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The Islamic State is gaining strength after taking control of large portions of Syria and Iraq. It is now fighting in northern Iraq against Kurdish militias while massacring and ousting religious and ethnic minorities. The goal of the group led by an alleged [[Mossad]] agent, [[Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi]], is to create a Caliphate ruled by a fundamentalist version of Sunni Islam:
The Islamic State is gaining strength after taking control of large portions of Syria and Iraq. It is now fighting in northern Iraq against Kurdish militias while massacring and ousting religious and ethnic minorities. The goal of the group led by an alleged [[Mossad]] agent, [[Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi]], is to create a Caliphate ruled by a fundamentalist version of Sunni Islam:
:"If it succeeded we would be facing a terrorist state on the shores of the Mediterranean and bordering a [[NATO]] member," [[David Cameron|Cameron]] warned, referring to Turkey, which borders northern Syria and Iraq.<ref>[http://rt.com/uk/180872-cameron-iraq-terror-britain/ "Cameron fears ISIS terror attacks in UK, pledges crackdown on jihadist recruitment"]</ref>
:"If it succeeded we would be facing a terrorist state on the shores of the Mediterranean and bordering a [[NATO]] member," [[David Cameron|Cameron]] warned, referring to Turkey, which borders northern Syria and Iraq.<ref>[http://rt.com/uk/180872-cameron-iraq-terror-britain/ "Cameron fears ISIS terror attacks in UK, pledges crackdown on jihadist recruitment"]</ref>

Revision as of 10:23, 21 September 2014

Group.png Islamic State  Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Motto"Remaining and Expanding"
Type• Terrorism identification chart.jpg “terrorist”
•  front
Interest ofJürgen Todenhöfer, Paul Williams
Member ofDonald Trump/Conspiracy theories
An "Islamic fundamentalist terrorist" organisation closely affiliated to al-Qaeda.
Senator John McCain pictured with Simon Elliot (aka IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi)

The Islamic State (IS), also known as Daesh, and formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and the State of the Islamic Caliphate (SIC), is a jihadist group, widely regarded as a terrorist organisation. In its self-proclaimed status as a caliphate, the group claims religious authority over all Muslims across the world and aspires to bring much of the Muslim-inhabited regions of the world under its direct political control, beginning with territory in the Levant region, which includes Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Cyprus, and an area in southern Turkey that includes Hatay. IS has been officially designated as a foreign terrorist organisation by the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, and has been described as a terrorist group by the United Nations and Western and Middle Eastern media sources.

The Islamic State, in its original form, was composed of and supported by a variety of Sunni Arab terrorist insurgent groups, including its predecessor organisations, Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) (2003–2006), Mujahideen Shura Council (2006–2006) and the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) (2006–2013), other insurgent groups such as Jeish al-Taiifa al-Mansoura, Jaysh al-Fatiheen, Jund al-Sahaba and Katbiyan Ansar Al-Tawhid wal Sunnah, and a number of Iraqi tribes that profess Sunni Islam.

The Islamic State grew significantly as an organisation owing to its participation in the Syrian Civil War and the strength of its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, whose alter ego Simon Elliot is alleged to be a Mossad agent.[1] Economic and political discrimination against Arab Iraqi Sunnis since the fall of the secular Saddam Hussein also helped it to gain support. At the height of the 2003–2011 Iraq War, its forerunners enjoyed a significant presence in the Iraqi governorates of Al Anbar, Nineveh, Kirkuk, most of Salah ad Din, parts of Babil, Diyala and Baghdad, and claimed Baqubah as a capital city. In the ongoing Syrian Civil War, ISIS has a large presence in the Syrian governorates of Ar-Raqqah, Idlib and Aleppo.

ISIS is known for its extreme interpretation of the Islamic faith and sharia law and its brutal violence, which is directed at Shia Muslims, indigenous Assyrian/Chaldean/Syriac Christians and Armenian Christians, Yazidis, Druze, Shabakis and Mandeans in particular. It has at least 4,000 fighters in its ranks in Iraq who, in addition to attacks on government and military targets, have claimed responsibility for attacks that have killed thousands of civilians. ISIS had close links with al-Qaeda until 2014, but in February of that year, after an eight-month power struggle, al-Qaeda cut all ties with the group, reportedly for its brutality and "notorious intractability".

