Property:Has subGroup

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Status: experimental
This property allows for the reflection of hierarchical organisation of groups

RDF logic:
  • Subject:      Pagename of an organisation
  • Predicate:  Has subGroup
  • Object:        Pagename of an organisation (type Page)

276 Pages use the property "Has subGroup"

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Page nameHas subGroup
CIA/Directorate of OperationsOperation 40
CIA/Near East and South Asia Division
"CIA/Counterterrorism Center"
CIA/Special Activities Center
UK/Ministry of DefenceDefence Intelligence and Security Centre
UK Special Forces
15 (UK) Psychological Operations Group
Directorate General Media and Communications
Directorate of Targeting and Information Operations
7644 (Media operations) Squadron
Directorate of Defence Communications
Intelligence Corps
UK/Ministry of Defence/Press Office
Army Doctrine Committee
Concepts and Doctrine Centre
Land Warfare Centre
British Forces Broadcasting Service
UK/Home Office"Independent Police Complaints Commission"
HM Passport Office
National Crime Agency
HM Inspectorate of Constabulary
Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs
Animals in Science Committee
Border Force
Disclosure and Barring Service
Gangmasters Licensing Authority
Migration Advisory Committee
National DNA Database Ethics Group
Office of Surveillance Commissioners
Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner
Police Advisory Board
Police Negotiating Board
Police Arbitration Tribunal
Police Discipline Appeals Tribunal
Security Industry Authority
Technical Advisory Board
UK Visas and Immigration
Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism
Home Office/Investigatory Powers Unit
Commission for Countering Extremism
Citibank India
Citibank Argentina
Citibank Australia
Citibank China
Citibank (Hong Kong)
Citibank Indonesia
Citibank Malaysia
Bank Handlowy
Citibank Singapore
Citibank Uganda
Grupo Financiero Banamex
Carlton TelevisionCarlton Television
ITV Digital
Westcountry Television
Central Independent Television
Carlton Video
Carlton Screen Advertising
Carlton Publishing Group
ITV News
British AerospaceRover Group
Banco Espírito SantoBanco Espírito Santo Angola
FBI/AcademyCriminal Justice Information Services
Critical Incident Response Group
Counterterrorism Division
FBI Police
"Joint Terrorism Task Force"Criminal Justice Information Services
Critical Incident Response Group
Counterterrorism Division
FBI Police
KGBFirst Chief Directorate
(foreign intelligence)
Second Chief Directorate (internal security and counterintelligence)
Eighth Chief Directorate (ciphering and government communication)
Chief Directorate of Border Forces
UK/ArmySpecial Reconnaissance Regiment
Special Reconnaissance Unit
Special Air Service
Special Forces Support Group
Force Research Unit
The 77th Brigade
1 Military Working Dogs Reg
2 Operational Support Group
19 Tank Transporter Squadron
81 Signals Squadron
167 Catering Support Regiment
170 (Infrastructure Support) Engineer Group
221 Wessex Battery
254 Specialist Group Information Services
255 TACP Battery
306 Hospital Support Medical Regt
335 Medical Evacuation Regt
412 Amphibious Troop
500 Communications troop
AGC Education and Training Service Reserve
Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Military Police Battalion
Army Legal Service
Central Reserves Headquarters Army Medical Services
Defence Cultural Specialist Unit
Joint Cyber Unit
Land Information Assurance Group
Medical Operational Support Group
Military Provost Staff
National Reserves HQ Royal Artillery
Special Investigation Branch Regt
Specialist Group Military Intelligence
UK Special ForcesSpecial Reconnaissance Regiment
Special Air Service
Special Forces Support Group
18 Signal Regiment
Joint Special Forces Aviation Wing
Joint Special Operations CommandUS/Army/Special Forces
SEAL Team Six
24th Special Tactics Squadron
75th Ranger Regiment
Task Force Red
AIPAC251 Massachusetts Avenue LLC
American Israel Educational Foundation
14th Intelligence Company4 Field Survey Troop
America First Committee450 chapters
Center for Vigilant Freedom910 Group
Amazon Web Services
Alexa Internet
Digital Photography Review
Amazon Game Studios
Ring (company)
Whole Foods Market
Body Labs
Amazon Air
Amazon Prime Air
Amazon Robotics
Association of Chief Police OfficersOffice for Security and Counter-Terrorism
Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Unit
National Community Tension Team
ACPO Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service
ACPO Criminal Records Office
National Wildlife Crime Unit
NetherlandsDutch Military Intelligence and Security Service
