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This is a priority topic relating to deep politics.  Additions from a deep political perspective are particularly welcome.

Concept.png COVID-19/Purposes
(Third rail topic,  Class warfare)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
COVID-19 Purposes.png
Interest of• Corona Investigative Committee
• Dave Cullen
• Richard Grove
• The Last American Vagabond
• Riley Waggaman
• Whitney Webb

COVID-19 has multiple purposes. One overarching aspect appears to be the reshaping of society after the will of the Davos billionaire class with the backing of the supranational deep state; possibly to get in front of a financial collapse, and on the geopolitical side, to avert World War 3 by restructuring and unifying the governments around the globe.

At the same time, while most people are focused on Corona related legislation and vaccine damage, there is build up of tensions from NATO/US side in Ukraine in disrespect of the Minsk agreements,[1][2] which is answered from the Russian side with a build up of forces near the Donbass region. In addition, think tank policy papers indicate that the US is planning to go to war with China until 2030, or shortly thereafter. In a situation like this, a successful wide-scale anti-war movement (like before the Iraq war) can not be created - along with the fact that gatherings of any kind are getting restricted.

It stands to reason that many different establishments, like the War party in the US and other lesser connected deep state factions, have mutually exclusive goals; in other words: more than one agenda is started and/or coming to pass. This page will look into aspects in the economic, social and military realm.


The Great Reset & Build Back Better[3] - The video: people featured, in order: Tony Blair, Greta Thunberg, Caroline Lucas, Andrew Cuomo, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton, Justin Trudeau, Boris Johnson, Elizabeth Warren, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Gates, Layla Moran, Kamala Harris, CBSN's Tanya Rivero, Charles Windsor, Kristalina Georgieva, Prince Harry, Sadiq Khan, Jacinda Ardern, António Guterres, Klaus Schwab.
Full article: COVID-19/Economy
  • Removal of as much independent activity as feasible
    • Forced closure of small and medium size businesses (restaurants/retail shops), so their turnover goes to a few big cartels
    • To wreck the privately held small firm sector, to move all production/trade to global corporations
  • Removal of face-to-face contact in commerce in favor of screen mediated (e.g. online) interaction
  • The abolition of physical cash and its replacement by a digital central bank currency in most countries -- tying seamlessly into a social credit system, to allow for more fine grained citizen control such as carbon rationing
  • Creation of debt slaves, both personal and institutional, by handing out easy credit

Financial markets

“The MOTIVE is to default on all government debts and to hide their failure, Schwab is presenting this as you will own nothing and be happy because governments will erase all debt. Pension will be replaced by Guaranteed Basic Income.
So while everyone argues over COVID, vaccines, COVID passports, and lockdowns, the real plot is never discussed. This is what 2032 is all about. It is the end of an era that began with Keynesian Economics and the Great Depression. Part of Schwab’s 2030 agenda is to end democracy they call “populism” for we are too stupid to know what is best for us, when it is all about them retaining power.”

Martin Armstrong (17 December 2021)  [4]

Great Reset

Covid-19 - The Great Reset.png
Full article: The Great Reset

The corporate takeover of all aspects of life. Using a technocratic biosecurity state apparatus to implement the changes. Thus Schwabs 2020 book: COVID-19: The Great Reset.

The Survivor R is the new armored vehicle for police forces in Germany.[5][6] The federal police will get theirs (10x) with a machine gun turret right away,[7] state police forces (45x) have not yet decided but will possibly choose a less lethal system.

Food shortages

COVID has seen policies unleashed that have created month long disruptions of global supply chains, truck driver and manual laborer shortages at harvest time. This has resulted in food price spikes and shortages. These can be used


Full article: Social control
  • The introduction of vaccine passports that will forcibly regulate every aspect of people's lives.
  • Breaking the traditional health system by making it unworkable with onerous masks and distancing rules and delayed normal services. The event allows a "temporary' relaxation of laws and regulations. It will be replaced by a digital health system with an online AI run diagnosis and prescription system.
  • A forced change from allopathic medicine (conventional Western medicine) to a gene therapy based medical system where every ailment is supposed to be healed by an injection.
    • Possibly creating dependency of a medical product, a never ending hamster wheel of "vaccines" and "boosters".
  • Breaking the traditional face-to-face school system by making it unworkable. To be replaced by online classes.
  • Making long-distance travel unobtainable for the masses, thus both making organizing resistance harder. It will also reduce CO2 emissions, which is an ideological gathering point for the supranational deep state.
  • Introduction of Universal Basic Income (with strings attached) at one point.


Mass vaccinations are the agenda in most nations of the world, but especially in the formerly "free" western world (which is also the biggest consumer of goods and raw resources). Few people in government seem to care if it is a good idea to vaccinate all (or almost all) people in a society with a substance that does interfere deeply in the immune system and regulation of the body and of which the long term effects (5-10 years+) are unknown - leaving the precautionary principle completely aside.[10]

Population reduction

Full article: Population reduction

Even if one is not willing to believe in a wide scale euthanasia program, with clinical protocols and vaccines that cause death intentionally, even in face of the fact that the leadership of these nations has been fine with death counts in the millions due to war and starvation in other parts of the world (see quotes by Madeleine_Albright) - still, gatherings that were common have been restricted, complicated and/or prohibited on a massive scale. This leaves lesser chances for people to meet and socialize, resulting in lesser births down the road.


