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Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "This property is for Reddit URLs". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 126 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Peter Cuthbertson  + (Think tanker and Conservative politician turned public affairs professional)
  • Northern Territory  + (Thinly populated Australian territory)
  • Counter Extremism Project  + (Thinly veiled intelligence front organization to implement internet censorship)
  • Anastasio Somoza Debayle  + (Third generation "our son of a bitch")
  • Leif Ø. Høegh  + (Third generation Bilderberg member)
  • Jacob Wallenberg  + (Third generation [[Bilderberg]] ([[Bilderberg Steering committee|Steering committee]]), [[European Round Table of Industrialists]])
  • 3rd interrogation of Oswald  + (Third interrogation of Oswald in Captain Fritz's Office.)
  • University of Innsbruck  + (Third largest university in Austria)
  • University of Central Oklahoma  + (Third largest university in [[Oklahoma]])
  • Cartha DeLoach  + (Third most senior official in the FBI under [[J. Edgar Hoover]] and [[Clyde Tolson]]. Member of the [[Knights of Malta]].)
  • Security and Defence Learning/2007  + (Third of a series of 8 spooky conferences)
  • Laura Alvarez  + (Third wife of [[Jeremy Corbyn]])
  • Document:Coleen Rowley Memo  + (This "edited version" of a 13 page letter to [[FBI]] Director [[Robert Mueller]] was headlined by ''Time'' as "The Bombshell Memo")
  • The Maltese Double Cross - Lockerbie  + (This 1994 documentary disputes the [[Lockerbie Official Narrative]]This 1994 documentary disputes the [[Lockerbie Official Narrative]] by advancing the theory that the bomb was introduced at Frankfurt onto feeder flight Pan Am 103A by [[Khaled Jaafar]], an unwitting drugs mule, in what filmmaker [[Allan Francovich]] claims was a [[CIA]]-protected suitcase.[[CIA]]-protected suitcase.)
  • File:A-Z ClimateRealityCheck.pdf  + (This Climate Depot special report categoriThis Climate Depot special report categorizes and indexes the full range of climate developments in a handy A-Z reference guide. The A-Z report includes key facts, peer-reviewed studies and the latest data and developments with links for further reading, on an exhaustive range of man-made global warming claims.e range of man-made global warming claims.)
  • Document:Weekend Clashes Emblematic of Political Violence Around the Country  + (This [[ADL]] blog post from 2018 outlines instances of "[[terrorism]]", blamed mainly on the [[Proud Boys]] during first two years of the [[Presidency of Donald Trump]]. Since then, they were revealed to have links to [[FBI]] informants.)
  • File:NATO-KFOR-Kosovo Organised Crime.ppt  + (This appears to be a NATO-KFOR presentatioThis appears to be a NATO-KFOR presentation on organised crime in Kosovo. The presentation is marked "SECRET NATO" and "Created by "Cpt. Sikora CZA". There is no indication of date but it's contents place it around 2000-2004 - probably as part of the considerations surrounding the preparations for declaring Kosovo independance from Serbia.declaring Kosovo independance from Serbia.)
  • 9-11/Exposure  + (This article concerns the ever increasing public exposure of the events of [[9-11]].)
  • User:Robin  + (This article explains this vital tactic, increasingly being unmasked by independent investigators worldwide.)
  • User:Robin  + (This article gives a good overview, but lacks examples.)
  • User:Robin  + (This article has good information, but lacks a historical overview of the topic, and could do better at clarifying the legal status of counter-terrorists.)
  • User:Robin  + (This article has plenty of gaps, but is a reasonable introduction to this interesting figure.)
  • User:Robin  + (This article has plenty of gaps, but is a reasonable introduction to this interesting figure.)
  • Document:Rebranded revolutionaries: Mandela, Gaddafi and Corbyn  + (This article is not about [[Nelson Mandela|Mandela]]This article is not about [[Nelson Mandela|Mandela]]. It is not about [[Muammar Gaddafi|Gaddafi]], nor is it even really about [[Jeremy Corbyn|Corbyn]]. It is about ideology. That of self determination, the idea that imperialist forces must be repelled and fought at every corner. It is about international solidarity with those who seek refuge from oppressors. It is about three men who share a vast amount in common.<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • User:Robin  + (This article lacks a good historical overview, but has important and current information to assist in reading between the li(n)es of the corporate media machine.)
