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Document:Jeremy Corbyn’s Chatham House speechArticle12 May 2017The Spectator"Weapons supplied to Saudi Arabia, when the evidence of grave breaches of humanitarian law in Yemen is overwhelming, must be halted immediately."
Document:Jeremy Corbyn’s Opponents Burned the House Down to Stop Him - Now Keir Starmer Is King of the AshesArticle25 July 2020Daniel FinnBy sacking Rebecca Long-Bailey on a trumped-up pretext, Sir Keir Rodney Starmer has set the seal on a drastic shift to the right for the Labour Party. That shift comes just as the key arguments by Jeremy Corbyn’s opponents to justify a break with his left leadership have been falling apart in the face of overwhelming evidence.
Document:Jewish Money And The Labour Partyarticle11 April 2016Gilad AtzmonThe Labour party is evidently dependent on the shekel pipeline. The numbers reveal why Labour has been hijacked by Jewish interests. Whether or not we like it, our leading opposition party is a hostage begging for the mercy of few wealthy Jews.
Document:Just like that: How the Tory magic trick was doneblog post18 December 2019Chris JacksonBoris Johnson will not be leading the people into any mythical promised land, rather they will be led like lemmings off the edge of a cliff. The population of the nation now have more austerity, economic inequality, privatising of the NHS and ever deteriorating public services to look forward to, led by a right wing, elitist, populist.
Document:Keir Starmer is a Long-Time Servant of the British Security StateArticle2 March 2021Oliver EagletonKeir Starmer is sometimes praised for being an outsider in the world of politics (or mocked as too lawyerly and insufficiently political). But in reality, much of his work as Director of Public Prosecutions blurred the boundaries between prosecutor and politician – following the dictates of the Cameron coalition, negotiating with foreign officials on its behalf, and dropping or pursuing cases according to its interests.
Document:Labour & ‘anti-Semitism’: Real goal of establishment smear campaign is to deny socialists powerArticle23 April 2019Ken LivingstoneAfter three years of screaming headlines, the truth about anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is finally revealed: just 0.08 percent of Labour’s half-a-million members have said or tweeted something anti-Semitic
Document:Labour Built the BombArticle10 July 2017Bill RamsayThe prompt for this short essay is not Labour's nuclear legacy: it is what took place in the UN General Assembly last Friday when the Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty passed into international law.
Document:Labour costs pass £500,000 in hearing over leaked antisemitism reportArticle31 August 2023Aletha Adu"Much of the Labour Party machinery from 2015-18 was openly opposed to Jeremy Corbyn, and worked to directly undermine the elected leadership of the party...from winning elections to building a functioning complaints and disciplinary process" – Summary of leaked internal report (page 29).
Document:Labour expulsion hearing set for anti-Zionist Jackie WalkerArticle5 February 2019Asa WinstanleyWitchHunt documentary: “We are determined to get it out whatever the threats,” Jackie Walker vows
Document:Labour has ignored its voters – it is now paying the priceArticle24 June 2021Paddy HannamGeorge Galloway speaks to Spiked Online about the problems faced by the Labour Party, and his campaign in the 2021 Batley and Spen by-election
Document:Labour left breaks with Jeremy Corbyn over sending weapons to UkraineArticle26 February 2023Toby HelmThe far left wing of the Labour Party has split from Jeremy Corbyn on the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
Document:Labour's next leader has already betrayed the leftblog post21 February 2020Jonathan CookThe next Leader of the Labour Party is already a prisoner to the "institutional antisemitism" narrative. That means their hands are chained not only to support for Israel, but to the reactionary politics in which Israel as a Jewish state makes sense – a worldview that embraces its style of ethnic, chauvinist, militaristic, segregationist politics.
Document:Labour: The Way Aheadarticle31 July 2016Paul MasonIf Jeremy Corbyn wins on 24 September 2016, we should say to his opponents inside the Parliamentary Labour Party: end the passive resistance. We have something that neither Brown nor Miliband ever had, and which Blairism lost ten years ago. A story that makes sense, a strategy that can win, an unprecedented mass membership; and a leader who, in the face of intense pressure, gets stronger.
