WEF/Annual Meeting/2007

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Event.png WEF/Annual Meeting/2007(WEF/Annual Meeting) Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
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Date24 January 2007 - 28 January 2007
LocationDavos,  Switzerland
ParticipantsMahmoud Abbas, Josef Ackermann, Tim Adams, Bertie Ahern, Montek S. Ahluwalia, Sanjiv Ahuja, Jacques Aigrain, Markus Akermann, Vagit U. Alekperov, Mohamed Bin Dhaen AlHamli, Suhair Al Ali, Rajiha Abdul Ameer Ali, Khalid A. Alireza, Abdullah Zainal Alireza, Ilham Aliyev, Adil Abd al-Mahdi, Mohammed Alshaya, Akira Amari, Mukesh D. Ambani, William J. Amelio, Celso Amorim, David Arkless, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Ibrahim Abdel Aziz Al Assaf, Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala II, José Sergio Gabrielli de Azevedo, Shaukat Aziz, Louis Bacon, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Akbar Al Baker, Peter Bakker, Vivian Balakrishnan, Craig R. Barrett, Jacques Barrot, Carol A. Bartz, Robert E. Beauchamp, Laurent Beaudoin, Margaret Beckett, Alain J. Belda, H.R.H. Prince Philippe of Belgium, Marc R. Benioff, Tony Blair, Lloyd C. Blankfein, Samuel W. Bodman, Alan L. Boeckmann, Ana P. Botín, Daniel Bouton, Jean-François van Boxmeer, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Avishay Braverman, David R. Brennan, Thierry Breton, Sergey Brin, Gordon Brown, Brian C. Bruce, Hubert Burda, Hans-Paul Bürkner, Kim Byong-Joon, Felipe Calderón-Hinojosa, Micheline Calmy-Rey, David Cameron, Philippe Camus, Michael R. Cannon, Maria Cantwell, René Carron, Patrick Cescau, John T. Chambers, Saxby Chambliss, Elaine L. Chao, Jean Charest, Bernard Charlès, Michael G. Cherkasky, Michael Chertoff, David Childs, Bruce Chizen, Anatoly B. Chubais, Richard T. Clark, Arthur D. Collins, Bertrand Collomb, George F. Colony, Cristóbal Conde, John Conroy, Jean-François Copé, Vittorio Corbo, Jon Corzine, Andronico Luksic Craig, Michael J. Critelli, Amr A. Al Dabbagh, Louis J. D'Ambrosio, Frank E. Dangeard, Alistair Darling, Edmund Maduabebe Daukoru, Ian E. L. Davis, Michael S. Dell, Xia Deren, Oleg V. Deripaska, Vilasrao Deshmukh, Thierry Desmarest, Robert E. Diamond, Stavros Dimas, James Dimon, Samuel A. DiPiazza Jr, Mathias Döpfner, Dominique Heriard- Dubreuil, Robert Warren Dudley, Nguyen Tan Dung, Juan Luis Cebrian Echarri, Richard W. Edelman, Mohamed M. ElBaradei, Nasir Ahmed El-Rufai, David L. Emerson, Klaus Engel, Saeb Erekat, Clarisa Estol, Richard B. Evans, Obiageli Katryn Ezekwesili, Richard D. Fain, Peter B. Favila, Richard Feachem, Dianne Feinstein, Stanley Fischer, Robert J. Fisher, Jay S. Fishman, Niall FitzGerald, Steve Forbes, Barney Frank, Christoph Franz, Richard S. Fuld Jr, Mark B. Fuller, Luiz Fernando Furlan, Motohisa Furukawa, Gerard R. Vittecoq G, Sigmar Gabriel, Orit Gadiesh, Pierre Gadonneix, L. Enrique García, Eduardo Sojo Garza-Aldape, William H. Gates III, Mohammad Al Gergawi, Aart J. de Geus, Carlos Ghosn, Thomas H. Glocer, Michael Glos, Donald J. Gogel, Rick Goings, Jim Goodnight, Stuart E. Graham, Henrique Granadeiro, Hugh Grant (Monsanto), Peter T. Grauer, William D. Green, Herman Gref, Robert Greifeld, Carl Grim, Rijkman Groenink, José C. Grubisich, Oswald J. Grübel, Angel Gurría, Antonio Guterres, Abdullah Gül, Ferenc Gyurcsany, Ayad Allawi H, Hoang Trung Hai, Tarja Halonen, Martin C. Halusa, Jürgen Hambrecht, Stephen G. Hanks, Tariq Al Hashimi, Alan G. Hassenfeld, Hubertus Heemskerk, Patricia Hewitt, William V. Hickey, Stefan