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Document:Justice for Megrahi awaits at the Supreme Court4 April 2021LetterPatrick HaseldineAbout12,164My recommendation, Mr Anwar, is that you appeal to the UK Supreme Court to quash the Scottish Court in the Netherlands' 2001 conviction of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi on the basis of fabricated timer fragment evidence led by the "non-expert witness" Allen Feraday
Document:Justice for Megrahi is gonna happen!14 April 2021LetterPatrick HaseldineAbout8,889Aamer Anwar said: "I have no doubt that the new democratic Libyan Government headed by Abdul Hamid al-Dabaiba will support this final appeal for justice on behalf of the Al-Megrahi family and help in our efforts to prove the innocence of Libya and its people."
Document:Keir Starmer is a Long-Time Servant of the British Security State2 March 2021ArticleOliver EagletonNovara Media28,177Keir Starmer is sometimes praised for being an outsider in the world of politics (or mocked as too lawyerly and insufficiently political). But in reality, much of his work as Director of Public Prosecutions blurred the boundaries between prosecutor and politician – following the dictates of the Cameron coalition, negotiating with foreign officials on its behalf, and dropping or pursuing cases according to its interests.
Document:Keir Starmer's ‘antisemitism’ sacking is a signal that Israel is safe in his hands29 June 2020ArticleJonathan CookMiddle East Eye24,514Crackdown by UK Labour leader on left-wing rival will subdue critics of Israel in his party ahead of Israel's annexation move
Document:Ken Livingstone: Venezuela should have followed my economic advice3 August 2017InterviewJulia Hartley-Brewer
Luke Dolan
Talkradio2,905"America played a major part in Venezuela's current crisis but we won't know until 30 years from now, when all the papers get published."
Document:Kenny MacAskill: Scotland, but not as I know it15 September 2021blog postKenny MacAskillCraig Murray Justice Campaign blog9,125Craig Murray’s imprisonment is wrong and his prosecution undermines the liberties we claim to cherish. It’s Scotland but not as I know it or as it should be. As a former Justice Secretary, I find this shameful, and that it should happen under the watch of those who claim to cherish our Nations’ liberty is disgraceful.
Document:Kevin Galalae - Post Hunger-strike synopsis30 November 2011accountUnknown13,077
Document:Kevin Ryan - A personal Decision17 March 2011articleKevin Ryan911 Review7,602
Document:Killing Diplomacy15 March 2018ArticlePaul Craig Roberts
Dmitry Orlov
ClubOrlov13,275Sane people will choose politics over war, and sane – that is, competently governed – nations will choose diplomacy over belligerence and confrontation. If we look around in search of such incompetently governed nations, two examples readily present themselves: the United States and the United Kingdom.
Document:Korea and the "Axis of Evil"2002articleBrian WillsonGlobal Research19,196
Document:Kosovo MafiaarticleMatt McAllester
Jovo Martinovic
Global Research21,539
Document:Kuala Lumpur Tribunal finds Israel Guilty of Crimes against Humanity, Genocide1 December 2013articleYoichi Shimatsu27,527
Document:LAZIR condemns persecution of prospective Member of Parliament by Israel lobby groups3 June 2019ArticleNureddin SabirRedress Information & Analysis2,568LAZIR described the attacks on Lisa Forbes by the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Jewish Leadership Council, and the Israeli secret service-linked Community Security Trust as “outrageous”.
Document:Labour & ‘anti-Semitism’: Real goal of establishment smear campaign is to deny socialists power23 April 2019ArticleKen LivingstoneRussia Today10,928After three years of screaming headlines, the truth about anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is finally revealed: just 0.08 percent of Labour’s half-a-million members have said or tweeted something anti-Semitic
Document:Labour Built the Bomb10 July 2017ArticleBill RamsayBella Caledonia7,300The prompt for this short essay is not Labour's nuclear legacy: it is what took place in the UN General Assembly last Friday when the Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty passed into international law.
Document:Labour Party exclusions: we need justice for the many not just for the few2 March 2018ArticleDavid RosenbergDavesRebellion8,375The Labour Party's departing General Secretary Iain McNicol has done everything possible to delay or prevent the implementation of the Chakrabarti Inquiry Report which needs to be the central focus of our campaigning right now, if we are going to win justice for the many suspended and excluded by Labour, not just for the few.