Document:Labour’s witch-hunt against Ken Livingstonearticle31 March 2017Jonathan CookLabour's kangaroo court trying to justify suspending Ken Livingstone for stating the fact that Hitler supported Zionism
Document:Manufacturing consent on "antisemitism"article20 October 2016Tony GreensteinJeremy Corbyn's Labour party is the target throughout this ill-conceived, politically tendentious and risible Home Affairs Select Committee report entitled "Antisemitism in the UK". The presumption of innocence has been abandoned by lawyer Chuka Umunna and his Tory friends.
Document:Margaret Hodge reflects on Jeremy Corbyninterview16 August 2016Peter HennessyI know John McDonnell and Ken Livingstone. And I've known Jeremy Corbyn for 35 years when he first became the MP for Islington North and I was leader of Islington Council in local government. I know what they're about: they want the party to be a movement.
Document:My Millbankarticle18 April 1996Seumas MilneJeremy Corbyn's Strategy & Communications Director, Seumus Milne, gives a 20-year-old perspective to the current Labour Party leadership crisis
Document:Novichok And Theresa May's "45 Minute Moment"Article15 March 2018Is Britain off to war (in Syria) to save the government from all sorts of disasters back at home? Challenging a Prime Minister in the midst of an international conflict is always difficult – just look at the vitriol thrown at Jeremy Corbyn for doing so yesterday – who was proved right in the face of the same accusations with Tony Blair.
Document:Rebecca Long-Bailey Labour leadership campaign marks end of 'project Corbyn'blog post20 January 2020Robert StevensNot only does Labour continue to be politically dominated by the Blairites, but should Long-Bailey succeed her mentor then she would do their bidding all down the line. Unity with the Blairite right was the leitmotif of Long-Bailey’s campaign rally.
Document:Rebranded revolutionaries: Mandela, Gaddafi and CorbynArticle4 September 2016Dewi AsianabThis article is not about [[Nelson Mandela|Mandela]]. It is not about [[Muammar Gaddafi|Gaddafi]], nor is it even really about [[Jeremy Corbyn|Corbyn]]. It is about ideology. That of self determination, the idea that imperialist forces must be repelled and fought at every corner. It is about international solidarity with those who seek refuge from oppressors. It is about three men who share a vast amount in common.<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>
Document:Shooting to kill Corbyn - the coup is onArticle18 November 2015Oliver TickellPublished over six months before the attempted Corbyn coup actually started - prescient or what?
Document:Starmer’s Mortal Wound On The Soul Of The Labour Partyblog post30 October 2020Rachael SwindonStarmer clearly believes he has now firmly established his own political identity and laid the foundations for the transformation of Labour’s electoral prospects – in the mould of Kinnock and Blair. It may be that he has simply destroyed his reputation for moral and intellectual integrity – and inflicted a mortal wound on the soul of his party.
Document:The American Jewish scholar behind Labour's "antisemitism" scandal breaks his silenceInterview3 May 2016Norman Finkelstein
Jamie Stern-Weiner
Norman G. Finkelstein is clear: "It’s time to put a stop to this periodic charade, because it ends up besmirching the victims of the Nazi holocaust, diverting from the real suffering of the Palestinian people, and poisoning relations between the Jewish and Muslim communities. You just had an antisemitism hysteria last year, and it was a farce. And now again? Another inquiry? Another investigation? No."
Document:The Antisemitism Industry doesn’t speak for Jews. It speaks for Western elitesblog post14 March 2024Jonathan CookFilm-maker Jonathan Glazer’s crime at the Oscars was to threaten the establishment’s stranglehold on the West’s Official Narrative about Israel – and itself
Document:The Broader View Reveals the Ugliest of Prospectsblog post17 June 2019Craig MurrayI find it hard to believe that I live in times where Julian Assange suffers as he does for telling the truth, where a dedicated anti-racist like Jeremy Corbyn is subjected to daily false accusations of racism and to US and security service backed efforts to thwart his democratic prospects, where the most laughable false flag is paraded to move us towards war with Iran, and where there is no semblance of a genuinely independent media.