  • User:Robin  + (This article needs a revision, but is packed with important leads.)
  • User:Robin  + (This article needs revision, but summarises an important topic.)
  • File:Glyphosate Worse than We Could Imagine Engdahl.pdf  + (This article summarizes some recent developments about Glyphosate (Bayer/Monsanto).)
  • User:Robin  + (This article tells how "Fake News website", a concept intended to increase trust in [[corporate media]], became "fake news", which increased circumspection about corporate media.)
  • File:Traces of Tritium at WTC.pdf  + (This article was submitted to 23rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Orlando, FL, April 7-11, 2002 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
  • Document:Deconstructing Nuclear Experts  + (This article was written just 2-3 weeks afThis article was written just 2-3 weeks after the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi. It is notable for its scathing dismissal of official efforts to play down the seriousness of the radiation health effects of the disaster and in particular the credibility of the so-called experts regularly wheeled out by the [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]].[[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]].)
  • Property:Subcategory of  + (This automatically assigned property indicates a category is a subcategory of a parent category.)
  • Ralph Stevenson  + (This being the royalist Yugoslav Government-in-Exile in Egypt, not the Partisans under [[Tito]] who formed a government after WW2.)
  • Document:H.RES.758  + (This bill puts America on a footing for war against Russia. It has received close to zero coverage in the US and other establishment media.)
  • Category:Concepts  + (This category is a bit rag tag since it includes all pages which don't have another object type. See the talk page for discussion of concepts which should have their own template.)
  • Category:Documents  + (This category is for two sorts of page: (i) 3rd Party documents in the "Document:" namespace; (ii) Pages in the main namespace which describe a book, law or other document.)
  • European Convention on Human Rights  + (This convention was the motivation for the setting up of the [[European Court of Human Rights]].)
  • Document:A bitter Middle East crisis at the heart of the Conservative Party  + (This crisis will not - thank goodness - clThis crisis will not - thank goodness - claim lives as the [[2003 Iraq War|Iraq War]] did. But it will damage Prime Minister [[Boris Johnson]], who has already found himself involved in a series of sleaze investigations, of which this is the most personally dangerous for him. is the most personally dangerous for him.)
  • Place  + (This experimental object is for regions, cities, [[grassy knoll]]s, wine cellars etc.)
  • User:Robin  + (This explains why the "lone nut" is such a convenient part of official narratives, and presents a good summary table of the "lone nuts" described on this site.)
  • Document:Aircraft Parts and the Precautionary Principle  + (This explores the refusal of the US [[authorities]]This explores the refusal of the US [[authorities]] to discuss the complete absence of serial-numbered time-change parts from any of the 9/11 crash sites. Quite remarkable considering the authorities' claims that they recovered 95% of the aircraft from the Shanksville crash site. aircraft from the Shanksville crash site.)
  • User:Jun  + (This group, with drug kingpins linked to rThis group, with drug kingpins linked to royals having criminal knowledge of certain crimes has escaped punishment. Child sex networks, cocaine worldwide networks, CIA financing, it's all here, but the media never mentions the dozens of newspapers all giving just one part of the story as if this is not a cooperating network. This page is the best page on the net linking all individuals, instead of the limited hangout the Wikipedia page provides.mited hangout the Wikipedia page provides.)
  • User:Robin  + (This introduces this now popular term, in line with its use on this website, that is, in line with the definition accorded by [[peter Dale Scott]], who coined the term.)
  • Document:Chris Busby Wiki Introduction  + (This is Busby's own introduction to a compThis is Busby's own introduction to a comprehensive resume of his life and career to date. It clearly outlines the corrupt nature of the modern scientific research and peer review in areas of science that affect powerful government, military and industrial interests.rnment, military and industrial interests.)
  • User:Robin  + (This is a brief summary, but tells the events a story that contrasts with Wikipedia's [[official narrative]] of the event.)
  • Concept  + (This is a catch-all object, to be used on all pages where the other objects don't apply. Extra top level objects will probably be split off from it in due course.)