ISIS’s original aim was to establish a caliphate in the Sunni-majority regions of Iraq. Following its involvement in the Syrian Civil War, this expanded to include controlling Sunni-majority areas of Syria. A caliphate was proclaimed on 29 June 2014, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi — now known as Amir al-Mu'minin Caliph Ibrahim — was named as its Caliph, and the group was renamed the Islamic State.[2]

Supported by Western Intelligence

In July 2014, it was reported that the Islamic State was created by the CIA/MI6/Mossad likely apart of NATO's Gladio B and that Israel is using it as a front organisation[3]

Former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Snowden said intelligence services of three countries created a terrorist organisation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called "the hornet’s nest".

NSA documents refer to recent implementation of the hornet’s nest to protect the Zionist entity by creating religious and Islamic slogans. According to documents released by Snowden:

"The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state 'is to create an enemy near its borders'."

However the Snowden documents have not been confirmed and have sparked much controversy.

Leaks revealed that ISIS leader and cleric Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi took intensive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides courses in theology and the art of speech.[4]

Nabil Na’eem, the founder of the Islamic Democratic Jihad Party and former top al-Qaeda commander, told the Beirut-based pan-Arab TV station al-Maydeen all current al-Qaeda affiliates, including ISIS, work for the CIA. A Jordanian official reported ISIS leaders being trained by U.S. Intelligence at a base in Jordan. “Key members of ISIS it now emerges were trained by US CIA and Special Forces command at a secret camp in Jordan in 2012, according to informed Jordanian officials,” writes William Engdahl.

A scripted “geopolitical struggle between the US and Russia” is “the objective of leading neo-conservatives in the CIA, Pentagon and State Department all along,” Engdahl continues. “The CIA transported hundreds of Mujahideen Saudis and other foreign veterans of the 1980s Afghan war against the Soviets in Afghanistan into Chechnya to disrupt the struggling Russia in the early 1990s, particularly to sabotage the Russian oil pipeline running directly from Baku on the Caspian Sea into Russia. James Baker III and his friends in Anglo-American Big Oil had other plans. It was called the BTC pipeline, owned by a BP-US oil consortium and running through Tbilisi into NATO-member Turkey, free of Russian territory.” [5]

Bankrolled by Saudi Arabia and Qatar

US President Barack Obama’s authorisation of airstrikes on ISIS targets in Iraq serves as an opportunity to remind ourselves which countries are bankrolling the deadly terror group. The answer: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Turkey and Qatar – three of the United States’ biggest allies in the region.

On 16 August 2014, Obama announced limited airstrikes to slow the advance of ISIS fighters and help members of the Yazidi religious minority group who were forced to flee into a mountainous region in the north of Iraq to avoid slaughter. However, the administration has failed to put pressure on several (Persian) Gulf states that are directly responsible for helping ISIS gain a foothold in Iraq in the first place. As the Daily Beast’s Josh Rogin documents:

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), now threatening Baghdad, was funded for years by wealthy donors in Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, three US allies that have dual agendas in the war on terror."

In addition to funding itself through criminal activity and punitive taxes imposed on the local population on pain of death, ISIS relies on a steady stream of income from countries that have bankrolled extremists for years, yet have faced zero backlash from successive White House administrations. Even evidence of direct Saudi involvement in 9/11 failed to generate any reconsideration of who America calls its friends.

"Everybody knows the money is going through Kuwait and that it’s coming from the (Persian) Gulf," said Andrew Tabler, senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. "Kuwait’s banking system and its money changers have long been a huge problem because they are a major conduit for money to extremist groups in Syria and now Iraq."

State backing for ISIS, now the wealthiest terror group in the world, prompted former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to point the finger directly at Saudi Arabia and Qatar during a France 24 television interview:

"I accuse them of inciting and encouraging the terrorist movements. I accuse them of supporting them politically and in the media, of supporting them with money and by buying weapons for them," said al-Maliki.

In failing to call these countries to account for funding ISIS, the White House has deliberately placed the importance of isolating Iran and Syria over and above the stability of the entire region. The White House is also directly responsible for the spread of ISIS militants having backed other rebel groups in Syria which were once allied with and then taken over by ISIS. Indeed, some evidence suggests that the US even trained some of the fighters who went on to join ISIS at a secret base in Jordan in 2012. Aaron Klein was told by Jordanian officials that, "dozens of future ISIS members were trained at the time as part of covert aid to the insurgents..."

