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Document:Assange ruling a dangerous precedent for journalists and British justice10 December 2021ArticleJonathan CookMiddle East Eye11,670And yet despite all this, the English High Court ruled on 10 December 2021 that it was satisfied with “assurances” that Assange’s wellbeing would be protected were he extradited to the United States. British judges may be persuaded by those assurances. Many others, including Assange, will not be.
Document:At the turn of the 20th century2001book extractAlexandre Isayevich SolzhenitsynEthnopolitics Online143
Document:Austerity Fascism is Coming8 June 2010webpagePaul Joseph WatsonPaul Joseph Watson561
Document:Austerity has brought anguish and hardship – that is why I am fighting Richmond Park for Labour7 November 2016ArticleChristian WolmarLabourList4,686Labour's Christian Wolmar aims to replace Tory Zac Goldsmith as MP for Richmond Park
Document:Australia - The Forgotten Coup16 March 2014articleJohn PilgerJohnPilger.com8,326The November 1975 dismissal of duly elected Australian Prime minister Gough Whitlam by Queen Elizabeth's governor general Sir John Kerr. And Australians STILL think they live in an independent democratic country
Document:Avaaz: Clicktivist heroes or Soros wolf in woolly disguise18 July 2015webpage'BlackCatte'OffGuardian20,501
Document:Avisa Partners PresentationJune 2016company presentationAvisa Partners'Anonymous'19,527This is very revealing but more official presentation of the company's influence work. Compare with the dirty tricks in Document:Combatting Russian Disinformation
Document:BBC Bombast11 July 2011articleDavid CromwellMedia Lens19,188An authoritative run-down on BBC News as a model propaganda mouthpiece for the dominant establishment narrative of UK foreign policy initiatives and involvements abroad. The article provides startling chapter and verse on a number of recent examples
Document:BBC Panorama Investigation Into Labour Antisemitism Omitted Key Evidence and Parts of Labour’s Response22 July 2020ArticleJustin SchlosbergNovara Media25,040The fact that the Labour Party is now settling libel cases brought by both John Ware and the Labour 'whistleblowers' is remarkable, not least because there is meant to be an ongoing internal inquiry into the leaked internal report, whose findings have now effectively been prejudged. But I’ve been told this will cost the party close to half a million in damages and costs.
Document:BBC report on the 2001 Mexican legislative assembly attackreportBBC3,504
Document:BBC's biased and inaccurate reporting of anti-semitism allegations towards Jeremy Corbyn7 August 2018LetterPamela BlakelockMorning Star9,324"We regret that the BBC has failed to comply with its own codes with regard to impartiality and accuracy. Given the gravity of allegations of anti-semitism, the role performed by the BBC is all the more critical if it is to live up to Reithian principles of informing the public."
Document:Backfire basicssummaryBrian Martin3,739Summary of Brian Martin's Backfire model
Document:Background to the Simulation Seminars28 February 2018reportChris Donnelly'Anonymous'4,981Background to and observation of two war Simulation Seminars
Document:Backing the Wrong Horsemanblog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog12,830The neo-con drive to dominate the Middle East, in alliance with Saudi Arabia and Israel, has caused an apocalyptic level of death and destruction, which I put (an extremely conservative figure) at 5 million dead. Now compare that to the worldwide death toll from coronavirus: 220,000. Let me say that again. Western aggressive wars to coronavirus: 5,000,000 versus 220,000.
Document:Balkans Trip Report28 November 2018cluster meetingSimon Bracey-Lane'Anonymous'13,196Workshop in Montenegro. "'Story telling' difficult if journalists are branded fake news"
Document:Bandar ibn Israel28 August 2013articleSharmine NarwaniAl Akhbar English17,541The collusion of Saudi Arabia's Bandar bin Sultan with Israel in acts of terrorist violence in the Middle East through 2013.
