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Herzliya Conference/2007

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Date21 January 2007 - 24 January 2007
LocationReichman University,  Tel Aviv,  Israel
ParticipantsJoern Boehme, David Borowich, Ana Botella, Paul Bracken, Ian Bremmer, Gerda Brender, Joseph Brender, Matthew Bronfman, Charles Bronfman, Matthew Herbert Brooks, Ken Brower, Hermann Bünz, Nicholas Burns, Don Burris, Claudia Camozzi, Herve de Carmoy, Mark Chais, Francois Chappuis, Henry J. Charrabe, Jill Charrabe, Nadja Choeb, Alison Clarke, Sean Cleary, David Cohen, Efraim A. Cohen, Ronald Cohen, Thomas M. Cohn, John Cohn, Sherry Cohn, Bruce Cole, Nanette Cole, Irwin Cotler, Gene Cretz, Monica Crowley, Robert Danin, Sandro de Bernardin, A. Carsten Damsgaard, Morris Dean, Beryl Dean, Samuel Delug, Rosette Delug, Alan M. Dershowitz, Knut Dethlefsen, Chris Donnelly, Milan Dubcek, Trevor Michael Dunbar, David Edman, John Edwards, Robert Einhorn, Rabbi David Ellenson, Alfred Ellis, Gordon England, Bain Ennis, Steven Erlanger, Salam Fayyad, Joel Feerst, Marvin C. Feuer, Helena Kane Finn, Peter Fischer, Cheryl Fishbein, Erica Fishbein, Lorna Fitzsimons, David Flaum, Hans-Georg Fleck, Joel Fleishman, Michael Finian Forbes, William Fox, Hillel G. Fradkin, Lorraine Friedman, Troels Froling, Robert Michael James Gascoyne-Cecil 7th Marquess of Salisbury, Jeffery Gedmin, Chaya Gil, Ephi Gildor, Newt Gingrich, Gary L. Ginsberg, Dean Godson, Marc Gold, Mark Goldberg, Jacob Goldfield, Neil Goldstein, Laurel Grass, Stanley Greenberg, Michael Gross, Andrew Groveman, Bernard Groveman, Danielle Guilbert del Marmol, Charles Guthrie, Bob Guzzardi, Andras Gyenge, Richard Haass, Jonathan Hakakha, Ari Harow, Alexandra Havlicek, David Hearst, Stephen E. Herbits, Margaret Hermann, Bob Hiensch, Malcolm Hoenlein, Robert E. Hunter, Avraham Infeld, Baruch Ivcher, Bruce P. Jackson, Stephen C. Jacobs, James Jamerson, Alex Joffe, Josef Joffe, Richard H. Jones, Karla Jones, Karl Kaiser, Laura Kam, Esther Kandel, Harvey Karp, Daniel Kaufthal, Ilan Kaufthal, Linda Kaufthal, Trevor Kavanagh, Jacqueline Kavanagh, Craig Kennedy, Harald Kindermann, Ariel Kor, Benoit Koukebene, Tarek El Kouny, Iryna Krasouskaya, Solly Krok, Harvey Krueger, Tom Kully, Daniel Lafayeedney, Richard Landes, James Larsen, Jonathan David Larson, Ronald S. Lauder, Christian Leffler, Commission, Jay Lefkowitz, Marc Leland, Bernard Leventhal, Phyllis Leventhal, Jaromir Levicek, Alvin Levitt, David Levy, Bernard Lewis, Jakken Biorn Lian, Doron Livnat, Jeffrey A. Lovitky, Lori Lowenthal Marcus, Ying Ma, Peter MacKay, Agnieszka Magdziak-Miszewska, David Makovsky, Marvin Markowitz, Rabbi Levi Matusof, Isabel Maxwell, John McCain, Scott W. McHugh, Robert Mcnally, Camilla Mellander, David J. Menton, Julio Messer, John Miller, Eudaldo Mirapeix Martinez, Maureen Miskovic, Edward L. Morse, Dorrit Moussaieff, Joel Mowbray, Rolf Muetzenich, Aziz Mulay-Shah, Katja Muller, Charles Murray, Ronny Naftaniel, Willy Nagel, Amalia Negreponti, Sigurd Neubauer, Jeremy Newmark, Ben Novick, David O'Meara, Ana Palacio, Jonathan Paris, Torkel Patterson, Anne Penketh, Richard Perle, Ross Perrone, Bruce Pezzlo, Didier Pfirter, Tom Phillips, Thomas Pickering, Gerry Platt, Daniel Posen, Felix Posen, John Price, Steven Price, Adrienne Price, Gary P. Ratner, Paige