European Policy Centre

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Revision as of 13:10, 16 December 2022 by Terje (talk | contribs) (members+ corporate members)
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Group.png European Policy Centre  
HeadquartersBrussels, Belgium
Sponsored byAdessium Foundation, King Baudouin Foundation, Mercator Foundation
Membership• Herman Van Rompuy
• Joaquin Almunia
• Lionel Barber
• Hendrik Bourgeois
• Elizabeth Collett
• Marta Dassù
• David O'Sullivan
• Rachel Barlow
• Jim Cloos
• Susan Danger
• Brigid Laffan
• Alexander Stubb
• Stefan Schäfers
• Nathalie Tocci
• Poul Skytte Christofferse
• Jacki Davis
• Philippe de Buck
• Andrew Duff
• Susan Danger
• George Pagoulatos
• Brigid Laffan
• Luc Tayart de Borms
• Amazon
• BT
• Equinor
• Johnson & Johnson
• Apple
• Bain & Company
• Boeing
• Burson Cohn & Wolfe
• Cambre Associates
• Chevron Corporation
• DLA Piper
• Dow
• Eamonn Bates Europe
• ExxonMobil
• Facebook
• GlaxoSmithKline
• Google
• Hyundai
• Merck Sharp & Dohme
• Mitsubishi
• Mitsui
• Naftogaz
• Oracle
• Roche
• Siemens
• Statkraft
• Suez Eaux
• Sumitomo
• BusinessEurope
• Confederation of British Industry
• Confederation of Danish Industry
• Confederation of European Paper Industries
• Confederation of Finnish Industries
• Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers
• Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise
• Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
• Norwegian Shipowners' Association
• Technology Industries of Finland
• Tobacco Europe
• Bertelsmann Stiftung
• British Council
• Crisis Management Initiative
• European Cultural Foundation
• European Foundation Centre
• European Foundation for Democracy
• Fondazione Cariplo
• Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
• Friedrich Naumann Foundation
• Fundación Fórum Ambiental
• German Institute for International and Security Affairs
• Hanns Seidel Stiftung
• King Baudouin Foundation
• Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
• Open Society European Policy Institute
• Stiftung Mercator
• Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies
• Council of Europe
• European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
• European Investment Bank
• NATO Parliamentary Assembly
• UN Development Programme
• UN High Commissioner for Refugees
• The World Bank
• Amnesty International
• Caritas Europa
• Oxfam
• The German Marshall Fund of the United States
• International Committee of the Red Cross
• Jo Leinen
• Lord Kerr of Kinlochard
• Erika Mann
• Lionel Barber
• Wolfgang Schüssel
• Hendrik Bourgeois
• Elizabeth Collett
• Catherine Day
• Monica Frassoni
• Anthony L. Gardner
• Heather Grabbe
• Shada Islam
• Arancha González Laya
• Hywel Ceri Jones
• Jean Claude Junker
• Gerald Knaus
• Brigide Laffan
• Antonio Missiroli
• Anand Menon
• Federica Mogherini
• Almut Möller
• John Palmer
• Kristina Persson
• Jean-Claude Piris
• Janez Potočnik
• Jana Puglierin
• Conny Reuter
• Verena Ringler
• Mario João Rodrigues
• Dennis Sammut
• André Sapir
• Wolfgang Schüssel
• Daniela Schwarzer
• Peter Semneby
• Constanze Stelzenmüller
• Rita Süssmuth
• Pawel Swieboda
• Loukas Tsoukalis
• Frans van Daele
• Jean-Charlesvan den Branden
• Jordi Vaquer
• Zeger Vercouteren

The European Policy Center (EPC) is a Brussels think tank with excellent connections to EU institutions. Members are a number of large companies and trade associations. The EPC was criticized in 2010 for serving as a front-line organization for a corporate alliance led by the tobacco industry in the 1990s.

