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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "A JFK assassination researcher". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Document:1975 WUBRINY Memo  + (A 1975 memo from before George H. W. Bush was made [[DCI]] that reveals years of involvement in CIA operations.)
  • Regent's Park bombing  + (A 1982 London bombing ascribed but never proved to be the work of the Provisional IRA.)
  • Dutroux Affair  + (A 1990s partial exposure of the Belgian [[VIPaedophile]] control vector.)
  • Loughinisland massacre  + (A 1994 shooting by the UVF which killed 6 civilians)
  • Swissair Flight 111  + (A 1998 crash of the "[[UN]]A 1998 crash of the "[[UN]] shuttle". It was subject to the most expensive transport accident investigation in Canadian history, the chief forensic scientist of which claimed in 2011 that he was not allowed to pursue clear evidence of an incendiary device.ue clear evidence of an incendiary device.)
  • Herzliya Conference/2006  + (A 2006 conference on Israeli security needs.)
  • Mark Klein  + (A 2006 whistleblower who revealed how AT&T were partnering with the NSA to spy on their customers.)
  • American War Machine  + (A 2014 book by [[Peter Dale Scott]].)
  • 2018 Brussels DisinfoLab  + (A 2018 conference set up jointly by the [[EU Disinfolab]] and the [[Atlantic Council]])
  • 2021 Monkeypox Tabletop Exercise  + (A 2021 biological exercise which (presciently) predicted the [[monkeypox]] pandemic which started in mid May 2022)
  • National Conservative Conference  + (A 2023 conference on Conservativism)
  • LGBT  + (A 21<sup>st</sup> century acronym meaning '''''Lesbian Gay Bi-sexual Trans-gender'''''. It was coined by those seeking to promote and further the civil and legal rights of individuals fitting those four categories.)
  • File:ICA 2017 01.pdf  + (A 25 page report on joint US intelligence agencies assessment of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election.)
  • Aid convoy departs Moscow  + (A 280 truck convoy loaded with @2,000 tons of humanitarian aid supplies departs from Moscow bound for Eastern Ukraine)
  • Waco siege  + (A 51-day siege which "tired and frustrated" the FBI negotiators after which the [[FBI]] burned down the compound.)
  • Joseph Kasputys  + (A 9-11 connected multimillionaire)
  • 9-11/Dissident  + (A 9-11 dissident is someone who publicly cA 9-11 dissident is someone who publicly calls into question the [[US Deep state]]'s official narratives surrounding the 9/11 event. The label is not for minor disagreements but for those with a more serious objection to the story as told by [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]]}.[[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]]}.)
  • Tony Rooke  + (A 9-11 dissident who refused to pay the BBC, stating that this would be a crime under the [[2000 Terrorism Act]] since he "had reasonable cause to suspect that it may be used, for terrorism purposes".)
  • Indira Singh  + (A 9-11 whistleblower who exposed Ptech)
  • Salvatore Princiotta  + (A 9/11 firefighter who was murdered.)
  • Prasanna Kalahasthi  + (A 9/11 widow reported to have hung herself out of grief.)
  • Michael Parenti  + (A <i>highly</i> recommended American historian.)
  • Jonathan Marcus  + (A BBC journalist whose name is on a list of journalists leaked from the [[Integrity Initiative]] in 2018.)
  • The Met  + (A BBC programme about the Metropolitan Police.)
  • Greg Palast  + (A BBC reporter and journalist who, while good on certain subjects, has been termed as a gatekeeper for a vociferous defense of the official narrative about 9/11.)
  • Florimond Damman  + (A Belgian deep state operative who was closely involved with [[Le Cercle]].)
  • Karel Van Noppen  + (A Belgian livestock inspector assassinated reportedly killed by the "hormone mafia".)
  • Union Minière du Haut Katanga  + (A Belgian mining company, once operating in the province of Katanga, in what is now the [[Democratic Republic of the Congo]])
  • Yom Kippur War  + (A Bilderberg approved war in the Middle East to provide probable cause to increased the oil price, allowing US oil companies to cash in big time.)
  • Peter Carrington  + (A Bilderberg chairman.)
  • Malaysia Airlines Flight 17  + (A Boeing 777-200 plane, of Malaysian Airlines, which crashed in [[Ukraine]], east of Donetsk on 17 July [[2014]], killing all 298 on board. President of [[Malaysia]] [[Mahathir Mohamad]] was very suspicious of the immediate sole blaming of [[Russia]].)