ICTS InternationalI-SEC international Security Group
Huntleigh USA
US/Department/TransportationFederal Aviation Administration
Federal Highway Administration
Federal Railroad Administration
Federal Transit Administration
Maritime Administration
Additional agencies
Army ReserveSpecial Air Service
Media Operations Group (V)
Honourable Artillery Company
Royal Armoured Corps
Royal Artillery
Royal Engineers
Royal Corps of Signals
Army Air Corps
The Royal Logistic Corps
Army Medical Services
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Adjutant General's Corps
Army Reserve bands
Officer Training Corps
Intelligence Corps
British House of CommonsIntelligence and Security Committee of Parliament
Administration Committee
Business Innovation and Skills Committee
Communities and Local Government Committee
Culture Media and Sport Committee
Defence Select Committee
Education Select Committee
Energy and Climate Change Select Committee
Environment Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee
Foreign Affairs Select Committee
Health Select Committee
Home Affairs Select Committee
International Development Select Committee
Justice Select Committee
Northern Ireland Affairs Select Committee
Political and Constitutional Reform Select Committee
Science and Technology Select Committee
Scottish Affairs Select Committee
Transport Select Committee
Treasury Select Committee
Welsh Affairs Select Committee
Work and Pensions Select Committee
Committees on Arms Export Controls
Environmental Audit Select Committee
European Scrutiny Committee
Public Administration Select Committee
Regulatory Reform Committee
Select Committee on Statutory Instruments
Panel of Chairs
Public bill committee
Delegated Legislation Committee
European Committees
Northern Ireland Grand Committee
Regional Affairs Committee
Scottish Grand Committee
Welsh Grand Committee
Finance and Services Committee
Backbench Business Committee
Liaison Committee
Members' Expenses Committee
Procedure Committee
Committee of Selection (House of Commons)
Standards and Privileges Committee
Advisory Committee on Works of Art
Joint Committee on Consolidation &c. Bills
Joint Committee on Human Rights
Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy
Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments
Joint Committee on Tax Law Rewrite Bills
Joint Committee on Security
House of Commons Commission
Public Accounts Commission
Speaker's Committee on the Electoral Commission
Speaker's Committee for the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority
Ecclesiastical Committee
Public Accounts Committee
House of LordsIntelligence and Security Committee of Parliament
Joint Committee on Consolidation &c. Bills
Joint Committee on Human Rights
Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy
Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments
Joint Committee on Tax Law Rewrite Bills
Communications Select Committee
Constitution Committee
Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Select Committee
Economic Affairs Committee (House of Lords)
European Union Committee
Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee
Science and Technology Committee (House of Lords)
Hybrid Instruments Committee
Standing Orders Committee
House Committee (House of Lords)
Liaison Committee (House of Lords)
Committee for Privileges and Conduct
Procedure Committee (House of Lords)
Committee of Selection (House of Lords)
Administration and Works Committee
Information Committee
Refreshment Committee
Works of Art Committee
House of Lords/COVID-19 Committee
US/Department/Health and Human ServicesOffice of the Inspector General
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response
Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Legislation
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources
Administration for Children and Families
Administration on Aging
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Office of the General Counsel
United States Public Health Service
United States Office of Research Integrity
National Institute of Drug Abuse
National Reconnaissance OfficeOffice of Space Launch
Special Communications Office
Advanced Systems & Technology Directorate
Business Plans & Operations Directorate
Communications Systems Acquisition Directorate
Ground Enterprise Directorate
Imagery Intelligence Systems Acquisition Directorate
Management Services & Operations Directorate
Mission Operations Directorate
Mission Support Directorate
Signals Intelilgence Systems Acquisition Directorate
Systems Engineering Directorate
ExxonMobilAera Energy
Esso Australia
Exxon Neftegas
Imperial Oil
Mobil Producing Nigeria
SeaRiver Maritime
Superior Oil Co.
