"Extremism" is an enemy image used to designate ideas which are unwelcome to the speaker. The commercially-controlled media uses the word with negative overtones (i.e. a connection with "terrorism", but it is not limited to "violent extremism". Laws about "extremism" also apply to "non-violent extremists", enabling a more modern, somewhat subtler form of lèse-majesté. Such ideas form the core of the public pretext used by the Internet censorship projects being carried out by the deep state.
Official narrative
The Western commercially-controlled media often use the word "extremism" is conjunction with "religious", particularly "Islamic" - (i.e. "Islamic extremism"), sometimes in the compound "domestic extremism", but rarely in conjunction with other religions. The word is a flexible one which lacks much of a proper definition. It is pejorative and exonymic - i.e. people use it to put down other people, and never apply it to themselves. One look on a search engine will conform the standard usage.
As is not unusual for enemy images, "extremism" is a word which has lacked a clear and consistent definition.[1] In 2014, the UK government defined extremism as "vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs".[2] By 2018, the definition given at the website for the Commission for Countering Extremism added another sentence: "We also regard calls for the death of members of our armed forces as extremist."[3]
Sociology professor David Miller has suggested that corporate media appear to be stoking fear of Islam by very disproportionate reporting of "Islamic extremists".[4] This is does as a component of the "war on terror" narrative used to facilitate the changing of laws purportedly intended to fight "terrorism". Once passed, the lack of a legal definition of "extremism" or "terrorism" means that they are routinely used to facilitate social control such as mass surveillance of entire populations. An "extremist" becomes anyone who expresses dissenting opinions to that which the nation state promotes.

In practice
The lack of a proper definition have allowed different agencies within the UK government to use the word "extremism" in contradictory ways.[5] The purported 'research' into counter-extremism is so unempirical and vague as to not really merit that term. Nafeez Ahmed has referred to it as "astonishingly crap".[6] Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Metropolitan police commissioner promised when the Met's "anti-extremism unit" was set up that it would target serious criminals rather than peaceful protesters, but it has been used against senior UK Green party members Caroline Lucas and Sian Berry.[7]
The LSE blog asked in 2011 “Should these extremist views be allow [sic.] in society with the risk they could incite some to violence?” [8]
In 2017, the Senate Judiciary Committee today the House and Senate intelligence committees were preparing plans to counter “extremist content and Russian disinformation online.”[9] Julian King, European Commissioner for the Security Union, announced that corporations must remove "extremist" material from the internet within hours, if its uploading could not be prevented altogether.[10]
- Full articles: Violent extremism, Non-violent extremism
- Full articles: Violent extremism, Non-violent extremism
The phrase "violent extremism" is an increasingly common phrase which appears to be used as a replacement for the word "terrorism", which also is problematic as regards definition. Although the label "extremism" is associated with violence, some governments have used the phrase "non-violent extremism" when drafting legislation. Alex Schmid of the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism argued that “the distinction between “non-violent extremism” and “violent extremism” is not a valid one.” [11]
In schools
The FBI has been borrowing from the UK's PREVENT programme, encouraging high schools to report anyone who criticises government policy as potential future "terrorists", warning that “anarchist extremists” are in the same category as ISIS.[12]
China appears to be collaborating with the meme of "extremism". In 2017 it announced many restrictions on dress, cultural life, banning "abnormal beards" etc. in the majority Moslem province of Xinjiang. These were claimed to be measures to fight "extremism".[13]
Page name | Description |
"Domestic extremism" | An enemy image used to try to justify repression of alternative ideas |
"Extreme left" | One pole of the highly suspect "political spectrum". A tool in the divide and conquer strategy of party politics. |
"Extreme right" | One pole of the highly suspect "political spectrum". A tool in the divide and conquer strategy of party politics. |
"Non-violent extremism" | An enemy image used to try to justify violent repression of those who advocate non-violent change. |
"Violent extremism" | A drop in replacement for "terrorism" that was followed by "non-violent extremism", a term used to frame the justification of violence towards the explicitly non-violent. |
Proud Boys | A FBI affiliated "opposition" group. |
Related Quotations
Page | Quote | Author | Date |
"Non-violent extremism" | “It can even be argued that ‘non-violent extremism’ is a contradiction in terms. While there can be non-violent and violent radicals, it makes, in my view and based on the distinction between radicalism and extremism elaborated above, less sense to distinguish between violent and non-violent extremists.” | Alex Schmid | March 2013 |
2021 | “The Biden administration is revving up for a war against an enemy which the feds have chosen to never explicitly define.” | James Bovard | 19 June 2021 |
Commission for Countering Extremism | “Engaging widely and openly on extremism and Britain’s values across the public sector, communities, civil society, and with legal and academic experts. We need to make the case for tackling extremism and the harms it causes, beyond terrorism, in our communities.