  • Control Risks  + (A British "private security" company set up in 1975 by [[David Walker (SAS)]], comparable to [[Kroll Inc]] set up in New York in 1972)
  • 'Jihadi John'  + (A British Arab man alleged to be the person seen in several atrocity videos obtained and published by [[SITE Intelligence Group]] - hard to tell fact from spin in the story, he is possibly a [[Wag the Dog]] person.)
  • Mike Hoare  + (A British Army Soldier and later an infamous Mercenary with numerous exploits to his name.)
  • The Conservative Woman  + (A British and Irish news website; part of the [[COVID-19/Resistance]].)
  • Michelle Dewberry  + (A British businesswoman, stood now a TV presenter on [[GB News]])
  • Covid Action UK  + (A British campaign group. Associates are experts on "[[conspiracy theorists]]", "anti-vaxxer [[misinformation]]")
  • Paul Vigay  + (A British computer consultant, notable for work in developing and supporting RISC OS software. Interested in UFOs and crop circles.)
  • Wilfred Thesiger  + (A British explorer)
  • Henry Jackson Society  + (A British neocon political action committee supported by key US neocons and by two of David Cameron's closest advisers.)
  • Henry John Temple  + (A British politician who served twice as Prime Minister in the mid-19<sup>th</sup> century.)
  • Anson Ng  + (A British reporter for the ''[[Financial Times]]'' who, similarly to [[Danny Casolaro]] was found dead in his bathtub after investigating the [[BCCI]].)
  • Dr. David Bell  + (A British whistleblower)
  • Craigie-Arita Agreement  + (A British-Japanese treaty that might contain secret clauses)
  • Century Group  + (A British-coordinated interventionist group active in the [[United States]] prior to American entry into [[World War Two]].)
  • G4S Secure Solutions  + (A British/American multinational security services company with deep ties to the US government and military complex)
  • Cambodia  + (A Buddhist nation in [[Indochina]].)
  • Georgi Markov  + (A Bulgarian dissident writer who assassinated in 1978)
  • Dilyana Gaytandzhieva  + (A Bulgarian journalist who was sacked after claiming that the US shipped weapons to the [[Al Nusra Front]] and published a story about this in 2017 that included many images of alleged documents.)
  • Jeb Bush  + (A Bush crime family member whom the cabal are trying to get elected.)
  • John Earman  + (A CIA Inspector General for 6 years who opposed [[Operation Midnight Climax]]. Very little information is available about him as of 2019.)
  • Richard Brenneke  + (A CIA and Iran-Contra insider who testified to participation in drug dealing, [[Iran Contra]] and the [[October surprise conspiracy]].)
  • Prabowo Subianto  + (A CIA assessment pointed him out as "the type of officer who could rise to national leadership")
  • Walter Pincus  + (A CIA asset in the corporate media)
  • Robert Morrow  + (A CIA employee who unwittingly participated in the [[JFK assassination]] and subsequently wrote about it.)
  • Air America  + (A CIA front company)
  • Eatsco  + (A CIA front company that plead guilty in 1984 to overcharging the Pentagon by $8 million for delivering arms to Egypt)
  • User:Robin  + (A CIA memo on us of media assets to try to bolster the flagging [[official narrative]] about the JFK assassination. Amongst the tactics - use of the phrase "conspiracy theorist".)
  • Chile/1973 coup d'état  + (A CIA military intelligence operation that overthrew of the democratically elected Salvador Allende.)
  • Project MKDELTA  + (A CIA mind control research project)
  • E. Howard Hunt  + (A CIA officer and USDSO. Heavily involved in both the Watergate Coup and the assassination of JFK.)
  • Osama bin Laden  + (A CIA operative, heavily involved in CIA covert operations such as Operation Cyclone and Gladio plan B.)
  • Philip Marshall  + (A CIA pilot who published two popular and insightful books on [[9-11]]. He was found shot dead with his children.)
  • Operation MIAS  + (A CIA run "arms-reduction project which reportedly bough back Stinger missiles given to the [[Mujahideen]] to fight the USSR in Afghanistan)
  • Douglas Schlachter  + (A CIA spook and associate of [[Edwin Wilson]] who plead guilty in the [[Arms for Libya]] weapons deal.)
  • Jerry Daniels  + (A CIA spook from the heroin/covert war operation in [[Laos]] and contact to general [[Vang Pao]]. Was reportedly poisoned by carbon monoxide.)