  • Document:Private List for Chris. (Possible Funders in Swittzerland)  + (This is a list of cutouts, seemingly 'independent' 'philanthropic' foundations financing intelligence work)
  • Lolita Express/Passengers  + (This is a list of most of the unique namesThis is a list of most of the unique names in the Epstein flight logs. Some were murdered. Some went into hiding around 2021. The list includes many famous people, many of whom were never indicted or questioned about their travel aboard the "[[Lolita Express]]".[[Lolita Express]]".)
  • User:Robin  + (This is a rather long article, but one which gives a detailed set of insights into this failed false flag.)
  • Document:Parody Britain and the Death of the Fourth Estate  + (This is a ruling elite, a governing class This is a ruling elite, a governing class that comes from the same strata, shares the same education and is literally inter-married. In this context the idea that such a media can hold the powerful to account is of course laughable. The British media is incestuous and dysfunctional.ish media is incestuous and dysfunctional.)
  • Property:Has type  + (This is a system defined property used to This is a system defined property used to specify the type of individual properties. Newly defined properties default to property type ''Page''. Even if the property is intended to have type ''page'', it must still be explicitly declared on the relevant property explanation page in order for it to appear in the property type list appear in the property type list below.)
  • Document:Is media just another word for control?  + (This is a transcript of John Pilger's contribution to a special edition of BBC Radio 4's 'Today' programme, on 2 January 2014, guest-edited by the artist and musician Polly Harvey.)
  • User:Robin  + (This is actually fairly patchy and by no means the last word on the subject; 9/11 was a hugely complex affair. However, there is a lot of information on this page and its subpages, and it gives an idea of the scope of the deception.)
  • Document:Conspiracy Theory meets Conspiracy Fact  + (This is all merely a bad dream, merely a [[dystopia]]n nightmare. This has nothing to do with reality.)
  • Document:Conspiracies and Conspiracism  + (This is an effective rebuttal of the claimThis is an effective rebuttal of the claims of Chip Bertlet in his book "Toxic To Democracy: Conspiracy Theories, Demonization, & Scapegoating" which uses the terms "conspiracy theory" and "conspiracist" in the establishment's now de-rigeur pejorative sense.stablishment's now de-rigeur pejorative sense.)
  • User:Peter  + (This is an impressive, comprehensive analyThis is an impressive, comprehensive analysis of the February [[2014 Ukraine coup]] from the perspective of a senior [[Russian]] academic. It details the interests and affiliations of the main Ukrainian domestic players - oligarchical clans many of whose leaders have dual nationality - with some shocking and little known detail. It exposes the glaring hypocrisies and double standards of the western sponsors of the coup and their Russian/Ukrainian '5th Column traitors'. It sees the coup and Russia's successful incorporation of Crimea as major game-changing events in the on-going, US-lead post-WWII machinations of the West to subdue Russia to its own agenda and outlines how Russia should now respond.nd outlines how Russia should now respond.)
  • Document:Vomiting Perfidy  + (This is an ode to America and its UK poodle which will prove outrageous to US and UK patriots, posted in response to what the US described as "The end of US combat operations in Iraq".)
  • User:Robin  + (This is far from the final word, but gives a good introduction to this member of the US deep state who was killed by US police.)
  • Publication  + (This is for pages in the <big><font face="courier">Main:</font></big> namespace ''about'' 3rd party publications. For the ''contents'' of these publications, use [[Template:Document]] in the <big><font face="courier">Document:</font></big> namespace.)
  • Watergate coup  + (This is framed by the official narrative aThis is framed by the official narrative as a simple case of political corruption, one which proves that "the system works", since the powerful perpetrator was caught - if not actually brought to justice, since outgoing president Nixon was immediately pardoned by his successor, [[Gerald Ford]]. In fact it may well have been the outworking of a deeper political power struggle at work.a deeper political power struggle at work.)
  • User:Robin  + (This is not mentioned in the [[controlled corporate media]], preventing it from having its own article on [[Wikipedia]]. In light of the increasing number of [[false flag]] events in Europe, it is essential information.)
  • User:Robin  + (This is only a selection of pointers really, but it's a story not well told elsewhere that I've seen.)
  • Document:Mueller Scrambles To Limit Evidence After Indicted Russians Actually Show Up In Court  + (This is probably the first time in the hisThis is probably the first time in the history of litigation that a plaintiff (here, prosecutor) has told a court that it may not have obtained good service of process on a defendant that has appeared to defend the case on the merits. [[Robert Mueller]] to US District Court: "We didn’t really mean it, Judge! We had no idea they might actually show up!" had no idea they might actually show up!")
