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European Council on Foreign Relations

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Group.png European Council on Foreign Relations  
(Deep state milieu?WebsiteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
European Council on Foreign Relations - logo.svg
FounderMark Leonard.jpg Mark Leonard
HeadquartersBerlin.jpg Berlin,  German
LeaderEuropean Council on Foreign Relations/Director
Sponsored byMercator Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Rockefeller Brothers Fund
SubpageEuropean Council on Foreign Relations/Council chair
European Council on Foreign Relations/Director
Membership•  Tomáš Valášek
• Radosław Sikorski.jpg Radosław Sikorski
•  Ewa Łabno-Falęcka
• Paweł Świeboda.jpg Paweł Świeboda
•  François Burgat
•  Željko Jovanović
•  Ismaël Emelien
• Şafak Pavey.jpg Şafak Pavey
•  José María de Areilza Carvajal
•  Mikołaj Dowgielewicz
•  André Wilkens
• Jiří Pehe (2011).jpg Jiří Pehe
•  Samuel Žbogar
•  Tamás Meszerics
•  Srđan Darmanović​
•  Rocío Martinez-Sampere
•  Ayşe Kadıoğlu
•  Radmila Šekerinska Jankovska
•  Rebecca Adler-Nissen
•  Imma Aguilar
•  Urban Ahlin
• Ahtisaari.jpg Martti Ahtisaari
•  Yoeri Albrecht
•  Douglas Alexander
• Joaquín Almunia.jpeg Joaquín Almunia
•  Ekim Alptekin
• Luís Amado.jpg Luís Amado
•  Giuliano Amato
•  Vincenzo Amendola
• Valerie Amos.jpg Valerie Amos
•  Niels Annen
•  Giampiero Auletta Armenise
• Timothy J. Garton Ash.jpg Timothy Garton Ash
• Senem Aydın-Düzgit.jpg Senem Aydin-Düzgit
•  Asli Aydıntaşbaş
•  Claudia Azevedo
• Annalena-404x500.png Annalena Baerbock
•  Thomas Bagger
• Gordon Bajnai.jpg Gordon Bajnai
•  Julien Barnes-Dacey
•  Lluís Bassets
•  Pawel Zerka
•  Susanne Baumann
• Dora Bakoyannis.jpg Dora Bakoyannis
•  Marek Belka
•  Edwin Bendyk
• Roland Berger.jpg Roland Berger
•  Erik Berglof
•  Cinzia Bianco
• Carl Bildt.jpg Carl Bildt
•  Andreas Bock
•  Peter Bofinger
•  Catherine De Bolle
•  Ingrid Bonde
•  Emma Bonino
• Laurence Boone.jpg Laurence Boone
• Stine Bosse.jpg Stine Bosse
•  Amel Boubekeur
•  Umit Boyner
•  Anu Bradford
•  Jennie Bradley
• Franziska Brantner MdB.jpg Franziska Brantner
•  Maurice Braud
•  Harald Braun
•  Majlinda Bregu
•  Sandra Breka
• John Bruton 2011.jpg John Bruton
•  María Sicilia de Bruyelle
•  Goran Buldioski
•  Piotr Buras
• Official portrait of Alistair Burt crop 2.jpg Alistair Burt
•  Ditmir Bushati
•  Mara Carfagna
• Gunilla Carlsson (politiker).jpg Gunilla Carlsson
•  Maria Livanos Cattaui
•  Dita Charanzová
•  Céline Charveriat
•  Lolita Cigane
•  Mathilde Ciulla
•  Ian Clarkson
•  Nicola Clase
•  Julia De Clerck-Sachsse
• Robert Cooper.jpg Robert Cooper
•  Teresa Coratella
•  Claudio Corbino
• Brendan Cox.jpg Brendan Cox
•  João Gomes Cravinho
•  Lucinda Creighton
•  Anna Terrón Cusí
•  Massimo D’Alema
•  Kostas Bakoyannis
•  Maria Damanaki