  • Richard Stallings  + (A CIA spook involved in the [[1975 Australian coup d'état]].)
  • Operation 40  + (A CIA-run assassination squad begun with Fidel Castro in mind, but that had its fingers in a lot of pies, probably including the JFK Assassination.)
  • Allivane International  + (A CIA/MI6 front company involved in arms deals.)
  • Russia’s Strategy on NATO'S Eastern and Southern Flanks  + (A CIDOB/The Institute for Statecraft/NATO meeting)
  • Cambridge University/St John's College  + (A Cambridge College which hosted the [[Bilderberg]] meeting)
  • John Diefenbaker  + (A Canadian PM who fought the [[Canadian Deep state]]. Toppled in [[regime change]] operation by the Kennedy administration in 1962/63.)
  • Document:Canada PM Justin Trudeau’s government in crisis after minister quits over corruption probe  + (A Canadian [[Jody Wilson-Raybould|minister]]A Canadian [[Jody Wilson-Raybould|minister]]’s sudden resignation on 12 February 2019 turned vague allegations of interference in the criminal prosecution of an [[SNC-Lavalin|engineering giant]] into a deepening political crisis for Prime Minister [[Justin Trudeau]]’s Liberals.Justin Trudeau]]’s Liberals.)
  • Bernard Sherman  + (A Canadian billionaire who was found dead with his wife on 15 December 2017.)
  • Omar Khadr  + (A Canadian citizen who has nearly spent 1/2 of his life in military detention, after being arrested as a minor caught in a firefight in which several of his adult companions and a US soldier were killed.)
  • Gerald Bull  + (A Canadian engineer and developer of long-range artillery. Best known for his involvement in the Iraq 'supergun' project.)
  • Policy 713  + (A Canadian government policy regarding transgenderism in schools.)
  • 2022 Freedom Convoy  + (A Canadian protest against the [[COVID-19/Vaccine/Mandation]] for truckers which acted as a focal point for opposition to government overreach.)
  • Canadian Broadcasting Corporation  + (A Canadian state-owned media outlet.)
  • Stephen Gowans  + (A Canadian-based writer and foreign policy analyst.)
  • Orlando Letelier  + (A Chilean socialist politician and diplomat, assassinated in Washington D.C.)
  • Tiananmen  + (A Chinese mass protest in hundreds of citiA Chinese mass protest in hundreds of cities turned violent. Questions remain about the sequence of events, [[CIA]] involvement and the scope of the aftermath after a media blackout occurred as media were mentioning threats of [[civil war]] to be increasing. Chinese media banned the mentioning of the event entirely, while atrocity stories are trotted out regularly by [[corporate media|Western corporate media]] to maintain an [[enemy image]].[[enemy image]].)
  • Katharine Gun  + (A Chinese translator who exposed illegal efforts by the [[GCHQ]] to illegally bug the UN offices of 6 nations in an effort to start an illegal war. Considered a hero by many.)
  • Ramon Llull University  + (A Christian-inspired university)
  • Document:Covert Action in Chile, 1963-73  + (A Church committee report of the hearings A Church committee report of the hearings before them to study governmental operations with respect to intelligence activities of the United States Senate. A very thorough, but lengthy, investigation into CIA activity in Chile. Includes numerous instances of media manipulation and propaganda in the millions of dollars.and propaganda in the millions of dollars.)
  • Stephen Sizer  + (A Church of England of vicar who incurred the [[establishment]]'s wrath by posting a link to Wikispooks on Facebook.)
  • Worshipful Company of Security Professionals  + (A City of London Livery Company and a good example of how the influence of the "City of London" reaches into all corners of British society.)
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis  + (A Commonwealth island nation in the Caribbean Sea)
  • Saint Lucia  + (A Commonwealth island nation in the Caribbean Sea)
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines  + (A Commonwealth island nation in the Caribbean Sea)
  • Carlos Bringuier  + (A Cuban émigré who knew [[Lee Harvey Oswald]].)
  • LifeLog  + (A DARPA project to create a system of collecting data about users in a single place. It was cancelled when Facebook started, in February 2004.)
  • 2006 Mexico DC-9 drug bust  + (A DC-9 made an emergency landing and was found to be containing over 5 tonnes of cocaine. The pilot "disappeared", unnamed, and the plane was deregistered and sold within days to an unknown customer in Venezuela.)
  • Michael Hurley  + (A DEA official accused of involvement in the [[Lockerbie Bombing]].)