Document:Labour costs pass £500,000 in hearing over leaked antisemitism report31 August 2023ArticleAletha AduThe Guardian6,497"Much of the Labour Party machinery from 2015-18 was openly opposed to Jeremy Corbyn, and worked to directly undermine the elected leadership of the party...from winning elections to building a functioning complaints and disciplinary process" – Summary of leaked internal report (page 29).
Document:Labour councillor demands refund from party after leaked report exposed sabotage of Corbyn16 April 2020ArticleLamiat SabinMorning Star4,047Sarah-Jane McDonough's demand for a refund came after Unite General Secretary Len McCluskey claimed that attempts by the "Senior Management Team" to sabotage Labour’s chances in the UK/2017 General Election could have broken electoral law.
Document:Labour drops plans to stand at next general election9 February 2024ArticleThe Daily MashThe Daily Mash2,499The Daily Mash, a satirical website reported today: “People like me have been saying Labour needed to appeal to Tory supporters for years. Now they’ve done it I’m going to vote Reform because I am a typical f**kwit British voter,” said Charlotte Phelps of Reading.
Document:Labour expulsion hearing set for anti-Zionist Jackie Walker5 February 2019ArticleAsa WinstanleyThe Electronic Intifada7,529WitchHunt documentary: “We are determined to get it out whatever the threats,” Jackie Walker vows
Document:Labour has ignored its voters – it is now paying the price24 June 2021ArticlePaddy HannamSpiked Online7,425George Galloway speaks to Spiked Online about the problems faced by the Labour Party, and his campaign in the 2021 Batley and Spen by-election
Document:Labour left breaks with Jeremy Corbyn over sending weapons to Ukraine26 February 2023ArticleToby HelmThe Guardian4,536The far left wing of the Labour Party has split from Jeremy Corbyn on the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
Document:Labour ‘gagging orders’ put in place by McNicol – and gave hundreds of £1000s to allies16 July 2019ArticleSKWAWKBOX5,442Shadow Cabinet learns ‘non-disclosure agreements’ on disaffected ex-staff appearing on Panorama and talking to media were authorised by former General Secretary Iain McNicol – and enriched staff (considered to be his anti-Corbyn allies) by hundreds of thousands of pounds
Document:Labour's next leader has already betrayed the left21 February 2020blog postJonathan CookJonathan Cook/Website22,703The next Leader of the Labour Party is already a prisoner to the "institutional antisemitism" narrative. That means their hands are chained not only to support for Israel, but to the reactionary politics in which Israel as a Jewish state makes sense – a worldview that embraces its style of ethnic, chauvinist, militaristic, segregationist politics.
Document:Labour: The Way Ahead31 July 2016articlePaul MasonMedium.com43,026If Jeremy Corbyn wins on 24 September 2016, we should say to his opponents inside the Parliamentary Labour Party: end the passive resistance. We have something that neither Brown nor Miliband ever had, and which Blairism lost ten years ago. A story that makes sense, a strategy that can win, an unprecedented mass membership; and a leader who, in the face of intense pressure, gets stronger.
Document:Labour’s witch-hunt against Ken Livingstone31 March 2017articleJonathan CookJonathan Cook Blog4,317Labour's kangaroo court trying to justify suspending Ken Livingstone for stating the fact that Hitler supported Zionism
Document:Lady Dorrian's Law30 July 2021blog postStuart CampbellWings Over Scotland10,337The ruinous determination of the Scottish Government and the Scottish judicial system to put someone, anyone connected to Alex Salmond in jail out of the First Minister’s demented paranoia and sheer malice has had many disastrous outcomes, for individuals, taxpayers and the country as a whole.
Document:Larry Sanger is right, Wikipedia has become the establishment thought police - just look at my entry on there12 July 2021ArticleEva BartlettRussia Today9,060Eva Bartlett in an op-ed for RT, writes about the problems with Wikipedia.