von Holtzbrinck, Bader M. Al Humaidhi, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Kim Hyun-Chong, David Iakobachvili, Nobuyuki Idei, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, José Miguel Insulza, Sir Stelios Haji- Ioannou, Paul E. Jacobs, Hua Jianmin, Wang Jianzhou, Bi Jingquan, Jorge Gerdau Johannpeter, Mike Johanns, H. Fisk Johnson, James L. Jones, H.M. King Abdullah II Ibn Hussein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Abdallah S. Jum'ah, Rho Jun-Hyong, Donald Kaberuka, Henning Kagermann, K. V. Kamath, Tarek Kamel, Anatoly Karachinsky, Hans-Peter Keitel, John F. Kerry, Georgina Kessel, H.E. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Essa Al Khalifa, H.E. Sheikh Ahmed M. Al Khalifa, Mohammad Khatami, Abdul Ilah Al Khatib, Pham Gia Khiem, Jakaya M. Kikwete, Robert M. Kimmitt, Fred Kindle, Nemir A. Kirdar, Mukhisa Kituyi, Klaus Kleinfeld, Malcolm Knight, Roland Koch, Yuriko Koike, Moon Kook-Hyun, Hans-Joachim Körber, Neelie Kroes, André Kudelski, Ashwani Kumar, Haruhiko Kuroda, Christine Lagarde, Pascal Lamy, William P. Lauder, Paul A. Laudicina, Shelly Lazarus, Patrick J. Leahy, Awais Ahmad Khan Leghari, Jean Lemierre, Robert E. Lerwill, Doris Leuthard, Lord Levene, Sander M. Levin, Thomas Leysen, Maurice Lévy, Bernard Liautaud, John Lipsky, Vladimir Lisin, Andrew N. Liveris, Tzipi Livni, Didier Lombard, Trent Lott, Gregory T. Lucier, Howard W. Lutnick, Ken Livingstone M, Guido Mantega M, Graham Mackay, Javier Solana Madariaga, Mohammed H. Al- Mady, Deborah Platt Majoras, Peter Mandelson, Trevor Manuel, Rasheed Al Maraj, Hassan Marican, Edward J. Markey, Kevin J. Martin, Mel Martinez, Masayuki M. Matsushita, Koichiro Matsuura, Valentina I. Matvienko, Michel Mayer, Thabo Mbeki, Tito Mboweni, John McCain, Charlie McCreevy, Alexander Medvedev, Dmitry Medvedev, John F. Megrue Jr, Henrique de Campos Meirelles, Rick Menell, Angela Merkel, Hans-Rudolf Merz, Armin Meyer, Thomas Middelhoff, David Miliband, Robert S. Miller, Liu Mingkang, Rustam N. Minnikhanov, William E. Mitchell, Lakshmi N. Mittal, Lalit K. Modi, H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, Donald A. Moore, Thomas Moran, Alexei A. Mordashov, Luis A. Moreno, Patrice T. Motsepe, Amre Moussa, Mandisi Mpahlwa, Gamal H. Mubarak, James J. Mulva, Peter Munk, James R. Murdoch, Rupert Murdoch, Wayne W. Murdy, N. R. Narayana Murthy, H.H. Sheikh Hamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Kamal Nath, Annette La Porte Nazareth, Ahmed Mahmoud Nazif, Marilyn Carlson Nelson, Nandan M. Nilekani, Tomoyo Nonaka, H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon of Norway, Fabian Núñez, Takeo Obayashi, H.M. Queen Rania of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Sadako Ogata, Tadashi Okamura, Lubna S. Olayan, Jorma Ollila, Guillermo Ortiz, Marcel Ospel, Paul J. Ostling, Hiroko Ota, Frits D. van Paasschen, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Larry Page, Mari Pangestu, Supachai Panitchpakdi, José Natividad González Parás, William G. Parrett, Corrado Passera, Shimon Peres, Ralph R. Peterson, Bernd Pfaffenbach, Vo Hong Phuc, Andris Piebalgs, Gian Maria Gros- Pietro, Larry Pillard, Rafael del Pino, Peter Piot, Ricardo B. Salinas Pliego, Robert Polet, Karen Poniachik, John E. Potter, Dina H. Powell, Azim H. Premji, William S. Price III, Charles Prince, Thomas J. Pritzker, Kong Quan, Rachid M. Rachid, Michael Rake, S. Ramadorai, Dieter Rampl, Viviane Reding, Paul C. Reilly, Fredrik Reinfeldt, Harry J. Roels, James E. Rogers, Jacques Rogozinski, Alberto