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Interest ofHBGary
A list of anonymously authored documents on this site.

For documents of (accidentally) unknown authorship, see Unknown. For the group called 'Anonymous', see 'Anonymous'.

This is not applied in cases where a pseudonym is given. Pseudonyms on Wikispooks are enclosed in single quotes, so the top of the list at Property:Has author is a convenient place to find a lost.

Below is an automatically generated list of documents where the author(s) have chosen to remain anonymous.


Documents by Anonymous

TitleDocument typePublication dateSubject(s)Description
Document:Eisenhower's Holocaustarticle22 June 2008Document:In Eisenhower's Death Camps
Other Losses
Dwight Eisenhower
Disarmed Enemy Forces
A brief introduction to the treatment of German military prisoners by the allied authorities in the 18-24 month period AFTER the German unconditional surrender in May 1945.
Document:How do Pedophiles get away with it?article19 October 2012The Pedophocracy
Mind control
Plausible deniability
Document:I am IsraelProse Poem6 November 2018Israel
A prose poem detailing the history of the displacement and dispossession of native Palestinians from their ancestral land, the destruction of their homes and the decimation of their livelihoods between 1947 and the present, by Zionist Israel and its enablers
Document:JVL statement on Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvisstatement28 November 2019"Antisemitism"
Jeremy Corbyn
Ephraim Mirvis
UK/General election/2019
The Conservatives have given us austerity as an organising principle of government and as a result we have proliferating food banks, people sleeping and dying on our streets, our social care system on its knees, and local council budgets and services decimated. So, Rabbi Mirvis, which party is threatening the soul of the nation?
Document:Omidyar-Greenwald-Rosenarticle15 December 2013Edward Snowden Affair
Pierre Omidyar
Glenn Greenwald
Document:The Occult Technology of PowerletterJune 1974Deep politics
Dynastic power
Money/Fractional-reserve banking
New Age
A letter and lecture transcripts addressed to a mature son from his father. Their purpose is to prepare the son for his taking the reins of a financial business empire.
Document:The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zionhistorical document1 January 1903"Antisemitism"
Judaic power
Famous - or infamous? - and remarkably prescient historical document from the early 20th century. It purports to represent the programs and methods to be employed to achieve Jewish domination over the Gentile world.
File:MH17Analysis.pdftechnical analysis6 August 2014Malaysia Airlines Flight 17Persuasive MH17 crash analysis demonstrating that, IF the aircraft was brought down by a 'Buk' SAM, then the missile could NOT have been fired from territory controlled by the DPR militia
File:September 11 Commission Report.pdfbook9-11
"9-11/Israel did it"
An anonymously authored ebook purporting to explain the motivation, genesis and execution of the 9/11 attacks.


Quotes by Anonymous

"Terrorism/Response"“It is critical to understand that the threat from groups historically seen as direct sponsors of terrorism such as ISIS/Daesh and the coordinated state efforts from Russia in recent years are linked.”6 August 2018Integrity Initiative/Leak/4
Jewish Daily Forward“The assessment was that Urban Moving Systems was a front for the Mossad and operatives employed by it. The conclusion of the FBI was that they were spying on local Arabs but that they could leave because they did not know anything about 9/11.”15 March 2002Jewish Daily Forward
NewsGuard“A new app claiming to serve as a bulwark against "disinformation" by adding "trust rankings" to news websites has links to a PR firm that received nearly $15 million to push pro-Saudi spin in US media, Breitbart reports. NewsGuard and its shady advisory board – consisting of truth-lovers such as Tom Ridge, the first-ever homeland security chief, and former CIA director Michael Hayden – came under scrutiny after Microsoft announced that the app would be built into its mobile browsers. A closer examination of the company's publicly listed investors, however, has revealed new reasons to be suspicious of this self-declared crusader against propaganda. As Breitbart discovered, NewsGuard's third-largest investor, Publicis Groupe, owns a PR firm that has repeatedly airbrushed Saudi Arabia.”29 January 2019Russia Today


