation. With Slobo finally toppled in 2000 in a coup d'etat financed, planned and executed in Washington, all that was left was to cart the ex-Yugoslav leader to the Hague tribunal, co-financed by Soros along with those other custodians of human rights Time Warner Corporation and Disney. He faced charges of crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide, based in the main on the largely anecdotal evidence of (you've guessed it) Human Rights Watch. ...

The sad conclusion is...that....Soros deems a society “open” not if it respects human rights and basic freedoms, but if it is “open” for him and his associates to make money....He thus copied a pattern he has deployed to great effect over the whole of eastern Europe: of advocating “shock therapy” and “economic reform”, then swooping in with his associates to buy valuable state assets at knock-down prices.”
New Statesman


Events Participated in

Bilderberg/199010 May 199013 May 1990New York
Glen Cove
38th Bilderberg meeting, 119 guests
Bilderberg/19942 June 19945 June 1994Finland
The 42nd Bilderberg, in Helsinki.
Bilderberg/199630 May 19962 June 1996Canada
The 44th Bilderberg, held in Canada
Bilderberg/20001 June 20004 June 2000Belgium
The 48th Bilderberg, 94 guests
Bilderberg/200230 May 20022 June 2002US
Westfields Marriott
The 50th Bilderberg, held at Chantilly, Virginia.
Black Wednesday16 September 199216 September 1992The swift transfer of over 3 billion pounds to financial speculators from UK taxpayers.
Brussels Forum/201520 March 201522 March 2015Germany
North Rhine-Westphalia
Yearly discreet get-together of huge amount of transatlantic politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the CIA-close German Marshall Fund. The 2015 main theme was (R)evolution.
Munich Security Conference/20114 February 20116 February 2011Germany
The 47th Munich Security Conference
Munich Security Conference/20123 February 20125 February 2012Germany
The 48th Munich Security Conference
Munich Security Conference/20156 February 20158 February 2015Germany
"400 high-ranking decision-makers in international politics, including some 20 heads of state and government as well as more than 60 foreign and defence ministers, met in Munich to discuss current crises and conflicts."
Munich Security Conference/201612 February 201614 February 2016Germany
The 52nd Munich Security Conference
Munich Security Conference/201717 February 201719 February 2017Germany
The 53rd Munich Security Conference
Munich Security Conference/201812 February 201814 February 2018Germany
The 54th Munich Security Conference
Munich Security Conference/201915 February 201917 February 2019Germany
The 55th Munich Security Conference, which included "A Spreading Plague" aimed at "identifying gaps and making recommendations to improve the global system for responding to deliberate, high consequence biological events."
Munich Security Conference/202014 February 202016 February 2020Germany
The 56th Munich Security Conference, in 2020, "welcomed an unprecedented number of high-ranking international decision-makers."
WEF/Annual Meeting/200421 January 200425 January 2004World Economic Forum
2068 billionaires, CEOs and their politicians and "civil society" leaders met under the slogan Partnering for Prosperity and Security. "We have the people who matter," said World Economic Forum Co-Chief Executive Officer José María Figueres.
WEF/Annual Meeting/200625 January 200629 January 2006SwitzerlandBoth former US president Bill Clinton and Bill Gates pushed for public-private partnerships. Only a few of the over 2000 participants are known.
WEF/Annual Meeting/200724 January 200728 January 2007SwitzerlandOnly the 449 public figures listed of ~2200 participants
WEF/Annual Meeting/200923 January 200927 January 2009World Economic Forum
Chairman Klaus Schwab outlined five objectives driving the Forum’s efforts to shape the global agenda, including letting the banks that caused the 2008 economic crisis keep writing the rules, the climate change agenda, over-national government structures, taking control over businesses with the stakeholder agenda, and a "new charter for the global economic order".
WEF/Annual Meeting/201126 January 201130 January 2011World Economic Forum
2229 guests in Davos, with the theme: "Shared Norms for the New Reality".
WEF/Annual Meeting/201225 January 201229 January 2012Switzerland2113 guests in Davos
WEF/Annual Meeting/201323 January 201327 January 2013World Economic Forum
2500 mostly unelected leaders met to discuss "leading through adversity"
WEF/Annual Meeting/201422 January 201425 January 2014World Economic Forum
2604 guests in Davos considered "Reshaping The World"
WEF/Annual Meeting/201717 January 201720 January 2017World Economic Forum
2950 known participants, including prominently Bill Gates. "Offers a platform for the most effective and engaged leaders to achieve common goals for greater societal leadership."
WEF/Annual Meeting/201922 January 201925 January 2019World Economic Forum
"The reality is that we are in a Cold War [against China] that threatens to turn into a hot one."
WEF/Annual Meeting/202021 January 202024 January 2020World Economic Forum
This mega-summit of the world's ruling class and their political and media appendages happens every year, but 2020 was special, as the continuous corporate media coverage of COVID-19 started more or less from one day to the next on 20/21 January 2020, coinciding with the start of the meeting.
WEF/Annual Meeting/202222 May 202226 May 2022World Economic Forum
1912 guests in Davos
Many thanks to our Patrons who cover ~2/3 of our hosting bill. Please join them if you can.


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