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TitleTypePublication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:15 times when Jeremy Corbyn was on the right side of historyArticle29 July 2015Paul Simpson"The important thing is how we bring about peace, not posturing. You do not bring about peace in any part of the world without talking to people you don't agree with." (#SundayPolitics, 19 July 2015)
Document:A Conundrum for Corbynarticle12 July 2016Conrad SumerTrident could be Corbyn's much more collegiate equivalent of Blair’s “Clause 4” moment, instead of facing off and bullying his party, he could bring them all together under the banner of nuclear reduction - and if he gets it right, he will almost certainly be the next Prime Minister.
Document:A Moment in Historyblog post26 June 2019Craig MurrayIt is ESSENTIAL that every Labour Party member reading this blog acts NOW to try to get rid of those dreadful Blairite MPs. If you do not act, the historic moment will be missed and the chance to move England and Wales away from neoliberalism may be permanently surrendered.
Document:A New Left Wing Party in the UK?Wikispooks Page18 September 2024Craig MurrayInitially any new party needs to be led by Jeremy to establish itself. George should be Deputy Leader. Neither man would wish to serve for an extended period. I would like to see Andrew Feinstein eventually lead, not least because he most definitely would not want to do it.
Document:Anatomy of a Scandal: Israel Crucifies CorbynArticle14 August 2014Michael W. Howard"Tom Watson has it backward: the 'eternal shame and embarrassment' come when Labour, swallowing whatever pride it has left, meekly submits to being harassed and blackmailed by a foreign power and its vulgar propagandists. Jeremy Corbyn, it seems, is gearing up to do just that. Chalk one up for Goebbels."
Document:Anti-semitism is cover for a much deeper divide in Britain's Labour partyArticle20 February 2019Jonathan CookParadoxically, the Labour breakaway group may have inadvertently exposed the weakness of its hand. The eight MPs have indicated that they will not run in by-elections, and for good reason: it is highly unlikely they would stand a chance of winning in any of their current constituencies outside the Labour Party.
Document:Antisemitism threats will keep destroying Labourblog post12 February 2020Jonathan CookIf we are only allowed to gently chide Israel in ways that cannot meaningfully advance Palestinian rights, if we are prevented from discussing the strategies of staunchly pro-Israel lobbyists to silence Israel’s critics, if we are denied the right to push for an international boycott of Israel of the kind that helped blacks in South Africa end their own oppression, then nothing is going to change for the Palestinians.
Document:BBC's biased and inaccurate reporting of anti-semitism allegations towards Jeremy CorbynLetter7 August 2018Pamela Blakelock"We regret that the BBC has failed to comply with its own codes with regard to impartiality and accuracy. Given the gravity of allegations of anti-semitism, the role performed by the BBC is all the more critical if it is to live up to Reithian principles of informing the public."
Document:Brexit reveals Corbyn to be the true moderateblog post12 September 2019Jonathan CookIt is time to stop acting like zealots for neoliberalism, squabbling over which brand of turbo-charged capitalism we prefer, and face up to our collective responsibility to change our and our children’s future.
Document:Bristol West CLP condemns suspension of CorbynArticle10 November 2020SKWAWKBOXLabour’s hierarchy has banned CLPs from debating or voting on Corbyn’s suspension or the EHRC report and some Regional Directors have blocked attempts to do so. It seems Bristol West members hold their democracy and their former party leader in too high a regard to toe the line.
Document:British MPs won’t get to see ‘WitchHunt’ in the House of Commons – the very place it needs to be shownArticle3 March 2019Robert CohenThe WitchHunt deserves to be widely seen. And it will be from Sunday 17th March 2019 when it goes online for free viewing.
Document:Cognitive Dissidents?Article27 May 2019Alun SmithI voted remain but I would happily leave under a Corbyn government with a deal that protects our rights and our jobs. Isn't that the sensible thing to do now? Isn't that the compromise that can bring us all together again?
Document:Corbyn and the Jewsarticle15 December 2016Gilad AtzmonCommentary on the February 2016 meeting between Jeremy Corbyn and the leadership of the Board of Deputies of British Jews
Document:Corbyn fans should welcome this attempted coup, the Blairites are committing political suicidearticle26 June 2016Kerry-anne MendozaIn these uncertain days after the Brexit vote, when the Labour party needed to rally UK progressives to prevent a right-wing Brexit from the European Union – a small number of Labour MPs have instead chosen to mount a coup against leader Jeremy Corbyn. But Corbyn supporters should be ecstatic, because this opportunistic and ignorant move is an act of political suicide for the Blairites.
Document:Corbyn receives International Peace Prize in GenevaArticle9 December 2017
Document:Council of Europe sides with Julian AssangeArticleSara ChessaThe attitude of European institutions is changing after years of silence which seemed to authorise or support the US and the United Kingdom’s behaviour in relation to an individual who is apparently deprived of the right to prepare his defence and deprived as well of his right to dignified psychophysical conditions. Now, the Council of Europe has decided to speak up on behalf of Julian Assange.
