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Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value ""The most controversial justice of his time."". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 126 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Mossad  + ("Mossad" (Hebrew for Institute) is an abbreviation for ha-Mossad le-Modiin ule-Tafkidim Meyuhadim (Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks). It is the [[Israel]]i State Agency with overall responsible for external intelligence and covert operations.)
  • World Fellows Program/2006  + ("Most exciting is their potential for future leadership on the global stage," said Program Director [[Daniel C. Etsy]].)
  • Gary George Gray  + ("Mr Gary George Gray has been appointed in a total of 438 companies. Mr Gary George Gray is no longer active in 437 of these appointments.")
  • Fritz Ermarth  + ("Mr. Ermarth planned and organized interagency multicrisis simulations designed to test Community management knowledge and skills. He led a special interagency team studying intelligence strategy and management for the future.")
  • Document:Labour costs pass £500,000 in hearing over leaked antisemitism report  + ("Much of the [[Labour Party]]"Much of the [[Labour Party]] machinery from 2015-18 was openly opposed to [[Jeremy Corbyn]], and worked to directly undermine the elected leadership of the party...from winning elections to building a functioning complaints and disciplinary process" – Summary of leaked internal report (page 29).mmary of leaked internal report (page 29).)
  • Jeffrey Goldberg  + ("Netanyahu's faithful stenographer")
  • Ben Nimmo  + ("Nimmo is a former spokesperson for NATO, who has essentially dedicated his career to fear-mongering about Russia.")
  • National Security Agency  + ("No Such Agency". Spook agency working closely with Silicon Valley)
  • Document:Pierre Omidyar: giving until it hurts  + ("No billionaire media mogul is ever going to be in the service of working people, no matter how much rhetoric about freedom of speech is deployed in the promotion of his or her product...")
  • Arthur Sackler  + ("No single individual did more to shape the character of medical advertising than the multi-talented Dr. Arthur Sackler. His seminal contribution was bringing the full power of advertising and promotion to pharmaceutical marketing.")
  • Lockheed  + ("Nobody is doing a better job of arming the world than Lockheed-Martin")
  • Kees van der Pijl  + ("Not Saudis, [[9-11/Israel did it|Israeli]]s blew up Twin Towers with help from [[Zionist]]s in [[US]] govt")
  • Edward Korry  + ("Not a nut or bolt shall reach Chile under Allende. Once Allende comes to power we shall do all within our power to condemn Chile and all Chileans to utmost deprivation and poverty")
  • Document:Nicola Sturgeon – Used and Discarded  + ("Numerous sources have reported in the las"Numerous sources have reported in the last few days that [[Police Scotland]] have now been given the go ahead by the [[Crown Office]] to pursue a criminal case over the £600,000 missing money. That seems the most likely explanation for the timing of [[Nicola Sturgeon]]'s resignation today."[Nicola Sturgeon]]'s resignation today.")
  • John Helmer  + ("Old school Moscow-based foreign correspondent")
  • Michael Jon Hand  + ("One of Australia's most wanted fugitives" now living in Idaho, USA.)
  • Burton Kanter  + ("One of Chicago's most prominent-and controversial-tax attorneys")
  • George Carlin  + ("One of the greatest political pundits in American history", a comedian who developed an interest in [[deep politics]] towards the end of his life.)
  • Charles Murray  + ("One of the most influential social scientists in America", AEI, Bilderberg)
  • Meyer Lansky  + ("One of the most notorious gangsters in th"One of the most notorious gangsters in the history of American organized crime and is notable for being the only famous mobster rising to notoriety in the 1920s who managed to die an old man and never serve a day in jail" because he had blackmail material on [[J. Edgar Hoover]].[[J. Edgar Hoover]].)
  • Emergent BioSolutions  + ("One of the most politically-connected yet scandal ridden vaccine companies in the United States")
  • Nicholas Fairbairn  + ("One of the most powerful men in Scotland" and [[UK/VIPaedophile]])
  • Brand Fourie  + ("One of the most remarkable diplomats South Africa ever produced")
  • John Deuss  + ("One of the most successful international wheeler-dealers of recent decades" who lived "a charmed life on the edge" with help from the UK and US deep states)
  • Max Cleland  + ("One of the only vigilant members of the 9/11 Commission", who resigned and denounced it as a cover-up.)
  • Hanif Qadir  + ("One of the very first specialist Prevent/CVE Intervention Provider. Engaged & Mentored 100's of High risk & those at risk individuals.")
  • 2011 Attacks on Libya  + ("Perhaps one of the most egregious examples of US military aggression and lawlessness in recent memory", carried out under a pretext of "[[humanitarian intervention]]".)
  • Fred Matser  + ("Philanthropist" who has been called "the Dutch [[Bill Gates]]".)
  • Mexico  + ("Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States!")
  • Juan María Nin Génova  + ("Prestigious Spanish banker with great international influence". 5 Bilderbergs)
  • Ralph Reed  + ("Preternaturally boyish spear carrier for the religious right")
  • Richard McCormack  + ("Primary focus" on "geopolitics and the global economy".)
  • Richard McCormack  + ("Primary focus" on "geopolitics and the global economy".)