Documents sourced from Anonymous

TitleTypeSubject(s)Publication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:ATA and YATA UK networks developmentassessment Greg Rowett and networkingAtlantic Treaty Association
Greg Rowett
26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Greg Rowett
Greg Rowett explaining how II has developed personal connections with Atlantic Treaty Association and Young Atlantic Treaty Association leaders from other nations, and been recognised and ratified as the UK chapter for both
Document:An assessment of RT in the Middle East and North Africa: April 2018reportAn assessment of RT in the Middle East and North Africa: April 201826 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Jassar Al-Tahat
An assessment of RT in the Middle East and North Africa: April 2018
Document:Brief on Monitoring Moldovan 2019 ElectionsBriefingMoldova
Election monitoring
Maia Sandu
26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Artur Gherman?
"As a conclusion, it is absolutely important for foreign missions and observers to start monitoring the Moldovan elections already now, since elections are made long before the voting date!"
Document:Building Governance in the Western Balkansproject proposalNGO
Influence networks
17 October 2018Euan Grant"The campaign will consider the digital landscape and the differing methods of coordinating on-line influencers, which could be through paid media, creative content or indirect 3rd party influencers". "Project risk: The proposed counter-measure narratives are themselves identified as external interference in WB6 countries"
Document:CND Gen list 2name listList of names and emails for CND Gen26 December 2018Integrity Initiativelist of names and email addresses of what seems to be intelligence workers/assets (CND is short for Christopher Nigel Donnelly)
Document:CND Integrity Initiative visit to Oslo, 29-31 Aug 2016scheduleNorway
Institute for Defence Studies
Northern Norway
Barents Observer
26 December 2018Integrity InitiativeDonnelly's travel itinerary to Oslo + meeting how to create cell in Norway
Document:China’s Strategy towards Europe: Implications and Policy Recommendations for EU Securityanalysis, policy recommendationsChina
21st century
26 December 2018Chris Donnelly
Samantha de Bendern
Alexander Finnen
Babak Ganji
Alan Riley
James Sherr
Celia Szusterman
Daniel Lafayeedney
David McOwat
Document:Chris Donnelly Recommendation for the Appointment or Extension of Tenure of an Honorary Colonel of a T/A Reserve Regional UnitRecommendation for Extension of Tenure of an Honorary ColonelChris Donnelly
Specialist Group Military Intelligence
26 December 2018Integrity InitiativeRecommendation for Extension of Tenure of an Honorary Colonel for Chris Donnelly working in Specialist Group Military Intelligence
Document:DK15 2016 The Institute for Statecraft PCInvoiceHungarian invoice to The Institute for Statecraft Integrity Initiative26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Political Capital Kfr
Document:DK6 2016 PC The Institute for StatecraftInvoiceHungarian invoice to The Institute for Statecraft Integrity Initiative26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Political Capital Kfr
Document:Discernment: Why information statecraft mattersstrategy documentCensorship
Information health
26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Chris Donnelly
Musings on how to keep media dominance and control young minds
Document:Discussion with Artur Gherman re the situation in Moldova, 28 01 2017DiscussionFreemasonry
26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Document:Donnelly Workshop Sept 19workshop participantsList of email addresses26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Document:Euan Grant ContributionsWikispooks PageEuan Grant Contributions8 May 2018Integrity Initiative
Euan Grant
Euan Grant telling how he plans to offer completed packages of material to professional bodies, print and online press
Document:Euan Grant – Areas of Expertise and KPIsself-assessmentEuan Grant26 December 2018Euan GrantEuan Grant's assessment of his areas of expertise and Key Performance Indicators
Document:FCO Disinformation update: Salisbury and SyriareviewDouma attack
Skripal Affair
"Russian Propaganda"
26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Andy Pryce
UK Foreign Office email, presumably to trusted pro-government journalists, with information as 'background for your own work'. Cliff notes on Douma, Skripal etc.
