Property:Has child

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(Another new property)
(Stable with note)
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|comment=This property is used to assign children to their parents. It is inverse of [[Property:Has parent]] and code should reflect this.
|comment=This property is used to assign children to their parents. It is inverse of [[Property:Has parent]] and code should reflect this.
|domain=Pagenames of people
|domain=Pagenames of people
|range=Pagenames of their children
|range=Pagenames of their children
|note=Assigning a number, or other human readable descriptive ("e.g. 2 sons") is inconsistent, but ''not'' deprecated (and reflects Wikipedia's inconsistent use of this field)

Latest revision as of 08:58, 5 December 2015


Status: stable
This property is used to assign children to their parents. It is inverse of Property:Has parent and code should reflect this.|This property is used to assign children to their parents. It is inverse of Property:Has parent and code should reflect this.

RDF logic:
  • Subject:      Pagenames of people
  • Predicate:  Has child
  • Object:        Pagenames of their children (type Page)
    Note: Assigning a number, or other human readable descriptive ("e.g. 2 sons") is inconsistent, but not deprecated (and reflects Wikipedia's inconsistent use of this field)

2018 Pages use the property "Has child"

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Page nameHas child
Bob LivingstonRobert L III
David B
SuShan A
& 9 grandchildren
Maurice de RothschildEdmond Adolphe de Rothschild
H. G. Wells)
George Phillip "G. P." Wells
Frank Richard Wells
Anna-Jane Kennard (1909-2010
Anthony West
Marcus Goldman)
Julius Goldman Rebecca Dreyfuss
Rosa Sachs (married to
Julius Sachs
) Louisa Sachs (married to
Samuel Sachs
Henry Goldman
Sam Nunn)
2 (including
Charles Evans HughesCharles
4 (
Rodrigo Duterte)
4 (including
Gro Harlem Brundtland1
Roger Cook1
Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría Antón1
Joanna Shields1
Hunter S. Thompson1
Whitey Bulger1
Gerry Adams1
Albert Rivera Díaz1
Mike Pompeo1
David Ogilvy1
Nirj Deva1
Kristalina Georgieva1
James R. Thompson1
Marc Grossman1
Michel Barnier1
Gaston Thorn1
Bernie Sanders1
3 step-children
David Shulkin1
Natalie Portman1
Edith Schippers1
Lesley Stahl1
Elie Wiesel1
John Dean1
Alison Redford1
Ludwig Erhard1
Marion Blakey1
Priti Patel1
Mark Durkan1
Stella Creasy1
Mellody Hobson1
Heather Munroe-Blum1
Douglas Carswell1
Maajid Nawaaz1
Anthony Weiner1
Oscar Luigi Scalfaro1
Huma Abedin1
Alfred Denning1
Günther Oettinger1
Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson1
Charlie McCreevy1
Millie Weaver1 boy
1 girl
Mike Hancock1 son
1 daughter
Tamerlan Tsarnaev1 daughter
Mark Felt1 son
1 daughter
Stéphane Dion1 daughter
Cory Doctorow1 daughter