  • Richard McCormack  + ("Primary focus" on "geopolitics and the global economy".)
  •  + ("Progressive" website producing [[enemy images]], owned by the same man who owns "fact checker" [[Snopes]])
  • Dmytro Kolomoiets  + ("Promotion of Folgat's Defense and Security Solutions to Ukrainian and international markets.")
  • Josh Arnold-Foster  + ("Provide advice on political and governmental defence and security policy development to a range of clients in the defence and aerospace sector")
  • Veracity Worldwide  + ("Provides highly developed business intelligence". Spooky connections.)
  • Brandi Vann  + ("Quite possibly one of the most important people in the world during the Covid pandemic)
  • Christopher Curwen  + ("Regarded as a safe pair of hands."<sup id="cite_ref-dorrill753_1-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-dorrill753-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • US/Department/State/International Visitor Leadership Program  + ("Remarkably prescient when it comes to guessing who might one day govern the planet")
  • Sinking of The Maine  + ("Remember the Maine" - a sudden sinking the nature of which remains subject to debate)
  • Ian Pannell  + ("Reporting on major news stories around the world with particular focus on the Middle East, in particular Syria.")
  • Elaine Birch Ruffell  + ("Responsible for identifying & containing threats to sources, staff & operations; and assessment of security clearances")
  • John Bourn  + ("Ringside seat" to the [[Al-Yamamah|Al-Yamamah arms deals]])
  • Elly Schlein  + ("Rising star" of Italian politics with heavy deep state backing.)
  • Dominic Waghorn  + ("Routinely amplifies the views of the UK government in its military and foreign policies and provides almost no serious attempts to independently scrutinise or criticise them")
  • Kakistocracy  + ("Rule by the worst.")
  • Kleptocracy  + ("Rule by thieves.")
  • "Russian Propaganda"  + ("Russian Propaganda" is much talked about recently by NATO-aligned countries.)
  • Saak Karapetyan  + ("Russian deputy attorney general" who reportedly died in a [[helicopter crash]])
  • Kseniya Kirillova  + ("Russian dissident journalist and expert on [[Russian Propaganda|Russian propaganda]] and disinformation" who was a member of the [[Integrity Initiative]].)
  • David Leask  + ("Russophobe nutter" journalist who has been openly working with the [[Integrity Initiative]])
  • Lowell Jacoby  + ("Saddam Hussein appears determined to retain his WMD and missile programs.")
  • John Scott Redd  + ("Scott Redd may be the most important person you've never heard of.")
  • Randall Stephenson  + ("Screw the customers, I'm taking care of the shareholders...")
  • Kingsley Donaldson  + ("Senior Associate Fellow" of the [[Institute for Statecraft]]. His specialism was listed as "Security Sector Reform, Conflict Resolution".)
  • Document:Civil Liberty Vanishes  + ("Serious questions have to be asked about "Serious questions have to be asked about why the [[UK government]] has developed its [[NHSX app|own unique app]], universally criticised for its permanent central data collection and ability to identify individuals from their unique codes. That this is overseen by NHSX CEO [[Matthew Gould]] who held all those secret meetings with [[Liam Fox]] and [[Adam Werritty]], including with [[Mossad]], frankly stinks."[[Mossad]], frankly stinks.")
  • Anthony Cooke  + ("Shipowner", member of the UK Privy Council, director of the [[Institute for Statecraft]])
  • Thomas Bata  + ("Shoemaker to the World", ran the Bata Shoe Company from the 1940s until the 1980s. 3 Bilderbergs from [[Bilderberg/1985|1985]] to [[Bilderberg/1990|1990]].)
  • Document:The Korea issue is now in the hands of the BRICS  + ("Simon says: 'There's a 7½-hour flight fro"Simon says: 'There's a 7½-hour flight from the [[BRICS|BRICS summit in Xiamen, China]] to [[North Korea|Pyongyang, North Korea]] so if [[Sergei Lavrov]] and the Chinese FM took that flight together to meet [[Kim Jong-un]], it would have huge impact, and get the ball rolling on dialogue'."t, and get the ball rolling on dialogue'.")
  • Roy Welensky  + ("Sir Roy Welensky was blamed for [[Dag Hammarskjöld]]’s plane crash at [[Ndola]]")
  • Document:Jeremy Corbyn’s Coventry speech on Brexit in full  + ("So I appeal to MPs of all parties, prepared to put the people’s interests before ideological fantasies, to join us in supporting the option of a new [[UK]] customs union with the [[EU]], that would give us a say in future trade deals.")
  • Document:The Challenge of Brexit to the UK  + ("So, if we consider what qualities and cha"So, if we consider what qualities and characteristics we need in those whom we select for leadership today, in a period of rapid and profound change, in all sorts of institutions – government departments, big companies, the NHS - the conclusion is that we need to look for people who have abilities that suit a wartime environment"... Leadership understands that in a period of tumultuous change you cannot control, you have to command..."ou cannot control, you have to command...")
  • Chris Donnelly  + ("Special Advisor for Central and Eastern European Affairs")
  • Chip Berlet  + ("Spends 99 percent of his time attacking the people who have actually exposed U.S. Government crimes and cover-ups, and one percent of his time exposing them".)