  • Property:Display image2  + (This is used by some SMWDocs sections to provide an immediate visual cue to the page of which it is a property. It is set by [[Template:Display image]].This property is used to assign an image to pages|)
  • Property:Display image  + (This is used by the coverpage to provide an immediate visual cue to the page of which it is a property. It is set by [[Template:Display image]].This property is used to assign an image to pages|)
  • Document:Avisa Partners Presentation  + (This is very revealing but more official presentation of the company's influence work. Compare with the dirty tricks in [[Document:Combatting Russian Disinformation]])
  • User:Robin  + (This is, particularly in light of other CIA plane events linked to the global illegal drug trade, not a story which should not be allowed to slip down the [[memory hole]].)
  • Document:Organised 911 Disinformation  + (This makes particular reference to the "Citizens Investigation Team" and the video of their evidence <sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • Melbourne’s Centre for National Resilience  + (This massive and expensive facility had thousands of beds meant for mandatory [[quarantine]] during "[[Covid|the Covid "pandemic]]". Closed its doors in October [[2022]].)
  • Harold Goulding  + (This may be just a cover story.)
  • Stephen Lander  + (This may have been a simple renaming from G5, after "terrorism" was moved to its own (T) section in 1990.)
  • WEF/Annual Meeting/2020  + (This mega-summit of the world's ruling claThis mega-summit of the world's ruling class and their political and media appendages happens every year, but 2020 was special, as the continuous [[corporate media]] coverage of [[COVID-19]] started more or less from one day to the next on 20/21 January 2020, coinciding with the start of the meeting. coinciding with the start of the meeting.)
  • Document  + (This object is only to be used for pages in the document: namespace. It is for documents created by 3rd parties. [[Document_namespace|Document Editing Rules]] apply.)
  • Matthijs Veenendaal  + (This organisation was also present at the Dutch Cluster formation)
  • Matthijs Veenendaal  + (This organisation was present at the event where the [[Dutch Cluster]] of the [[II]] was set-up)
  • User:Robin  + (This page contains not only a solid overview, but also important original research about the Bilderberg done by Wikispooks editors. Who knew that the Bilderberg have controlled the NATO Secretary General since 1966?)
  • User:Robin  + (This page could do with more examples, but sketches out a distressing picture of how schools - particularly in the USA - are being used to prepare the next generation for an obscene, totalitarian autocracy.)
  • COVID-19/Perpetrators/Bilderberg  + (This page highlights the involvement of ~ 200 [[Bilderbergers]] in the [[COVID-19]] [[deep event|event]].)
  • User:Robin  + (This page is an excellent starting point to understanding what this website is about. As well as a summary of how deep states operate, see the "Examples" section for a list of all the deep states which have pages on the site.)
  • 9-11/Coincidences  + (This page is for listing the remarkable number of apparently unrelated events which coincide width or presage the real events of 9-11.)
  • User:Robin  + (This page is not perfectly structured, but contains a lot of well referenced and thought provoking information. If you are new to 9/11 skepticism, this is a pretty good place event to start unraveling the [[official narrative]].)
  • User:Robin  + (This page lists >150 Bilderbergers involved in every aspect of COVID-19, from Virus R&D, fearmongering, lockdowns, researching public opinions about it, creating and mandating vaccines, orchestrating the COVID bailouts and so forth.)
  • User:Robin  + (This page lists WEF associates (Young Global Leaders & Global Leaders for Tomorrow) involved in the COVID-19 operation.)
  • COVID-19/Perpetrators/Others  + (This page lists key actors in the [[COVID-19]] [[deep event|event]] who are ''not'' [[Bilderbergers]] and have no known close connections to the [[WEF]].)
  • Big pharma/Lobby  + (This page lists organizations and actors which are part of the global Pharma Lobby network.)
