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Document:Here’s why the Grenfell inquiry will be a stitch-up5 July 2017ArticleGeorge MonbiotThe Guardian7,208On 14 June 2017, while the Grenfell Tower was smouldering, a meeting of the Red Tape Initiative panel decided that "on this occasion" they would not recommend the removal of the EU Construction Products Regulation, which seeks to protect people from fire, and restricts the kind of cladding that can be used.
Document:Heritage Foundation, extract from The "Terrorism" Industry1990book extractEdward S. HermanThe "Terrorism" Industry18,833
Document:Hidden Alliance of former WEF Young Global Leaders working in Lockstep27 January 2022ArticleNota Akhir ZamanThe Exposé10,260Just listen to the President of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, himself say the following: “I have to say when I mention names like Mrs Merkel, Vladimir Putin and so on they have all been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum, but what we’re really proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, the President of Argentina and so on.
Document:Hidden History - Concluding chapter4 July 2013book extractGerry Docherty
Jim Macgregor
Hidden History41,300The concluding chapter of a seminal work of historical revision on the origins of World War I and 100 years of establishment lies to hide where responsibility really lies
Document:High-stakes fight for one tree comes to an autumnal crunch19 November 2023ArticleTim AdamsThe Observer7,126"If insurers are allowed to succeed here it will threaten many thousands of trees across the country", says barrister Paul Powlesland. "The fact is we all have a stake in Haringey's Oakfield plane – as long as it still stands."
Document:Hijacking the word 'Islam' for Mantra Creation31 May 2009webpageZahir EbrahimHuman Beings First321
Document:Hillary Clinton Did It20 May 2022ArticleWSJ Editorial BoardWall Street Journal5,304Appearing as a witness in John Durham’s trial of Michael Sussmann, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign manager, Robby Mook, says she personally approved a plan to give a false 'Trump, Russia' claim to the news media.
Document:Holy Smoke and Mirrors2000articleDavid GuyattDeep Black Lies27,004A wide ranging overview into the history of the modern supranational deep state, with an emphasis on overall connections and interactions of groups and people, rather than on particular events and dates.
Document:Hong Kong and the Sassoon Opium Wars1997webpageSatyricon7,790
Document:Hong Kong's Identity Crisis9 October 2014articleUlson GunnarNew Eastern Outlook5,974The "Occupy Central" movement in Hong Kong seek to harness popular disaffection, especially among the young, but its leaders represent colonial collaborators who cannot accept the return of Hong Kong to China, nor imagine life other than as cogs in an Anglo-American world order.
Document:Hostages to wealth and the growing resistance26 October 2016ArticleKeith Ordinary GuyDorset Eye10,703The UK government has prostituted itself to the free markets and private interests, and, as with the banking crisis, it is we, the public who get shafted. The least we can do is oppose, resist and expose and be ready for whatever comes next.
Document:House Negro1 March 2012book extractDenis RancourtHierarchy and Free Expression in the Fight Against Racism14,494
Document:How Al Qaeda men came to power in Libya7 September 2011articleThierry MeyssanVoltaire Network10,815
Document:How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline8 February 2023ArticleSeymour HershSubstack35,455Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland told Senator Ted Cruz: “Like you, I am, and I think the Administration is, very gratified to know that Nord Stream 2 is now, as you like to say, a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea” (Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 26 January 2023).
Document:How Britain Wages War8 July 2008articleJohn PilgerNew Statesman10,357
Document:How British journalists are seduced by the Ministry of Defence and spooks28 September 2021ArticleRichard Norton-TaylorDeclassified UK15,157In the world of the spooks, few in the media raised questions about the root causes of terror attacks in Britain even when Eliza Manningham-Buller, then head of MI5, warned that the invasion of Iraq would increase the terrorist threat in Britain.