General Major Carsten Breuer (left) in Germany is given the lead to coordinate government efforts against the Corona virus in late 2021. This was un-thinkable in previous times, the army only allowed to step in for civil defense matters under the leadership of civilian institutions. The same with General Major Rudolf Striedinger, who is chosen to coordinate efforts in Austria. Both countries are important logistic hubs for NATO.
Norway hosts US forces and conducts drills on a regular bases.[11][12][13] The US seeks to expand it's options in the country[14] at the same time, along with other NATO countries, an effort is on it's way to focus on shipbuilding to be able to pin down Russia's Northern Fleet in a future conflict.[15]

The forced vaccination of the US military (and others) is important to note.[16][17][18] According to Dr Lee Merritt critical personnel, like pilots, are usually very healthy and military doctors would otherwise be careful when administering any medication to them.[citation needed] The August 2021 FDA approval does not change the fact that the mRNA vaccines have caused a substantial number of deaths, a bigger figure of the most severe side effects, coupled with an even higher number of undetected cases that do not enter the statistics, and still unknown long-term side effects. It stands to reason that under normal circumstances the US military would not mandate a vaccine that potentially will weaken the (complete) fighting force significantly, for a disease that poses no bigger threat to most soldiers who are below 30 years of age (active duty enlisted personnel).[19][20] In general, and up until recently, the US military was not about fashionable trends, but getting things done on the ground. If the branches of the military services receive the same substance as the general population before, then this could be interpreted as an intentional weakening of the force in the lead up to a war, forced upon it by the US deep state. A war, which could as well be argued, is inevitable at this point and most likely always was.

Full article: World War 3

Geopolitical hypothesis

From a military perspective COVID-19 could be interpreted as a humiliation of China: not only are the military games of Wuhan where a peaceful co-existance of world armies was projected close in time and place to the outbreak, also its own prestigious WIV facility was identified as likely source of spreading a "novel" virus, which could be easily abused by the US as a casus belli for war.

Challenging the superpower in a future scenario would likely include unconventional warfare: telecommunications and local machines connected to a mobile internet which can not be stopped at physical borders - much like viruses. Control of information would be paramount in such a scenario. The US saw a deficit in this regard, declaring a national emergency of telecommunications in the wake of COVID-19 and accusing China not only of spreading the plague (Trump rhetoric), but also of dominating (future) 5G technology (i.e by Huawei and others) used to control the "internet of things", i.e. infrastructure and robots. The (paranoid) rationale might be, that absent a "catalyzing event", whereby civilians must be brought to accept unprecedented surveillance and control, the US would loose an arms race in this department.

By demonstrating that it has control over China on its own territory (by controlling the narrative), the US may have projected exactly the fear of being controlled by China in the field of "telecommunications".

War against China

Brian Berletic argues that policy papers indicate that the United States plans to go with China, before China's economic and military might will irreversibly surpass that of the US in the early 2030s.[21][22] For that the US marines have done away with all their main battle tanks and other weapons systems to focus on Navy-centric warfighting.[23][24] The war would focus on challenging the Chinese Navy in the South China sea, to cause enough disturbance and through that bring about economic hardship.

By country

Full article: COVID-19/Regime change


Related Quotations

"Vaccine passport"“Eventually we will need some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested (for COVID-19) recently, or when we have a vaccine, who has received it.”Bill Gates18 March 2020
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine“[...] as I have stated since the outbreak of the war, in my opinion, the Ukraine war is a U.S. proxy war not against Russia, but against Europe. It is the launchpad for a continent-wide destabilisation project that will create conflict zone conditions across Europe. It will divide the EU against itself, it will de-industrialize the continent and turn it into another laboratory for the imposition of severe, neoliberal austerity policies that will wipe out all, except the largest private sector players and basically re-feudalise Europe.”Shahid Bolsen5 April 2023
Warren Buffett“There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning.”Warren Buffett2006
Dave Cullen“[...] whether it is Covid lockdowns, or raising the price of electricity and fuel, or restrictions on energy usage, such as mandatory rationing, or even powercuts - the result is always the same. Winding down the economy, destroying small to medium businesses, forcing more people to stay at home, reducing human movement and making people dependent on the government for their most basic needs. [...] The plan appears to be, do drag on the Ukraine war for as long as possible, so as to create an excuse to accelerate the transition to completely insufficient power sources such as wind, wave and solar energy, during this process energy rationing will become the norm, [...]”Dave Cullen13 September 2022
Andrei Fursov“Attali analyzes history and present-day events in the light of the change of Merchant orders. The contemporary one — the ninth — is going through an extremely acute crisis, which will end with the demise of Pax Americana. Then a furcation will occur. In Attali’s view, either world government will be established at once or it will emerge as a result of a three-move process of the 2020-2060s: hyperempire (market without democracy), hyperconflict and hyperdemocracy with a supranational government at its head.

The analysis of Attali’s works shows that he expresses the interests of the top of the world capitalist class that adheres to ultra-globalist positions and works for the subversion of the sovereignty of nation-states. The terminology used by Attali, particularly “sustainable development” / “sustainable growth” (in reality, it is the combination of deindustrialization, depopulation and ecologism), indicates his neo-Malthusian and neo-colonialist preferences. “Sustainable development” is a metaphor of the new world order (à la Orwell’s Newspeak), which is nothing more than control over resources (including information ones) and human behaviour (psychosphere). The main thing in this order is the preservation of power, property and privileges of the world’s elite whose ideological representative Attali is.

Andrei Fursov2014
Bill Gates“Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person […] Because you don’t want people moving around the world where you’ll have some countries that won’t have it under control, sadly. You don’t want to completely block off the ability for people to go there and come back and move around. So eventually there will be this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up.Bill Gates24 March 2020
The Great Reset“A controlled disintegration of the world economy is a legitimate object for the 1980s.”Paul VolckerNovember 1978
Vaccine“Even injection of Freund’s adjuvant alone, especially the complete, without any sperm antigen can cause some degree of antifertility effect”Rajesh K. Naz1 July 2012


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