Abdelbaset al-Megrahi1 daughter
4 sons
Archie Norman1 daughter
C. Boyden Gray1 daughter
James A. McClure2 sons
1 daughter
Philip Graham1 daughter
3 sons
Britt Harris1 daughter
3 sons
Norman Baker1 daughter
John Thurso2 sons
1 daughter
Conrad Black2 sons
1 daughter
Douglas HurdNick Hurd
1 daughter
Tom Hurd
Alexander Hurd
1 other son
Jean Lambert1 son
1 daughter
Graham Watson1 daughter 1 son
Gene Sperling1 daughter 1 son
Alan Beith1 daughter 1 son
Emily Thornberry1 daughter 2 sons
Diane Abbott1 son
Nicky Morgan1 son
John Hickenlooper1 son
Paul Burstow1 son
2 daughters
Colin Figures1 son
2 daughters
Murray Edwards1 son
Ed Vaizey1 son
Michael Kempner1 son
2 daughters
Steven Symms1 son
3 daughters
Janet Yellen1 son
Helen Liddell1 son 1 daughter
Angela Smith (Sheffield MP)1 stepdaughter
Robert MenendezIncluding
1 stepdaughter
Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert1 stepson
Omar Abdel-Rahman10
Andrew Jackson10
Daniel Smith Donelson
Andrew Jackson Donelson
Mao Zedong10
Herbert Asquith10
George LansburyIncluding
Edgar Lansbury
Berel Lazar12: Bluma
Levi Yitzchak
Mobutu Sese Seko14
Sun Myung Moon16
Damian Collins1s
Nathan Mayer RothschildLionel de Rothschild
Charlotte Rothschild
Sir Anthony de Rothschild
1st Baronet
Nathaniel de Rothschild
Hannah Mayer Rothschild
Mayer Amschel de Rothschild
Louise Rothschild
Ashley Fox2
Mohammad Sarafraz2
Roger Stone2
Paschal Donohoe2
Walter Veltroni2
Andrew Parker2
Thomas Buberl2
Walter E. Fauntroy2
Wayne Fredericks2
Kelly Ayotte2
John Whittingdale2
Randall Stephenson2
Penny Pritzker2
Heinz Fischer2
Robert Mueller2
David Gergen2
Ben Bernanke2
Mehmet Ali Ağca2
Ari Fleischer2
Gavin Williamson2
Craig Stapleton2
Pierre Poilievre2
Stine Bosse2
Mark Lyall Grant2
Margot Wallström2
Sir Tony Robinson2
Tom Donilon2
Sharon Bowles2
Børge Brende2
Valerie Plame2
Ajit Pai2
Jan Björklund2
Enoch Powell2
John Urquhart Cameron2
Alan Paton2
Mario Draghi2
Mabel van Oranje2
Nigel Dodds2
Bob Schieffer2
David Miliband2
Max Spiers2
Amber Rudd2
Věra Jourová2
Naomi Wolf2
Paul Volcker2
Sean Spicer2
Philip Lane2
Joshua Rozenberg2
Joseph Muscat2
Ted Cruz2
Sarah Olney2
Walter Reuther2
Antonio Tajani2
Ernst Zündel2
Timothy Geithner2
Tom Cotton2
Christiaan Lindemans2
Bernard Cazeneuve2
Helmut Schmidt2
Oleg Deripaska2
Tom Watson2
Charles Michel2
António Costa2
William Reilly2
Chuck Hagel2
Jon Kyl2
Paul Bremer2
Jo Cox2
Dominic Grieve2
David McKay2
Marcus Agius2
James P. O'Neill2
Stephen Hastings2
Stephen Crabb2
William McKinleyIncluding
Ben Verwaayen2
Philip Gould2
Robert Shapiro2
Frank Gardner2
Erna Solberg2
Grover Norquist2
Peter Schiff2
Peter Ricketts2
Helmut Kohl2
Yitzhak Shamir2
Abraham Zapruder2
Tony Hall2
Keith Vaz2
Barack Obama2
Richard Shelby2
Jean-Claude Trichet2
Edward Teller2
Carlo Ciampi2
Jack Lew2
Oliver Dowden2
Ben Nighthorse Campbell2
Alistair Darling2
Andrew Hunter2