Vacuum Oil Co.
XTO Energy
Exxon Mobil
American Jewish CommitteeAfrica Institute
Transatlantic Institute
Asia and Pacific Rim Institute
Belfer Center for American Pluralism
Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights
Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies
Commentary (Magazine)
European Forum on Antisemitism
Harriet and Robert Heilbrunn Humanitarian Fund
Israeli Coalition for the Refugees of Darfur and Sudan
The Jewish People Policy Planning Institute
Koppelman Institute on American Jewish-Israeli Affairs
Latino and Latin American Institute
Lawrence & Lee Ramer Center for German-Jewish Relations
Martin Kimmel Young Leadership Institute
Project Interchange
Ramer Center for German-Jewish Relations
Thanks to Scandinavia
UN Watch
Z Word
United States Public Health ServiceOffice of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Food and Drug Administration
Health Resources and Services Administration
Indian Health Service
National Institutes of Health
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Office of Global Affairs
US/Public Health Service Commissioned Corps
European UnionEuropean Parliament
European Commission
Court of Justice of the European Union
European Central Bank
European Court of Auditors
Schengen Information System
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
European Environment Agency
European Training Foundation
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
European Medicines Agency
Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market
Community Plant Variety Office
Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union
European Maritime Safety Agency
European Aviation Safety Agency
European Network and Information Security Agency
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
European GNSS Agency
European Railway Agency
European Fisheries Control Agency
European Chemicals Agency
European Institute for Gender Equality
European Defence Agency
European Institute for Security Studies
European Union Satellite Centre
European Police College
European Police Office
European body for the enhancement of judicial co-operation
Fundamental Rights Agency
Body of European Regulators of Electronic Communications
European Systemic Risk Board
Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
European Banking Authority
European Securities and Markets Authority
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
European Asylum Support Office
European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom security and justice
Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation
Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
Executive Agency for Health and Consumers
Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency
Research Executive Agency
European Research Council Executive Agency
Euratom Supply Agency
European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy
European Institute of Innovation and Technology
European External Action Service
European Council
US/Department/AgricultureAgricultural Research Service
Agricultural Marketing Service
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
Economic Research Service
Farm Service Agency
Food and Nutrition Service
Food Safety and Inspection Service
Foreign Agricultural Service
Grain Inspection Packers and Stockyards Administration
National Agricultural Library
National Agricultural Statistics Service
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Risk Management Agency
Rural Business-Cooperative Service
Rural Utilities Service
Rural Housing Service
US/Forest Service
Department for TransportAir Accidents Investigation Branch
Marine Accident Investigation Branch
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency
Highways Agency
Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Vehicle Certification Agency
British Transport Police Authority
Northern Lighthouse Board
Passenger Focus
Trinity House Lighthouse Service
Civil Aviation Authority
US/Strategic CommandUnited States Fleet Forces Command
Army Space and Missile Defense Command
Marine Corps Forces Strategic Command
Air Force Global Strike Command
Air Force Space Command
US/Cyber Command
US/Air ForceAir Force Office of Scientific Research
U.S. Special Operations CommandJoint Special Operations Command
Special Operations Command – Joint Capabilities
United States Army Special Operations Command
United States Naval Special Warfare Command
Air Force Special Operations Command
United States Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command
AFRICOMU.S. Army/Africa
U.S. Naval Forces/Africa
Air Forces/Africa
U.S. Marine Corps Forces/Africa
U.S. Special Operations Command/Africa
Combined Joint Task Force/Horn of Africa
Saudi ArabiaAl Mukhabarat Al A'amah
NokiaBell Labs
Alcatel Mobile
US/Department/The TreasuryInternal Revenue Service
Bureau of Engraving and Printing
United States Mint
Office of Financial Institutions
Office of Financial Markets
Office of Fiscal Service
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Office of Financial Stability
Office of Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes
Office of Intelligence and Analysis
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
Office of Foreign Assets Control
Treasury Executive Office for Asset Forfeiture
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Broadcasting Board of GovernorsVoice of America
The Middle East Broadcasting Networks Inc.