Yet another US ally – Turkey – also trained ISIS fighters at a location in the vicinity of Incirlik Air Base near Adana According to a source close to former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, the Obama administration turned a blind eye to the fact that Turkey was equipping and then sending fighters to Syria before they went on to Iraq. The source even went on to accuse the White House of being "an accomplice" in the ISIS takeover of major Iraqi cities.

Whether or not the "humanitarian" airstrikes on Iraq are really aimed at stopping the terror wrought by ISIS, or are merely part of a ploy to create a justification for a long-awaited attack on Syria, the White House itself, as well as some of America’s closest supposed allies, all share some of the blame in aiding the growth of ISIS in the region.[6]

Blacklisted by UN Security Council

On 15 October 2014, the United Nations Security Council took aim at ISIS militants in Iraq and Syria, blacklisting six people including the ISIS spokesman and threatening sanctions against those who finance, recruit or supply weapons to the insurgents. The 15-member council unanimously adopted UNSCR 2170 (2014) that aims to weaken the ISIS - an al-Qaeda splinter group that has seized swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria and declared a Caliphate - and al-Qaeda's Syrian wing Nusra Front.

ISIS has long been blacklisted by the Security Council, while Nusra Front was added earlier this year. Both groups are designated under the UN al-Qaeda sanctions regime. Resolution 2170 named six people who will be subject to an international travel ban, asset freeze and arms embargo, including ISIS spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, an Iraqi described by UN experts as one of the group's "most influential emirs" and close to its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. ISIS's swift and brutal push to the borders of Iraq's autonomous ethnic Kurdish region and toward Baghdad has sparked the first U.S. air strikes in Iraq since the withdrawal of American troops in 2011. The Security Council resolution "deplores and condemns in the strongest terms the terrorist acts of ISIS and its violent extremist ideology, and its continued gross, systematic and widespread abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law."[7]

Syria's UN Ambassador, Bashar Ja'afari, calling the adoption of UNSCR 2170 "important", stressed that ISIS and other groups had no connection with Islam or the heritage of the region. He said that Syria had been beset with the crimes of such groups for the past three year, and had been fighting them, while influential States in the region and elsewhere had continued their support for the groups while portraying them as moderate opposition. His Government had long been trying to call attention to the crimes of those organisations, he went on to say. The sales of Syrian oil by the groups had been ignored, as well as the traversing of their personnel and resources through Turkey and other countries. Had his warnings been acted on, there might be no need now to deal with the growing threat. He called on the UN Security Council, in the future, to consult with his country and others in the region in order to make its actions against terrorism effective. Furthermore, efforts should be made to fight media that encouraged extremist ideologies.

Russia's Representative, Petr V. Iliichev, said he supported UNSCR 2170 based on the need to counter terrorism. His Government repeatedly condemned terrorism. The text would help the Governments of Iraq and Syria to counter that scourge. But, it should not be taken as approval for military action. He also expressed concern about the UN Security Council's departure from its normal procedure to name individuals on the sanctions list, which was usually vetted by its subsidiary body. He voted in favour in the spirit of cooperation, but expressed reservation about some language that seems to distort the scope of international humanitarian law.[8]

Posturing by David Cameron

A stronger Islamic State can pose a direct threat to Britons at home, British PM David Cameron warned on 17 August 2014. His solution is to clamp down on the Islamists’ recruitment drive in Britain, but not to send ground troops to Iraq. In a strongly-worded article published in The Sunday Telegraph, David Cameron said that if the Islamic State grows stronger and creates a Caliphate in the Middle East, the group would project a threat to Europe:

"If we do not act to stem the onslaught of this exceptionally dangerous terrorist movement, it will only grow stronger until it can target us on the streets of Britain. We already know that it has the murderous intent," he said.

Cameron, who has been criticised for the coalition government’s cautious approach to the security crisis in Iraq, called the fight against IS:

"A generational struggle against a poisonous and extremist ideology" adding that it may take "the rest of my political lifetime."

