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Concept.png Murder 
Interest ofMalcom Wallace

Murder, as used on this website, refers to the deliberate taking of human life. It includes the initiation of projects such as the Guatemala syphilis experiment, in which this may have been a byproduct rather than the primary result of the actions taken. Where death of a specific person was intended, we use the word "assassination". People whose death seems unnaturally early (or otherwise unlikely due to natural causes) are referred to as cases of "premature death".

Decreasing rate of clearup

US murder clearup rate 1965 2020.jpg

In the US, the rate at which murders are cleared up declined steadily from 91% in 1965 to 54% in 2020.[1]



Page nameMurderedDescription
1950s/MurdersMurder victims of the 1950s
1960s/MurdersMurder victims of the 1960s
1970s/MurdersMurder victims of the 1970s
1972 Munich massacreA famous attack on Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics.
1980s/MurdersMurder victims of the 1980s
1990s/MurdersMurder victims of the 1990s
2000s/MurdersMurder victims of the 2000s
2010 Gaza Freedom FlotillaA convoy delivering aid to Gaza. 9 of those aboard were murdered by the IDF.
2010s/MurdersMurder victims of the 2010s
2011 Tucson shootingA "lone nut" killing of Justice John Roll
2014 Ukraine coup/Odessa massacreEvents in Odessa culminating in the deaths of 48 (official narrative) and up to 120 (evidence-based alternative narrative) anti-Kiev Junta demonstrators by fire, gun-shots and beatings in and around the Odessa Trade Union building on 2 May 2014
2016 Magnanville stabbingPresident Hollande called it “incontestably a terrorist act” and said France was facing a terror threat “of a very large scale”
2018 Gaza MassacreA massacre of at least 135 unarmed protestors including many women and children, and the wounding of many thousands more by Israeli IDF sniper teams, during the Palestinian 'Great March of Return' and the weeks following its end on 15 May 2018
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine/Premature deathPremature deaths of mostly Russian businessman during and around when the Russian invasion commenced. There may be Ukrainian and others as well. As the list grows, it appears the men are being targeted in dozens of western countries as well.
2023-2024 Israel-Hamas WarHamas attack on dozens of illegal Israeli settlements in Southern Israel provoking mass retaliatory killings by Israel. Corporate media call it the Israeli "9-11", while critics of Israel refer to "10-7" as a staged, military operation in order to manufacture consent for a disproportionate response.
Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuseTop level sanctioned torture on US prisoners, both to gather information about the effects of torture on victims and perpetrators as well as to intimidate and sew dragon's teeth.
Air India Flight 182The biggest mass killing in Canadian history. Bomb blast brought a plane down off the coast of Ireland.
Annecy shootingsA mysterious shooting which was generally avoided by the corporate media.
AssassinationAssassination is the extra-judicial killing of particular people, often indicative of deep politics at work. Illegal under most legal systems, the Western commercially controlled media has recently been introducing a euphemism for this: if carried out by "us" (Western democracies such as the USA) against "them" (demonized bogeymen), the preferred term is "targeted killing", the legality of which goes unquestioned.
Assassination of the Marquesses of UrquijoMurder of prominent Spanish bank owners in 1980
Bentalha massacreAlgerian civil war massacre, where GIA, the group which took responsibility, might have been infiltrated and taken over by the Algerian government.
Boston Marathon bombingsA suspicious bombing with an even more suspicious attempt at a clean up - including the murder of Ibragim Todashev while in police custody.
CaracazoPolice massacre of 2-3000 people after protest against collapsing neoliberal economy.
Copper Green'Copper Green' was one of several codewords for a US Black Ops program, formed with the direct approval of the then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who reportedly told special access members to “Grab whom you must. Do what you want.”
Donald Trump/Assassination attempt in PennsylvaniaAn assassination attempt on Donald Trump in 2024, missing his skull by a few inches.
El Mozote Massacre
Gibraltar shootingsThe execution of all 3 members of an IRA 'active service unit' (ASU) by British SAS soldiers in Gibraltar on 6 March 1988. Government files on the SAS shootings that should have been made available in 2015 for public scrutiny are being withheld by the Cabinet Office, which is accused of suppressing ‘politically sensitive information’.
Guatemala syphilis experimentA murderous experiment which infected healthy subjects with syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid and possibly other diseases.
Human sacrificeDoctrine or ideology driven ritual murder
J. D. Tippit/MurderAn accessory murder to the JFK assassination
JonestownThe People's Temple cult, in Jonestown, lead by Jim Jones. In 1978 hundreds of members were poisoned by drinking a cyanide laced drink.
June 2009 Washington Metro train collisionA train accident which some consider a murder, since it eliminated a high ranking witness to the events of 9-11.
Killing of Don Henry and Kevin IvesThe murder of two kids who have witnessed criminal activity.
Montesi case
Nice truck eventFrench vehicle-ramming attack in Nice on 14 July 2016. It was filmed by Richard Gutjahr, who 8 days later filmed the shooting in Munich.
Phoenix ProgramA clandestine CIA research project into the use of terror as a means of social control. Techhniques from South East Asia, were later developed in Latin America
Plasma Economy3 million poor donors from rural china get asked to donate blood in very unsafe blood banks. 1,2 million get AIDS.
RFK/AssassinationThe assassination of Robert Kennedy, who had resolved to bring to track down and prosecute the killers of him brother, JFK, once he had himself become president.
Ruby Ridge
Russian apartment bombingsA 'Russian 9/11' which boosted support for the second war that was launched in Chechnya
Sharpeville massacreSouth African police shot and killed 69 people and injuring 180 others, who had been protesting apartheid.
Snuff filmFilms in which people get murdered
Soham murders
Stephen Lawrence/MurderHome Secretary Theresa May branded the revelations about the Lawrence case, some 21 years after the murder, as "profoundly shocking and disturbing", adding that "policing stands damaged today". She said the full truth had yet to emerge.
Sétif and Guelma massacreLarge French colonial massacre in 1945.
Taksim Square massacre
TiananmenA Chinese mass protest in hundreds of cities turned violent. Questions remain about the sequence of events, CIA involvement and the scope of the aftermath after a media blackout occurred as media were mentioning threats of civil war to be increasing. Chinese media banned the mentioning of the event entirely, while atrocity stories are trotted out regularly by Western corporate media to maintain an enemy image.
Tuskegee syphilis experimentA murderous experiment which looked at the progression of syphilis. Subjects were told that they were being treated, while in fact treatment was denied them. Exposed after 40 years by a whistleblower who went to the press.
Vietnam War/My Lai MassacreThe systematic, cold-blooded murder, butchery and rape of 504 Vietnamese civilians including 173 children by a company of 115 US army soldiers.