Radio Free Asia
Radio Marti
TV Marti
Radio Free Europe
Radio Sawa
NATOSemantic Objects
Allied Clandestine Committee
North Atlantic Council
Defence Planning Committee
Nuclear Planning Group
Clandestine Planning Committee
NATO/Permanent Representatives and National Delegations
NATO/International Staff
NATO/Support and Procurement Agency
NATO/Standardization Agency
NATO/Communications and Information Agency
NATO/Science and Technology Organization
NATO/Air Traffic Management Committee
NATO/Military Committee Meteorological Group
International Board of Auditors for NATO
Banco AmbrosianoAmbrosiano Overseas Banco Ambrosiano Holding
American Security CouncilAmerican Foreign Policy Institute
Project for the New American CenturyAmericans for Victory Over Terrorism
British PetroleumAmoco
Department for Environment Food and Rural AffairsAnimal and Plant Health Agency
Centre for Environment
Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
Rural Payments Agency
Veterinary Medicines Directorate
G4S Secure SolutionsArmorGroup
G4S Secure Solutions
US/Department/StateExecutive Secretariat
Office of Global Intergovernmental Affairs
National Foreign Affairs Training Center
International Information Programs
United States Department of State Office of the Legal Adviser
Office of Management Policy
Chief of Protocol of The united States
Office of the Science and Technology Adviser
Office of the Senior Advisor for Civil Society and Emerging Democracies
Office of Global Criminal Justice
Bureau of Intelligence and Research
Bureau of Legislative Affairs
Bureau of Resource Management
Bureau of African Affairs
Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
Bureau of International Organization Affairs
Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs
Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs
Bureau of Administration
Bureau of Consular Affairs
Bureau of Diplomatic Security
Bureau of Human Resources
Bureau of Information Resource Management
Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations
Director of Diplomatic Reception Rooms
Foreign Service Institute
Office of Management Policy Rightsizing and Innovation
Office of Medical Services
Office of White House Liaison
Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs
Bureau of Energy Resources
Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs
Office of the Chief Economist
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Bureau of Public Affairs
Bureau of International Information Programs
Office of Policy Planning and Resources for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation
Bureau of Political-Military Affairs
Bureau of Verification Compliance and Implementation
Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations
Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor
Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration
Office of Global Youth Issues
Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons
Office of Global AIDS Coordinator
Department of State Air Wing
Bureau of Counterterrorism and Countering Violent Extremism
Global Engagement Center
United States Ambassador/United Nations
S. Rajaratnam School of International StudiesInternational Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research
Centre of Excellence for National Security
Asian Programme for Negotiation and Conflict Management
Aspen InstituteAspen Institute Italia
Aspen Institute Germany
Institut Aspen France
Aspen/Strategy Group
US/Marshals ServiceUS Marshals Chief of Staff
Equal Employment Opportunity
Financial Services Division
Office of Internal Communications
Office of General Counsel
Office of Professional Responsibility
Training Division
Human Resources Division
Information Technology Division
Office of Public and Congressional Affairs
Management Support Division
Asset Forfeiture Division
Judicial Security Division
Investigative Operations Division
Witness Security Division
Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System
Tactical Operations Division
Special Operations Group
Prisoner Operations Division
United States Geological SurveyUSGS Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility
Earthquake Hazards Program
National Volcano Early Warning System
National Geomagnetism Program
Astrogeology Research Program
USGS-Stanford Ion Microprobe Laboratory
National Streamflow Information Program
National Water-Quality Assessment Program
National Wildlife Health Center
Cabinet Office
Northern Ireland Office
National Crime Agency