Document:Las Malvinas Son Argentinas: Return to the Falklands?4 April 2016articleJohn WrightCounterpunch8,209
Document:Lawyers For Israel Oppose Conscience20 May 2023blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog6,488Convictions based on “intent” to do something you have not actually done, are generally dubious. The Shenstone defendants have been told by Judge Chambers they will get prison sentences. Expect these to be vicious.
Document:Leaked Karl Rove email27 August 2011emailKarl RoveDaily Kos13,389
Document:Leaked Putin-Bandar meeting report25 August 2013diplomatic communicationInformation Clearing House14,093Leaked report of a meeting between Vladimir Putin and Bandar bin Sultan, then intelligence chief of Saudi Arabia, during which bin Sultan issues scarcely veiled threats against the Sochi winter Olympics if Russia continued to frustrate actions to depose President Assad of Syria
Document:Leaked phone call on Ukraine lays bare Washington’s gangsterism10 February 2014articleBill Van AukenWorld Socialist Web Site8,254A short, readable resume of US foreign affairs diplomatic gangsterism, illustrated by the "Ukraine-Gate" intercepted telephone conversation between US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US ambassador to the Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt.
Document:Left-leaning Despisers of the 9-11 Truth Movement6 July 2010open letterDavid Ray GriffinGlobal Research139,712
Document:Legal Challenge To Brexit27 November 2018ArticleShropshire Star5,654The UK can stop the Brexit process unilaterally, without the consent of the other 27 EU Member States
Document:Letter to Bradley Manningopen letterRevolution TruthRevolution Truth4,563
Document:Letter to Sir Keir from a newly resigned member of the Labour Party8 April 2020LetterBronagh WilsonTony Greenstein's Blog9,969The Labour Party is now dead, it has ceased to be, it is bereft of life. You Sir Keir and your fellow travellers disgust me and it is time you PASOKed right off!.
Document:Let’s Move On From Boris28 May 2020blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog7,455"Boris Johnson on the Dominic Cummings debacle: 'It is now time to move on… the country wants to move on.' If a politician tells you to 'move on' from a subject, it is a gigantic red flag that you should do precisely the opposite."
Document:Libya - Imperialism and the Left28 August 2011articleStephen GowansWhat's Left21,266
Document:Libya Coverage - A Peek Behind the Curtain23 August 2011articleDon DeBarWar Is A Crime.org9,082
Document:Libya Imperialism and the prostration of Left Intellectuals1 April 2011articleDavid NorthWorld Socialist Web Site17,566
Document:Libya and the Return of Humanitarian Imperialism8 March 2011articleJean BricmontCounterpunch7,089
Document:Libya – Unbearable Lightness of Being, Africa 129 August 2011webpageAnis H. BajrektarevicThe 4th Media554
Document:Libya: Fine, but why Britain20 March 2011articleBrian BarderLabour List11,871David Cameron seemingly Gung Ho on toppling the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, while Barack Obama takes a back seat
Document:Libya: The real war starts now7 September 2011articlePepe EscobarAsia Times6,576
Document:Limit CIA Role To Intelligence21 December 1963letterHarry S. TrumanThe Washington Post5,155A letter just after the assassination of JFK which was published once and then vanished down the memory hole.
Document:Lithuania’s brutal clampdown on the jab refuseniks10 August 2021ArticleEmilia MituzieneThe Conservative Woman4,725COVID Vaccine/Mandation is being introduced in Lithuania, and echoes of a recent past when the country was part of the USSR. Despite this, the European press is completely uninterested.
Document:Lobkowicz Thoughts On Reform of The Knights Of Malta Constitution12 April 2017letterJohannes Lobkowicz5,013A leaked letter written by Prince Johannes Lobkowicz, head of the Knights' Grand Priory of Bohemia. He openly advocates minimising the future leadership role of the professed knights in religious vows, including making the Grand Master a ceremonial figurehead who takes orders from powerful members and their bureaucrats, while ensuring a continuing important official status for the nobility in the Order (including himself).
Document:Lockerbie - Bomber, Bomber, Bomber21 July 2010articleSteven RaeburnFirm Magazine8,181
Document:Lockerbie - The Syrian Connection1997articleDavid GuyattDeep Black Lies14,293