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This SMWObject has status "stable". Wikispooks currently has 413 pages which use Template:Website (318 with a description and 88 of them Stubs).

The object for websites. This is currently the only main namespace object which doesn't have an infobox.

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Website Website

Website.png Explore Talent 2 March 2025 18:13 (1.4 K) Stub.png
link=Children%27s_Health_Defense Children's Health Defense 17 February 2025 18:36 (3.7 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Wired logo.png Wired 13 February 2025 17:07 (424 bytes) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png
WL Hour Glass.png Wikileaks 6 February 2025 04:37 (9.1 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Rumble logo.png  5 February 2025 21:23 (3.5 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Parler.svg  4 February 2025 19:15 (3.8 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
link=Washington%27s_Blog Washington's Blog 4 February 2025 16:31 (2.9 K)
Telepolis.svg  30 January 2025 01:54 (1.5 K) Wikipedia-26px.png



Page nameStartedURLDescription
American ThinkerMarch 2005 online magazine
AmpedStatus19 January 2011 aggregation site supplemented with perceptive analysis and reports by the site's owner. Seems to have gone defunct in 2014.
Beforeitsnews.com2009 "citizen journalism" website where individuals can provide stories without credentials. PropOrNot/List.
Conservative PostSeptember 2020 Post is a website.
Conspiracy Dossiers website dedicated to investigations of important information regarding supranational parapolitics and the dark events surrounding it.
Deagel website with an interest in population reduction and control. It removed some of its own content following the Covid-19 pandemic.
Dialogue Works
Electoral Calculus
Encyclopedia of Domestic Assassinations
Humansarefree.comhttp://humansarefree.comNamed as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot.
ISGP2004A thoroughly researched collection of articles which tell some important and generally untold stories, especially about the rich and powerful.
InfluencewatchWiki-format website established to examine how foundations, charities, and other nonprofits spend money and get involved in politics and advocacy
Joe Vialls' websiteMay 2001A collection of no holds barred investigations, particularly into false flag "terrorism" from about 1995-2005.
LifeLogA DARPA project to create a system of collecting data about users in a single place. It was cancelled when Facebook started, in February 2004.
New York Post16 November 1801US newspaper part of Rupert Murdoch empire
Politico23 January 2007
Rozoff's blog of historical anti-war literature.
SOFREP2012 news and media website focused on frontline news about United States Armed Forces activities across the globe.
The Coalition on Political AssassinationsA non-profit dedicated to the study of the political assassinations of the 1960's and beyond. The members included Peter Dale Scott.
The Conservative Woman2014 British and Irish news website; part of the COVID-19/Resistance.
The Corbett Report2007http://www.CorbettReport.comNamed as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot. Censored and deranked by Youtube and Twitter.
The Intercept2014 funded by billionaire and deep state operative Pierre Omidyar. Secured control over the documents from Edward Snowden, for then to publish a minuscule percentage of them and hide the rest forever. Has a tendency to reveal whistleblowers.
The New Arab
YouTube15 February 2005https://www.YouTube.comThe Internet's most popular video sharing site; owned by Google. Aggressively removing information about Covid-19 while promoting Covid vaccines.