Federica Mogherini2
Ezer Weizman2
Jim Yong Kim2
Jyrki Katainen2
Franco Malfatti2
Louise Ellman2
John Key2
Guillermo de la Dehesa2
Susan Rice2
Vincent Bugliosi2
Joan Ryan2
Caspar Weinberger2
Lisa Howard2
John J. McCloy2
Ivan Glasenberg2
Gordon Campbell2
Stephen Kinnock2
Jemima Khan2
Keir Starmer2
Malcolm Turnbull2
Elish Angiolini2
Charles Schumer2
Jay Carney2
Diane Dodds2
George Stephanopoulos2
Ramzi Yousef2
Hugo Llorens2
Michael Fallon2
Alexis Tsipras2
Randolph Alles2
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer2
Cass Sunstein2
Margaret Hamburg2
Howard Dean2
William J. Bennett2
Jon Snow2
Christopher Wray2
Oliver Letwin2
Sean Parker2
Ed Miliband2
Horst Köhler2
Michael Gove2
Christine Varney2
Trevor Phillips2
Harold Goddijn2
Christine Lagarde2
Syed Kamall2
Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa2
Daniel Hannan2
Hwang Kyo-ahn2
Dido Harding2
Iain McNicol2
Pat Cox2
Andrew Adonis2
Jake Tapper2
Bourke Hickenlooper2
Kenneth Clarke2
Scott Walker2
Nick Harvey2
Max Levchin2
Muharrem Kayhan2
Rudy Giuliani2
Johann Schneider-Ammann2
Steve Webb2
Sergey Brin2
Michael Cardozo2
Danny Alexander2
Nina Burleigh2
Evan Bayh2
James Steinberg2
Richard Haass2
David Mellor2
Alejandro Daniel Wolff2
Jim McMahon2
Patrick McLoughlin2
Raymond Chretien2
Lord Levy2
Sadiq Khan2
Mona Sutphen2
Calvin CoolidgeIncluding
John Coolidge
George Entwistle2
Fernando Teixeira dos Santos2
Alan Clark2
Chris Grayling2
Diederik Samsom2
Michael Levy2
Radovan Karadžić2
Nikki Haley2
Caroline Lucas2
Don McGahn2
Vittorio Colao2
Kurt Georg Kiesinger2
Jeremy Varcoe2
Patricia Hewitt2
Moon Jae-in2
Arseniy Yatsenyuk2
Jan Schakowsky2
Reince Priebus2
Sheila Bair2
Peter Ammon2
John A.D. de Chastelain2
Ronald Kessler2
Sylvia Burwell2
Greg Hands2
Vera Graziadei2
David Baddiel2
Jo Johnson2
Richard Burr2
Fitzroy MacLean2
William Burns2
Meng Wanzhou2
Sheldon Whitehouse2
Louis J. Lefkowitz2
Alan Lake2
Ian Lavery2
James Hahn2
Joe Arpaio2
Mariano Rajoy2
John G. Roberts2
Helen Goodman2
Werner Faymann2
Damian Green2
Nihat Erim2
Robin Day2
George Monbiot2
Carles Puigdemont2
Hanja Maij-Weggen2 Daughters
Nadhim Zahawi2 Sons 1 Daughter
Frank Kearton2 boys
2 girls
Kajsa Ollongren2 children
Ernst Hirsch Ballin2 children
Tessa Jowell2 children 3 stepchildren
Michael Crick2 daughters
Fiona Hall2 daughters
Uri Rosenthal2 daughters
Ad Melkert2 daughters
Winston Churchill II2 daughters
2 sons
Philip Habib2 daughters
Andrew Henry William Brons2 daughters
Hans van den Broek2 daughters
Stephen Friedman2 daughters
Mike Penning2 daughters
Eric Schmidt2 daughters
Alan Rusbridger2 daughters
Myles Ambrose2 daughters
3 sons
Michael Ancram2 daughters
Wilbur Ross2 daughters
Philip Lader2 daughters
Pik Botha2 daughters
2 sons
William Perry2 daughters
3 sons
Helle Thorning-Schmidt2 daughters
Stephen Hadley2 daughters
Pamela Rendi-Wagner2 daughters