Attorney General's Office
Department for Business Innovation and Skills
Department for Culture Media and Sport
Department for Education
Office of the Advocate General for Scotland
Office of the Leader of the House of Commons
Office of the Leader of the House of Lords
Scotland Office
UK Export Finance
Wales Office
Charity Commission for England and Wales
Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt
Competition and Markets Authority
Crown Prosecution Service
Food Standards Agency
Forestry Commission
Government Actuary's Department
Her Majesty's Land Registry
Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs
National Savings and Investments
Office for Standards in Education Children's Services and Skills
Office of Rail Regulation
Ordnance Survey
Public Works Loan Board
The National Archives
Treasury Solicitor's Department
UK Statistics Authority
UK Trade & Investment
Water Services Regulation Authority
UK Special Branch
UK/Ministry of Justice
UK/Ministry of Defence
UK/Home Office
UK/Supreme Court
UK/Department for Communities and Local Government
UK/Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
UK/Department for International Development
UK/Department for Transport
UK/Department for Work and Pensions
UK/Department/Energy and Climate Change
Lehman BrothersLehman Brothers Inc.
Neuberger Berman Inc.
Aurora Loan Services
SIB Mortgage Corporation
Lehman Brothers Bank
Eagle Energy Partners
Crossroads Group
Lehman Brothers/FSB
AustraliaAustralian Signals Directorate
Australia/High Court
BoeingAviall Services
Boeing Aircraft Holding Company
Boeing Australia
Boeing Canada
Boeing Capital Corporation
Boeing Commercial Space Company
Boeing Defence UK
Continental data graphics
Boeing Intelligence & Analytics
BAE SystemsBAE Systems Australia
Carlyle GroupBDM International
German Federal Foreign Office
Balli Group PlcBalli Aviation
CitiBranded Cards
Citi Private Bank
Citibank India
Citi Securities & Banking
Nikko Citigroup
Railmark Holdings
Salomon BIG
Sedna Finance
Lippo GroupLippo Village Lippo Cikarang
Lippo Homes Siloam Hospital
Lippo Malls Berita Satu Media
Matahari Department Store Cinemaxx
Bank National NOBU
Barclays BankBarclays Africa Group
BelgiumBelgian State Security Service
British-American TobaccoTekel
Bentoel Group
Souza Cruz
CIADirectorate of Intelligence
Operation 40
Directorate of Science and Technology
Directorate of Support
Bin Laden Issue Station
CIA/Directorate of Operations
Entertainment Industry Liaison
Special Collections Service
Directorate of Digital Innovation
CIA/Executive Office
National Resources Division
Special Activities Center
Directorate of Operations
CIA/International Organizations Division
United States Supreme Court
Executive Office of the President of the United States
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Election Commission
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Federal Maritime Commission
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
Federal Trade Commission
General Services Administration
International Trade Commission
National Archives and Records Administration
National Credit Union Administration
National Labor Relations Board
National Transportation Safety Board
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
National Science Foundation
Postal Regulatory Commission
Selective Service System
Small Business Administration
Social Security Administration
Surface Transportation Board
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
US/Office of Special Counsel
US/Postal Service
US/Department/Homeland Security
US/Department/Health and Human Services
US/Department/Housing and Urban Development
US/Department/Veterans Affairs
US/Department/the Interior
US/Department/the Treasury
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
US/Postal ServiceBoard of Governors of the United States Postal Service
United States Postal Inspection Service
United States Postal Service Office of Inspector General
Privy CouncilBoard of Trade
Cabinet of the United Kingdom
Privy Council/Judicial Committee
Deep state/Supranational natureSafari Club
Booz Allen Hamilton
UK/FCDOInformation Research Department
Public Diplomacy Policy Department
British Satellite News
London Radio Service
News Department
Islamic Media Unit
Public Diplomacy Board
Public Diplomacy Strategy Board
Engaging with the Islamic World
Wilton Park
Overseas Information Department
Empire Marketing Board
Information Department
Public Diplomacy Group
Public Diplomacy Department