• Marta Dassù (37221010061).jpg Marta Dassù
•  Ahmet Davutoğlu
•  Hussein Dawood
•  Massimo Deandreis
•  Edin Dedovic
•  Milica Delević
•  Susi Dennison
•  Ilinca von Derenthall
• Kemal Derviş.jpg Kemal Derviş
•  Anne-Marie Descôtes
•  Tibor Dessewffy
• Anna Diamantopoulou2.jpg Anna Diamantopoulou
•  Karima Dirèche
•  Hanzade Doğan Boyner
•  Muriel Domenach
• Sorin Ducaru.jpg Sorin Ducaru
•  Miriam González Durántez
•  Elma Durdevic
•  Anthony Dworkin
•  Hans Eichel
•  Karin Enströ
•  Steven Everts
•  Piero Fassino
•  Ádám Ficsor
•  Marisa Figueroa
•  Shoshana Fine
•  Gianfranco Fini
•  Lorenzo Fioramonti
• Joschka fischer.jpg Joschka Fischer
•  Roxanne Ford
•  Karin Forseke
•  José María Robles Fraga
•  Ulrike Esther Franke
•  Franco Frattini
• Lykke Friis (2010).jpg Lykke Friis
• Sigmar Gabriel 2018.jpg Sigmar Gabriel
• 46848727221 b72f835104 k.jpg Alessandra Galloni
•  Jean-Baptiste Gallopin
•  Carlos Gaspar
• Krystalina Georgieva.jpg Kristalina Georgieva
•  Ellie Geranmayeh
•  Anthony Giddens
•  Isabel Capeloa Gil
•  Nicole Gnesotto
•  Alba Gomez
•  José Manuel González-Páramo
•  Mihai Gotiu
•  Doreen Gotter
• Sylvie Goulard.jpg Sylvie Goulard
•  Alexia Gouttebroze
•  Teresa Gouveia
•  Richard Gowan
• Sandro Gozi.jpg Sandro Gozi
•  Beatrice de Graaf
•  Heather Grabbe
•  Christine Graeff
•  Camille Grand
•  Charles Grant
•  Swantje Green
•  Gustav Gressel
•  Dzhema Grozdanova
• Caroline de Gruyter.png Caroline de Gruyter
• Jean-Marie Guéhenno February 2015.jpg Jean-Marie Guéhenno
• Ulrike Guérot.jpg Ulrike Guérot
•  Claude Guibal
•  Elisabeth Guigou
•  Fernando Andresen Guimarães
•  Jytte Guteland
•  István Gyarmati
•  Jonathan Hackenbroich
•  Fabienne Hara
•  Adam Harrison
•  Sylvia Hartleif
• Connie Hedegaard.jpg Connie Hedegaard
•  Steven Heinz
•  Anna Herrhausen
•  Annette Heuser
•  Ina Heusgen
•  Diego Hidalgo
•  Carla Hobbs
•  Joanna Hosa
•  Beáta Huszka
•  Danuta Hübner
•  Anna Ibrisagic
• Jaakko Iloniemi.jpg Jaakko Iloniemi
• Toomas Hendrik Ilves.jpg Toomas Hendrik Ilves
• MSC 2014 Ischinger2 Mueller MSC2014.jpg Wolfgang Ischinger
•  Diana Janse
•  Carin Jämtin
• Jo Johnson.jpg Jo Johnson
•  Rasa Juknevičienė
•  Mary Kaldor
•  Bahadır Kaleağası
•  Ivailo Kalfin
•  Ibrahim Kalin
•  Kersti Kaljulaid
• Kaja Kallas.png Kaja Kallas
•  Sandra Kalniete
•  Claude Kandiyoti
•  Lea Kaspar
•  Sylvie Kauffmann
•  Piia-Noora Kauppi
•  Roderich Kiesewetter
•  Suat Kınıklıoğlu
•  Riina Kionka
• Eckart von Klaeden.jpg Eckart von Klaeden
•  Flavia Kleiner
•  Gerald Knaus
•  Jana Kobzova
• Bassma Kodmani.jpg Bassma Kodmani
• Bert Koenders.png Bert Koenders
•  Bärbel Kofler
•  Rem Koolhaas
•  Dávid Korányi
• Stefan Kornelius.png Stefan Kornelius
• Bernard Kouchner.jpg Bernard Kouchner
•  Andrey Kovatchev
• Ivan Krastev.jpg Ivan Krastev
•  Martina Krogmann
•  Anna Kuchenbecker
• Sebastian Kurz.jpg Sebastian Kurz
•  Brigid Laffan
•  Sergey Lagodinsky