  • Babak Ganji  + ("Strategic analysis education, with the job description as "Russia-MENA influence and infowar strategy and tactics" at the [[Institute for Statecraft]])
  • Mark McClellan  + ("Streamlined" regulatory requirements for new drugs.)
  • Fritz Ermarth  + ("Studied global trends such as the revolution in military affairs, globalization of economics and culture, the development of post-communist societies, and the internal problems of advanced industrial democracies.")
  • Khairy Jamaluddin  + ("Success of vaccination drive ensures 98% of Covid-19 cases are mild")
  • Khairy Jamaluddin  + ("Success of vaccination drive ensures 98% of Covid-19 cases are mild")
  • Helric Fredou  + ("Suicide" while working on the [[Charlie Hebdo case]])
  • Kuan-Teh Jeang  + ("Suicidied"?)
  • Katharine Klačanský  + ("Support in identifying and maintaining re"Support in identifying and maintaining relationships with potential retail and brand experience clients on a national and international level.</br>• Coordinating and managing the entire process from client acquisition to contract signing." In Prague, Czechia. to contract signing." In Prague, Czechia.)
  • Thomas Clines  + ("Ted Shackley's career-long deputy and sidekick")
  • User:Robin  + ("Terror drills" are not just about ''preparing'' people for terror. This page examines many incidents of "[[terrorism]]" with co-incident drills, allowing a disturbing bigger picture to emerge.)
  • Richard Titley  + ("Terror expert" and "project facilitator" for the Institute for Statecraft. Director of [[Epic (Integrity Assured)]] since 2015)
  • Peter Pomerantsev  + ("Terror expert" mentioned in the Integrity Initiative Leak)
  • Michael S. Swetnam  + ("Terror expert" who founded the [[Potomac Institute for Policy Studies]] in 1994, sat on the board of several armaments companies, and was "passionate about national security".)
  • Michael Leiter  + ("Terrorism expert" with revolving door in [[military-industrial complex]]. In 2011 Leiter joined [[Palantir Technologies]]. His role was stated to be to develop and optimize market strategy.)
  • Karl Rove  + ("That’s not the way the world really works anymore. We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.")
  • World Fellows Program/2012  + ("The 2012 fellows were selected from a global pool representing thousands of innovative difference makers.")
  • Nicole Junkermann  + ("The Epstein Associate Nobody's Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS")
  • Arthur Mensch  + ("The European hope for [[AI]]", formerly of Google. [[Bilderberg/2024]])
  • Régine Zylberberg  + ("The French [[Jeffrey Epstein]]")
  • Joseph Stiglitz  + ("The Globalizer Who Came In From the Cold")
  • Irving Kristol  + ("The Godfather of [[Neoconservatism]]")
  • Paul Castellano  + ("The Howard Hughes of the Mob")
  • Richard Caring  + ("The Lex Luthor of Mayfair" and big donor to the [[Clinton Foundation]])
  • Jamie Dimon  + ("The Most Admired Banker In The World", close to [[Epstein]]. [[Global Leaders for Tomorrow/1996]]. Since 2005 head of [[JPMorgan Chase]])
  • Vatican Bank  + ("The Most Secret Bank In the World" that has used "[[sovereign immunity]]" in court.)
  • University of California/Santa Cruz  + ("The Most Stoned Students...on the Most Stoned Campus on Earth.”)
  • Labour Next Generation/2021 and 2022  + ("The Next Generation Programme offers ambitious and talented councillors an unparalleled political development opportunity")
  • File:Pilgrims.pdf  + ("The Pilgrims Society is a cluster of intermarried old-line rich, royals and robber barons who created the world’s financial structure.")
  • Boutros Boutros-Ghali  + ("The UN Secretary General the West Loved to Hate")
  • Theodore Kaczynski  + ("The Unabomber" is officially responsible for one of the early terrorism bombings attacks on US soil.)
  • Alfreda Bikowsky  + ("The Unidentified Queen of Torture")
  • World Fellows Program/2005  + ("The Yale World Fellows Program has created a vibrant network of leaders spanning more than 50 countries around the world," said Yale President [[Richard Levin]].)
  • Lester Suffield  + ("The [UK] government's chief arms salesman")
  • Document:Why Much of the Global South Isn’t Automatically Supporting the West in Ukraine  + ("The [[BRICS]]"The [[BRICS]] are not imposing sanctions on [[Russia]] nor supplying arms to the opposing side. While [[Russia]] is the biggest supplier of energy and foodgrains for the [[Global South]], [[China]] remains the biggest supplier of financing and infrastructure projects to them through the [[Belt and Road Initiative]]. And now [[Russia]] and [[China]] are closer than ever before because of the war."oser than ever before because of the war.")
  • Document:The Israel-US game plan for Gaza is staring us in the face  + ("The [[corporate media|western media]]"The [[corporate media|western media]] is pretending [[the West]]’s efforts to secure a ceasefire in [[Gaza]] are serious. But a different script has clearly been written in advance by [[Israel]] and the [[United States]]. Our job is to do everything in our power to stop them making their plan a reality."to stop them making their plan a reality.")