John Lipsky2 daughters 1 son
Jack Straw2 daughters 1 son
Tristram Hunt2 daughters 1 son
Barend Biesheuvel2 daughters and 1 son
Gayatri Galloway2 daughters and 1 son
John Mann2 daughters and 1 son
Hans van Mierlo2 daughters and 1 son
John Horam2 sons
John Prescott2 sons
Jim Tucker2 sons
Richard Holbrooke2 sons
Kirsten Gillibrand2 sons
Salman Rushdie2 sons
David Mundell2 sons 1 daughter
Jim Murphy2 sons 1 daughter
Harriet Harman2 sons 1 daughter
John Aspinall2 sons:
Bassa 1 daughter
2 stepsons: Jason
Osama bin Laden20
Jacob Zuma20
Nathan Rothschild (1st Baron Rothschild)Walter Rothschild
Charles Rothschild
2nd Baron Rothschild
Evelina Rothschild-Behrens
Clement AttleeLady Janet Shipton Lady Felicity Harwood
Martin Attlee
2nd Earl Attlee
Lady Alison Davis
F. E. SmithLady
Eleanor Smith
Frederick Winston Furneaux-Smith
2nd Earl of Birkenhead
Lady Pamela Smith
John Sullivan3
Andrea Leadsom3
Jenny Tonge3
Simon Coveney3
Steven Mnuchin3
Rand Paul3
Elco Brinkman3
Richard Ingrams3
Ronald Burkle3
Dana Rohrabacher3
Jérôme Monod3
Moshe Sharett3
Jeremy Hunt3
Geoffrey Howe3
Maurice Tempelsman3
Jeremy Corbyn3
John Kelly3
David Ignatius3
Carl Bildt3
Lawrence Lessig3
William Howard Taft IV3
James Pattison3
Thomas de Maizière3
Peter Ramsbotham3
Clifford Case3
Michèle Flournoy3
Arlene Foster3
Ben Wallace3
Ricky Tomlinson3
François-Xavier Ortoli3
Gustavo Cisneros3
Robert Strauss3
Claire McCaskill3
Aubrey McClendon3
Mark Steyn3
Chrystia Freeland3
Brad Wall3
Cathy McMorris Rodgers3
Stephen Barclay3
Peter Sutherland3
Norbert Röttgen3
Richard Goodwin3
Greg Hajdarowicz3
Donald Sterling3
Melanie Johnson3
Paul Gallagher3
Brian Leveson3
Greg Clark3
Lawrence Lindsey3
Kevin Rudd3
Tim Kaine3
William McMahon3
Malcolm Pearson3
Faith Ryan Whittlesey3
Yvette Cooper3
Vince Cable3
Rupert L. Pennant-Rea3
Robert Mercer3
Rona Fairhead3
Reed Hundt3
Binali Yıldırım3
Bill Kristol3
Robert Goodwill3
Mark Warner3
John Ashcroft3
Gordon Nixon3
Jerome Powell3
Sarah Sanders3
Devin Nunes3
John C. Whitehead3
Ben Carson3
Jason Furman3
Meg Hillier3
Caroline Spelman3
Maxime Verhagen3
Anders Fogh Rasmussen3
Brian Sandoval3
Alastair Campbell3
Tim Sweijs3
Alben Barkley3
Jeff Sessions3
Gina Miller3
Édouard Philippe3
Jozias van Aartsen3
David Owen3
Warren Hinckle3
Robert Day3
Jared Kushner3
Ehud Barak3
William Rehnquist3
Victor Cavendish Bentinck3
Mike Espy3
Barry Seal3
Joseph Deiss3
Carl Levin3
Haider al-Abadi3
Patrick Leahy3
Bill Gates3
Richard Darman3
Geoffrey van Orden3
Ed Balls3
John Smith3
Sarah Smith
Philipp Hildebrand3
Sylvie Goulard3
Pascal Couchepin3
Elżbieta Bieńkowska3
Manuela Ferreira Leite3
Peter Bottomley3
Cevdet Sunay3
Henri de Castries3
Terry Reed3
Rodrigo de Rato Figaredo3
Philip Lowe3
Rudyard Kipling3
Elsie Bambridge
John Kipling
Jeffrey Goldberg3
Peter Sissons3
Ivanka Trump3
Alan West3
Gina McCarthy3
Peter Hitchens3
... further results