  • Philip Haney  + (A DOHS whistleblower who suddenly died in February 2020)
  • Ole Bjørn Kraft  + (A Danish conservative politician whom [[Józef Retinger]] consulted when setting up the [[Bilderberg group]])
  • Katie Hobbs  + (A Democrat from Arizona.)
  • Tony Navarrete  + (A Democrat state senator from Arizona. Also a child predator.)
  • Directorate of Defence Communications  + (A Department of the UK [[MOD]] concerned with internal communications and contacts with the media)
  • Julian Faux  + (A Deputy Director General of MI5, currently with no Wikipedia page.)
  • NOS  + (A Dutch state broadcaster with some questionable segments.)
  • HNLMS K XVII  + (A Dutch submarine, allegedly sunk by UK Naval Intelligence in December 1941 after it stumbled across a fleet of Japanese warships heading for Pearl Harbor.)
  • France  + (A European nation, former colonial power, permanent seat on the [[UNSC]])
  • Kari Kairamo  + (A Finnish businessman who reportedly hung himself, something his company, [[Nokia]] initially lied about.)
  • Tuomo Pietiläinen  + (A Finnish journalist who has been subject to police raids after his exposure of corruption.)
  • Document:MH-17 Mystery: A New Tonkin Gulf Case?  + (A First anniversary retrospective drawing a compelling parallel with the 'Gulf of Tonkin incident' which became the casus belli for the Vietnam war.)
  • Helric Fredou  + (A French policeman who reportedly shot himself just after the [[Charlie Hebdo]] attacks.)
  • National Rally  + (A French political party)
  • Jean Souètre  + (A French spook involved in the [[JFK assassination]])
  • Fabius-Gayssot Act  + (A French statute that forbids the questionA French statute that forbids the questioning of "''crimes against humanity''" as defined and ruled upon by the post-World War II [[Nuremberg Tribunal]]s. In practice it has been used almost exclusively to prosecute those who publicly question the [[Official Narrative]] of [[Wikispooks:Definitions|"The Holocaust"]][[Wikispooks:Definitions|"The Holocaust"]])
  • Qwant  + (A French-based search engine with its own indexing engine. It claims that it does not employ user tracking or personalize search results in order to avoid trapping users in a filter bubble.)
  • The Auriol massacre  + (A Gaullist paramilitary milita on the hunt for a suspected traitor kills his family of 6, before getting caught.)
  • UNAIDS/Programme Coordinating Board/Meeting/43  + (A Geneva meeting of the 43rd Programme Coordinating Board of UNAIDS)
  • Germar Rudolf  + (A German chemist turned revisionist historian.)
  • Jürgen Warnke  + (A German lawyer and politician who attended [[Le Cercle]].)
  • Beate Bahner  + (A German lawyer who publicly announced her intention to challenge the legality of the German [[COVID lockdown]] measures. She was imprisoned without trial on grounds of [[mental health]].)
  • Operation Tannenberg  + (A German operation to eliminate all potential Polish leadership)
  • Dietrich Eckart  + (A German poet, playwright and philosopher who was a key influence on the development of [[Adolf Hitler]]'s political philosophy)
  • German submarine U-234  + (A German submarine carrying uranium and high technology. Surrendered to the [[United States]] in 1945.)
  • Zach Vorhies  + (A Google whistleblower who took a moral stance against the mendacity of Google's political bias and covert social agenda of shaping public opinion. In 2019, he publicly released a cache of internal documents through Project Veritas.)
  • Chabad Lubavitch  + (A Hasidic movement of Orthodox Judaism)
  • Michael McGrew  + (A Hawaii local who witnessed the [[2023 Hawaii wildfires]])
  • File:3-graham-and-alford-ufo-perceptions.pdf  + (A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television)
  • Ramadan al-Abedi  + (A Islamist from the [[Libyan Islamic Fighting Group]] who was granted asylum in the UK, to keep up his work for regime change in Libya with help from British intelligence services.)
  • Buddy Walthers  + (A JFK assassination related death)
  • WW2/Attack on Pearl Harbor  + (A Japanese attack on the United States on December 7th 1941, which launched the U.S. into WW2. Many documents related to the attack that would tell the full story remain classified.)
  • Ed Asner  + (A Jewish American actor, 9-11 activist, voice actor and a former president of the Screen Actors Guild)
  • Hajo Meyer  + (A Jewish German-Dutch physicist and an anti-Zionist political activist.)