Murder victims on Wikispooks

Charles-Victor Bracht7 March 1978
Francisco Caamaño16 February 1973Dominican soldier and politician who tried to change things. Captured and summarily executed with the assistance of the CIA.
Roland Carnaby29 April 2008A senior spook who was shot by a Houston police officer following a high speed motor car chase and died of his wounds.
Ronni Chasen16 November 2010Shot and killed while driving home from the premiere of the film 'Burlesque'.
Jo Cox16 June 2016Jo Cox was a UK politician murdered in the run up to the 2016 EU Referendum. Echoing the assassination of Sweden's Anna Lindh, the event appears not to have greatly influenced the outcome, and was officially carried out by a "lone nut".
Jill Dando26 April 1999A high profile BBC TV presenter shot dead in front of her house.
Dilawar10 December 2002A taxi driver who was in the wrong place at the the wrong time. Tortured while in US custody and dead within the week. A leaked autopsy revealed "homicide", but the US authorities have not taken any action in this regard.
Joseph Fenton26 February 1989Belfast man killed by the Provisional IRA (IRA) for acting as an informer for the Royal Ulster Constabulary's (RUC) Special Branch
Evo FernandesApril 1988Le Cercle attendee, Murdered in unclear circumstances.
Valentine Fleming20 May 1917
Yvonne Fletcher17 April 1984Yvonne Fletcher was shot dead while on duty during a protest outside the Libyan embassy on 17 April 1984, cue for the breakdown of diplomatic relations between the UK and Libya. In 2017 a decision was announced not to prosecute her murder on grounds of "national security".
Matthew Gannon21 December 1988CIA officer killed in the Lockerbie Bombing
Jeff German3 September 2022Murdered journalist in Las Vegas
David GrahamSeptember 2006David Graham was a dentist who became suspicious after meeting two of the "19 hijackers". He reported being first ignored and then threatened by the FBI. He compiled a large report of his investigations into why the FBI were ignoring his warnings. Poisoned.
Cyrus Hashemi21 July 1986Spooky arms dealer, Iran-Contra/Premature death
Ashley Henley15 June 2021Former state legislator
Dexter Jacobson14 August 1990
George F. Baker Jr11 December 1977A "prominent socialite" shot dead in 1977. 1001 Club. His son was presumed dead after flying a small plane.
David Kelly17 July 2003Dr David Kelly, a biological weapons expert who died in highly suspicious circumstances
John Douglas Kinser22 October 1951
Jim Koethe21 September 1964Violently murdered in September 1964 in his Dallas apartment, before he could finish his book on the JFK Assassination.
Karyn Kupcinet28 November 1963
Stephen Lawrence22 April 1993
Leonie26 June 2021A 13 year old Austrian girl who was brutally murdered by migrants in June 2021. Coverage of her death was minimal due to a media blackout.
Mikhail Lesin5 November 2015Credited with creating US enemy no.1 Russia Today; died mysteriously in Washington DC, officially ruled an accident by "a series of drunken falls."
Chandra Levy22 May 2002Murdered Washington intern. Congressman Gary Condit was prime suspect, but case pinned on a Salvadorean immigrant who had the case dropped in a retrial. The case is still officially unsolved.
Mary MahoneyJuly 1997White House intern murdered randomly just as she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the Clinton White House
Viktoria Marinova6 October 2018Marinova was an investigative journalist. After an interesting segment on alleged fraud with EU funds by businessmen and politicians - promising to uncover more about those individuals next week - Marinova was murdered in the most popular place for joggers in the city of Ruse. Although deemed a rape and murder, some of her belongings have never been found.
Philip Marshall2 February 2013A CIA pilot who published two popular and insightful books on 9-11. He was found shot dead with his children.
