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Document:Losing the Plot: reflections on the Gaza debate debacle24 February 2024ArticleJohn S WarrenBella Caledonia10,439It wasn’t the Nasty Nats that lost the plot. It was the Labour Party, and the Speaker. I trust they have now lost Scotland.
Document:Lucky Escapees from Pan Am Flight 10320 October 2018ArticleChristopher NicholsonSaturday Star14,181In this article, Judge Nicholson analyses in forensic detail conflicting claims that former foreign minister Pik Botha had been booked to travel on the doomed Pan Am Flight 103 which exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland, on 21 December 1988. The Judge's analysis concludes by asking whether UN Commissioner for Namibia Bernt Carlsson "was not the real target of those who put the bomb on Pan Am 103."
Document:M23 and the unseen high-tech genocide8 November 2013reportKeith Harmon-SnowConscious Being Alliance13,833Exposé of the criminal deceptions of Western NGOs and their sponsored African elites in the exploitation of African mineral resources
Document:MH-17 Mystery: A New Tonkin Gulf Case?17 July 2015articleRobert ParryConsortium News16,874A First anniversary retrospective drawing a compelling parallel with the 'Gulf of Tonkin incident' which became the casus belli for the Vietnam war.
Document:MH-17 Slips into propaganda fog9 July 2015articleRobert ParryConsortium News17,796Almost a year ago, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down over eastern Ukraine killing 298 people. Yet, instead of a transparent investigation seeking justice, the case became a propaganda game of finger-pointing, with the CIA withholding key evidence all the better to blame Russia
Document:MH17 And Other Traps To Avoid25 August 2015articleChristopher BlackNew Eastern Outlook11,643A follow-up to the author's article of 2 August 2015 on the same subject. The continuing propaganda and barefaced dishonesty of western politicians and media over the tragedy of MH17
Document:MH17 Tribunal. The Trap Russia Avoided2 August 2015articleChristopher BlackStrategic Culture Foundation7,041The trap being set by the July 2015 UK-proposed UNSC resolution to establish a UN Tribunal to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the shooting down of the Malaysian airliner - by an author with coal-face experience of these things
Document:MI5 DG Speech 16-9-1016 September 2010speechJonathan EvansMI519,843Speech by Jonathan Evans, as Director General of MI5, to the "Worshipful Company of Security Professionals" in October 2010. The "Worshipful Company" (ie livery company of the City of London) tag hints at the Masonic and occult nature of the British establishment in general and its Intelligence and security structures in particular.
Document:MI5 and MI6 pay out £12m to Britons held in Guantánamo11 August 2011webpageChristopher HopeThe Daily Telegraph423
Document:MI5 and the Christmas Tree Files1988book extractMark Hollingsworth
Richard Norton-Taylor
Document:MI6, Theresa May and the Manchester attack30 May 2017ArticleJonathan CookJonathan Cook/Website4,470And so the story of MI6 and Theresa May, their sponsorship of Islamic jihadism, and the likely “blowback” the UK just experienced in Manchester is a sleeping dog no one seems willing to disturb.
Document:MKULTRA Links To The Sandy Hook Assault20 December 2012articleYoichi ShimatsuRense22,906
Document:MPs given guide to spotting conspiracy theories10 May 2024ArticleMarianna Spring
Jennifer McKiernan
BBC7,196Penny Mordaunt has commissioned a booklet for MPs on conspiracy theories.
Document:MacGuire Denies Butler Charges20 November 1934reportMuckRock News7,143What was to become the US Deep state promoted official narrative of the Business Plot, that it never happened.
Document:Mackenzie Institute for the Study of Terrorism, Revolution and Propaganda, extract from The "Terrorism" Industry1990book extractEdward S. HermanThe "Terrorism" Industry1,796
Document:Maggie's Guilty SecretDecember 2013articleJohn Hughes-WilsonLobster Magazine10,202A brief resume of the Arms-to-Iraq affair by a former colonel on NATO's international political staff in Brussels. It revisits the abortive rescue of US diplomatic staff held hostage by Iran under President Carter, paving the way for the UK to supply arms to both sides in the soon-to-follow Iran-Iraq war in covert defiance of UN sanctions. The UK establishment has been engaged in a monumental cover-up ever since.
Document:Maintaining a Kakistocracy12 January 2015Blog post replyTjeerd AndringaThe Corbett Report5,030
Document:Making sense of the media cover-up of 9/1125 August 2010articleChristopher BollynChristopher Bollyn's Web site19,531
Document:Malala and Nabila - Worlds Apart3 November 2013articleMurtaza HussainAl Jazeera8,179A comparison of the treatments by Western Establishments of two young Pakistani women caught up in the 'War on Terror'; One of them treated as a hero, the other ignored.
Document:Mali speech to Belgian Parliament by Laurent Louis MP17 January 2012speechLaurent LouisAbundant Hope blog13,244
Document:Manchester Alleged Suicide Bomber Linked to Libya Islamic Fighting Group24 May 2017Article'Tony Cartalucci'Global Research12,778The British government is directly responsible for the Manchester Arena bombing. It had foreknowledge of LIFG’s existence and likely its activities within British territory and not only failed to act, but appears to have actively harboured this community of extremists for its own geopolitical and domestic agenda.
Document:Manchester atrocity: UK government must come clean about its relationship with Libyan Islamists6 June 2017ArticleMohamed El-DoufaniSHOAH14,719The perpetrator of the Manchester atrocity, British-born Libyan Salman al-Abedi, 22, is largely the product of the policy pursued by successive British governments – Conservative and Labour – towards Libya.