• Miroslav Lajčák.jpg Miroslav Lajčák
•  Alba Lamberti
• Lambsdorff, Alexander Graf.jpg Alexander Graf Lambsdorff
• Pascal Lamy.png Pascal Lamy
•  Manuel Langendorf
•  Remzi Lani
•  Martina Larkin
• Francisco de Borja Lasheras.jpg Francisco de Borja Lasheras
•  Andrew Lebovich
•  Tania Lessenska
•  Jean-David Levitte
•  Daniel Levy
•  Sonja Licht
•  Guillaume Liegey
• Kadri Liik.jpg Kadri Liik
•  Gustav Lindstrom
•  Linas Linkevičius
•  Hugh Lovatt
•  Irene Lozano
•  Javi López
•  Ulrike Lunacek
•  Leiv Lunde
•  Adam Lury
•  Miguel Maduro
• Monica Maggioni.jpg Monica Maggioni
• Bruno Le Maire.png Bruno Le Maire
• Cecilia Malmström.jpg Cecilia Malmström
•  Apostolos Mangiriadis
•  Cristina Manzano
•  Marco Margheri
•  Alexander Marschik
•  Katarina Mathernova
• Beatrice Weder di Mauro - World Economic Forum.jpg Beatrice Weder di Mauro
• Eva Maydell.jpg Eva Maydell
•  David McAllister
• Kirsty McNeill.jpg Kirsty McNeill
•  Tarek Megerisi
•  Andrzej Mendel-Nykorowycz
•  Felix Mengel
•  Anand Menon
•  Tanja Miščević
•  Dario Mihelin
• David Miliband.jpg David Miliband
•  Nickolay Mladenov
•  Henryka Mościcka-Dendys
•  Toni Roldán Monés
•  Enrique Mora
•  Susan Morgan
•  Hedvig Morvai
•  Pierre Moscovici
• 9301271342 6be877d06f o.jpg Isabel Mota
• Nader Mousavizadeh.jpg Nader Mousavizadeh
•  Almut Möller
•  Nils Muiznieks
•  Alina Mungiu-Pippidi
•  Wolfgang Münchau
•  Michelle Müntefering
• Matthias nass.png Matthias Nass
•  Max Neugebauer
•  Kalypso Nicolaïdis
•  Dietmar Nietan
•  Pedro Norton
• Natalie Nougayrède.jpg Natalie Nougayrède
• Omid Nouripour.jpg Omid Nouripour
•  Delphine O
• Christine Ockrent.jpg Christine Ockrent
•  Janka Oertel
•  Hanna Ojanen
• Andrzej Olechowski.jpg Andrzej Olechowski
•  Dick Oosting
• Mabel van oranje.png Mabel van Oranje
•  Constantijn van Oranje-Nassau
•  Anita Orban
•  Andrés Ortega
•  Marc Otte
•  Zaneta Ozolina
• 16-09-02-Cem Özdemir-RalfR-RR2 4940.jpg Cem Özdemir
• Soli Özel.jpg Soli Özel
• Behlül Özkan.jpg Behlül Özkan
• Ana Palacio.jpg Ana Palacio
•  Monika Panayotova
• George papandreou.jpg George Papandreou
• Laurence Parisot.jpg Laurence Parisot
•  Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz
•  Nicolò Russo Perez
•  Kelly Petillo
•  Mauro Petriccione
•  Folke Pfister
•  Eva Piera
• Søren Pind.jpg Søren Pind
•  Kati Piri
•  Georgi Pirinski
• Jean Pisani-Ferry.jpg Jean Pisani-Ferry
•  Lapo Pistelli
•  Rosen Plevneliev
•  Lilianne Ploumen
• Ruprecht Polenz 2012.jpg Ruprecht Polenz
•  Nicu Popescu
• Charles Powell, Baron Powell of Bayswater.jpg Charles Powell
•  Marek Prawda
• Romano Prodi.jpg Romano Prodi
• Andrew Puddephatt.jpg Andrew Puddephatt
•  Jana Puglierin
• Lia Quartapelle 2018.jpg Lia Quartapelle
•  Chris Raggett
•  Kristi Raik
•  Ana Ramic
•  Emanuela C. Del Re
•  Nicola Reindorp
• Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs (44866389735) (cropped).jpg Didier Reynders