  • Richard Löwenthal  + (A Jewish exile from Nazi Germany, he soon A Jewish exile from Nazi Germany, he soon was attached to US and UK intelligence services. After the war became a major intellectual in the [[Social Democratic Party of Germany]], and often consulted by the SPD’s leaders, especially [[Willy Brandt]] and [[Ernst Reuter]]. He attended the [[1968 Bilderberg conference]].1968 Bilderberg conference]].)
  • Event 201  + (A Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security/World Economic Forum/Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored large scale simulation of a global [[coronavirus]] [[pandemic]] predicting an apocalyptic outcome. Held October 2019.)
  • Mau Mau Uprising  + (A Kenyan independence movement in the 1950s that faced brutal opposition by the UK.)
  • Albert Hakim  + (A Key figure in [[Iran-Contra]].)
  • Greville Janner  + (A Labour politician who was widely allegedA Labour politician who was widely alleged to have abused children, but whose "trial of the facts" was dropped after his death. Former president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews; former vice president of the World Jewish Congress; relentless promoter of the official narrative of "The Holocaust" the official narrative of "The Holocaust")
  • Stanley Hilton  + (A Lawyer who brought a class action lawsuit against the 9/11 perpetrators in 2002. The case was dismissed in 2004 after the US Justice system ruled that the US government had "[[Sovereign immunity]]".)
  • Al Akhbar English  + (A Lebanese-based daily newspaper)
  • Health Freedom  + (A Libertarian campaign for [[freedom]] in the field of [[health]]. Anti [[Big Pharma]].)
  • Forum World Features  + (A London based CIA propaganda operation which operated as a professional news service from 1965 to 1975.)
  • British Satellite Broadcasting  + (A London based satellite television company)
  • One World Action  + (A London-based charity, headed by Labour MEP Glenys Kinnock from 1989 until its closure in 2011, which provided development aid for overseas projects focusing on alleviating poverty and oppression, and on safeguarding people's human rights.)
  • Fort Detrick  + (A Maryland [[BSL-4 facility]] that the [[FBI]] concluded was the origin of the [[anthrax]] used in the [[Amerithrax]] attacks originally blamed on [[Al Qaeda]].)
  • File:Ghouta-Bad-Intelligence.pdf  + (A Massachusetts Institute of Technology report that demolishes claims by the US, UK and French governments that the Syrian government used chemical weapons against its own civilian population in the Ghouta area of Damascus on 21 August 2013)
  • Charles D. Lanier  + (A Morgan man.)
  • Ahmed Dlimi  + (A Moroccan spook who died in suspicious circumstances)
  • Gerhard Mertins  + (A Nazi who fought for Germany in WW2. After being spotted by US intelligence as a neo-nazi, his business empire flourished as he went into arms dealing with the support of the Western intelligence agencies.)
  • Zev Zelenko  + (A New York doctor who has treated coronavirus patients using hydroxychloroquine with high success rate)
  • Ulson Gunnar  + (A New York-based geopolitical analyst and writer)
  • Donald Duke  + (A Nigerian politician whom the Institute for Statecraft were keen to meet)
  • Ola Tunander  + (A Norwegian Academic and author of a lot of material relating to the Deep State.)
  • Sabre International Security  + (A PMC which profited big in Iraq from the war and then vanished when the going was not good.)
  • Joseph Recarey  + (A Palm Beach detective who was active in breaking open Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking/sexual blackmail activities. Died, aged 50, "after a brief illness.")
  • File:The Use of Terrorism to Construct World Order.pdf  + (A Paper presented at the Fifth Pan-European International Relations Conference (Panel 28 Geopolitics) Netherlands Congress Centre, The Hague.)
  • Rupert Sheldrake  + (A Ph.D Biologist)
  • Suzanne Jovin  + (A Ph.D student who was researching [[Ossama Bin Laden]] before [[9-11]].)
  • Alexandre Ribeiro da Cunha  + (A Portuguese diplomat who went to a meeting of Le Cercle in US in December 1973.)
  • São Tomé and Príncipe  + (A Portuguese-speaking island nation in the Gulf of [[Guinea]].)
  • Frank Carlucci  + (A Princeton roommate of his fellow US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld.)
  • Document:Waging the Battle for Reality  + (A Propagandist’s Journey in Search of his so-called Conspiracist Underground.)
  • Document:That's Outrageous  + (A Readers Digest contributor is outraged, OUTRAGED I say, that a web site like Cryptome should be 'allowed to exist'. He does not intend humour at all, he is deadly serious - which is precisely what makes the piece so funny.)
