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'''Page holder for table of documents translated from Russian'''

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Related Quotation

Jimmy Carter“I don’t think there’s any evidence that what the Russians did changed enough votes, or any votes”Jimmy Carter
New York Times


Citizens of Russian on Wikispooks

Roman AbramovichGot very rich in Russia during the 1990s, during which time he set up and liquidated at least 20 companies.
Vladimir Ashurkov15 February 1972Alexey Navalny team member caught several times playing footsie with British intelligence services
Mikhail Barsukov8 November 1947
Russel Bentley1960April 2024American who went to Ukraine in 2014 to fight for the separatists in Donbas
Leonid Bershidsky23 November 1971WEF/Young Global Leaders 2005. Columnist for Bloomberg News.
Max Boot12 September 1969Double Bilderberg historian and editor eager for wars.
Maksim Borodin15 April 2018Russian journalist who fell to his death from his apartment in unclear circumstances
Artyom Borovik13 September 19609 March 2000A Russian journalist who was interested in the Russian apartment bombings. Died in a plane crash
Andrey Botikov19742 March 2023Russian Sputnik jab scientist "killed by intruder" in unclear circumstances in 2022.
Victor Bout13 January 1967Russian accused of arms smuggling by the US, was jailed with help from a turned associate, allegedly, on orders of the CIA.
Oleg Boyko28 September 1964WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow/1995. Starting his career on the Soviet black market and as a "banker" in the chaotic 1990s Russia, Boyko became one of the privileged few to operate monopoly Russian state run lotteries.
Anatoly Chubais16 June 1955Double Bilderberger facilitator of the privatization of Russia that killed millions. Central actor in the introduction of the Sputnik V "vaccine".
Andrey I. Denisov3 October 1952Russian senior diplomat. Ambassador to the United Nations and, since 2013 China at the time of a rapidly strengthening relationship.
Kirill Dmitriev12 April 1975CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, the main financer behind the Sputnik V "vaccine". Goldman Sachs. McKinsey. Selected a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2009. Goldman Sachs. McKinsey
Aleksandr Dugin7 January 1962
Nikolai Durov21 November 1980Brother of Pavel Durov.
Pavel Durov10 October 1984Billionaire businessman arrested in France as part of the 2024 crack down on free speech
Umar Dzhabrailov28 June 1958Russian politician and businessman associated with several murders in his "career". Mentioned in Jeffrey Epstein's black book.
Andrei Elinson1979Russian businessman who co-convened an April 2020 summit of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Coordinating Council for combating the coronavirus outbreak
Levi Eshkol25 October 189526 February 1969
Valentin Falin3 April 192622 February 2018
Andre Fomine
Andrei Fursov1951
Alexander GabuevRussian academic in American deep state employ, researching the Sino-Russia relationship. Attended the 2024 Bilderberg meeting.
Polina Gagarina27 March 1987
Yegor Gaidar19 March 195616 December 2009Prime Minister of Russia in 1992
Sergei Glazyev1 January 1961Russian politician, economist and full member of Russian Academy of Science since 2008
Mikhail Gorbachev2 March 193130 August 2022Last President of the Soviet Union.
Herman Gref8 February 1964Russian banker/politician. World Economic Forum’s board of trustees. Played a prominent role in the development and production of the Sputnik V vaccine.
Sergei Guriev21 October 1971Russian born but working in France, Single Bilderberg banker economist
Andrey GuryevRussian businessman
Igor Ivanov23 September 1945Decidedly pro-Western former Russian Foreign Minister
Sergei Ivanov31 January 1953
Alexander KaganskyDecember 2020Russian COVID-19 Vaccine researcher found dead
Anatole Kaletsky1 June 1952Bilderberg economist journalist on the board of George Soros' Open Society Foundations
Garry Kasparov13 April 1963chess champion turned Putin critic.
Dimitri Khalezov
Mikhail KhodorkovskyJune 1963Russian billionaire who feuded with Vladimir Putin. Set up the Future Of Russia Foundation.
Kseniya Kirillova1983"Russian dissident journalist and expert on Russian propaganda and disinformation" who was a member of the Integrity Initiative.
Rebekah Koffler1966Former DIA intelligence officer turned author
Andrei Kolesnikov29 July 1965Russian liberal exile and "fierce critic" of Putin, working for the deep state Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Attended the 2023 Bilderberg meeting.
Alexander Konuzin25 December 1947Russian Ambassador to Serbia 2008-2012
Igor Korobov3 August 195621 November 2018Russian military officer
Andrey Kostin21 September 1956Russian banker and deep state operative. WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow/1999 with extensive ties to the WEF.
Igor Kostyukov21 February 1961Head of the Russian General Staff's Main Intelligence Department (GRU)
Sergei Kovalev2 March 1930
Victor KuvaldinLe Cercle
Eduard Kuznetsov29 January 1939
Alexander Lebed20 April 195028 April 2002A military man who ran for Russian President in 1996. Died in 2002 in a helicopter crash.
Alexander Lebedev16 December 1959Spooky Russian oligarch and media mogul
... further results