Document:Dear Tom, about this Trotsky thing…..article11 August 2016Jeff GouldingTom Watson, Corbyn’s deputy, has launched an astonishing and utterly ridiculous attack on his leader’s supporters. In it he claimed that “Trotskyists are twisting the arms of young Labour members”.
Document:Did Corbyn leak the Labour GE2017 manifestoArticle11 May 2017SKWAWKBOXDid Jeremy Corbyn or another member of Labour's senior leadership team leak the draft manifesto as a political masterstroke?
Document:Ed Miliband’s decision to oppose military action against Syria is an action of statesmanship of which Britons will be proudArticle28 August 2013Michael MeacherIt is all very well to rush to war in a surge of moral outrage, it is quite another to spell out clearly what are the war objectives and how exactly they are to be achieved.
Document:Election 2017: finally, a real choice for Britain's votersArticle17 May 2017Raoul MartinezNo wonder the billionaire-owned media are attacking Jeremy Corbyn with everything they've got. But we the people can still win.
Document:Exposed: Jeremy Corbyn’s hate factoryArticle15 April 2018A fishing expedition co-ordinated by The Sunday Times which "uncovered more than 2,000 abusive messages" posted on 20 Facebook groups by mostly unidentified individuals who may or may not have been members of the Labour Party.
Document:Faiza Shaheen dropped by Labour for liking pro-BDS, Corbyn and Green Party postsArticle30 May 2024Peter OborneLeft-wing Labour candidate Faiza Shaheen is deselected for 15 social media posts between 2014 and 2024 on issues from Islamophobia to Israeli lobbying, MEE has been informed.
Document:Five questions for new Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer about his UK and US national security establishment linksArticle5 June 2020Matt KennardKeir Starmer did not become leader to help Labour win, but to restore establishment control over the party and vanquish the heretics that dared defy its agenda. For the forces he truly represents, the project has been a smashing success.
Document:Former Labour leader honoured by Palestinian ForumArticle19 December 2021Steve WalkerJeremy Corbyn receives award for ‘remarkable efforts’ to support Palestinians against oppression
Document:Has the Elite’s Slavish pro-Israel Agenda Finally Gone Too FarBlog post25 February 2019Craig MurrayIsraeli destruction of Palestinian olive trees in the occupied territories is almost as heinous as the continuing killing and imprisonment of Palestinian children. Every morning ask yourself this question: "How many children has the Israeli “Defence” Force killed since the MSM last reported one?"
Document:Has the media ignored good news about Jeremy CorbynBlog post11 December 2017Patrick WorrallNo-platforming Jeremy Corbyn: Tories and Unionists have a visceral hate of Seán MacBride
Document:Here’s What Really Happened When Labour Suspended CorbynArticle27 July 2021Oliver EagletonIf Keir Starmer was always unlikely to stand by his ten pledges and retain the bulk of the 2017 manifesto, some hoped he would at least bring a slickness and efficiency to LOTO that was missing under Jeremy Corbyn. After the suspension debacle, this is a hope that few can cling to.
Document:How top Labour officials plotted to bring down Jeremy CorbynArticle16 April 2020Jonathan CookThe stench of cover-up is already in the air. Keir Starmer's Labour needs to come clean and admit that its most senior officials defrauded hundreds of thousands of party members, and millions more supporters, who voted for a fairer, kinder Britain.
Document:I Stand in Blackburnblog post16 April 2024Craig MurrayI am going to need help – leafleting, canvassing, manning offices and the many myriad tasks of an election campaign. I am buoyed by the solid start we have in support across all communities in Blackburn. We are going to give Starmer a roasting, we are going to take on the zionist monopoly of power, and it is going to be great fun!
Document:Is this the Epicentre of Corbyn’s Antisemitism Story?Article8 April 2019TruePublicaWe are being immersed in a disgraceful environment of political propaganda, disinformation and downright lies cooked up by those with vested interests and promoted by the billionaire offshore owners of the press and fellow travellers such as Ruth Smeeth and contriving organisations such as the British-American Project
Document:JVL statement on Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvisstatement28 November 2019AnonymousThe Conservatives have given us austerity as an organising principle of government and as a result we have proliferating food banks, people sleeping and dying on our streets, our social care system on its knees, and local council budgets and services decimated. So, Rabbi Mirvis, which party is threatening the soul of the nation?
Document:Jeremy Corbyn leads cross-party push in Parliament for immediate recognition of PalestineArticle4 September 2024Joe ConnorEarly Day Motion 71 "Calls on HM Government to immediately recognise the state of Palestine in accordance with the International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion of 2024, which recognised that the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip constitute a single territorial unit the integrity of which is to be respected."
Document:Jeremy Corbyn’s Chatham House speechArticle12 May 2017The Spectator"Weapons supplied to Saudi Arabia, when the evidence of grave breaches of humanitarian law in Yemen is overwhelming, must be halted immediately."
