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TitleDescriptionDiedDeath causeDeath location
Kurt CobainHighly influential frontman of the rock band Nirvana5 April 1994Gunshot
William ColbyCIA boss who maybe became too loose-mouthed, died in suspicious circumstances27 April 1996DrowningMaryland
Rock Point
Pierre ComminFrench strongly anti-communist and pro NATO and European unity socialist politician who attended his first and last two Bilderberg meetings in 1957. Informant for US "diplomats".25 June 1958Heart attack
Michael ConnellA US political consultant who died in a small plane crash19 December 2008Air disaster
Robin CookA UK politician who on the day after 7/7 described Al-Qaida as a product of Western intelligence and insisted that the "war on terror" could not be won by military means.6 August 2005Scotland
Michael CorbinUS researcher who hosted the radio shows 4acloserlook and the ParaNet Continuum, interviewing guests such as Gary Webb and Indira Singh etc. Died in 2008, aged 53.18 March 2008
Lionel CrabbA spook whose illadvised fatal dive lead to the early retirement of MI6 Director general, John Sinclair.19 April 1956DrowningPortsmouth Harbour.
Bronson CuttingA US senator whose efforts to reform the banking system appeared to be gaining traction in 1934. He died in a plane crash in 1935.6 May 1935Near
Emil CzeczkoYoung Polish soldier who defected to Belarus and said he and his comrades were forced to shoot migrants.17 March 2022HangingMinsk
Alfred DallingerAustrian politician, Bilderberg 1979, died in a small plane crash in 198923 February 1989Air disasterSwitzerland
Jerry DanielsA CIA spook from the heroin/covert war operation in Laos and contact to general Vang Pao. Was reportedly poisoned by carbon monoxide.29 April 1982Thailand
Olivier DassaultFrench politician and billionaire. Killed in a freak helicopter crash.7 March 2021Air disasterFrance
Monnett Bain DavisAmerican diplomat in the early and mid 20th century. Ambassador to Denmark and Israel.26 December 1953Israel
Tel Aviv
Gary DeVoreA Hollywood screenwriter who disappeared and was later discovered almost a year later submerged below a bridge in his car.28 June 1997
Richard DescoingSingle Bilderberger who died in unexplained circumstances.3 April 2012New York
Geoffrey DickensA UK politician who worked to expose the UK VIPaedophile phenomenon. Died prematurely.17 May 1995
Ahmed DlimiA Moroccan spook who died in suspicious circumstances22 January 1983Morocco
James DolanA hacker who was connected to [[Aaron Swartz]] and who like Swartz, died by suicide. Some question the circumstances.<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a>27 December 2017
Michael H. DoranA lawyer who was working for free to help the relatives of 9-11 victims who refused the US government's 9-11/Compensation fund.28 April 2009Air disaster
Charles Douglas-Home29 October 1985Cancer
Maurice DuplessisPremier of Quebec. Died of heart attack, just like his two party successors.7 September 1959Canada
John EarmanA CIA Inspector General for 6 years who opposed Operation Midnight Climax. Very little information is available about him as of 2019.10 April 1974
Klaus EberweinA Haitian government official and businessman who was found dead with gunshot in head, a week before he was due to testify before the Haitian Senate’s Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.12 July 2017GunshotUS
Beverly EckertThe outspoken wife of a 9/11 victim who refused to accept the 9-11/Compensation fund and forcefully stating "My silence cannot be bought".12 February 2009Air disasterNew York
United States
Clarence Center
Zeta EmilianidouDeceased Cypriot government minister6 June 2022Brain aneurysmGreece
Hans EngenPermanent Representative of Norway to the United Nations for 5 years, reportedly died in a skiing accident6 April 1966Norway
Fritz ErlerSPD Deputy chair. Attended all Bilderberg meetings from 1955 September to his death in 1967, aged 5322 February 1967Germany
Paul FarmerFounder of Partners In Health21 February 2022Acute cardiac eventRwanda
Kathy FergusonCo-defendant in the Paula Jones law suit against Bill Clinton. Died violently.10 May 1993Gunshot
Mohammed FerratMohammed Samir Ferrat was reportedly killed aboard Flight TWA 800. He was a colleague of Ron Brown who had died 3 months earlier in another suspicious plane crash. Prior to the flight his business was in financial difficulties and he had taken more that one multiple life insurance policies and borrowed heavily from would be investors in Ivory Coast and Switzerland.
Hassan FirouzabadiIranian Armed Forces Chief of Staff (1989 to 2016), died of COVID-193 September 2021COVID-19Iran
Desmond FitzGeraldA US Spook and Georgetown Set member who died of a "heart attack"23 July 1967US
Boris FloricicGerman hacker/phreaker with strong interest in cryptography found dead in a park. Ruled a suicide.17 October 1998HangingBerlin
James ForrestalThe first US Secretary of Defense, died in mysterious circumstances in Bethesda Naval Hospital, Maryland22 May 1949United States
Third story canopy of the Bethesda Naval Hospital
Vince FosterA deputy White House Counsel and Clinton confidante who died unexpectedly.20 July 1993Virginia
Fairfax County
Allan FrancovichFrancovich was a talented and courageous filmmaker who produced unparalleled exposés of various misdeeds by the powerful. Termed a 'charlatan' by some, a "conspiracy theorist" by others (though not by Wikipedia).24 April 1997US
Going through customs in the Intercontinental Airport
Helric FredouA French policeman who reportedly shot himself just after the Charlie Hebdo attacks.8 January 2015Gunshot
Knut FrydenlundNorwegian foreign minister who attended 2 Bilderbergs in the early 1980s. Handpicked by spook Trond Johansen for the job.26 February 1987Cerebral hemorrhage?Oslo's Fornebu Airport
Loretta FuddyThe Hawaii official who released Obama's birth certificate. She reportedly died due to a cardiac arrhythmia after a plane crash in which no one else was seriously hurt.11 December 2013Pacific Ocean
(Off the coast of Molokai)
Boris FyodorovRussian WEF YGL 1994 and Deputy Prime Minister who died of a stroke, aged 5020 November 2008London
Hugh GaitskellA UK Labour politician who reportedly died of a rare illness in hospital.18 January 1963London
Middlesex Hospital
Anastasio Somoza GarcíaWith the help of the US Marine Corps started a family dictatorship that maintained absolute control over Nicaragua for 42 years.29 September 1956Gunshot
Raul GardiniERTI scandal ridden Italian businessman who "died by a dubious suicide"23 July 1993Milan
Judi Gibbs3 January 1986US
David Goldberg8 June 2019
Harold GouldingMaster mariner, spook and commander of the Special Boat Unit Headquarters who carried out "very secret work". Interest centers on the final month of the war, when Goulding was purportedly posted to Cardiff. Died of meningitis in an Edinburgh hospital 3 months later after another unexpected posting to Scotland.4 August 1945Subdural haematomaEdinburgh
David GraeberAnarchist anthropologist who played a leading role in the Occupy movement. Died suddenly in 2020.2 September 2020Italy
Steven Dale GreenA US soldier convicted of raping and murdering an Iraqi girl.18 February 2014Kentucky
François de GrossouvreThe spook in charge of Operation Gladio in France.7 April 1994GunshotParis
Philip HabibUS diplomat who died aged 72 of a cardiac arrhythmia the day after the 1992 Bilderberg where he was a panelist on Whither The United States?25 May 1992Heart attackFrance