Document:How CIA Money Took the Teeth Out of SocialismMay 1988book extractRichard Fletcher (Author)The Education Forum31,608
Document:How Chrystia Freeland Organised Donald Trump’s Coup in Venezuela7 February 2019ArticleEric ZuesseStrategic Culture Foundation26,091That’s what Ukraine, and now Venezuela, and many other US coups and invasions, are - and have been - really about. It’s about the ‘peace’ of the graveyard, NOT any democracy, anywhere at all.
Document:How Culture Shapes the Developing Brain and the Future of Humanity16 November 2006articleJames W PrescottKindred Community24,548
Document:How I Got Arrested and Abused at the G20 in Toronto29 June 2010Facebook pageTommy TaylorBackofthebook62,788Toronto resident Tommy Taylor's extraordinary account of being arrested and caged at the G20 for 23 hours after joined in when a group of peaceful protesters sang "Give Peace a Chance". It is recommended for anyone trying to understand the nature of the police-state societies that are evolving across much of the western world.
Document:How Keir Starmer Sabotaged Rebecca Long-Bailey26 June 2020ArticleRonan BurtenshawTribune15,782Rebecca Long-Bailey’s approach to schools reopening had been entirely vindicated: she backed teachers and their unions as they changed the political terrain and forced the Tory government into a concession. This was politics in the best traditions of the labour movement but was anathema to Sir Keir Starmer.
Document:How Mandela sold out blacks17 July 2012open letterYoungsterNews2412,126Bitter criticism of Nelson Mandela for capitulating to the apartheid regime and for failing to ensure that South Africa's mines, banks and minerals were "transferred to the ownership of the people as a whole" as required by the Freedom Charter.
Document:How Megrahi and Libya were framed for Lockerbie22 July 2010articleAlexander CockburnFirst Post9,204
Document:How Monsanto silences scientific dissent3 December 2013commentaryJames CorbettBoiling Frogs Post12,219
Document:How Natacha Jaitt Exposed An Argentinean Child Rape Network19 June 2021ArticleYourAnonCentral3,604
Document:How Reddit Was Destroyed25 March 2015webpage'Shark Shank'Reddit14,158An informative summary of changes made to how Reddit works to facilitate its use as a means of disseminating propaganda and frustrate its use as a forum for uncensored self-expression.
Document:How Russia betrayed America10 March 2015essayMike KingTomatoBubble.com1,853A useful mirror image of the Anglo-US-Nato official narrative about Russia
Document:How Saville got the Higher-ups off the hook18 June 2010articleEamonn McCannCounterpunch13,747A powerful critique of the Saville report into the 'Bloody Sunday' killings in Derry Northern Ireland by British paratroopers
Document:How Spin and Lies Fuel a Bloody War of Attrition in Ukraine13 February 2023ArticleMedea Benjamin
Nicolas J. S. Davies
Common Dreams14,662President Eisenhower famously said that only an "alert and knowledgeable citizenry" can "guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. An "alert and knowledgeable citizenry" would surely then demand that our government stop fueling this war and instead support immediate peace negotiations.
Document:How The Clintons Robbed and Destroyed Haitiblog postTakudzwa Hillary ChiwanzaThe African Exponent7,882Their history with the country dates back to 1975 when they had their honeymoon there. If there is an unpopular couple in Haiti, it definitely has to be the Clintons; for they are held in contempt and in despicable terms. What the Clintons did is unforgivable to the Haitians.
Document:How They Get Away With It28 June 2006essayMichael B. Green9-11 Research73,936The mechanics of a cover-up
Document:How To Spot A Twitter Troll2 July 2019blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog8,590Exposure is the simple way to nullify the vast state propaganda programmes on social media
Document:How al-Qaeda got to rule in Tripoli30 August 2011articlePepe EscobarAsia Times7,986
Document:How can you tell whether Russia has invaded Ukraine?30 August 2014articleDmitry OrlovClubOrlov6,113A list of the top tell-tale signs that will enable you to determine whether or not Western claims that "Russia has invaded Ukraine" are accurate.