  • John Allen  + (A Retired US Marine Corps 4 star General)
  • 1-3-30 Plan  + (A Rockefeller Foundation sponsored large scale surveillance proposal and simulation. Held April 2020)
  • Lock Step  + (A Rockefeller Foundation sponsored large scale simulation of a global pandemic followed by a world totalitarian outcome. Held October 2010)
  • Knights of Malta  + (A Roman Catholic military-religious order A Roman Catholic military-religious order and/or secret society of, traditionally, a military, "chivalrous" and "noble nature". One of the world's oldest orders of knighthood, dating back to the 11th century. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is headquartered in Rome, and is arguably a sovereign subject of international law. a sovereign subject of international law.)
  • Boris Berezovsky  + (A Russian billionaire oligarch who fell out with Vladimir Putin. Found dead in 2013 - the corner returned an open verdict.)
  • Artyom Borovik  + (A Russian journalist who was interested in the Russian apartment bombings. Died in a [[plane crash]])
  • Sputnik News  + (A Russian news outlet that has been criticised as disinformation by Western commentators such as the [[Institute of Statecraft]] and the ''[[New York Times]]''.)
  • Kursk submarine disaster  + (A Russian nuclear submarine sinking in 2000. Either an accident -or caused by a secret collision with a [[NATO]] submarine.)
  • Document:The Anglo-American Axis: Losing Ukraine, Losing Europe  + (A Russian perspective on dealing with the Anglo-American globalisation thrust in general and the unrest in Ukraine in particular)
  • Abdel Mohsen Bin Walid Bin Abdulaziz  + (A Saudi prince stopped in 2015 with 2 tons of amphetamines aboard his private jet.)
  • Jakes Gerwel  + (A South African academic who brokered the deal for two Lockerbie bombing suspects to be extradited from Libya to stand trial in Holland)
  • Lourens Horn  + (A South African mercenary)
  • Connie Mulder  + (A South African politician brought down by [[Muldergate]].)
  • John Wiley  + (A South African politician whose death would later lead to [[VIPaedophile]] allegations.)
  • 2004 Madrid train bombings  + (A Spanish equivalent of [[7/7]], targetting civilians and blamed on [[Al Qaeda]])
  • Pedro Baños  + (A Spanish soldier and academic scheduled to become [[Director of the Spanish Department of Homeland Security]] but who was passed over after influence was applied by the [[Integrity Initiative]].)
  • El País  + (A Spanish-language [[Newspaper|daily newspaper]] in [[Spain]].)
  • John Adrian O'Hare  + (A Super Secret "Dark Warrior" who was a Special Operator, CIA Contractor and Businessman.)
  • Rive-Reine-Conference  + (A Swiss annual conference where [[Nestlé]] grooms the political ruling caste. Remarkably little info about is public.)
  • Bassma Kodmani  + (A Syrian/French "trusted lieutenant of the Anglo-American democracy-promotion industry". who attended 2 Bilderbergs; in [[2008 Bilderberg|2008]] before the start of the [[2011 regime change proxy war]], and in [[2012 Bilderberg|2012]].)
  • Jacob Applebaum  + (A Tor developer.)
  • Document:Charles Walker's 2021 SAGE speech  + (A Tory Backbencher suggests full financial disclosure from members of SAGE and full elections, or they advise the Government, and if they do not want to do that, but want to advise TV studios, they do that, but they do not do both.)
  • Stephen Milligan  + (A Tory MP and Parliamentary Private Secretary to [[Jonathan Aitken]]. Died a bizarre death, purportedly by [[suffocation]].)
  • Truth and Reconciliation Commission  + (A Truth Commission established in [[South Africa]] after the abolition of [[apartheid]] intended to pursue [[restorative justice]]. One thing it did not do, was to follow up on foreign operation and covert help from allied countries.)
  • Ergenekon  + (A Turkish deep state group with ties to members of the country's military and security forces. Exposed in 1996 car crash.)
  • Ahmet Şık  + (A Turkish investigator into Ergenikon who was arrested for involvement in the group after writing a book about the [[Gülen movement]].)
  • Fuat Alpkartal  + (A Turkish officer with strong ties to the Turkish intelligence community and a former Military Attaché in Washington. Attended the [[1959 Bilderberg]].)