  • Document:Building Governance in the Western Balkans  + ("The campaign will consider the digital la"The campaign will consider the digital landscape and the differing methods of coordinating on-line influencers, which could be through paid media, creative content or indirect 3rd party influencers". "Project risk: The proposed counter-measure narratives are themselves identified as external interference in WB6 countries"as external interference in WB6 countries")
  • University of Alabama  + ("The capstone of the public school system in the state of [[Alabama]]")
  • Herzliya Conference/2007  + ("The conference examined the array of dangers, threats and difficulties [[Israel]] has faced since early 2006, identified a broad web of problems in all of the fundamental strata upon which national security is based, and proposed strategies for action.")
  • WEF/Annual Meeting/1980  + ("The constantly changing world")
  • Giancarlo Elia Valori  + ("The current leaders of the 'contemporary Freemasonry'" in Italy.)
  • David Frasca  + ("The cutting edge of the U.S. Government's pre-September 11 do nothing policy in regards to Al Qaeda terrorists.")
  • Document:Condemnation of mass killings in Gaza  + ("The deliberate targeting of civilians by "The deliberate targeting of civilians by the [[IDF|Israeli army]] – inside the territory of [[Gaza]] – constitutes a [[war crime]] and crime against humanity. Those responsible must be brought to justice – in conformity with the Statute and on the basis of the jurisdiction of the [[International Criminal Court]] (ICC) of which [[Palestine]] is a State Party."stine]] is a State Party.")
  • Tony Abbott  + ("The delicate balance between freedom and security may have to shift"...)
  • Task Force Alpha  + ("The deniable link between authorized military operations and the unauthorized activities of the [[Central Intelligence Agency]].")
  • James Jesus Angleton  + ("The dominant counterintelligence figure in the non-communist world", according to Richard Helms, DCI.)
  • Germany  + ("The economic powerhouse of [[Europe]]" - [[Germany]] dominates the [[European Union]].)
  • Ronald Cohen  + ("The father of British venture capital")
  • Leo Strauss  + ("The father of neoconservatism")
  • James Burnham  + ("The first neoconservative", spooky propagandist philosopher)
  • File:Economics in a full world.pdf  + ("The global economy is now so large that society can no longer safely pretend it operates within a limitless ecosystem. Developing an economy that can be sustained within the finite biosphere requires new ways of thinking...")
  • James Boasberg  + ("The go-to judge if you don’t want something released to the public")
  • Afghanistan  + ("The graveyard of empires" - Afghanistan has a reputation for undoing ambitious military ventures and humiliating would-be aggressors.)
  • David Sassoon  + ("The greatest Drugs Kingpin in the history of the world.")
  • Document:The Origins of Labour’s Civil War  + ("The greatest difficulty that the anti-Corbyn MPs, the media and the Tories all share is a fact that they simply cannot stomach: Jeremy Corbyn is the most popular politician in Britain.")
  • Document:15 times when Jeremy Corbyn was on the right side of history  + ("The important thing is how we bring about peace, not posturing. You do not bring about peace in any part of the world without talking to people you don't agree with." (#SundayPolitics, 19 July 2015))
  • Operation Demagnetize  + ("The institutional hardening of Gladio", an expansion of Gladio in the late 1940s, early 1950s.)
  • Savings and loan fraud  + ("The largest theft in the history of the w"The largest theft in the history of the world", carried out in broad daylight, with legislative assistance. So many US politicians were directly or indirectly involved, that it was never properly exposed and efforts are ongoing to try to hide the fact that it was no mere accident.ide the fact that it was no mere accident.)
  • Sean Parlaman  + ("The leading anti-pedophile activist of his generation")
  • Marshall McLuhan  + ("The medium is the message")
  • Madeleine McCann  + ("The most heavily reported missing person case in modern history")
  • Gerald James  + ("The most important and high-level whistleblower in the defence industry")
  • Eric Rouleau  + ("The most influential journalist covering the Near East, not only in [[France]], but around the world." Wrote a working paper entitled ''The West, The Gulf and The Iraqi-Iranian War'' for the [[1984 Bilderberg]], but is not listed among the attendees.)
  • Robin Day  + ("The most outstanding [UK] television journalist of his generation.")
  • John Serpico  + ("The most significant Chicago [[labor leader]] to be convicted on corruption charges in years.")
  • The Guardian  + ("The neo-con warmongers’ house journal")
  • Document:The Economics of Incarceration  + ("The number of people imprisoned under state and federal custody increased 772% percent between 1970 and 2009, largely due to the incredible influence private corporations wield against the American legal system...")
  • Gemstone File  + ("The original mega-conspiracy theory")
  • California Club  + ("The people who own [[Los Angeles]] belong to the California Club.")
  • Gary Sick  + ("The point man in the White House dealing with Iran" under Jimmy Carter. Wrote a working paper for the [[1990 Bilderberg]]. Exposed [[October surprise]] in 1991.)