Page nameStartedURLDescription
21st Century Wire2009 sound alternative news site.
4chan1 October 2003 is a website where anyone can post comments and share images anonymously.
9-11 Research2003http://911research.wtc7.netA solid and early 9-11 investigation site, not much updated of late, but still containing valuable material.
911 Blogger2005http://911Blogger.comA solid 9/11 truth website, running since 2005
911 Review2004http://911review.comA simple 9-11 website.
Aaargh archive
Aangirfanhttp://aanirfan.blogspot.comBlog that covers many aspects of deep state activities, especially VIPaedophile and Sexual Blackmail.
Activist Post2010 website started in 2010. "We encourage people to share our articles. You may repost our content"
Activist Teacher BlogFebruary 2007http://activistteacher.blogspot.comArticles and entries about activist teaching and radical pedagogy, edited by Denis G. Rancourt.
Al Akhbar English14 August 2006 Lebanese-based daily newspaper
Al Masdar NewsAugust 2014 newspaper whichfocused largely on conflict zones in the Middle East: Syria, Yemen, and Iraq.Attacked by the Us "national security" deep state. As of 2023, it appears to be inactive.
AlchetronNovember 2013 machine generated encyclopedia
AltCensoredFebruary 2019https://altcensored.comA website archiving material censored by YouTube
AlterNet16 June 1997http://www.alternet.orgAlt-media that changed ownership in 2018, now NewsGuard gives Alternet a "green" rating.
AmericaInTheWorldhttp://AmericaintheWorld.comA neocon website
American Free Press2001 weekly newspaper founded in 2001 which helped expose the Bilderberg.
American Herald Tribunehttps://ahtribune.caNamed as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot and the Poynter Institute. Domain confiscated by the US government in 2020, site soon up again with Canadian domain name, but again seized by US warrant.
American ThinkerMarch 2005 online magazine
AmpedStatus19 January 2011 aggregation site supplemented with perceptive analysis and reports by the site's owner. Seems to have gone defunct in 2014.
Anonyme Citoyen channel that posts videos of protests around the world. Started during the Yellow Vest movement.
Anti-Empire2019 concentrating on independent geopolitical analysis. Covid-19 dissident.
Antiwar.com1995 news and viewpoints since 1995; has moved closer to official narratives over the years
Asia Times media that also publishes Pepe Escobar
Asia-pacificresearch.comMay 2015 connected to Global Research. Named as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot.
Ask.com1996https://ask.comOne of the earliest search engines.
Assassinationscience.com1998 as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot, a now rather dated website about the JFK assassination that has been online since 1998.
Axis of Logic2003 that was "committed to publishing news and commentary that is often not presented in the major news outlets". Exists in archived form since 2022.
Babylon Bee2016 website censored since 2020.
Baidu1 January 2000https://baidu.comThe Chinese #1 search engine
Balkanleaks leak site for the Balkans.
Beforeitsnews.com2009 "citizen journalism" website where individuals can provide stories without credentials. PropOrNot/List.
Bella Caledonia2007
Below Gotham Labs regularly updated and informative news site with a focus on mass surveillance by The Deep State.
Biased BBChttp://biasedbbc.orgA community of readers who analyse the BBC's bias.
Biblioteca Pleyades"Biblioteca Pleyades" is Spanish for "Pleiades Library"
Big League Politics2017http://www.bigleaguepolitics.comBig League Politics is a politically independent news website, reporting from a Pro-Trump point of view.
Bing3 June 2009https://bing.comThe Microsoft search engine
BitChuteJanuary 2017 hosting website. Alternative to YouTube.
Black Agenda Report2006 media outlet with a black American left-wing angle. Covers deep politics.
Black Op Radio2000 vast source of audio material about conspiracies in general and the JFK Assassination in particular.
Black Star News1997http://www.blackstarnews.comA news website which broke the murder of Sunny Sheu.
Blacklisted News popular alternative media news site.
Bne IntelliNewshttps://intellinews.comA Berlin and Tallinn based media company focusing on Eastern Europe and Eurasia
Boiling Frogs PostSeptember 2009http://www.boilingfrogspost.comA partly free, partly pay for access website which takes a firmly establishment sceptic line. It has a variety of contributors and was set up by whistleblower Sibel Edmonds.
Brandnewtube is an alt-tech video hosting platform.
Breitbart News
Brian Martin's websitehttp://www.bmartin.ccThe website of Professor Brian Martin, dealing with attacks on dissenting views and individuals. "Suppression of dissent" here includes whistleblowing, free speech, systems of social control and related topics. The purpose of the site is to foster examination of these issues and foster action against suppression, on the assumption that openness and dialogue can help challenge unaccountable power.
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