Document:Bangkok Blast - Who the Liars Say Did It, Says it All18 August 2015article'Tony Cartalucci'Land Destroyer Report17,688Analysis of the 18 August terrorist bombing in Bangkok illustrating western media (especially the BBC) bias by omission of major salient points
Document:Batley and Spen by-election: Palestine becomes potential dealbreaker18 June 2021ArticleAlex MacDonaldMiddle East Eye19,269According to Coral, Galloway is currently on 50/1 odds to win, compared to 2/1 for Leadbeater and 2/5 for Conservative candidate Ryan Stephenson. William Hill has the Conservatives on 1/3, Labour at 5/2 and the WPGB at 33/1.
Document:Battleground Ukraine14 April 2014lecture transcriptAndrei FursovYouTube65,975A wide ranging analysis of the 2013-2014 situation in Ukraine, its antecedents and consequences from the perspective of a senior Russian academic
Document:Before the 19th century2001book extractAlexandre Isayevich SolzhenitsynEthnopolitics Online143
Document:Before the Six-Day War2001book extractAlexandre Isayevich SolzhenitsynEthnopolitics Online145
Document:Behind the 2011 Orgy of Destabilisations5 March 2011book reviewWebster TarpleyTarpley.Net67,042A review of the book by David Ray Griffin
Document:Behind the Greek Debt7 July 2015articleThierry MeyssanVoltaire Network14,320The geoplitics underlying what is presented as a crisis of national indebtedness
Document:Being anti-war does not make us apologists for 'the enemy' or anyone else28 February 2022ArticleLindsey GermanMorning Star6,189I am proud to be an anti-war campaigner and I know there are many like me. I note that anti-war protesters in Russia are being lauded in the British media. I also support them and send them my full solidarity. The irony is that Putin will see them as the enemy within — just as our government (and loyal opposition) treats us.
Document:Belarus Under Siege29 July 2011webpageMichele BrandLand Destroyer Report256
Document:Ben Goldsmith and his "party people": Friends in low places19 December 2017Article''THis Is North Kensington'' (''THINK'')5,849"Just had a glimpse of Corbyn’s Britain. A birthday party for my sister-in-law in Notting Hill invaded and shut down by a vicious bottle-throwing hard Leftist crowd (from the Grenfell march), because they could."
Document:Beverfoerde Report26 March 2017reportJosef Freiherr von Beverfoerde383A leaked, explosive confidential report written by Baron von Beverfoerde to the Council of the German Association, based on his extensive interviews with Cardinal Patron Raymond Burke.
Document:Beware the Cult of Cadwalladr22 January 2022blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog8,952The present libel trial between Arron Banks and Carole Cadwalladr is therefore a struggle between two deeply unpleasant people. Cadwalladr’s lies, in my view, are political and still come within the realm of free speech. I support her right to say it, just as I support my right to denounce and expose her as an utterly unprincipled and fraudulent tool of the security services.
Document:Beyond Conspiracy TheoryFebruary 2010paperLance deHaven-SmithAmerican Behavioral Scientist96,178The article posits a new framework for the analysis of Deep political events and Conspiracy Theories. The term SCAD (State crime against democracy) is explained and developed as a way of connecting the dots across multiple suspect events.
Document:Beyond Words8 April 2020blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog8,677Nobody cultivates her own anonymity more than Magistrate Vanessa Baraitser who has her existence carefully removed from the Internet almost entirely. Yet she seeks to destroy the peace and young lives of Julian Assange’s family.
Document:Bid for MoD Funding 2017-201814 March 2017project proposalIntegrity Initiative'Anonymous'4,421"Creation of a Europe-wide network of groups who understand the danger of Russian active measures and who can pass the message on to their own decision-makers and public, often using material which we initiate"
Document:Biden Works to Prolong Ukraine War7 June 2022blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog7,665"Ukraine is objecting to this plan (for Turkey to clear sea lanes of mines and to police the ships carrying grain) because it objects to the removal of the mines, which I should be clear were put down in the sea lanes by Ukraine to prevent amphibious attack on Odessa."
Document:Biden’s pier for Gaza is a hollow gesture that will change almost nothing8 March 2024blog postJonathan CookJonathan Cook/Website5,631President Biden needs to look like Gaza’s saviour when Democrats are deciding who they are voting for. He and the Democratic party are betting voters are dumb enough to fall for this charade. Please don’t prove them right.
