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This SMWObject has status "stable". Wikispooks currently has 1392 pages which use Template:Event (1128 with a description and 285 of them Stubs).

The object for things that happened.

Recent Edits

Event Event

Event.png REX-84 1 October 2024 22:54 (11 K) Wikipedia-26px.png New.png
Event.png Operation Garden Plot 1 October 2024 05:59 (4.3 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Sandy Hook.jpg Sandy Hook 28 September 2024 23:17 (15 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Event.png Halifax International Security Forum/2020 28 September 2024 16:04 (5.5 K) Stub.png
Crocus City Hall 220324.jpeg 2024 Crocus City Hall attack 28 September 2024 15:24 (7.3 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
2016 Istanbul airport attack.jpg 2016 Istanbul airport attack 28 September 2024 15:18 (1 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Event.png 1960s/Counterculture 27 September 2024 13:08 (832 bytes) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png
Event.png Air India Flight 101 27 September 2024 05:15 (4.2 K) Wikipedia-26px.png

This is a list of all the WikiSpooks pages which use Template:Event.


An example

Page nameStartEndTypePerpetratorOfficial PerpetratorDescription



Page nameStartEndTypePerpetratorOfficial PerpetratorDescription
"1973 Oil crisis"October 1973March 1974Bilderberg/1973A huge rise in the price of oil, very probably created by attendees of the 1973 Bilderberg.
"2014 Ukraine coup/Anti-Terrorist-Operation"15 April 201424 February 2022Olexander Turchynov, as acting President of Ukraine, announced the start of "anti-terrorist operation" against Donbas protestors in 2014.
"2022 German coup d'état plot"Federal Office for the Protection of the ConstitutionFar-right terroristsAfter "The Storming of the Reichstag" in 2020, another - fictional - attempt to overthrow the German government in 2022.
"Arab Spring"December 2010June 2012A neologism coined by western Establishments to describe a series of allegedly 'popular uprisings' that occurred throughout the Arab world from December 2010 through to around mid-2012 and which were planned triggered and orchestrated by western Deep State interests using well developed 'Colour revolution' methodologies.
"Bucha massacre"1 April 20221 April 2022Russia
"COVID-19/Response"The "response" to COVID-19 event appears to have been coordinated globally to effect social change and economic reasons.
"Debt crisis"1980Financier
"Economic crisis"Economic crises are pretty regular events, and are depicted as quasi-natural phenomena such as earthquakes or floods, as if everyone loses as a result of such phenomena. However, real wealth is not destroyed, but is transferred from the financially poor to the financially rich.
"Gulf of Tonkin Incident"2 August 19644 August 1964US/NavyVietnamTwo faked attacks used by the USA as a casus belli to commit ground forces to the Vietnam War.
"I wish I'd gotten the vaccine"2021After "vaccine hesitancy" became noticeable, corporate media were flooded with tales of "anti-vaxxers" now ruing their choice. "I wish I'd gotten the vaccine" are their last words, wheezed out almost inaudibly from the death bed.
"Indian rivers swollen with bodies"May 2021May 2021To further the COVID-19 agenda, corporate media reported of Indian rivers overflowing with corpses, implied of people dead of Covid.
"Iran-Contra"Porter Goss
Robert Mueller
Dick Cheney
George H. W. Bush
Adnan Khashoggi
Richard Secord
David Kimche
Richard Armitage
Farhad Azima
Khalid bin Mahfouz
The cabal
A drug trafficking/weapons smuggling operation carried out in the 1980s with the approval of the top of the US government.
"Jubilee Plot"AssassinationFrancis Millen
Thomas Callan
Michael Harkins
An attempt by Irish nationalist patsies to assassinate Queen Victoria and her Cabinate during her Golden Jubilee thanks giving service at Westminster abbey on 20 June 1887
"Kosovo student poisoning"22 March 199022 July 1990The alleged poisoning of thousands of Kosovan young people by toxic gases or substances in 1990. It came in the run-up to the Kosovo War and gained lots of coverage in the international press.
"Overwhelmed Intensive Care Units"March 20202022From the beginning of the COVID-19 deep event came a drumroll of messages of overwhelmed Intensive Care Units (ICUs). In the large majority of cases, this was a lie. Revealingly, most countries have not increased number of ICU beds
"Refrigerated morgue trucks"March 2020April 2020A recurring theme in the COVID-19 media manipulation was suggestive images of refrigerated trucks because morgues were overflowing.
"Smart city"A prison-city with an algorithm as warden
"Strike Hard Campaign"2016A research project into repressive social control carried out against Chinese Muslims.
"The Holocaust"19411945Mass murder
Ethnic cleansing
Slave labor
Adolf Hitler
Heinrich Himmler