  • Iraq Inquiry  + ("The point of the delay is to give the impression Chilcot has been absolutely painstaking and therefore the bucket of whitewash he will throw cannot be hiding anything. Do not be fooled." ([[Craig Murray]]))
  • Document:Death Wish 2023  + ("The practical problem with [[James Sherr]]"The practical problem with [[James Sherr]]’s call for total war is that [[Ukraine]] really does not have the population numbers to sustain to victory a total war against [[Russia]]. It is just going to run out of people, as indeed the much trumpeted counteroffensive appears to have done."ed counteroffensive appears to have done.")
  • Avril Haines  + ("The proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing". Possible central figure in several major psy-ops, including [[Russiagate]] and [[COVID-19]].)
  • Document:Nicholas Katzenbach on the importance of reassuring the US public about Oswald  + ("The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial. Speculation about Oswald's motivation ought to be cut off...")
  • WEF/Annual Meeting/2019  + ("The reality is that we are in a [[Cold War II|Cold War]] [against China] that threatens to turn into a hot one.")
  • Document:Antidote to Privatisation is Public Ownership  + ("The report recommends progressive taxatio"The report recommends progressive taxation and democratisation of corporations, so that they serve the interests of communities and people rather than just shareholders and executives. It recommends that essential industries, such as energy, be brought into [[public ownership]]. It shows that there is very little cost associated with bringing energy, and other essential industries, into [[public ownership]]."[[public ownership]].")
  • School  + ("The reproductive organ of the [[consumer society]]", coming to resemble [[prison]]s more and more closely, especially in USA, where attempts have been made to criminalize those who feed the hungry or comfort the afflicted.)
  • Divesh Makan  + ("The spider of Silicon Valley" big money manager and "consigliere" to billionaire, especially [[Mark Zuckerberg]].)
  • Oxford University/St Antony's College  + ("The spook college"...)
  • Holger Münch  + ("The still high incidence of punishable hate posting shows a need for police action.")
  • Gerhard Schindler  + ("The timing and circumstances of his departure [from his job as [[BND/President]]] are puzzling.")
  • Giulio Andreotti  + ("The ultimate insider of Italian political life", who as Italian Prime Minister publicly confirmed the existence of Operation Gladio)
  • Robert Califf  + ("The ultimate pharma insider")
  • Tiny Rowland  + ("The unpleasant and unacceptable face of capitalism" (PM Edward Heath in 1973))
  • Document:This largely pointless EHRC investigation has been welcomed by Labour  + ("The upside of all this is that it may wel"The upside of all this is that it may well lay to rest the continual [[Zionist]] refrain that [[Labour Party|Labour]] and [[Jeremy Corbyn|Corbyn]] are an [[anti-Semitic]] party. What it is unlikely to do in my view is derail the [[Jeremy Corbyn|Corbyn]] [[John McDonnell|McDonnell]] project - it's just a bump in that particular road."it's just a bump in that particular road.")
  • Project 25  + ("The utopian [[American]] dream for the elites")
  • Political party  + ("The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.")
  • Samantha Lewthwaite  + ("The world's most wanted woman", stated the ''[[Daily Mail]]'' in 2018.)
  • Document:Establishing a modern perspective - Nation-State vs Network State  + ("The...requirement is for the organisation"The...requirement is for the organisation to be able to get its message across, to ensure that the Government and the people understand that they are actually engaged in one (or more) instability, like it or not." Chris Donnelly believes “we are at war, but with peacetime attitudes."are at war, but with peacetime attitudes.")
  • Document:Your Man in the Hague (In a Good Way) Part 2  + ("These two days in [[the Hague]]"These two days in [[the Hague]] were absolutely crucial for deciding if there is any meaning left in notions of [[international law]] and [[human rights]]. I still believe action by the Court could cause the [[US]] and [[UK]] to back off and provide some measure of relief. For now, let us all pray or wish, each in our way, for the children of [[Gaza]]."[[Gaza]].")
  • Document:Vladimir Putin announces Special Military Operation in Ukraine  + ("They did not leave us any other option fo"They did not leave us any other option for defending [[Russia]] and our people, other than the one we are forced to use today. In these circumstances, we have to take bold and immediate action. The people’s republics of [[Donbass]] have asked [[Russia]] for help."Russia]] for help.")
  • Max Beloff  + ("Think-tanks can be important in bringing about a change in broad public perceptions..." British historian who founded the University College of Buckingham, now the [[University of Buckingham]].)
  • World Fellows Program/2014  + ("This innovative program continues to represent the very best of Yale’s efforts to educate and inspire future leaders.")
  • Document:Appleby launches legal action against ICIJ’s UK partners  + ("This is a potentially dangerous moment for free expression in Britain" – [[Gerard Ryle]])
  • Document:Message for the Red Wall  + ("This is my message for the [[Red Wall]]"This is my message for the [[Red Wall]]. If you reach a crossroads and your destination is to the left and by mistake you turn right, the further you travel along the wrong road the further you will move away from your destination. It is not easy to turn back, to change your mind. Sometimes, you have to in order to survive."metimes, you have to in order to survive.")
  • Document:Craig Murray - Political Prisoner of the British State  + ("This is selective prosecution. This is political persecution. And I have no doubt whatsoever that I go to jail as a political prisoner" (extract from [[Craig Murray]]'s speech two days before going to [[Edinburgh]]'s Saughton Jail).)