  • Document:Twitter Roundup 20.03.18  + (A Twitter roundup from II, comments on a Moon of Alabama piece. The contents are fairly standard fare, but which users II chose to follow is very interesting, and some are indeed "other users in our field")
  • Document:FCO Skripal material 16.03.18  + (A Twitter roundup from II. The contents are fairly standard fare, but which users II chose to follow is very interesting, including a certain type of journalist, and "other users in our field".)
  • Document:FCO Skripal twitter sample 23.3.18  + (A Twitter roundup from II. The contents are fairly standard fare, but which users II chose to follow is very interesting, and some are indeed "other users in our field")
  • Document:Skripal Case Study Discernment IFS2018  + (A Twitter roundup from II. The contents are fairly standard fare, but which users II chose to follow is very interesting, and some are "other users in our field".)
  • Document:FCO Skripal twitter sample 24.3.18  + (A Twitter roundup from II. The contents are fairly standard fare, but which users II chose to follow is very interesting, and some are "other users in our field".)
  • Hugh Gaitskell  + (A UK Labour politician who reportedly died of a rare illness in hospital.)
  • Chris Williamson  + (A UK MP who in late 2018 helped expose the [[Institute for Statecraft]]. Suspended for "[[antisemitism]]" in February 2019)
  • SBS  + (A UK Special Forces Unit)
  • University of Leicester  + (A UK University which signed an MOU with the [[Institute for Statecraft]])
  • Merlyn Rees  + (A UK [[home secretary]] who spoke at the 1979 [[Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism]].)
  • James Gow  + (A UK academic on a list of emails from the [[Integrity Initiative]].)
  • Victor Madeira  + (A UK academic who has focused on Russian espionage. A member of the [[IfS]] and the [[II]].)
  • Craig Murray  + (A UK ambassador to Uzbekistan who stood up and did the right thing when confronted with evidence of [[torture]]. Smeared and dismissed by the [[UK deep state]], he continues his activism exposing [[Establishment]] lies and hypocrisy.)
  • 15 (UK) Psychological Operations Group  + (A UK army psyop group.)
  • Michael Mansfield  + (A UK barrister of note)
  • Cambridge  + (A UK city noted particularly for [[Cambridge University]], one of the oldest academic institutions in the world.)
  • Clive Ponting  + (A UK civil servant who blew the whistle on the [[Belgrano affair]])
  • Imperial College London  + (A UK college, highly funded by the Gates Foundation, which played a central part in the [[COVID-19]] deep event by creating hysterical spreading models)
  • Dave Springhall  + (A UK communist activist)
  • Carne Ross  + (A UK diplomat turned dissident. In a 2010 piece the UK ''[[Observer]]'' he charged the [[UK/Deep state|UK 'deep state']] with hiding evidence from the [[Chilcot inquiry]].)
  • William Sargant  + (A UK equivalent of Dr. [[Ewen Cameron]], who used insulin comas and ECT to destroy the minds of his subjects to save them.)
  • 2008 Counter-Terrorism advertising campaign  + (A UK government program to ramp up [[fear]] of "[[terrorism]]" that was banned after public complaints.)
  • Andy Worthington  + (A UK historian who has focused on Guantanamo Bay.)
  • Michael Gillard  + (A UK journalist focused on exposing corruption)
  • Astutus Intelligence  + (A UK limited company started in 2015 by two [[Institute for Statecraft]] directors and a third man. Dissolved in 2019.)
  • UK/By-election  + (A UK local election of for the replacement of a single [[Member of Parliament]] when the seat becomes vacant between general elections.)
  • Financial Times  + (A UK newspaper focusing on business)
  • Daily Express  + (A UK newspaper which in 2016 questioned the destruction of [[WTC7]].)
  • Daily Mail  + (A UK newspaper which occasionally publishes material of relevance, although its reputation for truthfulness is not the best.)
  • John Yudkin  + (A UK nutritionist who was a pioneer in warning about the dangers of [[sugar]] consumption.)
  • Ian Henderson  + (A UK official who was widely accused of torture)
  • MI7  + (A UK organisation set up during [[WWI]] to manage [[censorship]] and [[propaganda]].)
  • Labour Party  + (A UK political party which appears to have a leader independent of the [[deep state|establishment]])
  • Robin Cook  + (A UK politician who on the day after [[7/7]] described [[Al-Qaida]] as a product of Western intelligence and insisted that the "[[war on terror]]" could not be won by military means.)
  • Geoffrey Dickens  + (A UK politician who worked to expose the [[UK VIPaedophile]] phenomenon. Died prematurely.)