Document:Jeremy Corbyn’s Opponents Burned the House Down to Stop Him - Now Keir Starmer Is King of the AshesArticle25 July 2020Daniel FinnBy sacking Rebecca Long-Bailey on a trumped-up pretext, Sir Keir Rodney Starmer has set the seal on a drastic shift to the right for the Labour Party. That shift comes just as the key arguments by Jeremy Corbyn’s opponents to justify a break with his left leadership have been falling apart in the face of overwhelming evidence.
Document:Jewish Money And The Labour Partyarticle11 April 2016Gilad AtzmonThe Labour party is evidently dependent on the shekel pipeline. The numbers reveal why Labour has been hijacked by Jewish interests. Whether or not we like it, our leading opposition party is a hostage begging for the mercy of few wealthy Jews.
Document:Jonathan Freedland rewrites history to hide an ugly truth about Israelblog post25 August 2024Jonathan CookThe anti-Zionist Rudolf Vrba's story exposes the ideological foundations of Israel to be fully in sympathy with ugly European ethic nationalisms that culminated in Nazism. Vrba's story explains how Israel was always capable of, and is now committing, a genocide in Gaza.
Document:Just like that: How the Tory magic trick was doneblog post18 December 2019Chris JacksonBoris Johnson will not be leading the people into any mythical promised land, rather they will be led like lemmings off the edge of a cliff. The population of the nation now have more austerity, economic inequality, privatising of the NHS and ever deteriorating public services to look forward to, led by a right wing, elitist, populist.
Document:Keir Starmer is a Long-Time Servant of the British Security StateArticle2 March 2021Oliver EagletonKeir Starmer is sometimes praised for being an outsider in the world of politics (or mocked as too lawyerly and insufficiently political). But in reality, much of his work as Director of Public Prosecutions blurred the boundaries between prosecutor and politician – following the dictates of the Cameron coalition, negotiating with foreign officials on its behalf, and dropping or pursuing cases according to its interests.
Document:Labour & ‘anti-Semitism’: Real goal of establishment smear campaign is to deny socialists powerArticle23 April 2019Ken LivingstoneAfter three years of screaming headlines, the truth about anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is finally revealed: just 0.08 percent of Labour’s half-a-million members have said or tweeted something anti-Semitic
Document:Labour Built the BombArticle10 July 2017Bill RamsayThe prompt for this short essay is not Labour's nuclear legacy: it is what took place in the UN General Assembly last Friday when the Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty passed into international law.
Document:Labour costs pass £500,000 in hearing over leaked antisemitism reportArticle31 August 2023Aletha Adu"Much of the Labour Party machinery from 2015-18 was openly opposed to Jeremy Corbyn, and worked to directly undermine the elected leadership of the party...from winning elections to building a functioning complaints and disciplinary process" – Summary of leaked internal report (page 29).
Document:Labour expulsion hearing set for anti-Zionist Jackie WalkerArticle5 February 2019Asa WinstanleyWitchHunt documentary: “We are determined to get it out whatever the threats,” Jackie Walker vows
Document:Labour has ignored its voters – it is now paying the priceArticle24 June 2021Paddy HannamGeorge Galloway speaks to Spiked Online about the problems faced by the Labour Party, and his campaign in the 2021 Batley and Spen by-election
Document:Labour left breaks with Jeremy Corbyn over sending weapons to UkraineArticle26 February 2023Toby HelmThe far left wing of the Labour Party has split from Jeremy Corbyn on the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
Document:Labour's next leader has already betrayed the leftblog post21 February 2020Jonathan CookThe next Leader of the Labour Party is already a prisoner to the "institutional antisemitism" narrative. That means their hands are chained not only to support for Israel, but to the reactionary politics in which Israel as a Jewish state makes sense – a worldview that embraces its style of ethnic, chauvinist, militaristic, segregationist politics.
Document:Labour: The Way Aheadarticle31 July 2016Paul MasonIf Jeremy Corbyn wins on 24 September 2016, we should say to his opponents inside the Parliamentary Labour Party: end the passive resistance. We have something that neither Brown nor Miliband ever had, and which Blairism lost ten years ago. A story that makes sense, a strategy that can win, an unprecedented mass membership; and a leader who, in the face of intense pressure, gets stronger.
Document:Labour’s witch-hunt against Ken Livingstonearticle31 March 2017Jonathan CookLabour's kangaroo court trying to justify suspending Ken Livingstone for stating the fact that Hitler supported Zionism
Document:Manufacturing consent on "antisemitism"article20 October 2016Tony GreensteinJeremy Corbyn's Labour party is the target throughout this ill-conceived, politically tendentious and risible Home Affairs Select Committee report entitled "Antisemitism in the UK". The presumption of innocence has been abandoned by lawyer Chuka Umunna and his Tory friends.
Document:Margaret Hodge reflects on Jeremy Corbyninterview16 August 2016Peter HennessyI know John McDonnell and Ken Livingstone. And I've known Jeremy Corbyn for 35 years when he first became the MP for Islington North and I was leader of Islington Council in local government. I know what they're about: they want the party to be a movement.
Document:My Millbankarticle18 April 1996Seumas MilneJeremy Corbyn's Strategy & Communications Director, Seumus Milne, gives a 20-year-old perspective to the current Labour Party leadership crisis