Documents originally in Russian

TitleTypeSubject(s)Publication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:About the Assimilation. Author’s afterwordbook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:Accusing Russiabook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:Address by Igor Strelkov 11 September 2014addressGlobalisation
The Great Game
2014 Ukraine coup/Civil war
11 September 2014Igor StrelkovIgor Strelkov breaks his silence: A brutally honest, MUSt-READ address by the former commander of the NAF, about Russia, the civil war and the influence of traitorous elements of the Russian establishment in betraying the Novorussian rebellion
Document:After the murder of Alexander IIbook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:Alongside the Bolsheviksbook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:Ambush of Russian Bomber Was Guided by US ReconnaissancearticleIsrael
2011 Syrian Insurgency
Islamic State
2015 Russian Sukhoi Su-24 shootdown
26 November 2015Alexei LeonkovaInterview with a Russian military expert and specialist in Russian Military Space Forces about the November 2015 shoot down of a Russian military jet by Turkish F16 fighter over Syria
Document:An appeal to the mothers of Ukraineappeal2014 Ukraine coup/Civil war30 August 2014Many peopleAn appeal by women of the Russian diaspora to the mothers of Ukrainian solders
Document:At the turn of the 20th centurybook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:Before the 19th centurybook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:Before the Six-Day Warbook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:Breaking Away From the Bolshevismbook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:Cold War II: Interview with Nikolay Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Councilinterview transcriptThe Great Game
2014 Ukraine coup
Cold War II
15 October 2014Nikolai PatrushevSecretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Nikolay Patrushev, interviewed by Rossiyskaya Gazeta on 15 October 2014. The interview makes it crystal clear that a de-facto state of undeclared war exists between Anglo-US-Nato and Russia.
Document:Dimitri Khalezov Interviewinterview9-11/WTC Controlled demolition
Victor Bout
14 October 2010Daniel Estulin
Dimitri Khalezov
Daniel Estulin probes the startling claims of Dimitri Khalezov - an ex-Soviet army nuclear weapons specialist - about the events of 9-11 and the then pending extradition of his colleague Victor Bout from Thailand to the USA on arms trafficking charges
Document:During 1917book extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:During WWI (1914-1916)book extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:During the 1920sbook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:During the Civil Warbook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:During the Revolution of 1905book extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:During the period of Dumabook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:During the reign of Alexander Ibook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:During the reign of Nicholas Ibook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:During the war with Germanybook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:Emigration between the two World Warsbook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:Forgive us for not dying in Slavyanskstatement2014 Ukraine coup/Civil war6 July 2014Igor DruzA statement by Igor Druze, Advisor to Igor Strelkov, following the DPR militia withdrawal from Slavyansk and their arrival in Donetsk
Document:French volunteer fighters for DPRinterview2014 Ukraine coup/Civil war30 November 2014Andrey BorodulinAn interview with two French volunteers with the Donbass Militia in Eastern Ukraine. The interview was conducted in Moscow.
Document:From the End of the War to Stalin’s Deathbook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:In the 1930sbook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:In the Age of Reformsbook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:In the Russian revolutionary movementbook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:In the camps of GULagbook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:Interview with Donbas militia-man Arteminterview transcript2014 Ukraine coup/Civil war23 August 2014Victor ShapinovInterview with a wounded and hospitalised Donbas militia-man conducted in August 2014
