Spook/Premature deaths

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Concept.png Spook/Premature deaths
(Premature deaths)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Death of a spy.jpg
Premature deaths of spooks, not necessarily suspicious

Some of the "premature deaths" below are probably accidental, due to natural causes or suicide.


Assassinated spooks on Wikispooks

Wikispooks pageBornDiedSummaryDescription
Jack Agazarian (WWII)27 August 191529 March 1945SpookUK spook of the SOE who was captured and killed in WW2.
Mohamed Farah Aideed15 December 19342 August 1996Diplomat
President of Somalia assassinated in office
Boris Bazarov18931939SpookAssassinated spook
William Francis Buckley30 May 19283 June 1985Spook
CIA Station Chief in Beirut, captured by Hezbollah.
Alexander Burnes16 May 18052 November 1841Diplomat
UK "spymaster" diplomat
William Cooper6 May 19435 November 2001Researcher
9-11/Premature death
Radio host
Announced around 10 weeks before 9/11 that "Whatever they're going to blame on Usama bin Laden - don't you believe it...They will soon do something outlandish to gain the support of the Sheeple".<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> He was killed by the US Marshals Service less than two months after the event.
Edward Cutolo4 November 193126 May 1980Whistleblower
Drug trafficker
CIA/Drug trafficking/Premature death
A drug smuggler who named a lot of names about the CIA's drug trafficking, and who then died a sudden death, as did many of those he named.
Denis Donaldson19504 April 2006SpookSinn Féin member exposed in December 2005 as an MI5 employee. Assassinated in 2006.
Pablo Escobar1 December 19492 December 1993Spook
Drug trafficker
Drug kingpin who ran the Medellín drug cartel for the CIA.
Mario FerraroJuly 1995Researcher
Italian spook who was assassinated in 1995
Daniel Forestier1952March 2019SpookA DGSE agent who was assassinated in 2019
Álvaro Gomez-Hurtado8 May 19192 November 1995Spook
Spooky Colombian diplomat who attended Le Cercle. Assassinated in 1995
Kim Jae-gyu6 March 192624 May 1980SpookAs head of the KCIA he assassinated his boss, the South Korean president, Park Chung-hee
Maxim Lazovsky31 July 196528 April 2000Spook
Deep state operative
Russian apartment bombings/Premature death
Named as suspect in the 1999 Russian apartment bombings. Shot by unknown assassins.
Alexander Litvinenko30 August 196223 November 2006Whistleblower
Russian apartment bombings/Premature death
An exiled Russian spook turned whistleblower who died of polonium poisoning in London.
George de Mohrenschildt17 April 191129 March 1977Spook
Deep state functionary
JFK/Assassination/Premature death
HSCA/Premature deaths
Lee Harvey Oswald's handler, found dead after attempting to share some of what he knew with the media.
Hilda Murrell3 February 190623 March 1984Spook
A senior UK spook turned anti-nuclear activist assassinated in 1984 on the day she had notified friends that she had some sensitive papers she was seeking to publish... Blamed in 2006 on a 16 year old "lone nut"
Nematollah NassiriAugust 191115 February 1979SpookIranian spook who co-founded the Safari Club. Assassinated in 1979
Airey Neave23 January 191630 March 1979Spook
Thatcher aide who may have been intent on tackling corruption. Assassinated, allegedly by a splinter Irish group.
Monte Overacre30 July 19555 April 1995SpookCIA spook who worked in Central America and with recurring foreign technology experts to spy for the U.S. Died in suspicious 1995 plane crash, after starting to talk too freely.
Vasily Prozorov1976April 2024Spook
Ex-employee of the SBU who defected to Russia. Assassinated with car bomb in 2024.
William Remington25 October 191724 November 1954Spook
Erik van Sabben31 January 197216 January 2009Spook
Engineer-recruited-spook that was responsible for installing Stuxnet in Iranian nuclear facilities. Found death 2 weeks later in a "motorcycle accident"
Anton SurikovNovember 2009Spook
Richard Welch14 December 192923 December 1975SpookCIA station chief in Athens, Greece assassinated in December 1975, a month before George H. W. Bush was made CIA director.


Murdered spooks on Wikispooks

Wikispooks pageBornDiedSummaryDescription
Roland Carnaby195629 April 2008Spook
Deep state operative
A senior spook who was shot by a Houston police officer following a high speed motor car chase and died of his wounds.
Valentine Fleming17 February 188220 May 1917Spook
Matthew Gannon11 August 195421 December 1988SpookCIA officer killed in the Lockerbie Bombing
Cyrus Hashemi193821 July 1986Spook
Arms Dealer
Iran-Contra/Premature death
Spooky arms dealer, Iran-Contra/Premature death
David Kelly14 May 194417 July 2003Whistleblower
Bioweapons developer
Dr David Kelly, a biological weapons expert who died in highly suspicious circumstances
Amiram Nir8 December 195030 November 1988Spook
Deep state actor
Mossad Iran Contra figure who was murdered in 1988 and whose documents were subsequently mopped up by unidentified spooks.
James Rusbridger26 February 192816 February 1994Author
UK spook who died under suspicious circumstances. Officially a suicide during sex game.