Reinhard Heydrich
Adolf Eichmann
In its capitalized form "The Holocaust" refers in the Western world to the treatment of the Jewish populations of Germany and German occupied territories during WW2 (1939-45). Its use in this format stems from about the mid-1960's (i.e. more than 20 years after the events it claims to define). It does not appear in histories or documents before that time.
"The Storming of the Reichstag"Attempted false flag incident, where police agents provocateurs attempted to incite a small crowd of right wing protesters to storm Parliament, in an attempt to smear a larger COVID-dissident demonstration the same day.
"The pictures from Italy"March 2020April 2020At the beginning of the global lockdowns in March 2020, pictures of piles of coffins in Northern Italy being transported away in convoys of army trucks under the cover of night, became probably the most important images to justify hard measures.
"War on Drugs"18 June 1971A social control strategy that provides a lot of off-the-books funding for the US Deep state in particular. As a strategy of tension, it has served to scapegoat minorities and is used as a pretext for social militarization and the removal of civil liberties.
'A Gay Girl In Damascus'19 February 201112 June 2011PsyopA false media personality to create a mood in Western liberal opinion for regime change in Syria
1-3-30 PlanApril 2020Rockefeller FoundationA Rockefeller Foundation sponsored large scale surveillance proposal and simulation. Held April 2020
1902 Colonial Conference19021902
1907 PanicOctober 1907November 1907John D. Rockefeller
J. P. Morgan
The Money Trust
John D. Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan conspired to remove opposition to control of the US money system by the money trust.
1910 Jekyll Island meeting19101910The money trustA secret meeting at Jekyll Island, attended by six men who conspired to privatise the US money system for control of the "money trust".
1916 Easter rising24 April 191629 April 1916James Connolly
Patrick Pearce
Thomas Clarke
Thomas MacDonagh
Sean McDiarmada
Eamon Ceannt
Joseph Plunkett
1919 Paris Peace Conference18 January 1919June 1919
1926 United Kingdom general strike3 May 192612 May 1926General Council of the Trades Union Congress
1929 Wall Street Crash24 October 192929 October 1929US/Deep stateA dramatic end to the "roaring twenties" - a huge wealth grab by the superrich
1947 BSAA Avro Lancastrian Star Dust accident2 August 19472 August 1947Air disasterA mysterious plane crash incident dating back to 1947 which killed all on board, the wreckage was not found till 51 years later.
1948 Arab–Israeli War15 May 194810 March 1949
1948 BSAA Star Ariel disappearance17 January 194917 January 1949Air disasterA plane that disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle in 1948, remains unsolved
1948 Hague Congress7 May 194811 May 1948Józef Retinger
Duncan Sandys
Landmark conference which had a profound influence on the shape of the European Movement. Many of the groups organizing the conference received covert funding from the CIA.
1948 Palestine war19481948
1956 Hungarian Uprising23 October 19564 November 1956
1960 Turkish coup d'étatCoup led by the Turkish section of the stay-behind Gladio network
1971 Turkish coupThe Turkish military threatened to coup unless a new government was established
1972 Munich massacre5 September 1972 04:31:006 September 1972 00:04:00Murder
Mass murder
Hostage taking
Black SeptemberA famous attack on Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics.
1977 Hanafi Siege9 March 197711 March 1977
1980 Camarate air crash4 December 19804 December 1980CIA
Frank Sturgis
José Esteves
Farinha Simões
A covert assassination of Adelino Amaro da Costa, to cover up the October surprise conspiracy.
1980 Turkish coup d'état
1980s Afghan war24 December 197915 February 1989Another episode of the Soviet Union and US imploding a third world country from inside by fuelling a civil war with weapon smuggling. Afghanistan has yet to recover.
1981 Dutch Cabinet crisis19811982PM Dries van Agt was set-up (after a decade-long power struggle) to work with a lot of deep politicians, spooks, Israel's liaison Joop den Uyl, the Dutch Operation Gladio boss, a corrupt royal family and NATO. He never had a chance.
1981 Libyan hit squad scareMuammar GaddafiAn imaginary "hit squad of terrorists" sent to Washington by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to assassinate President Reagan
1982 Lebanon War6 June 1982June 1985An Israeli invasion of Lebanon. They militarily occupied some of the country until 2000.
1983 Beirut barracks bombingsMass murder
Suicide Bombing
Truck bombs
1984 Libyan Embassy Siege19841984
... further results


An official example

Attempted Coup of the Libertarian Party of New HampshireJune 2021June 2021Jilletta JarvisAn event in June 2021.
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