Document:How did the US rename a terror group to work with it24 January 2018ArticleMurat YetkinThe Hurriyet4,944So Mr Tillerson, contrary to what CENTCOM and Brett McGurk keep telling you, the Syrian Democratic Forces are not a “truly multi-ethnic” group of freedom fighters uniting against ISIL barbarism. The handful of Arab tribes in the SDF are there for cosmetic purposes only, as part an effort to cover up cooperation between US forces and a group that your administration official designates a “terrorist group.”
Document:How do Pedophiles get away with it?19 October 2012articleAnonymousTwelfth Bough22,773
Document:How the Newtown massacre became a Mind-Control television event18 December 2012articleJon RappoportJon Rappoport's Blog15,786
Document:How to Keep Going During the Next Energy Crisis25 September 2021ArticleMike SmallBella Caledonia5,560The social chaos unwinding on your forecourts and timelines is the long-term consequence of decades of privatisation, core industries run for profiteering with no thinking about the socio-ecological consequence. As people face mass fuel poverty, the dark irony is that all of these “British” institutions were sold off by the Tories, now desperate to defend the very concept of Britishness they’ve sold.
Document:How to identify CIA limited hangout operation18 June 2013articleWebster TarpleyPress TV21,794Citing the Pentagon Papers as an example, Tarpley suggests that both Wikileaks and the Snowden affair are limited hangout operations by the CIA.
Document:How to profit from an engineered economic decline and crisis28 September 2022ArticleRobert BrysonFacebook4,672How do you profit from an engineered economic decline and crisis? Simple really – acquire and give inside information to the hedge funders, who fund your leadership campaign!
Document:How to spot a Twitter troll2 July 2019blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog8,815Exposure is the simple way to nullify the vast state propaganda programmes on social media
Document:How top Labour officials plotted to bring down Jeremy Corbyn16 April 2020ArticleJonathan CookMiddle East Eye25,120The stench of cover-up is already in the air. Keir Starmer's Labour needs to come clean and admit that its most senior officials defrauded hundreds of thousands of party members, and millions more supporters, who voted for a fairer, kinder Britain.
Document:Huawei Hypocrisy7 May 2019blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog6,473Former Deputy PM Nick Clegg said GCHQ's ability "to hack anything from handsets to whole networks … needs to be much better understood".
Document:Huawei’s phone business would be decimated without Google’s Android20 May 2019ArticleVlad SavovThe Verge9,305A resolution to the ongoing trade dispute between the US and China is now more urgent than ever. However, China is unlikely to react positively to the bullying tactics of the US. And that means Huawei’s phone business may be in limbo for a while yet.
Document:Human Rights Record of the United States in 201328 February 2014reportChinaXinhua39,701A report on the Human rights record of the USA through 2013. An official publication of the government of the Peoples Republic of China. A response to the hypocricy of the US government in publishing similar reports on 200 countries and excluding itself - Clearly the US considers itself exempt in such matters.
Document:Human Rights in the USA10 April 2011reportChina's Information Office of the State CouncilDocument:Human Rights in the USA56,144
Document:Hunger As A Weapon17 February 2014articleFranklin LambForeign Policy Journal9,505On the US's exploitation at the UN Security Council of humanitarian suffering in Syria to cynically further its policy aims.
Document:Hushing Up - and Profiting from - Saudi Aggressions while Warmongering against Russia29 August 2015articleStephen GowansWhat's Left15,120The gross hypocricy inherent in the foreign policy actions of Anglo-US-NATO governments
Document:I Am Obliged to Reconsider My Support for the European Union3 October 2017ArticleCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog21,812Today, and with a greater sadness than you can imagine, I withdraw my support for membership of the European Union
Document:I Go to Stand My Trial2 November 2017Blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog3,554The Trial starts on Tuesday 7 November at the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand, High Court Queen’s Bench Division, and lasts for two or three days. By the time I come back online the Tories will have appointed their next Disgraced Former Defence Secretary in Waiting.