Document:Mandela: What the Obits Omit9 December 2013articleJim GoadTaki's Magazine12,417
Document:Mann ohne Kindheit - Vom Opfer zum TäterTextHeinz Michael Vilsmeier59,472
Document:Manning Memo 14 March 200214 March 2002memoDavid ManningCounterpunch4,445
Document:Manufacturing Dissent1 June 2008articleZahir EbrahimHuman Beings First16,868
Document:Manufacturing consent on "antisemitism"20 October 2016articleTony GreensteinFree Speech on Israel28,088Jeremy Corbyn's Labour party is the target throughout this ill-conceived, politically tendentious and risible Home Affairs Select Committee report entitled "Antisemitism in the UK". The presumption of innocence has been abandoned by lawyer Chuka Umunna and his Tory friends.
Document:Margaret Hodge reflects on Jeremy Corbyn16 August 2016interviewPeter HennessyBBC/Radio 43,095I know John McDonnell and Ken Livingstone. And I've known Jeremy Corbyn for 35 years when he first became the MP for Islington North and I was leader of Islington Council in local government. I know what they're about: they want the party to be a movement.
Document:Margaret Thatcher Ruined Britain30 December 2021blog postClifford ThurlowClifford Thurlow's blog10,112Margaret Thatcher ruined Britain with her hard-right policies and the five Conservative prime ministers, since her party knifed her in the back the Tory way, have carelessly kicked over the remains. Each has been worse than the last in descending order – John Major, David Cameron, Theresa May, liar Boris Johnson and finally Liz Truss, a puppet with a wooden heart and personal photographer.
Document:Maritime Battle Staff Information Warfare (IW) Study Day22 June 2018seminar descriptionIntegrity Initiative'Anonymous'10,025Information Warfare Study Day hosted by British Navy
Document:Marko Milosevic's letter to the organs of the ICTY and the UN regarding Judge Parker's investigation into the death of Slobodan Milosevic17 July 2006open letterMarko MiloševićSlobodan-milosevic.org9,902
Document:Masters of Persuasion2005articleDavid GuyattDeep Black Lies71,983
Document:Masters of metal30 July 2015articleRusticusStateless Homesteading27,235A startling and ominous analysis of progress towards an impending New world Order
Document:Matthew Gould and the Plot to Attack Iran14 November 2011webpageCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog342
Document:Mau Mau Seek Compensation from UK26 May 2009articleJean ShaoulWorld Socialist Web Site9,828
Document:Maurice Tugwell, extract from The "Terrorism" IndustryMarch 1990book extractEdward S. HermanThe "Terrorism" Industry8,469
Document:May 8 and the rehabilitation of Nazism in Germany12 May 2023ArticlePeter SchwarzWorld Socialist Web Site12,357One day after the start of the war in Ukraine, Germany launched the largest rearmament offensive since 1945. Like the US, it is steadily escalating its proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and is not even shying away from nuclear annihilation.
Document:McCormack–Dickstein Committee1934testimony,Congressional hearingMcCormack-Dickstein Committee249,453
Document:Media Freedom? Show me the MSM Journalist Opposing the Torture of Assange7 September 2020blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog8,723At a time when the government is mooting designating Extinction Rebellion as Serious Organised Crime, right wing bequiffed muppet Keir Starmer was piously condemning the group, stating: “The free press is the cornerstone of democracy and we must do all we can to protect it.”
Document:Media silent on dismissal of DNC suit against Julian Assange2 August 2019ArticleOscar GrenfellInternational Committee of the Fourth International10,238Judge Koeltl further undermined the claims of the Trump administration, the Democrats and the media that Julian Assange is a “hacker,” undeserving of First Amendment protections. In other words, the attempt to extradite Assange to the US and prosecute him is a frontal assault on the US Constitution and press freedom.
Document:Medical Challenge to the David Kelly Suicide Verdict14 March 2005statementDavid HalpinInformation Clearing House4,737
Document:Meet Team Trump12 November 2016ArticleJames CorbettThe Corbett Report14,046Trump supporters: Will you rally around the party flag as a new crew of neocons and banksters and establishment insiders step into their pre-ordained roles?
Document:Meet a Propagandist4 August 2011webpage'Tony Cartalucci'Land Destroyer Report277
Document:Meeting Note Moscow Stock Exchange Forum12 June 2017seminar descriptionIntegrity Initiative'Anonymous'8,335II, probably Victor Madeira or Perry Fawcett, attended a Russian business forum in London
Document:Meeting the Gaze of the Ghost in the Rubble28 February 2024ArticleGeorge GunnBella Caledonia14,191Meanwhile the ghost still looks out from the rubble of Gaza. Her stare searches across the ocean of our conscience like the beam of a lighthouse. The ghost in the rubble asks of us all: why can we not stop this madness and feed the people?
Document:Meetings in Greece Feb 201710 February 2017cluster meetingIntegrity Initiative'Anonymous'12,067Greek II collaborators discussing how to reorient Greek public opinion.
Document:Megrahi Obituary21 May 2012obituaryTam DalyellThe Independent9,807The day after Abdelbaset al-Megrahi died, Tam Dalyell opines that he was not the Lockerbie bomber.
Document:Memo To Prime Minister - Your Merchants of Death Are Cooking The Books17 October 1980articleDuncan CampbellNew Statesman30,532
Document:Message for the Red Wall12 April 2022blog postClifford ThurlowClifford Thurlow's blog8,339"This is my message for the Red Wall. If you reach a crossroads and your destination is to the left and by mistake you turn right, the further you travel along the wrong road the further you will move away from your destination. It is not easy to turn back, to change your mind. Sometimes, you have to in order to survive."
Document:Metropolitan Police on 'Chepiga' and 'Mishkin'12 October 2018blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog5,325I remain of the view that the best way forward would be for Putin to negotiate conditions under which Boshirov and Petrov might voluntarily come to the UK for trial