Information Policy
London Correspondents Service
London Press Service
UK/FCOInformation Research Department
Public Diplomacy Policy Department
British Satellite News
London Radio Service
News Department
Islamic Media Unit
Public Diplomacy Board
Public Diplomacy Strategy Board
Engaging with the Islamic World
Wilton Park
Overseas Information Department
Empire Marketing Board
Information Department
Public Diplomacy Group
Public Diplomacy Department
Information Policy
London Correspondents Service
London Press Service
US/SenateBroadcasting Board of Governors
US/Senate/Special Committee on Aging
US/Senate/Committee on the Judiciary
US/Senate/Committee on Finance
US/Senate/Select Committee on Ethics
US/Senate/Committee on Armed Services
US/Senate/Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship
US/Senate/Committee on Veterans' Affairs
US/Senate/Committee on Rules and Administration
US/Senate/Committee on Health Education Labor and Pensions
US/Senate/Committee on Environment and Public Works
US/Senate/Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
US/Senate/Committee on Commerce Science and Transportation
US/Senate/Committee on the Budget
US/Senate/Committee on Banking Housing and Urban Affairs
US/Senate/Committee on Appropriations
US/Senate/Committee on Agriculture Nutrition and Forestry
US/Senate/Committee on Indian Affairs
US/Senate/Caucus on International Narcotics Control
US/Senate/Committee/Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
US/Senate/Committee/Foreign Relations
US/Senate/Select Committee/Intelligence
Federal Bureau of Prisons
National Institute of Corrections
Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives
Office of the Inspector General
US/Marshals Service
US/Department/The InteriorOffice of the Inspector General
Office of General Counsel
United States Geological Survey
Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance
Office of International Affairs
Office of Native Hawaiian Relations
Office of Restoration and Damage Assessment
Office of Policy Analysis
Office of Budget
Office of Financial Management
Office of Planning and Performance Management
FBMS Program Management Office
Office of Acquisition and Property Management
Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
Office of Human Resources
Office of Occupational Safety and Health
Office of Strategic Employee and Organizational Development
Office of Youth
Partnerships and Service
Office of Civil Rights
Information and Business Services
Office of Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution
Office of Valuation Services
Interior Business Center
Office of Hearings and Appeals
Office of Facilities and Administrative Services
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Resource Protection and Emergency Services
Office of Emergency Management
Office of Law Enforcement and Security
Office of Wildland Fire
Office of Aviation Services
Interagency Borderland Coordinator
Office of Natural Resources Revenue
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Office of Human Capital Management
Office of Planning and Policy Analysis
Office of Facilities Environmental and Cultural Resources
Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development
Office of Indian Gaming
Office of Self-Governance
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Office of Indian Services
Office of Field Operations
Office of Justice Services
Office of Trust Services
Bureau of Indian Education
Office of External Affairs
Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs
Office of Public Affairs
Office of Federal Acknowledgment
Office of Regulatory Management
Bureau of Land Management
Office of Surface Mining
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Bureau of Reclamation
Office of Insular Affairs
Office of the Solicitor
Office of Audits Inspections and Evaluations
Office of Management
Strategy Management Office
Federal Executive Boards
Interior Museum
National Indian Gaming Commission
National park
US/NavyOffice of Naval Intelligence
Headquarters Marine Corps
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
Task Force 157
Office of Naval Research
US/Marine Corps
Naval Criminal Investigative Service
United States Naval Academy
Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous DrugsBureau of Narcotics Covert Intelligence Network
GCHQComposite Signals Organisation
Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group
Joint Technical Language Service
UK National Cyber Security Centre