Other prematurely deceased spooks on Wikispooks

Wikispooks pageBornDiedSummaryDescription
Manuel Artime29 January 193218 November 1977Spook
HSCA/Premature deaths
A spook who died from cancer before he could testify the House Select Committee on Assassinations.
Klas Bergenstrand26 July 1945SpookDirector General of the Swedish Security Police (Säpo) 2004–2007. "Bergenstrand was in top physical shape. Therefore, his mysterious death in 2007 at age 61, officially from a heart attack, came as a shock."
Yves Bertrand25 January 19443 June 2013SpookChief of French police intelligence from 1992 to 2004. Said too much to media. Died of "cause unknown" in 2013.
Robert Blum19111965Diplomat
Spooky US academic diplomat. OSS. Attended the 1956 Bilderberg. Died suddenly aged 54.
William Colby4 January 192027 April 1996Spook
Deep politician
CIA boss who maybe became too loose-mouthed, died in suspicious circumstances
Lionel Crabb28 January 190919 April 1956Spook
A spook whose illadvised fatal dive lead to the early retirement of MI6 Director general, John Sinclair.
Jerry Daniels11 June 194129 April 1982SpookA CIA spook from the heroin/covert war operation in Laos and contact to general Vang Pao. Was reportedly poisoned by carbon monoxide.
Ahmed Dlimi193122 January 1983Spook
A Moroccan spook who died in suspicious circumstances
John Earman191310 April 1974SpookA CIA Inspector General for 6 years who opposed Operation Midnight Climax. Very little information is available about him as of 2019.
Desmond FitzGerald16 June 191023 July 1967Spook
JFK/Assassination/Premature death
A US Spook and Georgetown Set member who died of a "heart attack"
Harold Goulding21 August 19034 August 1945Spook
Master mariner, spook and commander of the Special Boat Unit Headquarters who carried out "very secret work". Interest centers on the final month of the war, when Goulding was purportedly posted to Cardiff. Died of meningitis in an Edinburgh hospital 3 months later after another unexpected posting to Scotland.
François de Grossouvre29 March 19187 April 1994Spook
The spook in charge of Operation Gladio in France.
Dorothy Hunt1 April 19208 December 1972Spook
JFK/Assassination/Premature death
Spook, wife of Watergate/JFK assassination conspirator, E. Howard Hunt. Killed in a plane suspicious crash.
Thomas Anthony Dooley III17 January 192718 January 1961Spook
Doctor who was CIA operative. Collected intelligence under medical cover. After his death, it was discovered numerous descriptions of atrocities by the Viet Minh in his hugely influential book Deliver Us From Evil had been fabricated.
Nestor Izquierdo20 March 193610 June 1979SpookBay of Pigs, may have been spotter for JFK assassination in Dallas
Steve Kangas11 May 19618 February 1999Whistleblower
A spook turned whistleblower who was one of the first political campaigners on the internet. Probably murdered by the US Deep state.
Saak Karapetyan3 October 2018Spook
"Russian deputy attorney general" who reportedly died in a helicopter crash
Walter Krivitsky28 June 189910 February 1941Spook
A spook and defector
Osama bin Laden10 March 1957December 2001Spook
Enemy image
A CIA operative, heavily involved in CIA covert operations such as Operation Cyclone and Gladio plan B.
Paul LatinusApril 1984Spook
Deep state operative
Started the spooky Operation Gladio associated group, the Westland New Post. "Suicide"
Daniel Lewin14 May 197011 September 2001Spook
9-11/Premature death
Billionaire Sayeret Matkal agent fatally involved in 9-11.
Gordon Lonsdale17 January 192214 October 1970SpookA spook who organised the Portland Spy Ring. Died in suspicious circumstances in Moscow.
Ashraf Marwan2 February 19442 October 2007SpookSpooky son-in-law of the late Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser. Fell to his death from the balcony of his London home.
Robert Maxwell10 June 19235 November 1991Spook
Media mogul
Deep state operative
Billionaire media mogul and deep state operative who reportedly fell overboard
James Le Mesurier25 May 197111 November 2019Spook
A UK spook involved in various NATO interventions, including sin Syria where he started the White Helmets and the Mayday Rescue Foundation. He was found dead in Istanbul in November 2019, which was labelled a suicide, in spite of the evidence.
Alberto Nisman5 December 196318 January 2015Spook
Deep state functionary
Argentinian lawyer and CIA/Mossad collaborator who was murdered the day before delivering report on the 1994 car bombing of the Jewish center in Buenos Aires.
William Odom23 June 193230 May 2008Spook
Bilderberg NSA director
John Paisley25 August 192324 September 1978Spook
HSCA/Premature deaths
A spook who died before he could testify in the HSCA.
Phoebe Pool1913December 1971SpookBritish art historian and spy for the Soviet Union. Spooky suicide in 1971.
Francis Gary PowersAugust 1977Spook
HSCA/Premature deaths
Died in a helicopter crash before he could testify to the HSCA/
Rip Robertson3 August 19201 December 1970SpookImportant CIA Contract Officer involved with Bay of Pigs and Congolese Operation among many other exploits.
Boris Georgiyevich Rotov15 October 19295 September 1978Spook
Ordained in 1960 at the age of 31, the youngest bishop in the Christian world. Russian Orthodox metropolitan of Leningrad until his sudden death at age 48 after drinking a cup of coffee at the Vatican.
Mitsuhiro Shimada2 February 1979Spook
Arms dealer?
Spooky Japanese businessman. Officially, a suicide.
Dirk Stoffberg1936July 1994Spook
Arms Dealer
South African spook and arms dealer who died suddenly
Hans van de Ven19532021Whistleblower
Former SIGINT head of the Dutch MiVD intelligence agency in 1990s. Suspicious death ruled "natural death". House was burglarized shortly after, female found in house sought for fraud let loose. Police reopened case in 2022.
Gareth Williams26 September 197816 August 2010Spook
A brilliant cryptologist who worked for GCHQ and was found dead, naked, and locked in a sports bag allegedly a "suicide" or "sex game gone wrong".
Frank Wisner23 June 190929 October 1965Spook
Deep politician
US deep politician, and an architect of Operation Mockingbird. Reportedly killed himself.

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