  • Document:The new alliance between anti-vaxxers and the far right is a deadly threat  + ("Though they claim to be “peaceful”......b"Though they claim to be “peaceful” setting themselves up as the victims of [[genocide]], the [[anti-vaxxers]] give themselves permission to threaten [[violence]].....Those behind the “[[COVID-19|crime]]” are said to include governments and the [[World Economic Forum]] (WEF)" because the real ''fascists'' are the ones that oppose oppressive government mandates and forced injections.government mandates and forced injections.)
  • Larry Potts  + ("Training"?)
  • Double agent  + ("Turned" agents that are often used to transmit [[disinformation]] or to identify other agents as part of [[Counterintelligence|counter-espionage]] operations)
  • George Herbert Walker Jr.  + ("Uncle Herbie" had close relations with later US President [[George Herbert Walker Bush]])
  • Robert Kadlec  + ("Vaccine mafia" spook with doomsday speculations about biological weapons attacks)
  • Graham Brookie  + ("Various positions")
  • Graham Brookie  + ("Various positions")
  • Michael Ledeen  + ("Washington's neoconservative guru", [[Bilderberg]], [[Le Cercle]]...)
  • French Covid debt commission  + ("We must reinvent a way of managing public finances after this brutal shock")
  • Document:BBC's biased and inaccurate reporting of anti-semitism allegations towards Jeremy Corbyn  + ("We regret that the [[BBC]]"We regret that the [[BBC]] has failed to comply with its own codes with regard to impartiality and accuracy. Given the gravity of allegations of [[anti-semitism]], the role performed by the [[BBC]] is all the more critical if it is to live up to [[John Reith|Reithian]] principles of informing the public."[[John Reith|Reithian]] principles of informing the public.")
  • Document:Introduction to Deloitte LLP  + ("We shall be approaching a range of intern"We shall be approaching a range of international banks and institutions, including the BBA and ABI, together with major accountancy firms. We will use the results of these discussions to inform academia, think tanks and central government in the UK, particularly NCA, HMRC and MOD. We will also seek to put our views and, with permission, those of others into the public domain in a range of countries."he public domain in a range of countries.")
  • Document:Introduction Banks  + ("We shall be approaching a range of intern"We shall be approaching a range of international banks and institutions, including the BBA and ABI, together with major accountancy firms. We will use the results of these discussions to inform academia, think tanks and central government in the UK, particularly NCA, HMRC and MOD. We will also seek to put our views and, with permission, those of others into the public domain in a range of countries."he public domain in a range of countries.")
  • Harold Thorby  + ("We the government have vital information "We the government have vital information which we cannot disclose. It is upon this knowledge that we make decisions. You, who are merely private citizens, have no access to this information. Any criticism you make of our policy, any controversy about it in which you may indulge, will therefore be uninformed and valueless. If, in spite of your ignorance, you persist in questioning our policy, we can only conclude that you are disloyal." can only conclude that you are disloyal.")
  • Document:Index on Disgrace  + ("We thus have the extraordinary spectacle of a coordinated government and media onslaught on anybody who doubts their entirely fact free narratives. Public trust in the state and [[corporate media]] hits new lows, which is the happy part of this story.")
  • Document:Peaceful Eco-activism & Lawyers for Nature are Triumphant  + ("We went from trees potentially being unne"We went from trees potentially being unnecessarily felled to allow work to take place, to those trees being not only saved, but protected into the future. That could only be achieved by a combination of peaceful activism and the assistance of [[Lawyers for Nature]]. And now, those trees will hopefully far outlive us all, which is a very satisfying outcome indeed."hich is a very satisfying outcome indeed.")
  • Document:Jeremy Corbyn’s Chatham House speech  + ("Weapons supplied to [[Saudi Arabia]], when the evidence of grave breaches of humanitarian law in [[Yemen]] is overwhelming, must be halted immediately.")
  • Burson Cohn & Wolfe  + ("When evil needs public relations, evil has Burson-Marsteller on speed dial.")
  • Document:What Really Happens in Blackburn  + ("When my candidacy for [[Blackburn]]"When my candidacy for [[Blackburn]] was announced in March, [[Jack Straw]] issued an attack on me on 3 April 2024, stating that I had 'no cause' to stand in [[Blackburn]]. Then lo and behold, two months later after the election was called [[Jack Straw]]’s old fixer turns up with an 'Independent Candidate' to split the pro-[[Palestine]] vote."Palestine]] vote.")
  •  + ("Where facts don't matter")
  • Key Wiki  + ("While particular interest is taken in the left, KeyWiki serves to expose covert politics on both the left and the right of the political spectrum.")
  • Document:911 and the Orwellian Redefinition of Conspiracy Theory  + ("While we were not watching, conspiracy th"While we were not watching, conspiracy theory has undergone Orwellian redefinition..." A "conspiracy theory" now refers to any ideas or facts that are out of step with the official narrative as put forward by government and the commercially controlled media.ent and the commercially controlled media.)
  • Sarah Leah Whitson  + ("Whitson is a big fan of [[Norman Finkelstein]]"<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • User:Robin  + ("Why has the Second Coming boiled down to a cheque in the mail?..." I read this for [ Episode #710] of my radio show... "Reset nothing. Recreate everything.")
