Saudi Arabia

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Group.png Saudi Arabia   SourcewatchRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg
Saudi Arabia (orthographic projection).svg
LocationMiddle East
TypeUnited Nations Members.svg nation state
Subgroups Al Mukhabarat Al A'amah
Interest ofCENTCOM, Michael Fawcett, House of Saud
Member ofArab League, G-20, Global Counter Terrorism Forum, Safari Club, UN
SubpageSaudi Arabia/Ambassador
Saudi Arabia/Deep state
Saudi Arabia/Foreign Minister
Saudi Arabia/Nuclear Weapons
Saudi Arabia/Visa fraud
Longtime political ally of the USA, Saudi Arabia possesses larger easily accessible oil reserves than any other nation state.

Saudi Arabia is a large nation state in the Middle East. It has huge oil reserves. In 2013, Saudi Arabia was #4 in the world in terms of military expenditure.[1]

Official narrative

Commercially-controlled media do not say much about the human rights record of the Saudi government. The country has what was termed in Vice an "antiquated legal system based primarily around sharia law", and beheaded dozens of its citizens in 2014, for example.[2]

Fossil fuel reserves

Saudi Arabia has the largest easily accessible oil reserves in the world. Saudi Arabia also has the 6th largest gas reserves of any nation state, nearly 5% of total global reserves.[3]

Human rights

Saudi Arabia has Islamic Sharia laws which allow the death penalty to be imposed for murder, rape, apostasy, armed robbery, drug trafficking and repeated drug use.[4] Amputations and public floggings are also carried out, leading to criticism by the United Nations Committee against Torture.[5]

Sheikh Nimr

In 2012 Sheikh Nimr, a teenager, was shot in the leg, arrested and subsequently tortured. In 15 October 2014, he was sentenced to death by the Specialized Criminal Court for "seeking 'foreign meddling' in [Saudi Arabia], 'disobeying' its rulers and taking up arms against the security forces" and his brother, Mohammad al-Nimr, was arrested on the same day for tweeting information about the death sentence. His nephew, Ali Mohammed Baqir al-Nimr, who also participated in the 2011–12 Saudi Arabian protests, was arrested in 2012, sentenced to death in 2014, and expected ratification of his sentence by King Salman of Saudi Arabia, to be carried out by beheading and crucifixion. The hacker collective, 'Anonymous', protested the plan to kill him and later launched DDOS attacks in protest.[6]

Foreign policy

Saudi minister of Gulf affairs, Thamer al-Sabhan, said on 6 November, 2017 that Lebanon had declared war against Saudi Arabia because of what he described as aggression against the Kingdom by the Iran-backed group Hezbollah.[7]

US special relationship

As noted by John Perkins in Confessions Of An Economic Hitman, the US has a long standing secret deal to support the Saudi government as long as it has easy access to Saudi oil. CIA/Deep State operative Frank Terpil admits working for the government of Saudi Arabia.[8]

Since President Obama took power, the US has been distancing itself from Saudi Arabia. The most notable single step in this process was probably the Obama administration's decision to declassify the 28 pages of the9-11/Joint Congressional Inquiry, which indicate that Saudi Arabia was involved in 9-11.[9]


Saudi Arabia was the recipient of arms in the corrupt multi-billion dollar Al-Yamamah arms deal with the UK. In 2011, the USA sold $33.4 billion of weapons to the kingdom, just over half its total weapons sales that year.[10] In 2017, the US agreed a $350 billion arms deal for the next 10 years.[11]

Nuclear Weapons

In May 2015, the Sunday Times reported that Saudi Arabia had decided to buy nuclear weapons from Pakistan.[12]


Related Quotations

George Curzon“[We need an] Arab facade ruled and administered under British guidance and controlled by a native Mohammedan and, as far as possible, by an Arab staff…. There should be no actual incorporation of the conquered territory in the dominions of the conqueror, but the absorption may be veiled by such constitutional fictions as a protectorate, a sphere of influence, a buffer state and so on.””George Curzon
Philip Haney“(He) was ordered by the DHS to alter or modify information because it was not politically correct. The problem with Saudi Arabia in relation to terrorism, said Haney, is that the country supports Islamic schools called madrasas in Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. They send Saudi males there to be educated in Koranic theology and other Islamic texts, and these schools often function as a breeding ground for terrorist organizations”Philip Haney



2024 Persian Gulf floodsSevere flash floods in a arid desert kill dozens in countries known for documented geoengineering. CCM quick to copy spokespersons denying any link to geoengineering, after one admitted this to be the caused by geoengineering.
Gulf WarA war used by the US to effectively cow the Saudis into submission and bolster US military domination of the Gulf region.
Project Simoom


Groups Headquartered Here

Al Mukhabarat Al A'amah1957
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals1963Saudi Arabian university
Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority
Saudi Aramco


Citizens of Saudi Arabia on Wikispooks

Shaker Aamer12 December 1968The last UK national to be released from Guantanamo Bay, where he was held for 13 years and subjected to torture after refusing to spy for MI5.
Kamal Adham192929 October 1999Director General of Al Mukhabarat Al A'amah at the time of BCCI and "Iran-Contra"
Amr Al-Dabbagh1966Governor and chairman of the board of the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority. Jeffrey Epstein/Black book.
Sami AlangariSaudi businessman with deep state connections.
Makarem BatterjeeSaudi YGL businessman who worked with the Saudi government on COVID-19 as president of the Saudi German Hospitals Group
Haifa bint Faisal1950Wife of Bandar bin Sultan
Hani Hanjour13 August 197211 September 2001A poor pilot who supposedly piloted a 747 into the Pentagon.
Rafic Hariri1 November 194414 February 2005
Adnan Khashoggi25 July 19356 June 2017Multi-billionare arms dealer.
Jamal Khashoggi13 October 19582 October 2018assassinated journalist
Osama bin Laden10 March 1957December 2001A CIA operative, heavily involved in CIA covert operations such as Operation Cyclone and Gladio plan B.
Shafiq bin LadenHalf brother of Osama bin Laden
Faisal bin Turki Al Saud (born 1975)27 March 1975
Al-Waleed bin Talal7 March 1957Billionaire member of the Saudi royal family.
Ahmed Zaki Yamani30 June 1930
Omar al-Bayoumi
Saeed al-Ghamdi21 November 197911 September 2001
Maan al-JarabaSaudi political dissident who claims he was attempted murdered in a similar way to Jamal Khashoggi.
Turki bin Faisal al-Saud15 February 1945Georgetown alumnus who resigned suddenly as director general of the Saudi Intelligence Agency 10 days before the 9/11 attacks.
Waleed al-Shehri20 December 197811 September 2001


Events Participated in

Bandung Conference19551955IndonesiaImportant conference for the global south; participants soon became prime targets for US foreign policy
WEF/Annual Meeting/201922 January 201925 January 2019World Economic Forum
"The reality is that we are in a Cold War [against China] that threatens to turn into a hot one."


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