Document:The Centre Blows Itself Up: Care and Spite in the ‘Brexit Election’Article13 January 2020David GraeberAt the 'Brexit Election' of 2019, the anti-Semitism accusations weakened Labour immensely. But it was the – ultimately successful – campaign by the 'Centrists' to force Jeremy Corbyn to reverse his position on Brexit that really ensured their party’s electoral disaster.
Document:The Demonization of Jeremy CorbynArticle10 December 2019Tony McKennaNotwithstanding, Corbyn was transfigured by a rabid establishment into successive manifestations of the purest evil: he was a terrorist sympathiser; a threat to national security; a communist spy; a misogynist; and, a dyed-in-the-wool anti-Semite.
Document:The EHRC’s report into Labour antisemitism is the real ‘political interference’blog post7 November 2020Jonathan CookIt is instructive to compare the certainty with which the EHRC treats Councillor Pam Bromley’s ambiguous remarks as irrefutable proof of antisemitism in Labour with its complete disregard for unmistakably antisemitic comments from Boris Johnson, the man actually running the country. That lack of concern is shared, of course, by the establishment media and Jewish leadership organisations.
Document:The Forde Report and the Labour Rightblog post24 July 2022Craig MurrayAbout a third of the mass membership that Corbyn brought into the Labour Party has now left. Starmer, having lied his way through his leadership election, has now positioned the party very squarely back as Blairite and Tory Lite. There is therefore a very real argument that the Forde Report simply does not matter.
Document:The Forde Report is what it isn’tArticle24 July 2022Michael RosenSo…why the silence? Why isn’t the Forde Report all over the comment shows? Why aren’t all the relevant people being quizzed? Why aren’t there on-air discussions and rows going on between the opposing parties (and/or supporters)?
Document:The Labour Party turns on the Israel Lobbyarticle19 August 2015Francis Carr BegbieA useful analysis of the paranoia of the Jewish-dominated British Establishment and its media at the prospect of the Labour Party being led by someone who is not 'de-rigeur' subservient to the Israel Lobby
Document:The Origins of Labour’s Civil WarEssay21 July 2016W. Stephen Gilbert"The greatest difficulty that the anti-Corbyn MPs, the media and the Tories all share is a fact that they simply cannot stomach: Jeremy Corbyn is the most popular politician in Britain."
Document:The Real Reason Theresa May’s Brexit Has FailedArticle2 March 2019T. J. ColesSo, the choice faced by ordinary British people is between a neoliberal EU supported by millionaires like Kenneth Clarke or an ultra-neoliberal Brexit supported by multimillionaires like Jacob Rees-Mogg. Meanwhile, ordinary working-class people pay the price for these elite games, as usual.
Document:The Theresa May government's nuclear obsession is a betrayal of democracyArticle19 December 2017Oliver TickellSo here's the key question: how can a government that has declared in its election manifesto its commitment to delivering the lowest cost power in Europe, and its utter impartiality in deciding between any one power generation technology over any other, justify an obsessively pro-nuclear energy policy that could land every household in Britain with a £12,600 nuclear tax?
Document:The UK's Macabre Final Electionblog post11 November 2019Craig MurrayThis election is sordid, tawdry, corrupt and uninspiring; a fitting end for the UK and its long history of callous exploitation.
Document:The attack on Jeremy Corbyn is baseless – there is nothing to support it in the EHRC reportArticle29 October 2020Chris NinehamJeremy Corbyn has a record of opposing antisemitism and all forms of racism that are second to none. It was in fact precisely his campaigning and principled approach to politics that got him elected as leader of the party in the first place.
Document:The great con that ruined BritainArticle3 April 2016Peter HitchensPeter Hitchens, the repentant Thatcherite, has second thoughts about privatisation: if it’s all been so beneficial, why do so many of the containers that arrive in British ports, full of expensive imports, leave this country empty?