•  Emma Reynolds
•  Louise Richardson
•  Marlene Riedel
•  Alejandro Romero
•  Alexander Rondos
•  Adam D. Rotfeld
• Jan Royall.jpeg Janet Royall
• Röttgen Portrait Mai2021.jpg Norbert Röttgen
•  Nikolaus Röttger
•  Majda Ruge
•  Juan Ruitiña
• Daniel Sachs (6172114217) (cropped).jpg Daniel Sachs
•  Ghassan Salamé
•  Pasquale Salzano
•  Stefano Sannino
•  Patrycja Sasnal
•  Julien Sauné
• Marietje Schaake.jpg Marietje Schaake
•  Klaus Scharioth
• Jaap de Hoop Scheffer.jpg Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
• Pierre Schori 1.jpg Pierre Schori
• Wolfgang Schüssel.jpg Wolfgang Schüssel
•  Andreas Schwab
•  Michael Schwarz
• Karel Schwarzenberg.jpg Karel Schwarzenberg
•  Daniela Schwarzer
•  Giuseppe Scognamiglio
•  Piotr Serafin
•  Narcís Serra
•  Jeremy Shapiro
•  Kamelia Slaveykova
•  Andrew Small
•  Wawrzyniec Smoczyński
• Javier Solana.jpg Javier Solana
• Erna Solberg.jpg Erna Solberg
• Alexander Soros.jpg Alexander Soros
• GeorgeSoros.jpg George Soros
•  Ine Eriksen Søreide
•  Annika Söder
•  Jenny Söderström
•  Volker Stanzel
•  Volker Stanzel
•  Christoph Steck
•  Daniel Stefanov
• Rory Stewart.jpg Rory Stewart
•  Petra Stienen
•  Coen van Oostrom
• Jonas Gahr Støre - 25061469895 (cropped).jpg Jonas Gahr Støre
•  Andris Strazds
•  Sabine Stricker-Kellerer
• Alexander Stubb.jpg Alexander Stubb
•  Ion Sturza
•  Michael Stürmer
• Christos Stylianides.jpg Christos Stylianides
•  Ulf Sverdrup
•  Hannes Swoboda
•  Réka Szemerkényi
•  Vessela Tcherneva
• Mandela Selfie.jpg Helle Thorning-Schmidt
•  Henrik Thune
• Teija Tiilikainen - 2015 (cropped).jpg Teija Tiilikainen
• Nathalie Tocci.png Nathalie Tocci
•  Caroline Hornstein Tomić
•  Adam Tooze
•  Ece Güner Toprak
• Nacho Torreblanco.jpg José Ignacio Torreblanca
• Andreas Treichl.jpg Andreas Treichl
• Rafal Trzaskowski.jpg Rafal Trzaskowski
• Loukas Tsoukalis.jpg Loukas Tsoukalis
•  Erkki Tuomioja
•  Vygaudas Ušackas
•  Saskia van Uffelen
• Chuka Umunna.jpg Chuka Umunna
• Sinan Ülgen.jpg Sinan Ülgen
• 2016 - Portrait Justin Vaisse.jpg Justin Vaïsse
•  Shahin Vallée
•  Jordi Vaquer
•  Tara Varma
•  Arturo Varvelli
•  Ivan Vejvoda
• Margrethe Vestager.jpg Margrethe Vestager
• Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, Davos.jpg Vaira Vike-Freiberga
•  Pere Vilanova
• Pierre Vimont.jpg Pierre Vimont
• AntónioVitorino.png António Vitorino
•  Romana Vlahutin
•  Alida Vračić
•  Johann Wadephul
•  Rob Wainwright
• Margot Wallstrom.jpg Margot Wallström
•  Maria Weimer
•  Geir Westgaard
•  Sabine Weyand
•  Karolina Wigura
•  René Wildangel
•  Andre Wilkens
•  Andrew Wilson
•  Nick Witney
•  Peter Wolodarski
•  Karla Wursterova
•  Denica Yotova
• Parag Khanna photograph.jpg Parag Khanna
•  Sasha Havlicek
• Alexander Gabuev.jpg Alexander Gabuev
• Dominique Moisi.jpg Dominique Moïsi
• Isabel Gil.png Isabel Gil
Shares members with the Integrity Initiative's Spanish Cluster