Reffe, Cynthia Reich, Gideon Reichman, Ira Reiner, Paul Revay, Alexander Ritzman, Berel Rodal, Alti Rodal, Mitt Romney, Moshe Ronen, Jack Rosen, Godel Rosenberg, Nina Rosenwald, Ingrid Ross, Stanley Roth, Colin Rubenstein, Janet Rubenstein, Robert Rydberg, Michael I. Sacks, Rachel Salamander, Steven Saltzman, Gary Samore, Robert Satloff, Stefan Sattler, Randy Scheunemann, Jacob Schimmel, Yoni Schimmel, Uwe Schmalz, Serge Schmemann, Mary Schmemann, Steven Schneier, Jim Schreiber, Boaz Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Danny E. Sebright, Roberta Seid, Melvin Floyd Sembler, Dan Senor, Haim Shaked, Pinchas Shapiro, Daniel Shavit, Shannon Shibata, Elad Shraga, Edwin Shuker, Orna Shulman, Bill Siegel, Blossom Siegel, Marc Sievers, Alan B. Slifka, Charles Small, Ruth Smeeth, David Snyder, Jeffrey R. Solomon, Carole Solomon, Sass Somekh, Eta Somekh, Margaret Spellings, Philip Stephens, Jeffrey Stern, Steven Stern, Marilyn Stern, Ori Strassberg, Howard Sumka, Namik Tan, Horst M. Teltschik, Owen Traylor, Sharon Tzur, Alberto Ucelay, Jan Willem van der Hoeven, Alexandr Vondra, Harry Wall, Anne Walter, Shai Waxman-Abramson, Rachel Webber, Larry Weinberg, Kenneth R. Weinstein, Boaz Weinstein, Gert Weisskirchen, Adrian Weller, Dina Wind, Jerry Wind, Michael Wise, James Woolsey, David Wurmser, Meyrav Wurmser, Glenn Yago, Michael Yudin, Poju Zabludowicz, Michael Zantovsky, Bennett Zimmerman, Dror Zoreff, Vadim Zverkov, Michal Abadi-Boiangiu, Leah Achdut, Aharon Abramovitch, Oz Almog, Chen Altshuler, Uzi Arad, Robert H. Asher, Hezki Arieli, Israel J. Aumann, Shula Bahat, Shmuel Bar, Amir Barnea, Moshe Bar Niv, Gabriel Ben-Dor, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, Isaac Ben-Israel, Miriam Ben-Peretz, Menahem Ben-Sasson, Aaron Ben-Ze'ev, Zeev Bielski, Avraham Bigger, Ilan Biran, Ze'ev Boim, Avishay Braverman, Shlomo Breznitz, Oded Brosh, Meir Buzaglo, Aaron Ciechanover, Galia Cohen-Rosenberg, Geula Cohen, Yair Cohen, Udi Dekel, Raanan Dinur, Effie Eitam, Stanley Fischer, Jacob Frenkel, David Gappell, Amos Gilead, Hagai Golan, Dore Gold, Yifat Greenwald, Gidi Grinstein, Tzachi Hanegbi, Isaac Herzog, Avraham Hirschson, Yossi Hollander, Gideon Hoshen, Eli Hurvitz, David Ivry, Martin Kramer, Benny Landa, Eran Lerman, Micha Lindenstrauss, Yakov Litzman, Eti Livni, Tzipi Livni, Yossi Maima, Israel Maimon, Amir Makov, Dan Margalit, Michael Marmur, Hagai Meirom, Rafi Melnick, Dan Meridor, Alex Mintz, Shaul Mofaz, Shlomo Nehama, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Olmert, Fania Oz-Salzburger, Shimon Peres, Amir Peretz, Micha Popper, Avi Primor, Gabriela Ravid, Uriel Reichman, Amnon Rubinstein, Ezra Sadan, Izhak Schnell, Dan Schueftan, Dan Schueftan, Oren Shachor, Silvan Shalom, Natan Sharansky, Ari Shavit, Yacov Sheinin, Aliza Shenhar, Shimshon Shoshani, Zalman Shoval, Sass Somekh, Yuval Steinitz, Effi Stenzler, Ofra Strauss, Nehemia Strasler, Nehemia Strasler, Yael Tamir, Aida Touma-Sliman, Akiva Tor, Matan Vilnai, Moshe Ya'alon, Aharon Yadlin, Ahuva Yanai, Shlomo Yanai, Ephraim Yuchtman-Yaar, Poju Zabludowicz, Zvi Ziv
Description"The conference examined the array of dangers, threats and difficulties Israel has faced since early 2006, identified a broad web of problems in all of the fundamental strata upon which national security is based, and proposed strategies for action."