  • James Le Mesurier  + (A UK spook involved in various [[NATO]] interventions, including sin Syria where he started the [[White Helmets]] and the [[Mayday Rescue Foundation]]. He was found dead in Istanbul in November 2019, which was labelled a suicide, in spite of the evidence.)
  • Alistair Crooke  + (A UK spook who has gone on the record stating that "The West does not actually hand the weapons to [[al-Qaida]], let alone to ISIS... , but the system they’ve constructed leads precisely to that end.")
  • George Blake  + (A UK spy who passed a lot of documents to the USSR.)
  • The Sun  + (A UK tabloid)
  • Syrian Observatory for Human Rights  + (A UK-based information office that has focused since 2011 on the Syrian civil war and is frequently quoted by major Western news media.)
  • Australia/1975 coup d'état  + (A UK/US deep state-backed covert "constitutional coup" to remove [[Gough Whitlam]] whom they saw as a loose cannon.)
  • Operation Yellowbird  + (A UK/US operation to extract Chinese leadership of the [[Tiananmen Square]] protests of 1989.)
  • UN/SC/Counter-Terrorism Committee  + (A UN "[[counter-terrorism]]" body that was unanimously set up in the wake of the [[9-11]] event.)
  • Agenda 2030  + (A UN plan to achieve what they term "sustainable development" by 2030.)
  • File:Inside-the-wire-reference-guide.pdf  + (A US Army pocket reference guide given to A US Army pocket reference guide given to all US military personnel serving in Afghanistan from February 2012. It provides advice on how to prevent so-called 'green-on-blue' attacks, where Afghan security forces turn their weapons on the coalition soldiers who have trained them. coalition soldiers who have trained them.)
  • Malcolm X/Assassination  + (A US Deep State backed assassination)
  • Darrell MacIntyre  + (A US Lawyer found dead in suspicious circumstances after he had been working on the "Iran-Contra" case.)
  • Desmond FitzGerald  + (A US Spook and [[Georgetown Set]] member who died of a "[[heart attack]]")
  • Patrice Lumumba/Assassination  + (A US [[Deep state]] backed assassination, ordered by [[Allen Dulles]], which was followed by decades of bloody violence.)
  • Sandy Berger  + (A US [[National security advisor]] caught removing "terrorism"-related materials from the from the [[US national archives]] just prior to testifying before the [[9/11 Commission]].)
  • Carroll Quigley  + (A US [[historian]] who used unprecedented access to [[US deep state]] archives to write ''[[Tragedy and Hope]]'')
  • Guantanamo Bay detention camp  + (A US [[military base]] now used primarily as a torture camp due to its obscure legal jurisdiction. After campaigning in 2009 on promises to shut it down within a year, in 2014 Barack Obama announced plans to expand it.)
  • Frank Olson  + (A US bioweapons researcher who fell to his death after having been unwittingly given [[LSD]] under the umbrella of [[MKNAOMI]] and [[MKULTRA]].)
  • Counterpunch  + (A US biweekly political magazine that since 2018 has moved sharply to the official narrative.)
  • Aubrey McClendon  + (A US businessman who died in suspicious circumstances.)
  • Pujo Committee  + (A US congressional subcommittee that probed the [[Money Trust]]. The original chair, Arsene Pujo, withdrew after about a month, so it was actually chaired by [[Hubert D. Stephens]].)
  • Larry McDonald  + (A US congressman who placed legislative pressure on the [[CFR]]. Died in [[Korean Air Lines Flight 007]].)
  • Nick Begich  + (A US congressman whose small plane disappeared without trace in Alaska, together with [[Hale Boggs]] and two other men.)
  • Bohemian Grove  + (A US deep state milieu in Northern California.)
  • Guy Banister  + (A US deep state operative involved in the JFK assassination. Suddenly died after he had attracted the attention of investigator Jim Garrison.)
  • Al Martin  + (A US deep state operative who wrote a memoir about "[[Iran Contra]]".)
  • G. McMurtrie Godley  + (A US diplomat)
  • Walter Page  + (A US diplomat who received money from Woodrow Wilson's banker, [[Cleveland Dodge]].)
  • Dean Lorich  + (A US doctor who expressed dissatisfaction about the [[Clinton Foundation]], found dead in with a knife in his chest, declared a suicide)
  • Smedley Butler  + (A US general who exposed the coup that financiers had planned for USA.)