Romulo, Michael I. Roth, Jean-Pierre Roth, Mowaffak Al Rubaie, David Rubenstein, Hector de J. Ruiz, H.E. Sheikh Ali Jarrah Sabah Al Sabah, Paul Sagan, Sadayuki Sakakibara, Barham Salih, Stephen W. Sanger, Arun Sarin, Joseph P. Schoendorf, Ekkehard Schulz, Susan Schwab, Stephen A. Schwarzman, Hussain Al Shahristani, Josette Sheeran, Kim Shin-Bae, Li Shishi, Ralph W. Shrader, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Malvinder M. Singh, Fouad Siniora, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Cheng Siwei, Paul Skinner, Gordon H. Smith, Frederick W. Smith, Ephraim Sneh, Chukwuma C. Soludo, George Soros, Sir Martin Sorrell, Michael R. Splinter, Alfred Spörri, Peer Steinbrück, Achim Steiner, David J. Stern, Howard Stringer, Willy R. Strothotte, Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Martin J. Sullivan, Maqbool Ali Sultan, Arthur Sulzberger Jr, Peter D. Sutherland, Bernard Swanepoel, Mustafa Kamal Syed, Heizo Takenaka, Christopher Shays tatives, Marat Tazhin, Henri A. Termeer, Amando M. Tetangco Jr, John A. Thain, H.E. Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr Al Thani, Lars Thunell, Rex W. Tillerson, Alexander N. Tkachev, Chen Tonghai, Anthony J. Trahar, Jean-Claude Trichet, Solomon D. Trujillo, Warren Truss, Joseph M. Tucci, James S. Turley, Abdul Rahman A. Al Tuwaijri, Truong Dinh Tuyen, Junichi Ujiie, Nenadi Usman, Daniel Vasella, Jeroen van der Veer, Victor F. Vekselberg, Andrés Velasco, Ann M. Veneman, Ben J. Verwaayen, Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Margareta Wahlstrom, Jacob Wallenberg, Herbert Walter, Mark R. Warner, Axel A. Weber, Alberto Weisser, Werner Wenning, Hans Wijers, C. John Wilder, Martin Winterkorn, Paul D. Wolfowitz, Robert C. Wright, Wu Xiaoling, Yi Xiaozhun, Viktor Yanukovych, Durmus Yilmaz, Hiromasa Yonekura, Andrew Windsor, Yang Yuanqing, Edward J. Zander, Dieter Zetsche, Liu Zhenya, Wolfgang Ziebart, Klaus P. Zumwinkel
DescriptionOnly the 449 public figures listed of ~2200 participants

The complete roster of WEF 2007 AGM participants is not publicly available. This page lists 449 on the WEF's list of public figures who attended.[1]


Known Participants

123 of the 449 of the participants already have pages here:

Josef AckermannChairman of Deutsche Bank, G30, Bilderberg Steering Committee
Jacques AigrainFrench Bilderberg banker/businessman, JPMorgan, then Swiss Re.
Rania Al-YassinQueen of Jordan. She represents the royal family in many international organizations.
Ilham AliyevPresident of Azerbaijan since 2003.
Mukesh AmbaniAsia's richest man living in the world's most expensive house. Selected a Global Leader for Tomorrow by the World Economic Forum in 1994. By the 2010s, he sat on the board of the same World Economic Forum. Member of the Global Board of Advisors of the US Council on Foreign Relations.
Jaime Augusto Miranda Zóbel de AyalaFilipino businessman from the prominent Zóbel de Ayala family and a WEF stalwart.
Shaukat AzizTri-national Citibank executive with "close ties" to the US deep state. Parachuted in to become Prime Minister of Pakistan. Cercle member.
Peter BakkerDutch millionaire and businessman
Margaret BeckettUK foreign secretary, Le Cercle attendee
Marc BenioffBoth a WEF GLT and a WEF YGL, US internet billionaire deep state functionary, bought Time Magazine
Tony BlairRemarkably popular at the time, Tony Blair was a UK prime minister, now infamous for lying the UK into invading Iraq, notwithstanding massive opposition. He is currently sought for War crimes by many people.