Document:Interview with Donetsk militia-maninterview transcript2014 Ukraine coup/Civil war18 August 2014Ilja DegtjarovInterview with a native Donetsk militia-man fighting against the Ukrainian army in Eastern Ukraine + video of captured Ukrainian soldier. More organ trafficking corroboration
Document:Interview with Igor Strelkov - 8 July 2014interview transcriptIgor Strelkov
2014 Ukraine coup/Civil war
8 July 2014First Republic TV channelTranscript of video interview with DPR Militia commander Igor Strelkov following the militia breakout and evacuation from Slavansk, Eastern Ukraine
Document:Jews and Russians before the First World War - The Growing Awarenessbook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:Putin BRICS press conference July 2014press conference2014 Ukraine coup
US Foreign Policy since 1945
17 July 2014Vladimir PutinVladimir Putin answers questions from Russian journalists following his visits to Cuba, Nicaragua, Argentina and Brazil. in July 2014
Document:The Exodus Beginsbook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:The February Revolutionbook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:The New Round of Sanctions – The Pre-War PeriodarticleThe Great Game
13 September 2014El MuridA perceptive and informed analysis of the developing Anglo-US-NATO cold-war on Russia in light of the latest round of sanctions which came into effect on 12 September 2014
Document:The Production of EvilarticleIslamic State
28 August 2015Roman NosikovA russian Lawyer decodes the real meaning of ISIS
Document:The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zionhistorical document"Antisemitism"
Judaic power
1 January 1903AnonymousFamous - or infamous? - and remarkably prescient historical document from the early 20th century. It purports to represent the programs and methods to be employed to achieve Jewish domination over the Gentile world.
Document:The Purge is comingexpositionThe Great Game
Eurasian project
2014 Ukraine coup
3 September 2014Evgeny FedorovEvgeny Fedorov expounds on the developing political situation in Russia following the February 2014 Ukraine coup and the ongoing civil war in Eastern Ukraine. Detail on the Russian 5th column and what lies ahead
Document:The birth of Zionismbook extractHistory of the Jews in the Soviet Union2001Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Document:Turkey ambushed Su24 using information supplied by USreportRussia
2011 Syrian Insurgency
2015 Russian Sukhoi Su-24 shootdown
27 November 2015Ministry of Defence of the Russian FederationCommander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, General Bondarev, presents facts of the attack on the Russian Su-24M aircraft carried out by Turkish F-16 fighters in the sky over Syria on 24 November 2015
Document:US is militarizing Ukraine to invade RussiadiscussionGlobalisation
2014 Ukraine coup
20 June 2014Sergei GlazyevVladimir Putin's economic adviser outlines the massive militarisation of Ukraine and the Anglo-US agenda that is behind it.
Document:Ukrainian soldiers' organs tradedcorrespondenceOrgan trafficking
2014 Ukraine coup/Civil war
6 July 2014Sergey Vlasenko
Olga Wieber
Semyon Semyonchenko
An apparent hoax about hacked correspondence between Donbass Battalion commander, Yulia Tymoshenko's lawyer and a German medical practitioner evidencing a burgeoning trade in the organs of Ukrainian soldiers
Document:Usaia to attack Russia in 2015interview transcriptGlobalisation
Colour revolution
31 May 2014Evgeny FedorovA coup d´état under the guise of an ‘Colour Revolution’ is being prepared in Russia. The big picture and the details are given by Evgeny Fedorov, a deputy in the Russian parliament, and coordinator of the People’s Liberation Movement.
Document:Vladimir Putin address to the Novorossiya militiaaddressNovorussian Armed Forces
2014 Ukraine coup/Civil war
29 August 2014Vladimir PutinRussian President Vladimir Putin addresses the Novorossiya Militia about their successes against the military forces of the Kiev Junta
File:MH17 Report by Russian Union of Engineers.pdfreportMalaysia Airlines Flight 1715 August 2014Russian Union of EngineersAnalysis and report by the Russian Union of Engineers into the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 0n 17 July 2014
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