Strategic partners are the King Baudoin Foundation, the Mercator Foundation and the Adessium Foundation. The think tank partners include the German Council on Foreign Relations, the Center for European Reform, The German Marshall Fund, the Open Society Foundations, RUSI and other national think tanks. It is also part of the Transatlantic Policy Network (TPN).[1]


Known members

41 of the 133 of the members already have pages here:

AmazonA monopoly/cartel online retailer with deep state connections.
Amnesty International"Effectively, Amnesty International and AIUSA function as tools for the imperialist, colonial and genocidal policies of the United States, Britain, and Israel." Revolving leadership door with US government.
AppleA tech company, in a corrupt duopoly with Microsoft, its effective social engineering of children during the 2010s and 2000s and its adaption of youth culture made it the most valuable company in the world. PRISM-member. Throws activists or anyone not a WEF-member of their platform in geopolitical dilemmas. Fashion industry and wage slavery promoter.
Bertelsmann Foundation
BoeingUS based arms manufacturer which also makes civilian aircraft that since the 1990s have became known for their sometimes dubious reliability.
Burson Cohn & Wolfe"When evil needs public relations, evil has Burson-Marsteller on speed dial."
Confederation of Norwegian EnterpriseThe main employers' organisation in Norway. The Presidents and Director-Generals have a Bilderberg habit.
Council of EuropeIGO. Cannot make laws, but makes treaties. Accused of institutional (revolving door) corruption. Appears to bribe European & transcontinental countries.
Frans van DaeleBelgian diplomat and suspected deep state operative
Marta DassùDeep state connected general director of the international activities of Aspen Institute Italy. NATO, Trilateral Commission, European Council on Foreign Relations, International Institute for Strategic Studies...
Ian Davidson (Bilderberger)Brussels and Paris correspondent for the Financial Times in the 1960s. Attended Bilderberg/1962
Dow Chemical
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
European Investment Bank
FacebookThe world's most popular social network, with over 1,000,000,000 users in 2014.
Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Friedrich Naumann Foundation
Anthony L. GardnerU.S. Ambassador to the European Union. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a Senior non-resident fellow of the CIA-close German Marshall Fund.
German Institute for International and Security Affairs
German Marshall FundAccording to whistleblower Udo Ulfkotte, a CIA front group. Despite the 'German' in its name, it is a fully US/CIA-controlled operation, mainly to maintain a network of transatlantic European politicians and journalists. Hugely influential behind the scenes.
GoogleGlobal Internet/Skynet conglomerate
Hanns Seidel FoundationAn important group in international parapolitical manipulation, active in Latin America, Fiji and other places.
Johnson & JohnsonThe Vice President, Adrian Thomas was a "player" in Event 201. In March 2020 Johnson & Johnson entered into a $456 million partnership with the US government for a COVID-19 vaccine.
King Baudouin FoundationThe Belgian royal family, which made its fortune from hand-chopping in the Congo and created the first stooge NGO the International African Association, feels the urge finance new ventures. Coordinates with of a number of similar foundations owned by billionaires or NATO countries , financing select projects.
Federica MogheriniItalian politician, WEF
Norwegian Shipowners' Association
Open Society FoundationsA NGO operating in more countries than McDonald's. It has the tendency to support politicians (at times through astroturfing) and activists that get branded as "extreme left" as its founder is billionaire and bane of the pound George Soros. This polarizing perspective causes the abnormal influence of the OSF to go somewhat unanswered.
OracleTech company with significant connections to the national security industry
George PagoulatosRhodes Scholar market liberal, very europhile Greek economist who attended Bilderberg 2019. Believes Covid was a fantastic opportunity to implement digital systems and functions that would have otherwise taken years to implement.
RocheLargest pharmaceutical company in the world
Wolfgang SchüsselChancellor of Austria 2000-2007
Constanze StelzenmüllerGerman editor and deep state operative of uncertain rank
Alexander StubbFinnish top politician. At university, a CIA recruiter "put her claws into" him, and he kept his contact with agency people since then. He was selected a YGL 2009. Heavy WEF annual meeting habit. He attended the 2015 Bilderberg meeting.
Nathalie TocciItalian political scientist and international relations "expert"
Loukas TsoukalisGreek economist, Bilderberg Steering committee
World Bank



Adessium FoundationA secretive Dutch foundation that donates to projects backed by Western governments.
King Baudouin FoundationThe Belgian royal family, which made its fortune from hand-chopping in the Congo and created the first stooge NGO the International African Association, feels the urge finance new ventures. Coordinates with of a number of similar foundations owned by billionaires or NATO countries , financing select projects.
Mercator FoundationGerman foundation financing projects of deep state interest and buying control over the narrative, especially on "climate change" and pro-migration. Frequently connected to censorship initiatives.
Many thanks to our Patrons who cover ~2/3 of our hosting bill. Please join them if you can.


  1. members,board, select corporate members, and Strategic Council as of December 2022 and Strategic Council as of January 2022

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