Jean Charles de Menezes22 July 2005Shot dead by UK police 2 weeks after the 7-7 bombings. Police originally lied about the circumstances, and might never have admitted the truth if Lana Vandenberghe had not blown the whistle and revealed the real chain of events.
Mary Pinchot Meyer12 October 1964Wife of Cord Meyer, lover of JFK, murdered in 1964.
Daniel Mitrione10 August 1970US policeman turned spook who taught torture techniques to police in South America.
Simon Monjack23 May 2010Film director husband of Brittany Murphy who died under odd circumstances within months of his wife's mysterious death.
Baha Mousa16 September 2003An Iraqi civilian tortured to death by UK soldiers.
Jonathan MoyleMarch 199028-year-old editor of the magazine 'Defence Helicopter World' when he was found dead in a Santiago Hotel in March, 1990
Brittany Murphy20 December 2009A famous Hollywood actress who died in December 2009 under odd circumstances. Who killed Brittany Murphy? Was it mold or murder?
Robert Nairac15 May 1977British soldier who was abducted and killed by the IRA in 1977 while visiting a bar in South Armagh.
Rosemary Nelson15 March 1999Northern Irish human rights lawyer who was killed by a Loyalist paramilitary group in 1999.
Amiram Nir30 November 1988Mossad Iran Contra figure who was murdered in 1988 and whose documents were subsequently mopped up by unidentified spooks.
John O'Neill11 September 2001A respected and sincere opponent of "terrorism" who faced opposition in trying to investigate the U.S.S. Cole attack and who was the FBI's leading expert on Al Qaeda. Later made Head of Security for the World Trade Center, where he was killed on his first day at work, September 11th, 2001.
Mino Pecorelli20 March 1979"Maverick journalist with excellent secret service contacts" shot dead in Rome a year after former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro's 1978 kidnapping and subsequent killing.
Salvatore PrinciottaMay 2007A 9/11 firefighter who was murdered.
Brian Downing Quig16 June 2003Deep politics researcher who publicised CIA drug trafficking. Fatal hit by a car in 2003.
Rey Rivera24 May 2006
Christopher Rodway17 November 2000British victim of the 2000 Riyadh Bombing
John Roll8 January 2011A judge shot less than 72 hours after ruling against US government
Johnny Roselli7 August 1976Mobster for the Chicago Outfit. Died just before the HSCA.
James Rusbridger16 February 1994UK spook who died under suspicious circumstances. Officially a suicide during sex game.
Leo Ryan18 November 1978A known critic of the CIA who was murdered in Jonestown, Guyana.
Rubén López Sabariego30 September 1961Cuban bus driver tortured and killed at US naval base Guantanamo
... further results


Related Quotations

Rodrigo Duterte“Just because you’re a journalist you are not exempted from assassination, if you’re a son of a bitch. Freedom of expression cannot help you if you have done something wrong...The constitution can no longer help you if you disrespect a person.”Rodrigo Duterte
George Orwell“[A] world in which it is wrong to murder an individual civilian and right to drop a thousand tons of high explosive on a residential area does sometimes make me wonder whether this earth of ours is not a loony bin made use of by some other planet.”George Orwell31 December 1943


Official examples

"Bucha massacre"
Brabant MassacresA set of murders between 1982 and 1985, in which 28 people died and 40 were injured. It became Belgium's most notorious unpunished crime spree.


Convicted of Murder

Mehmet Ali Ağca9 January 1958TurkeyAssassin
Mark David Chapman10 May 1955USPatsyThe convicted but probable controlled patsy killer of John Lennon.
Timothy McVeigh23 April 196811 June 2001USSoldier
Security guard
James Earl Ray10 March 192823 April 1998PatsyCharged by the US government for the killing of Martin Luther King. He died in jail having never had a trial.
Ilich Ramírez Sánchez12 October 1949
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