Document:Big Brother - One Man's Story1 January 2010accountGerald JamesCutting Edge25,638The workings of secret, unaccountable government (The Deep State) of the UK. It functions, not only with callous disregard for the lives of those who get in its way but through Machiavellian manipulation of them - The sobering experiences of Gerald James.
Document:Big Pharma pushes Cure for Holocaust Denial Syndrome20 February 2006articleMichael JamesThe Holocaust Historiography Project7,541Big Pharma launches cure for 'Holocaust denial'
Document:BilderbergDecember 1966ArticleDe Driemaster5,422In 1966 a small Dutch liberal magazine published an article on how the writers of another magazine were arrested for writing about the Bilderberg meetings. The article contains a general description of the Dutch Bilderberg cluster, and mentions two participants not in any of the official meeting lists, Theodoor E. E. H. Mathon and J. J. Oyevaar.
Document:Biology as Ideology LecturelectureRichard Lewontin738
Document:Bioterror: Manufacturing Wars The American Way1 April 2003forewordWilliam H. Schaap
Ellen Ray
Document:Bitter Roots - The Bases of Present Conflicts in the Middle East1977speechJ. Rives ChildsNational Security Agency23,012
Document:Black Cube, the "Mossad" of Commercial Spying28 February 2019ArticleGeorge KerevanBella Caledonia8,245Michael Drury, the former legal head of GCHQ, has set up in practice defending Russian oligarchs and bankers being chased by the main UK bank regulator (FCA) and the Serious Fraud Office: I wonder what he does for Black Cube?
Document:BlackRock Plots to Buy Ukraine30 December 2022ArticleBradley DevlinThe American Conservative5,569As a result of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, BlackRock the most influential financial institution in the world, plans to cash in on the destruction of that country.
Document:Bloggers Under Siege - Craig Murray Charged with Contempt of Court27 April 2020blog postLudwig De BraeckeleerIntel Today4,858From Lockerbie to the Russia Hoax, Craig Murray has of course upset people in high-places, including some who work for Intelligence Agencies.
Document:Blogs and Military Information Strategy5 June 2006reportUS "Joint Special Operations University"Joint Special Operations University web site8,757
Document:Blood Diamond5 August 2011webpageKeith Harmon-Snow
Rick Hines
Conscious Being Alliance402
Document:Bloodbath in Odessa guided by interim rulers of Ukraine14 May 2014article'Ukraine Antifascist'Oriental Review13,606The 2 May massacre of anti-Kiev-Junta signature collectors in Odessa was planned, orchestrated and implemented by Junta acting president Olexandre Turchinov and his security establishment
Document:Bloody US-Directed Raid Destabilizes Philippine Politics1 March 2015articleWalden BelloTelesur English9,400American fingerprints are all over a botched commando raid in the southern Philippines that left dozens dead and shocked the country.
Document:Bob Ainsworth on the subject of the melted cavalry man12 March 2008articleStanislavStanislav's Rants5,107A simple guide to understanding politicians
Document:Boris Johnson in Downing Street for five years: what could possibly go wrong?30 December 2019ArticleJohn S WarrenBella Caledonia6,904All the cards are held by Boris Johnson because he has the answer to all the problems facing Britain. Save, perhaps, one: what could possibly go wrong for the Conservative-Brexit Government?
Document:Boris Johnson is Unfit for National Office13 December 2021blog postClifford ThurlowClifford Thurlow's blog6,081Johnson has been astute with the people he has gathered about him in the Cabinet. They are greedy and self-serving. They will never Level Up. They will continue to leech money from the NHS, underfund schools and keep hungry people queuing up outside food banks.
Document:Boris Johnson is a threat to democracy itself18 June 2019ArticleSimon Wren-LewisNew Statesman12,734We can only hope that while most Conservative members want to live in a world where there is no spoon, enough voters prefer changing the real world in ways that enhance, rather than diminish, our democracy.