Electricidad de Caracas
Cabinet OfficeGovernment Procurement Service
National Security Council (United Kingdom)
Civil Contingencies Secretariat
Joint Intelligence Organisation
Strategic Horizons Unit
Overseas and Defence Secretariat
Office of Cyber Security & Information Assurance
Cabinet Office/MMU
Joint Intelligence Committee
Google Fiber
Nest Labs
Sidewalk Labs
US/Secret ServiceCanine Explosives Detection Unit
Countersniper Support Unit
Electronic Crimes Task Forces
Electronic Crimes Working Groups
Emergency Response Team
Magnetometer Support Unit
Uniformed Division
Operatiën en InlichtingenRevolutionary Anti-Racist Action
Westerflier Cult
Catharina Cult
Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Biologics Evaluation and Research
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Center for Tobacco Products
Center for Veterinary Medicine
National Center for Toxicological Research
Office of Criminal Investigations
Office of Regulatory Affairs
Federal Emergency Management AgencyCenter for Domestic Preparedness
US/Chamber of CommerceUS Chamber of Commerce Foundation
National Chamber Foundation
Center for International Private Enterprise
Nonprofit 501(c)(3)
Georgetown UniversityCenter for Peace and Security Studies
McDonough School of Business
Georgetown University/Law Center
Walsh School of Foreign Service
Center for Security PolicyCenter for Security Policy/National Security Advisory Council
Combined Joint Task Force 180
Central Command Forward - Jordan
Swedish Defence UniversityCentre for Societal Security
MI5Irish Joint Section
MI5/A Branch
MI5/B Branch
MI5/C Branch
MI5/D Branch
MI5/E Branch
MI5/F Branch
MI5/G Branch
MI5/H Branch
MI5/K Branch
MI5/T Branch
Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre
Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure
Henry Jackson SocietyCentre for the Response to Radicalisation and Terrorism
Communications Security EstablishmentChief of the Communications Security Establishment Canada
National Crime AgencyChild Exploitation and Online Protection Centre
University of LondonLondon School of Economics
University College London
University of London
King's College London
Queen Mary University of London
London Business School
School of Oriental and African Studies
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Royal Veterinary College
Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
Royal Academy of Music
Courtauld Institute of Art
Institute of Cancer Research
South African Defence ForceCivil Cooperation Bureau
Clinton FoundationClinton Global Initiative
The 61Coalition for Peace through security
Columbia UniversityColumbia Business School
Office of Scientific Research and DevelopmentManhattan Project
Committee on Medical Research
CanadaCommunications Security Establishment
Northern Ireland OfficeNorthern Ireland Information Service
Northern Ireland Prison Service
Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service
Compensation Agency
Forensic Science Agency
Youth Justice Agency
Concord Management and ConsultingConcord Catering
LLC Agat
LLC Megaline
National Public Order Intelligence UnitConfidential Intelligence Unit
CIA/International Organizations DivisionCongress for Cultural Freedom
US/CongressLibrary of Congress
Congressional Research Service
Congressional Budget Office
United States/Senate
University College LondonConstitution Unit
Control RisksControl Risks/Information Services
Executive Office of the President of the United StatesCouncil on Environmental Quality
Office of Management and Administration
Office of Management and Budget
Office of National Drug Control Policy
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Office of the Vice President of the United States
White House Office
Domestic Policy Council
Office of National AIDS Policy
Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation
White House Rural Council
Office of the Chief of Staff
White House Counsel
Office of Scheduling and Advance
Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs
Homeland Security Advisory Council
United States National Economic Council
Council of Economic Advisers
National Security Council
American Foreign Policy InstituteCouncil on Peace Through Strength
Operation GladioCounter-Guerrilla
Norway/Stay Behind
Greece/Stay Behind
France/Stay behind
Operatiën en Inlichtingen
UK/Stay behind
Spain/Stay behind
Sweden/Stay behind
FBI/Directorate of IntelligenceCriminal Justice Information Services
Critical Incident Response Group