Founded in 2007, the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) is a think-tank trying to copy its hugely influential US counterpart, the Council on Foreign Relations. The ECFR has a significant crossover with the Institute for Statecraft and the Integrity Initiative.


ECFR was founded in 2007 by Mark Leonard together with a council of fifty founding members, chaired by Martti Ahtisaari, Joschka Fischer, and Mabel van Oranje.


ECFR is headquartered in Berlin, and has offices in London, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Warsaw and Sofia. Being funded by and working on behalf of corporate interests, the think-tank looks for "threats" and pushes corporate-friendly policies like increased military budgets.


The ECFR is a private organization that relies on donations from big corporations and foundations close to billionaires, plus some funding from Western governments. It was originally established with the support of Open Society Foundations, Communitas Foundation and the Spanish FRIDE.

About half of ECFR's funding comes from such foundations, one third from governments and the rest from corporations and rich individuals. Open Society Foundations is the main donor to ECFR, funding with its grants one third (£2,345,566 in 2017) of ECFR's total income (£7,278,122 in 2017). Other donors include major organizations mainly from Europe and the Western world such as the foundation Stiftung Mercator (Germany) (£710,753 or ~10% total funding in 2017), European and the Japanese governments, NATO, leading corporations such as Daimler AG and Microsoft as well as rich individuals.


ECFR's community includes serving foreign ministers, former prime ministers, members of national parliaments and the European Parliament, EU Commissioners, former NATO secretaries generals, business leaders and system-friendly thinkers and journalists. The Council gathers once a year as a full body for the Annual Council Meeting, hosted in a different European capital each year.

A document from the 4th Integrity Initiative Leak revealed that two members of the European Council on Foreign Relations were also members of the Integrity Initiative's Spanish Cluster: Borja Lasheras & Nika Prislan. Nacho Torreblanco, also an II member was director of the ECFR Office in Madrid. Kadri Liik is also a member of the IfS UK inner core‎.


Employees on Wikispooks

Ben JudahPolicy FellowSeptember 2010January 2013
Andrew PuddephattManagement Committee MemberJanuary 2007


Known members

128 of the 430 of the members already have pages here:

Martti Ahtisaari10th President of Finland, UN Commissioner for Namibia, 3 Bilderbergs
Joaquín AlmuniaSpanish politician, European Commissioner for 10 years, 6 Bilderbergs
Luís AmadoPortuguese politician who attended the 2012 Bilderberg
Giuliano AmatoItalian politician
Valerie AmosBritish Labour politician
Timothy Garton AshUK historian, Ditchley Governor with other connections. Presented a paper to the 1989 Bilderberg. Subsequently attended two more, over a span of 30 years.
Senem Aydın-DüzgitSingle Bilderberger Turkish academic. Opponent of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, strongly for the European Union. Published about COVID-19
Annalena Baerbock"A perfect product of transatlantic leader selection."
Gordon BajnaiAttended the 2014 Bilderberg as ex-Prime Minister of Hungary
Dora BakoyannisDouble Bilderberg Greek politician in well-connected family. Daughter and sister of Prime Minsters.
Roland BergerGerman entrepreneur and possible deep state actor
Carl BildtSwedish deep politician, serial Bilderberger and visitor to the MSC. Sitting on an impressive number of deep state related commissions.
Emma BoninoAttended the 1998 Bilderberg as European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection
Laurence BooneFrench economist who caught a "Bilderberg wind" at the 2015 Bilderberg. By 2018, OECD Chief Economist. Later appointed to the Lancet's Commission on COVID-19
Stine BosseSingle Bilderberg Danish businesswoman and later President of the European Movement in Denmark.
Franziska BrantnerGerman super-militarist Green politician.
John BrutonClub de Madrid, Triple Bilderberger Irish politician
François BurgatFrench political scientist in the European Council on Foreign Relations
Alistair BurtUK politician with deep state connections
Gunilla CarlssonAttended the 2012 Bilderberg as Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation. In 2021, framing vaccine passport discussion and on the board of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization.
Julia De Clerck-SachsseMunich Security Conference Young Leader, multiple BF visits
Robert CooperUK diplomat with a string of interesting roles. "One of the top 100 "public intellectuals" in the world"...
Marta DassùDeep state connected general director of the international activities of Aspen Institute Italy. NATO, Trilateral Commission, European Council on Foreign Relations, International Institute for Strategic Studies...
Ahmet DavutoğluFormer Turkish Prime Minister
Kemal DervişUNDP administrator, 4 times Bilderberger, Brookings
Anna DiamantopoulouGreek politician. Attended 5 Bilderbergs from 2004 to 2009, when board member of Friends of Europe and the Jacques Delors Institute. Trilateral Commission. European Council on Foreign Relations
Mikołaj DowgielewiczPolish diplomat in the European Council on Foreign Relations
Sorin DucaruRomanian diplomat who held various senior posts
Joschka FischerGerman Bilderberg politician who was the main driver in transforming the Green Party from pacifism to hyper-militarism.
Lykke FriisFormer Danish minister for Climate and Energy, where she presided over the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference. Member of European Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission.
Sigmar GabrielGerman deep state operative, Atlantik-Brücke Chairman since 2019
Alexander GabuevRussian academic in American deep state employ, researching the Sino-Russia relationship. Attended the 2024 Bilderberg meeting.
Alessandra GalloniWEF YGL Italian journalist named editor in chief of Reuters in 2021.
Kristalina GeorgievaBilderberg World Bank
Isabel GilAttended the 2024 Bilderberg as rector of the Catholic University of Portugal.
Sylvie GoulardFrench politician and civil servant who her entire career has been handsomely paid to promote the European Union. Many think tanks - exposed for her Berggruen Institute activites. She was tagged as a "reliable ally" by the Open Society Foundations. She attended the 2016 Bilderberg meeting, then laced in the French central bank to promote "green finance". Sat on commission proposing a global One Health strategy, a pandemic treaty and a global pandemic vaccine policy.
Sandro GoziItalian Europhile politician, parachuted into the European Parliament in a French seat. Attended the 2017 Bilderberg.
Heather GrabbeAcademic BF regular, WEF GLT 2003 amongst other Deep State ties
Camille GrandAlphen Group member with MSC and HISF habits
Caroline de GruyterEurope-correspondent for the Dutch NRC Handelsblad. Bilderberg/2024. European Council on Foreign Relations.
Jean-Marie GuéhennoFrench globalist diplomat with many ties to the making of defense and security policies.
Ulrike GuérotDeep state operative who was persecuted after she publicly dissented from SDS policy.
Sasha HavlicekCEO/Director of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue
Connie HedegaardDanish politician, multi-Bilderberger
Ina HeusgenECFR member diplomat
Jaakko IloniemiBilderberg Steering committee, Finnish Ambassador to the US
Toomas IlvesPresident of Estonia with a lot of Deep State connections, including membership of the Munich Security Conference Advisory Council.
Wolfgang IschingerSpooky German diplomat. Chaired the Munich Security Conference
Jo JohnsonYounger brother of Boris Johnson, Bullingdon and other deep state connections
Kaja KallasEstonian politician categorized as a "reliable ally" by the Open Society Foundations. Having furthered her career by Russophobic statements and support for the MIC, she was mooted as a possible Secretary-General of NATO, but instead was selected in 2024 - after her Bilderberg attendance - to become EU responsible for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
... further results



Mercator FoundationGerman foundation financing projects of deep state interest and buying control over the narrative, especially on "climate change" and pro-migration. Frequently connected to censorship initiatives.
Open Society FoundationsA NGO operating in more countries than McDonald's. It has the tendency to support politicians (at times through astroturfing) and activists that get branded as "extreme left" as its founder is billionaire and bane of the pound George Soros. This polarizing perspective causes the abnormal influence of the OSF to go somewhat unanswered.
Rockefeller Brothers FundRockefeller family "philanthropic" fund. One of the CIA's favorite cut-outs during the Cold War.
Many thanks to our Patrons who cover ~2/3 of our hosting bill. Please join them if you can.