The 2007 Herzliya Conference was held during January 21-24, 2007.[1][2]

Own words

"The conference examined the array of dangers, threats and difficulties Israel has faced since early 2006, identified a broad web of problems in all of the fundamental strata upon which national security is based, and proposed strategies for action.

The conference called for the reinforcement and enhancement of tools for confronting the threats and, in this context, ways to renew and strengthen the army were suggested. A proposal for a major reform that would reorganize and enhance the education system also figured prominently at the conference. The conference conducted a penetrating discussion regarding the strategy required vis-à-vis Iran."[3]


Only the foreign participants are listed here. Many Israeli deep state operatives also participated[4]


Known Participants

62 of the 387 of the participants already have pages here:

Shmuel Bar"Terror expert" on the Herzliya Conference's steering team
Ian BremmerPresident and founder of the Eurasia Group. Heavy MSC habit, CFR, TLC, YGL 2007, Bilderberg 2007
Charles BronfmanCanadian-American businessman of the Bronfman family. Mega Group.
R. Nicholas BurnsUS Ambassador to NATO 2001-2005, plenty of other deep state connected roles
Sean Clearyspooky South African
David CohenCIA protege of William Casey, Robert Gates and John Deutch, he has been accused of masterminding the demolition of the World Trade Center.
Ronald Cohen"The father of British venture capital"
Yair CohenFormer head of Unit 8200
Irwin CotlerCanada's Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada 2003-2006. "Totally unabashed defender and supporter of Israel". Member of numerous spooky think-tanks.
Monica CrowleyFox News journalist who became Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs for the U.S. Department of the Treasury under Donald Trump.
Robert DaninUS State Department official<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>
Chris DonnellyA UK Deep politician who set up the Institute for Statecraft (amongst other groups).
John EdwardsDemocratic nominee for vice president in November 2004. Attended the June 2004 Bilderberg.
Steven ErlangerDeep state connected New York Times journalist. Ditchley Governor, Regular at the MSC and the Brussels Forum
Stanley FischerCentral banker - remarkably both in Israel and the United States - and quad Bilderberger. Mentor of Ben Bernanke, Mario Draghi, and Greg Mankiw.
Jacob FrenkelSerial WEF AGM, Bank of Israel/Governor 1991-2000, CFR
Robert Gascoyne-CecilBilderberg, Le Cercle, The Other Club, Ditchley Governor
Dean GodsonDirector of Policy Exchange
Charles GuthrieUK Army's Chief of the General Staff 1994-1997
Richard HaassBilderberger, CFR President
David HearstUK journalist, co-founder and editor-in-chief of Middle East Eye
Robert HunterHas played a national policy role in eight U.S. presidential election campaigns and written speeches and articles for presidential candidates, three U.S. Presidents four Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State and Defense, Senators, Representatives and other political figures. As United States Ambassador to NATO during the Clinton Administration, he was principal architect and negotiator of the post-Cold War "new NATO" and of the NATO airstrike decisions in the Bosnian War.
Bruce JacksonUS spook. His later career focused on accelerating the integration of the Western Balkan countries, Turkey, Ukraine and Georgia into the European Union and NATO. Member of the Henry Jackson Society.
Josef JoffePublisher-editor of Die Zeit
Karl KaiserGerman academic and contact of Henry Kissinger. Spoke at 3 of the 4 Bilderbergs he attended
Laura Kam
Craig Kennedypresident of the German Marshall Fund in the period 1996-2014
Martin KramerWrote that Middle East experts "failed to ask the right questions at the right time about Islam"
Daniel LafayeedneyUK Deep state operative. Director of both the II and its parent group the Institute For Statecraft. Two children also in the IfS.
Ronald LauderFormer US Ambassador to Austria, "the principle force behind the privatization of the WTC", Jewish power broker. As of 2020 promoting internet censorship to prevent "hate crime".
Jay LefkowitzCriminal defense lawyer for Jeffrey Epstein
Bernard LewisSpooky academic who attended the 1979 and 2002 Bilderbergs, as well as the Washington Conference on International Terrorism.
Tzipi LivniSpooky Israeli Foreign Minister
Peter MacKayCanadian politician with a heavy HISF habit
David MakovskyDirector of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Isabel Maxwell"Israel’s “Back Door” Into Silicon Valley", big sister of Ghislaine Maxwell
John McCainVietnam War veteran, sang about bombing Iran to voters, called the JFK assassination "the intervention". appears on a picture with Simon Elliot.
Dan MeridorLe Cercle
Shaul MofazFormer Israeli Military Chief of Staff and Minister of Defense. Family plays a mysterious role into Malaysian Airlines planes.
Charles Murray"One of the most influential social scientists in America", AEI, Bilderberg
Benjamin NetanyahuIsraeli deep politician who has been Prime Minister of Israel
Jeremy NewmarkUK zionist politician
Ehud OlmertFormer Prime Minister of Israel named in Epstein's black book
Ana PalacioSpanish politician, member of various spooky groups, signed the People’s Vaccine, attended 10 meetings of the Brussels Forum
Jonathan ParisAcademic interested in the Middle East
Shimon PeresSpooky Israeli politician
Richard Perle"widely considered a core representative of the neoconservative political faction"
Tom PhillipsUK Ambassador to Israel 2006-2010
Thomas PickeringUS diplomat and suspected deep politician, because of being so highly connected
Mitt RomneyUS politician businessman
... further results
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