The Islamic State is gaining strength after taking control of large portions of Syria and Iraq. It is now fighting in northern Iraq against Kurdish militias while massacring and ousting religious and ethnic minorities. The goal of the group led by an alleged Mossad agent, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is to create a Caliphate ruled by a fundamentalist version of Sunni Islam:

"If it succeeded we would be facing a terrorist state on the shores of the Mediterranean and bordering a NATO member," Cameron warned, referring to Turkey, which borders northern Syria and Iraq.[9]


An example

Page nameDescription
2024 Crocus City Hall attackA mass shooting and multiple explosions on the edge of Moscow


Related Quotations

"Terrorism/Response"“It is critical to understand that the threat from groups historically seen as direct sponsors of terrorism such as ISIS/Daesh and the coordinated state efforts from Russia in recent years are linked.”Anonymous6 August 2018
Joe Biden“Our allies in the region were our largest problem in Syria. The Turks were great friends, and I have a great relationship with Erdogan, [who] I just spent a lot of time with, [and] the Saudis, the Emirates, etcetera.
   What were they doing? They were so determined to take down Assad, and essentially have a proxy Sunni-Shia war, what did they do? They poured hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad – except that the people who were being supplied, [they] were al-Nusra, and al-Qaeda, and the extremist elements of jihadis who were coming from other parts of the world.
   Now, you think I'm exaggerating? Take a look. Where did all of this go? So now that's happening, all of a sudden, everybody is awakened because this outfit called ISIL, which was al-Qaeda in Iraq, when they were essentially thrown out of Iraq, found open space and territory in [eastern] Syria, [and they] work with al-Nusra, who we declared a terrorist group early on. And we could not convince our colleagues to stop supplying them.
So what happened? Now, all of a sudden – I don't want to be too facetious – but they have seen the lord. Now we have ... been able to put together a coalition of our Sunni neighbors, because America can't once again go into a Muslim nation and be the aggressor. It has to be led by Sunnis. To go and attack a Sunni organization. And so what do we have for the first time? President Erdoğan told me, he is an old friend, said you were right, we let too many people through, now we are trying to seal the border.”
Joe Biden
The Washington Post
Francis Ghilès“Fifteen years after 9/11 we are nowhere close to the end of the War on Terror... ISIS is a long-term threat to the region and the outside world.”Francis Ghilès26 June 2016
Vladimir Putin“95% of the world’s terrorist attacks are orchestrated by the CIA.”Vladimir Putin2017
Saudi Arabia“Saudi Arabia is the Arab world’s leading state sponsor of terror. It backs ISIS, al-Qaeda, its al-Nusra offshoot and other terrorist groups – supplying them with weapons (including CWs), munitions, funding and other material support.”Stephen Lendman27 November 2017
Dick Schoof“Children are spoon fed extremist values and do not have to be converted. Minors in the 'caliphate' are taught from a young age that anyone who does not adhere to the correct interpretation of Islam must be slain. Children are portrayed as fighters, as happy and free. The propaganda says a lot about the role ISIS gives kids. Therefore upon their return we look at what care, safety measures and interventions are appropriate.”AIVD
Dick Schoof
Donald Trump“The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families.”Donald Trump2 December 2015
US/Foreign policy“The US/Saudi/Israeli alliance against Iran is the most important geo-political factor in the region today. It is high time this alliance stopped both funding ISIS and pretending to fight it; schizophrenia is not a foreign policy stance.”Craig Murray20 December 2018
Whitney Webb“Bitcoiners should pay close attention to these developments as the DOJ in particular has attempted to paint bitcoin as the payment of choice for well-known terror groups like ISIS and al-Qaida, signaling that the working group proposed by this bill will likely seek to specifically target bitcoin. Adding to this concern is the fact that a slew of recent mainstream media reports — which cite Treasury and FinCEN officials, DOJ officials and CIA analysts — have claimed specifically that “terrorists are turning to bitcoin, and they’re learning fast”, that bitcoin is the “new frontier in terror financing”, and that “bitcoin is helping terrorists secretly fund their deadly attacks”. Even the prominent military think tank RAND Corporation has argued that “bitcoin and the dark web” are the newest terrorist threat.”Whitney WebbSeptember 2023


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