  • Test:Ratings  + ("Why has the Second Coming boiled down to a cheque in the mail?..." I read this for [ Episode #710] of my radio show... "Reset nothing. Recreate everything.")
  • Test:Ratings  + ("Why has the Second Coming boiled down to a cheque in the mail?..." I read this for [ Episode #710] of my radio show... "Reset nothing. Recreate everything.")
  • Alberto Gonzales  + ("Woefully incompetent")
  • World Fellows Program/2017  + ("World Fellows have...far reaching influence on society.")
  • The Matrix  + ("You take the blue pill...the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.")
  • US/Chamber of Commerce  + ("[R]eally one of the most powerful lobbies in this country. It’s so powerful you almost never read about it. It’s one of those deep presences that rarely rise to the level of being written about in history.")
  • Richard Levin  + ("[W]e really need a [[COVID-19/vaccine|vaccine]] widely distributed, we need to accelerate that distribution as much as possible in order to have a life begin to return to normal." [[Bilderberg 2016]])
  • Ben Shapiro  + ("[[Alt right]]" media personality that somehow is not censored and instead "shadow-boosted" by social media corporations like [[Facebook]] and [[Twitter]].)
  • Captain Joe Manning  + ("[[Anti-vaxxer]] [[police officer]] dies of [[COVID]] after promoting [[Ivermectin]].)
  • Leslie Lawrenson  + ("[[Anti-vaxxer]]" dies of [[COVID]]?)
  • Document:Let’s Move On From Boris  + ("[[Boris Johnson]] on the [[Dominic Cummings]] debacle: 'It is now time to move on… the country wants to move on.' If a politician tells you to 'move on' from a subject, it is a gigantic red flag that you should do precisely the opposite.")
  • CNN  + ("[[Deep State]] TV network and master of [[fake news]]", experienced a precipitous decline in popularity since about 2019)
  • Gilles de Kerchove  + ("[[EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator]]" since 2007)
  • Belarus  + ("[[Europe]]'s last dictatorship" - Formerly part of the [[USSR]]. Outspoken opposition to the [[COVID-19 lockdown]] agenda.)
  • Jeanne Marrazzo  + ("[[HIV]] expert" who promoted [[remdesivir]], chosen to replace [[Fauci]])
  • Daily Expose  + ("[[Misinformation]]" website based in [[Great Britain]].)
  • Richard Sakwa  + ("[[NATO]] exists to manage the risks created by its existence.")
  • Gordon Kromberg  + ("[[President Trump]] was left with this discredited right wing sleazeball, Gordon Kromberg.")
  • Richard Hermer  + ("[[Starmer]]’s Attorney General has curious [[Palestine]] politics and represented [[Gerry Adams]]", says [[Guido Fawkes]])
  • Gal Luft  + ("[[Terror expert]]" and co-founder of the [[Set America Free Coalition]])
  • Anthony Cordesman  + ("[[Terror expert]]" member of the [[Center for Strategic and International Studies]])
  • Shmuel Bar  + ("[[Terror expert]]" on the Herzliya Conference's steering team)
  • Gilles Kepel  + ("[[Terror expert]]" with a focus on "[[Islamic terrorism]]" who attended the [[2015 Bilderberg]])
  • Hamas  + ("[[Terrorists]]" according to [[the West]], largely founded, financed and brought to power by [[Israel]], Hamas has led [[Palestine]] into becoming an [[enemy image]] to the [[western world]] since [[2006]].)
  • Document:Anatomy of a Scandal: Israel Crucifies Corbyn  + ("[[Tom Watson]]"[[Tom Watson]] has it backward: the 'eternal shame and embarrassment' come when [[Labour Party|Labour]], swallowing whatever pride it has left, meekly submits to being harassed and blackmailed by a [[Israel|foreign power]] and [[Corporate media|its vulgar propagandists]]. [[Jeremy Corbyn]], it seems, is gearing up to do just that. Chalk one up for [[Joseph Goebbels|Goebbels]]."[[Joseph Goebbels|Goebbels]].")
  • Document:Biden Works to Prolong Ukraine War  + ("[[Ukraine]]"[[Ukraine]] is objecting to this plan (for [[Turkey]] to clear sea lanes of mines and to police the ships carrying grain) because it objects to the removal of the mines, which I should be clear were put down in the sea lanes by [[Ukraine]] to prevent amphibious attack on [[Odessa]]."[[Odessa]].")
  • Document:Ken Livingstone: Venezuela should have followed my economic advice  + ("[[United States|America]] played a major part in [[Venezuela]]'s current crisis but we won't know until 30 years from now, when all the papers get published.")
  • Ian Bell  + ("[[WikiLeaks]] reminds [[journalists]] that paper is rationed, when it matters. Where [[Megrahi]] is concerned, numerous questions are literally, actually, rigorously, unanswered.")