  • Bilderberg/Guests/Visit count/3  + (This page lists the Bilderbergers who have attended exactly 3 meetings)
  • Bilderberg/Guests/Visit count/4  + (This page lists the Bilderbergers who have attended exactly 4 meetings)
  • Bilderberg/Guests/Visit count/5  + (This page lists the Bilderbergers who have attended exactly 5 meetings)
  • Bilderberg/Guests/Visit count/2  + (This page lists the Bilderbergers who have attended exactly two meetings)
  • Bilderberg/Guests/Visit count/6+  + (This page lists the Bilderbergers who have attended six or more meetings)
  • Le Cercle/Guests/Nationality  + (This page lists the known visitors to [[Le Cercle]] by nationality)
  • Le Cercle/Guests/Visit count  + (This page lists the visitors to [[Le Cercle]] by known number of visits)
  • User:Robin  + (This page may be the clearest exposition on WWW of the fate of this courageous whistleblower.)
  • COVID-19/Perpetrators/WEF  + (This page summarises the involvement of WEF affiliated personnel in the [[COVID-19]] [[deep event|event]].)
  • Trilateral Commission/Members  + (This page summarises the separate lists of TLC members by nationality)
  • Document:Vegas Oddsmaker Says -The Fix Was In-Trump Was Robbed-This Election Was Stolen  + (This presidential election is rancid. It feels as fixed as that Giants-Eagles NFL football game. Let me give you the details of this election- from a gambler’s perspective.)
  • Property:Has subGroup  + (This property allows for the reflection of hierarchical organisation of groups. The inverse, [[Property:Has superGroup]] is calculated from this - so in cases of incompatibility, ''Has subGroup'' can be assumed to the more reliable.|)
  • Property:Has criminalConviction  + (This property connects people to criminal charges of which they have been convicted.)
  • Property:Has headquarters  + (This property declares the headquarters of an organisation.)
  • Property:Has authority  + (This property denotes the authority under which an event occurred. Currently it is used only for legal cases, but that may change.)
  • Property:Has advisor  + (This property for noting advisor in events)
  • Property:ON has advisor  + (This property for noting advisor in events)
  • Property:Has participant  + (This property for noting participants in events)
  • Property:Has witness  + (This property for noting witnesses of events)
  • Property:ON has witness  + (This property for noting witnesses of events)
  • Property:ON has sponsor  + (This property for officially claimed sponsors of events)
  • Property:Description2  + (This property gives a one paragraph description: <500 characters of wikitext. It is used by Wikispooks internally and swaps out square brackets with safer characters so they can be stored in a property.)
  • Property:Description  + (This property gives a one paragraph description: <500 characters of plaintext, with no carriage return.)
  • Property:Has aim  + (This property holds the actual aim(s) of an organisation.)
  • Property:Query string  + (This property holds the conditions of the query as a string)
  • Property:ON has aim  + (This property holds the official aim(s) of an organisation.)
  • Property:Has name  + (This property holds the official name an organisation.)
  • Property:Query format  + (This property holds the value of the number of conditions in a query)
  • Property:Has WS page  + (This property is assigned to WP:pages to indicate their main Wikispooks page)
  • Property:Has improper value for  + (This property is assigned to pages which have properties that have incorrect (out of range) values.)
  • Property:Has keyPropertyHeaders  + (This property is associated with "Property:Has keyProperties". It is a list of descriptions to give these properties.)
  • Property:Has keyProperties  + (This property is associated with "Property:Has keyPropertyHeaders". It declares which properties are particularly important to data items which constitute this page.)
  • Property:Has keyOrder  + (This property is associated with "Property:Has keySort". This property declares the order of that key on which to sort the example SMWDocs associated with this page. e.g. "descending")
  • Property:Has keySort  + (This property is associated with "Property:Has keyOrder". This property declares a key on which to sort the example SMWDocs associated with this page. e.g. [[Property:Has_publicationDate|Has_publicationDate]])
  • Property:Is draft  + (This property is attributed to documents to indicate that they are a draft.)
  • Property:Has superGroup  + (This property is derived from ''Has subGroThis property is derived from ''Has subGroup''. It is the inverse of that property. "-Has subgroup" is probably better for coding... in cases where it works. [[SMW]] has some cases where inverse properties cause exceptions (i.e. the 'parent' parameter of the 'tree' results format), which is why this property was needed.|), which is why this property was needed.|)
  • Property:Has cspan  + (This property is for C-Span URLs)
  • Property:Has crunchbase  + (This property is for Crunchbase URLs)
  • Property:Has isgp  + (This property is for ISGP URLs)
  • Property:Has militaristmonitor  + (This property is for Militarist-Monitor URLs)