Producing a strategic assessment of the threat we face from extremism, and the current response. This will consider the prevalence, concentration and range of extremism that exists in this country, identify the drivers of extremism, and review the success of current approaches in tackling it. Advising Ministers on the Commission’s future structures, work programme and the appointment of further commissioners. This advice will in part be informed by the Lead Commissioner’s engagement with stakeholders.” | 25 January 2018 | |
Commission for Countering Extremism | “the Commission will play a key role in the ongoing fight to counter extremism in the UK. It will:
| 25 January 2018 | |
Tom Cotton | “Waterboarding isn’t torture. We do waterboarding on our own soldiers in the military.” | Tom Cotton | |
Tom Cotton | ““It has come to our attention while observing your nuclear negotiations with our government that you may not fully understand our constitutional system. Thus, we are writing to bring to your attention two features of our Constitution—the power to make binding international agreements and the different character of federal offices—which you should seriously consider as negotiations progress.
First, under our Constitution, while the president negotiates international agreements, Congress plays the significant role of ratifying them. In the case of a treaty, the Senate must ratify it by a two-thirds vote. A so-called congressional-executive agreement requires a majority vote in both the House and the Senate (which, because of procedural rules, effectively means a three-fifths vote in the Senate). Anything not approved by Congress is a mere executive agreement. Second, the offices of our Constitution have different characteristics. For example, the president may serve only two 4-year terms, whereas senators may serve an unlimited number of 6-year terms. As applied today, for instance, President Obama will leave office in January 2017, while most of us will remain in office well beyond then—perhaps decades. What these two constitutional provisions mean is that we will consider any agreement regarding your nuclear-weapons program that is not approved by Congress as nothing more than an executive agreement between President Obama and Ayatollah Khamenei. The next president could revoke such an executive agreement with the stroke of a pen and future Congresses could modify the terms of the agreement at any time."” | Tom Cotton | |
Internet/Censorship | “Radical and extremist Islamic propaganda distributed in Europe continues to feed off events happening outside Europe. The Internet is one media outlet, perhaps the essential media outlet for this propaganda.” | 6 November 2007 | |
MLK | “A doctrine of black supremacy is as dangerous as a doctrine of white supremacy. God is not interested in the freedom of black men or brown men or yellow men. God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race, the creation of a society where every man will respect the dignity and worth of personality.” | MLK | |
Theresa May | “There is to be frank, far too much tolerance of extremism in our country.” | Theresa May | 2017 |
Nonviolence | “preventing violent extremism is not enough; rather all extremism – Islamist and other – ought to be prevented, given the bloody track record of extremism in power in the twentieth century and beyond. Rather than distinguishing between non-violent and violent extremists, we should distinguish between extremists and non-extremists and support the latter against Islamists at home and abroad. Governments should challenge and resist all extremism, whether it is violent or not, whether it is Islamist or not.” | Alex Schmid | May 2014 |
Religion | “Some years ago, a leaked MI5 behavioural study of pathways to terrorism concluded that there was no single profile or pathway to violent radicalisation. It also found, contrary to conventional assumptions, that religious conservatism tended to act as a bulwark against extremism.” | Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed | 13 February 2015 |
Related Documents
Title | Type | Publication date | Author(s) | Description |
Document:British extremists are importing tactics from the US hard right. Their target? Family drag shows | Article | 22 June 2023 | Tim Squirrell | The Institute for Strategic Dialogue has identified a new terror threat in this article published by Tim Squirrell, its head of communications, in the Guardian. |