Counterterrorism Division
FBI Police
UK/Ministry of JusticeThe National Archives
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority
Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service
Legal Aid Agency
National Offender Management Service
Office of the Public Guardian
Youth Justice Board
Criminal Cases Review Commission
UK/Supreme Court
US/Department/The ArmyCriminal Investigation Command
Atlantic Council of the United KingdomCyber Statecraft Initiative
Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security
US/Department/DefenseNational Security Agency
Office of the Inspector General
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
National Reconnaissance Office
Defense Logistics Agency
Missile Defense Agency
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Pentagon Force Protection Agency
National Defense University
National War College
Defense Information Systems Agency
U.S. Special Operations Command
National Guard Bureau
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Joint Staff
Office of Net Assessment
US/Department/The Army
US/Department/The Navy
Office of Special Operations
Influence and Perception Management Office
FranceDirection générale de la sécurité intérieure
Direction du renseignement militaire
Direction de la Protection et de la Sécurité de la Défense
Unité de coordination de la lutte anti-terroriste
Direction du Renseignement de la Préfecture de Police
Direction Nationale du Renseignement et des Enquêtes Douanières
Direction de la surveillance du territoire
DIAMilitary Intelligence Board
J2 Directorate for Intelligence
Directorate For Analysis
Directorate For Operations
Directorate For Science and Technology
Defense Combating Terrorism Center
DIA Americas Center
DIA Asia/Pacific Center
DIA Europe/Eurasia Center
DIA Middle East/Africa Center
Defense Clandestine Service
Defense Attaché System
Missile and Space Intelligence Center
National Center for Medical Intelligence
National Media Exploitation Center
Joint Intelligence Operations Center Europe Analytic Center
Joint Intelligence Center
National Intelligence University
Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance
Joint Forces CommandDefence Intelligence
Deutsche BankDeutsche Bank (Italy)
Pennsylvania State UniversityDickinson School of Law
Metropolitan PoliceMuslim Contact Unit
UK Special Branch
Metropolitan Police/Anti-Terrorist Branch
Special Demonstration Squad
Diplomatic Protection Group
GUSvyazinformsoyuz Company
Directorate for Space Intelligence
United Nations Transition Assistance Group
United Nations Council for Namibia
UN Secretariat
International Court of Justice
United Nations Institute for Namibia
UN/Office On Drugs and Crime
United Nations Department of Public Information
International Labour Organization
UN/General Assembly
UN/Human Rights Council
International Maritime Organization
UN/Disengagement Observer Force
UN/High Commissioner for Human Rights
UN/Institute for Disarmament Research
UN/Population Fund
EPAEPA/Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention
European External Action ServiceEUMS
Reed ElsevierElsevier
Reed Exhibitions
Reed Business Information
JPMorgan ChaseJ.P. Morgan Cazenove
Equity Partners
EuropolEuropean Counter Terrorism Centre
Council of EuropeEuropean Court of Human Rights
European Pharmacopoeia Commission
FBI/National Security BranchFBI Counterterrorism Division
FBI Counterintelligence Division
FBI Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate
Terrorist Screening Center
FBI/Criminal Cyber Response and Services BranchFBI Criminal Investigative Division
FBI Cyber Division
FBI Critical Incident Response Group
FBI International Operations Division
FBI Office of Law Enforcement Coordination
FBIFBI/Directorate of Intelligence
FBI/Criminal Cyber Response and Services Branch
FBI/National Security Branch
FBI/Human Resources Branch
FBI/Information and Technology Branch
FBI/Science and Technology Branch
Fabian SocietyYoung Fabians
Fabian Women's Network
Scottish Fabians
US/Department/Homeland SecurityUnited States Citizenship and Immigration Services
Federal Emergency Management Agency
National Protection and Programs Directorate
US Customs and Border Protection
US/Secret Service
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
US/Coast Guard
Germany/Ministry/InteriorFederal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
Federal Police (Germany)
US/Federal ReserveFederal Open Market Committee
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