Document:FCO US Integrity Initiativesketching out a US II-networkRequest for US support26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Document:Forward Thinking Report - The potential relevance of the Ukrainian National Reform Council to the Tunisian Transitionpolicy adviceUkraine
"Arab Spring"
26 December 2018Integrity Initiativemaking the Tunisian economy more like Ukraine's
Document:Gyori lorant acc invoice 00719-16-MFEPrepayment requestMeeting loots of spooks/propagandists in Washington26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Document:Independent journalism in hostile places or How to report Repressive Regimes and survivereview of proposal of joint event with private (?) company26 December 2018Integrity InitiativeA spooky company called Foreign Desk Ltd suggest a joint event with the Integrity Initiative. The proposal has comments from II's Victor Madeira
Document:Institute for Statecraft Event Chinaevent planChina26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Document:Institute for Statecraft Event Nigeriaevent planningNigeria
77th Brigade
Donald Duke
26 December 2018Integrity InitiativeA strict security round table discussion with Donald Duke, very likely to be a candidate in the next presidential elections in Nigeria
Document:Institute for Statecraft Production timetable March-June 2016list of Armenians suspected of being Russian propagandistsFree University of Brussels
List of opponents
List of suspected Russian propagandists
26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Document:Integrity 2018 Moldova Cluster (1)strategy documentCorporate media
Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Moldova
26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Document:Integrity Initiative Serbian ClusterbudgetIntegrity Initiative/Cluster/Serbia26 December 2018Integrity Initiativebudget and activities of an Integrity Initiative influence network in Serbia
Document:Integrity Initiative Staff Paymentspayment listSalaries of British intelligence workers26 December 2018Integrity Initiativesalaries etc. of II staff members
Document:Introduction Banksproject proposalRussia
General Data Protection Regulation
June 2018Euan Grant"We shall be approaching a range of international banks and institutions, including the BBA and ABI, together with major accountancy firms. We will use the results of these discussions to inform academia, think tanks and central government in the UK, particularly NCA, HMRC and MOD. We will also seek to put our views and, with permission, those of others into the public domain in a range of countries."
Document:Introduction to Deloitte LLPintroduction letterRussia
June 2018Euan Grant"We shall be approaching a range of international banks and institutions, including the BBA and ABI, together with major accountancy firms. We will use the results of these discussions to inform academia, think tanks and central government in the UK, particularly NCA, HMRC and MOD. We will also seek to put our views and, with permission, those of others into the public domain in a range of countries."
Document:Invoice Eduard AbrahamyaninvoiceEduard Abrahamyan26 December 2018Integrity InitiativeInvoice from Eduard Abrahamyan for work performed
Document:Invoice Integrity Initiative ItalyinvoiceAtlantic Treaty Association
Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Italy
13 December 2018Atlantic Treaty Association
Fabrizio Luciolli
Invoice from the Italian Atlantic Treaty Association for the inaugural event of the Italian cell ('cluster') of the UK deep state faction, the Integrity Initiative, plus for a report on Russian influence in Italian elections. The inaugural event presumably took place in London.
Document:Invoice for 2 articles by Dan KaszetainvoiceIntegrity Initiative articles26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Dan Kaszeta
Invoice for 2 articles written by Dan Kaszeta for Integrity Initiative “Poison gas” and "Nerve agents and treatment”
Document:Moldova- suggested priorities for consideration by clusters and UK staff in light of recent and ongoing developmentsStrategy DocumentMoldova
Making and spreading of outputs
26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Document:My contributionself-assessmentCensorship
Chris Hernon
26 December 2018Chris HernonA self assessment by Chris Hernon of how he can help the the Integrity Initiative
Document:Nationbuilder Peoplename listList of media people26 December 2018Integrity Initiativelist of Nationbuilder people, ie journalists mostly in large media corporations