Document:Someone said they wanted to see me trapped in a burning car and watch flames melt my flesh | Article | 22 October 2021 | Nadine Dorries | After the murder of MP David Amess, a crackdown on "internet trolls" is being demanded by most politicians. The UK's new Culture Minister Nadine Dorries is pursuing new overreaching legislation regulating Big Tech. The "Online Safety Bill" will abolish online anonymity and empower internet censorship. There are fears that it will be the end for freedom of expression in the UK. |
Document:The Astonishingly Crap Science of 'Counter-Extremism' | webpage | 17 March 2016 | Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed | An expose of the crass lack of any valid scientific basis of government strategies to fight radicalisation. Nafeez Ahmed agrues that the "most academically accurate concept to capture this absurd level of crappiness is ‘bullshit’". |
Document:The new alliance between anti-vaxxers and the far right is a deadly threat | Article | 1 August 2021 | Paul Mason | "Though they claim to be “peaceful”......by setting themselves up as the victims of genocide, the anti-vaxxers give themselves permission to threaten violence.....Those behind the “crime” are said to include governments and the World Economic Forum (WEF)" because the real fascists are the ones that oppose oppressive government mandates and forced injections. |
Document:Unthinking extremism - Radicalising narratives that legitimise surveillance | paper | 26 October 2015 | Ben Harbisher | |
Document:Weekend Clashes Emblematic of Political Violence Around the Country | Article | 16 October 2018 | Anti-Defamation League | This ADL blog post from 2018 outlines instances of "terrorism", blamed mainly on the Proud Boys during first two years of the Presidency of Donald Trump. Since then, they were revealed to have links to FBI informants. |
Document:Why We Need to Remember Srebrenica | article | 3 December 2015 | Zarah Sultana | Zarah Sultana, then a student at the University of Birmingham, wrote an article about her trip to Srebrenica |
Document:Why some people are spreading false rumours about the Texas gunman | Article | 9 May 2023 | Shayan Sardarizadeh Mike Wendling | The BBC factchecks the recent 2023 Allen, Texas outlet mall shooting regarding the alleged Nazism of the Hispanic shooter |
File:FBI-Extremist Symbols 2006.pdf | report | 9 November 2006 | (U//LES//FOUO) The Colorado Information Analysis Center has received information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Joint Terrorism Task Force (FBI/JTTF) regarding extremist symbols, tattoos and terminology. The following is a guideline for possible identification of members and or activists related to the individual groups | |
The Power of Unreason | paper | August 2010 | Jamie Bartlett Carl Miller | A critique and deconstruction of an 'Official Narrative'-type paper on 'Conspiracy Theory' from the 'think-tank' publisher Demos. It includes an exchange of correspondence between its authors and a Wikispooks editor which is continued on the discussion page. |
Official examples
Name |
Extinction Rebellion |
Charles Murray |
Stewart Rhodes |
- ↑ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-27777892
- ↑ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-27777892
- ↑ https://homeofficemedia.blog.gov.uk/2018/01/25/factsheet-on-the-commission-for-countering-extremism/
- ↑ http://unwelcomeguests.net/672
- ↑ Document:Radicalisation - UK.gov gets itself in cluster-muddle over 'terrorism'
- ↑ Document:The Astonishingly Crap Science of 'Counter-Extremism'
- ↑ http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/apr/28/police-anti-extremism-unit-monitoring-green-party-caroline-lucas-sian-berry?CMP=share_btn_tw
- ↑ http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/waronterror/2011/04/19/freedom-of-speech-extremism-terrorism/ LSE Blog , 2011-04-09
- ↑ https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2017/10/31/pers-o31.html
- ↑ https://news.sky.com/story/eu-commissioner-sir-julian-king-warns-tech-firms-over-extremist-content-11095602
- ↑ https://www.icct.nl/download/file/ICCT-Schmid-Violent-Non-Violent-Extremism-May-2014.pdf International Centre for Counter-Terrorism , May 2014
- ↑ http://www.alternet.org/grayzone-project/fbi-has-new-plan-spy-high-school-students-across-country
- ↑ http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/04/china-uighurs-ban-long-beards-veils-xinjiang-170401050336713.html