Document:The left’s Trump card - weekly briefingArticle15 November 2020Lindsey GermanThe Populist Right has had a bad week. Dominic Cummings left Downing Street on Friday after his relationship with Boris Johnson, according to reports, ‘fell off a cliff’. Donald Trump may still be refusing to acknowledge his election defeat, but he is on his way out of the US presidency. The Left still has everything to play for.
Document:The plot to keep Corbyn out of powerblog post3 July 2019Jonathan CookThe weaponisation of anti-semitism against Corbyn has become so normal that, even while I was writing this post, a new nadir was reached. Jeremy Hunt, the foreign secretary who hopes to defeat Boris Johnson in the upcoming Tory leadership race, as good as accused Corbyn of being a new Hitler, a man who as prime minister might allow Jews to be exterminated, just as occurred in the Nazi death camps.
Document:The sharks circling around Corbyn scent bloodblog post26 March 2018Jonathan CookThe sharks circling around Jeremy Corbyn will not ignore the scent of his bloodied wounds; rather, it will send them into a feeding frenzy. As hard as it is to do when the elites so clearly want him destroyed, Corbyn must find his backbone and start to stand his ground.
Document:The shortcomings of the EHRC ReportStatement6 November 2020Jewish Voice for LabourThere are just 12 mentions of Jeremy Corbyn in the EHRC report, of which only two concern actions taken by him. It is reprehensible not to distinguish between actions taken by individuals supportive of Corbyn and those taken by people hostile to him – such an omission leads to the impression that all failings were Corbyn’s responsibility.
Document:The witchfinders are now ready to burn CorbynBlog post28 February 2019Jonathan CookJeremy Corbyn’s allies are being picked off one by one, from grassroots activists like Jackie Walker and Marc Wadsworth to higher-placed supporters like Chris Williamson and Seumas Milne. Soon Corbyn will stand alone, exposed before the inquisition that has been prepared for him.
Document:There is no future for Labour in bureaucratic centrismArticle11 November 2020Ian LaveryWhilst many in the media and party establishments are keen to turn back the clock to the bureaucratic centrism, progressives energised on both sides of the Atlantic, whether by Corbyn or Sanders, will define our future politics.
Document:Theresa May pushing for UK intervention in Syria following Manchester attackArticle25 May 2017Whitney WebbJeremy Corbyn Says What We All Knew: The War On Terror Isn’t Working
Document:Trump targets Corbyn in UK election interventionArticle2 November 2019Laura TiernanDonald Trump’s interview shows that Mike Pompeo’s threatened “push back” is far advanced. If Trump is willing to make such anti-democratic public pronouncements against the leader of Her Majesty’s opposition, what are they discussing—and preparing—behind the scenes?
Document:UK Labour Party is right to drop racist IHRA guidelines of anti-SemitismArticle6 August 2018The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Anti-Semitism definition guidelines the Labour Party are correctly omitting, are designed by Israeli propagandists to aid their many mass lobby attempts to stop international solidarity with the Palestinians and to deny Palestinians the right to express the nature of Israel’s 70 years of violence and racism towards them.
Document:UK Labour party teeters on brink of civil war over antisemitismArticle27 July 2020Jonathan CookLabour Party member Mark Howell is suing former General Secretary Iain McNicol for “breach of contract” and is demanding that those named in the leaked report be expelled from the party (see "Mark Howell for Justice":
Document:Unfit for LabourInterview11 April 2016Gilad AtzmonGilad Atzmon interviews Palestinian activist about Anti-semitism and her expulsion from the UK Labour Party.
Document:Venezuela critics are just Blairites having a kick at Jeremy CorbynInterview7 August 2017George Galloway
Luke Dolan
For nineteen years the United States government and its secret agents have been trying to overthrow the Venezuela political process. Why might that be? Well, there are many reasons but the biggest among them has the smallest name: OIL.
Document:We condemn the suspension of Jo Bird and the appointment of Lord FalconerArticle4 March 2019AdminAs Ken Loach said: “If it looks like a witch hunt and behaves like a witch hunt – it may well be just that. This is intolerable and must end now.”