Lloyd BlankfeinAttended the 2007 Bilderberg as Goldman Sachs/Chairman
Ana BotínHead of Santander Group, who claimed that COVID-19 Vaccines are “the most effective 2021 economic policy.”
Jean-François van BoxmeerBelgian Bilderberg businessman, regular at WEF AGMs, Heineken CEO 2005-2020
Peter Brabeck-LetmatheNestlé executive who attended the 2011 Bilderberg. Wants to privatize and charge for all water in the world.
Thierry BretonFrench politician and leader of large corporations, briefly at Rothschild & Cie Banque. WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow/1998. From 2019 European Commissioner implementing censorship.
Sergey BrinCo-founder of Google.
Gordon BrownUK deep state functionary. Prime Minister from 2007-2010. WHO ambassador for Global Health Financing from 2021
Hubert BurdaMulti-billionaire publisher. 7 Bilderbergs
Felipe CalderónWEF/Global Leader for Tomorrow 1997. President of Mexico 2006-2012.
David CameronUK deep state operative, former UK PM
Philippe CamusFrench Bilderberger who as Executive Co-Chairman of the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company attended the 2003,4,5 Bilderbergs
Juan Luis CebriánSpanish media mogul with a heavy Bilderberg habit.
Saxby ChamblissUS lawyer with Deep State connections
Michael ChertoffA long-standing US Republican Party apparatchik and dual US/Israeli citizen who has held senior US legal and national security positions.
Anatoly ChubaisDouble Bilderberger facilitator of the privatization of Russia that killed millions. Central actor in the introduction of the Sputnik V "vaccine".
Bertrand CollombConnected French businessman. 13 Bilderbergs.
Jean-François CopéFrench politician
Jon Corzine6 times Bilderberger financier
Alistair DarlingUK politician, governance of Chatham House
Ian DavisEnglish businessman associated with McKinsey & Company. Attended Bilderberg/2013.
Michael DellComputer billionaire businessman, WEF AGM regular, WEF GLT 1993
Oleg DeripaskaRussian billionaire, WEF Global Leader for Tomorrow
Jamie Dimon"The Most Admired Banker In The World", close to Epstein. Global Leaders for Tomorrow/1996. Since 2005 head of JPMorgan Chase
Mathias DöpfnerCEO of mightiest media group in Germany and Europe, Axel Springer SE, member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee and other transatlantic networks, most notably Atlantik-Brücke. Became billionaire after receiving gift from elderly widow.
Saeb ErekatPalestinian politician and diplomat who was the Secretary General of the Executive Committee of the PLO
Dianne FeinsteinUS deep state operative. Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee
Stanley FischerIsraeli/US central banker and quad Bilderberger
Niall FitzGeraldCEO of Unilever 1996-2004. Trilateral Commission. Board member of the World Economic Forum.
Steve ForbesBillionaire editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine.
Barney FrankUS politician
Christoph FranzLufthansa CEO, One Bilderberg, called for mandation of COVID-19 vaccines in April 2021.
Sigmar GabrielGerman deep state operative, Atlantik-Brücke Chairman since 2019
Orit GadieshOne of the world's "100 most powerful women". Attended the 1997 and 1998 Bilderbergs.
Bill GatesMulti-billionaire computer businessman, was "very close" to Epstein, Pushing a mass vaccination agenda in 2021. Called a Napoleon and drug trafficker repeatedly caught by the court of Washington D.C in the early 2000s.
Tom GlocerFormer CEO of Reuters, the news agency that on its own provides the majority of the world's news. Also board of deep state Atlantic Council.
Herman GrefRussian banker/politician. World Economic Forum’s board of trustees. Played a prominent role in the development and production of the Sputnik V vaccine.
Rijkman GroeninkA big Dutch businessman and banker who was in the board of directors and in charge of ABN AMRO during the Global Financial Crisis. Noted to have a "bad reputation" in the UK.
Abdullah GulPresident of Turkey 2007-2014, Attended the Halifax International Security Forum/2014, Munich Security Conference/2015, WEF/Annual Meeting/2007, member of the US/Department/State/International Visitor Leadership Program
Ángel GurríaFormer Secretary-General of the OECD. Member of Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum. Part of the “prefiguration group” of the Forum on Information & Democracy a planned international censorship treaty
... further results
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