Document:Objectives, Tasks and Cluster activities and RelationshipsWikispooks PageBBC
Corporate media/Deep state control
Gordon Corera
Edward Lucas
Rob Sandford
Misha Glenny
Colin Freeman
Kevin Wignall
Matt Potter
Euan GrantEuan Grant lists an extensive list of willing collaborators. Intelligence people, non-fiction authors and lots and lots of media.
Document:Oligarchs and Corruption Proposed Programmeproject proposalCorporate media
June 2018Euan Grant"Early briefings of Press and media where Institute of Statecraft has particular links with the Times, Telegraph, Guardian and BBC TV and radio and specialist correspondents. Need to strengthen with the Mail." The document proves that Integrity Initative is not only influence network: "Use US and Canadian contacts to do likewise re powerful and influential North American networks."
Document:Outline Concept paper for IfS US programme v6 28 08 2017 (003)request for US supportIntegrity Initiative/Cluster26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Document:Pitch for a long-Form TV series about Russia in the 1990smedia strategy planningRussia
Media strategy
26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Chris Donnelly
Martha Bayles
Pitch for creating a long-Form TV series about Russia in the 1990s
Document:Post Trip Report Euan Grantpost trip reportChina26 December 2018Euan GrantA trip report by Euan Grant
Document:Post Trip Report Stratcom event 11-13th June 2018reportParticipants telling of several meeting with fellow information warriors in Riga26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Maria de Goeij
Charlie Hatton
Chris Hernon
Participants telling of several meeting with fellow information warriors in Riga, esp. British and Dutch. Ad bureau Saatchi working for US State Dept.
Document:Private List for Chris. (Possible Funders in Swittzerland)name listList of cutouts26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Chris Donnelly
This is a list of cutouts, seemingly 'independent' 'philanthropic' foundations financing intelligence work
Document:Private discussion with Gen Sir Richard BarronsreportFormer leader of British forces Richard Barrons telling of his worries for Britain and the British forces26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Chris Donnelly
Former leader of British forces Richard Barrons sketching out military needs. "The 1st offset in the 1950s was through nuclear weapons. The 2nd was precision munitions in the 1980s. The 3rd offset today is to use information technologies to build new capabilities".."The Army understands the importance of information warfare and 77 Brigade is right" ..So we should them [our allies], especially the US, to tell us what is expected of us."
Document:Research Proposal November 2018 Edelman Intelligenceproject proposalOpinion polling
26 June 2018Integrity InitiativeThe Institute for Statecraft would like to explore further work with Edelman Intelligence to understand changing perceptions and identify solutions on the issue of false information and Russian malign influence.
Document:Russian Federation (RF) Sanctionswanted sanctions strategyShopping list of desired sanctions26 December 2018Integrity Initiativeshopping list of desired sanctions, maybe written by an Ukrainian
Document:Russian hand in Dutch referendumassessmentFuture Dutch referendum on EU-Ukraine association April
6 2016
26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Jassar Al-Tahat
Even this document, presumably written by an Ukrainian, admits "Yet Russian information campaign is not in full swing in Netherlands."
Document:Russian propaganda and the US election SHORTanalysisRussia Today
Bill Clinton
Donald Trump
Sputnik News
26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Document:Russian-propagandistname listArmenia
List of opponents
26 December 2018Integrity InitiativeList of Armenians accused of being Russian propagandists
Document:September 20 Dinner Participant BiosbiographiesBiographies26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
Document:Simon Bracey – Lane Role Trajectory and Targetsreport26 December 2018Simon Bracey-LaneII--member Simon Bracey–Lane tells of his large role in developing cells ('clusters') in several countries, including USA. Lithuania, Greece. and Western Balkans (this is the guy who infiltrated the Bernie Sanders campaign)
Document:Social Media as a vector for propagandapaperPropaganda
Russia Today
Social media
26 December 2018Integrity Initiative
... further results
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