  • Encyclopedia Dramatica  + ("[[Wikipedia]]'s evil twin")
  • Ziad Ramley  + ("[[ZINC Network]]’s Head of Digital" interested in "[[misinformation]]")
  • William Griffith  + ("[[Zbig]]'s idea man." Attended [[Bilderberg/1985]] and [[Bilderberg/1989]])
  • "Disinformation Dozen"  + ("[[anti vaxxer]] conspiracy theorists" according to the [[Center for Countering Digital Hate]])
  • Albert E. Jenner  + ("a curious choice for the commission staff")
  • Olena Semenyaka  + ("a formidable power behind the throne")
  • Cody Shearer  + ("a longtime [[Clinton family]] operative")
  • New Right  + ("an amorphous ideological movement")
  • 2008 Financial Crisis  + ("an evisceration of some banks by others...a cannibalistic binge billed to the [[tax-payer]]"<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • Juozas Olekas  + ("changed geopolitical situation and insufficient manning of units of the Lithuanian Armed Forces leads to a temporary reintroduction of conscription")
  • US/2008 Presidential election  + ("in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America")
  • Ron Ridenour  + ("journalist-author-editor-activist for peace, equality and justice")
  • Center for Medicine in the Public Interest  + ("nonprofit, non-partisan" big pharma [[astroturf]])
  • Radio Free Asia  + ("not the CIA since 1971")
  • Herbert Batliner  + ("one of [[Liechtenstein]]'s most extraordinary figures, whose clients have included alleged insider dealers, the son of an African dictator and the pardoned fugitive US financier [[Marc Rich]].")
  • Campaign  + ("organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making progress within a specific group")
  • World Fellows Program/2010  + ("over the last nine years, the World Fellows Program has helped develop the next generation of global leaders.")
  • Document:Why do Muslims in particular usually have a misconception of NATO?  + ("supported by the We Are NATO project, IfS expects to be able to change perceptions both of NATO and of UK defence and the Armed Forces, and to inspire a long term appreciation of NATO, its mechanisms, programmes and intervention activities.)
  • Louis Rwagasore  + ("the Burundian [[Lumumba]]", assassinated by the Belgians.)
  • JNF UK  + ("the UK’s leading humanitarian and environmental Israel charity")
  • Michael Quinlan  + ("the leading in-house defence intellectual MOD has possessed since World War II")
  • Gary Sick  + ("the point man in the White House dealing with Iran" under Carter)
  • World Fellows Program/2007  + ("they will be joining a growing network of global leaders trained at Yale," said Program Director [[Daniel C. Esty]].)
  • World Fellows Program/2008  + ("we anticipate that the World Fellows will gain new perspectives on their own roles as future leaders".)
  • Richard Perle  + ("widely considered a core representative of the neoconservative political faction")
  • INQUEST  + ("…an organisation that shines a light into the state’s darkest corners, often on behalf of society’s most vulnerable people." - 'In praise of...INQUEST' editorial in ''[[The Guardian]]'')
  • David de Rothschild  + ($10 billion Rothschild family fortune. High interest in the [[climate change]] agenda.)
  • Clair Dobbin  + ([[Julian Assange]] appeal hearing: Clair Dobbin has dropped her papers and lost her place<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • LiFi  + ([[Li-Fi]], which stands for “light fidelit[[Li-Fi]], which stands for “light fidelity”, has the potential to be significantly faster than current [[WiFi]] systems and can turn everyday lamps into wireless internet access points.<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>;/sup>)
  • Eric Pickles  + ([[Lord Polak]] and Lord Pickles: [[CFI]]'s "Laurel & Hardy"<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • Pablo Miller  + ([[Sergei Skripal]]'s [[MI6]] handler, whos[[Sergei Skripal]]'s [[MI6]] handler, whose identity the UK government issued a [[D Notice]] to try to prevent coming out in connection with the [[Skripal Affair]].<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup> A [[Integrity Initiative Leak|leak]] revealed him to be on an [[Integrity Initiative]] mailing list.)
  • Voltaire Network  + (' Voltaire Network'. Paris-based, Multilingual, creative commons licensed)
  • User:Peter  + (''"The Protocols"'' purport to be a manual''"The Protocols"'' purport to be a manual containing the objectives and methods to be employed by the Zionist leadership to secure complete domination of the Gentile - i.e. non-Jewish - world. A ''must-read'' for understanding of the historical - if now largely suppressed ''"Jewish Question"''w largely suppressed ''"Jewish Question"'')
  • Laurie Flynn  + ('''Award-winning journalist and filmmaker''')
  • Brandnewtube  + ('''Brandnewtube''' is an [[alt-tech]] video hosting platform.)
  • Document:Did POLICE turn Bristol ‘Kill the Bill’ protest into a riot?  + ('''It is impossible to condemn the people for the Bristol [[Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill|‘Kill the Bill’]] riot when we know it is entirely possible that it was engineered by [[Priti Patel]] and the police.''')
  • Document:‘Turning Gaza into ashes’: Israel propaganda vs the world  + ('''It is time to speak about [[Palestinian]] rights, [[Palestinian]] security and the [[Palestinian people]]’s right – in fact, obligation – to defend themselves.''')
  • Mind fucking  + ('''Mind fucking''', or crazy-making behaviors are techniques designed to disrupt people's normal mode of rational thinking)