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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "Island nation in the Mediterranean sea". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Charles Viar  + (Intelligence related)
  • Joint Biosecurity Centre  + (Intelligence services take over infectious disease management)
  • Pretorian Guard  + (Intended as bodyguards for the emperor, aware of their power, they later decided to take it for themselves and rule by proxy.)
  • Polytechnic University of Milan  + (Intended to do all graduate courses in English, but stopped by courts.)
  • Myron Cowen  + (Intensely disliked Labor Prime Minister [[Ben Chifley]])
  • Robert Korol  + (Interested in [[9-11/WTC Controlled demolition]])
  • Michael Riconosciuto  + (Interesting character)
  • Hank Asher  + (Interesting character...)
  • Diocesan College  + (Interesting for [[Rhodes Scholarship]] / [[Milner group]] networks; embraced [[apartheid]] military role)
  • Shami Chakrabarti  + (Interestingly connected UK lawyer who was a long time director of Liberty, a UK civil liberties advocacy organisation.)
  • Gayle Greene  + (Interests in women’s health activism, expanded to an interest in [[cancer]] and [[environmental pollution]].)
  • Kiev says shot down  + (Interfax-Ukraine News Agency quotes Anton Gerashchenko, a Ukrainian interior ministry official, as saying: "Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 shot down over eastern Ukraine by militants")
  • Najib Mikati  + (Interim)
  • James L. Jones  + (Interim Chairman)
  • Brent Scowcroft  + (Interim chairman)
  • James Sherr  + (International Relations)
  • Aginter Press  + (International [[anti-communist]] mercenary and "[[terrorist]]" organization, subcontracting for intelligence services, disguised as a pseudo-[[press agency]].)
  • Pacific Community  + (International development organisation owned and governed by its 26 country and territory members in the [[Pacific Ocean]].)
  • International  + (International groups.)
  • Henri Curiel  + (International left wing activist with many enemies, gunned down.)
  • Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units  + (International organization that facilitates cooperation and intelligence sharing between national financial intelligence units)
  • Interpol  + (International police group. Several of the presidents of Interpol have been exposed as part of large corruption affairs, or engaged in torture.)
  • Lyceum of the Philippines University  + (International relations (diplomacy, international trade), business, communication and International Hospitality (hotel and restaurant management, tourism) are the university's flagship courses.)
  • Wikileaks  + (Internationally famous leaks site that has published millions of classified and other documents.)
  • Tupac Shakur  + (Internationally known rap musician. Assassinated)
  • Brandy Vaughan  + (Internationally reputed big pharma dissident who was found dead in December 2020)
  • Theunis Willem de Jongh  + (Internationally well connected South African banker in [[Apartheid]] era)
  • Ethan Zuckerman  + (Internet activist, [[GLT 2003]], [[YGL 2005]])
  • James Kimsey  + (Internet service provider AOL founder with deep military ties, Bilderberg)
  • Robert Emmett Johnson  + (Interpen assassin possibly involved in the [[assassination of Martin Luther King]])
  • Ronald Noble  + (Interpol Secretary General for 14 years)
  • John R. Simpson  + (Interpol director who set the agenda of fighting "international terrorism", against French opposition.)
  • Oswald shown photo of him with gun  + (Interrogation in Captain Fritz's Office, OInterrogation in Captain Fritz's Office, Oswald is shown the backyard photo of him with gun. That picture is not my mine. The picture has been made by superimposing my face. The other part of the picture is not me at all, I have never seen this picture before. I understand photography real well, and that in time, I will be able to show you that this is not my picture and that it was made by someone else.ture and that it was made by someone else.)
  • Interrogation  + (Interrogation in Captain Fritz's Office. ref. The Peoples Almanac, p 51)
  • Lee Harvey Oswald/Interrogation  + (Interrogation of Oswald, Captain Fritz's office. ref. The Peoples Almanac, p 49)
  • File:Prof. Maria Rita Gismondo- The situation was never dramatic.pdf  + (Interview with Italian virologist Maria Rita Gismondo)
  • Document:What’s REALLY happening in Venezuela – from someone who knows  + (Interview with Michael Prysner about Venezuela in 2017)
  • Document:Interview with Osama bin Laden  + (Interview with Osama bin Laden by Pakistani newspaper soon after the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon)
  • Document:The Terror Attacks in France. The Broader Geopolitical Implications  + (Interview with Umberto Pascali – For Voice of the People, TV Sonce, Skipje, Macedonia)
  • Document:Ambush of Russian Bomber Was Guided by US Reconnaissance  + (Interview with a Russian military expert and specialist in Russian Military Space Forces about the November 2015 shoot down of a Russian military jet by Turkish F16 fighter over Syria)
  • Document:Interview with Donetsk militia-man  + (Interview with a native Donetsk militia-man fighting against the Ukrainian army in Eastern Ukraine + video of captured Ukrainian soldier. More organ trafficking corroboration)
  • Document:Interview with Donbas militia-man Artem  + (Interview with a wounded and hospitalised Donbas militia-man conducted in August 2014)
  • Scott Morrison  + (Introduced "[[No Jab, No Pay]]" [[vaccine]] policy as Minister for Social services; part of US offensive against [[China]])
  • David Lange  + (Introduced New Zealand's nuclear-free policy)
  • Tom Frieden  + (Introduced dragnet "[[PCR method|HIV testing]]")
  • Stephen Conroy  + (Introduced internet censorship as Australian Minister of Communications. Later on the board of [[Australian Strategic Policy Institute]] and lobbyist for the gambling industry.)
  • William Reilly  + (Introduced the "Environmental Constraints" discussion at the [[1989 Bilderberg]] as [[EPA Administrator]], Co-Chaired the [[Deepwater Horizon commission]] with [[Bob Graham]])
  • File:What is ElsaGate.pdf  + (Introduction into Elsagate.)
  • Tim Berners-Lee  + (Invented the [[world wide web]].)
  • Kary Mullis  + (Inventor of the [[polymerase chain reaction]] (PCR) technique, which he said should ''not'' be used as a main diagnostic tool. Died in August 2019)
  • Arvid Gerhard Damm  + (Inventor who founded AB Cryptoteknik, which went on to become [[Crypto AG]] after his death)
  • Edward T. Haslam  + (Investigated Dr. [[Mary Sherman]]Investigated Dr. [[Mary Sherman]] and a "web of medical secret-keeping that began with the handling of evidence in the [[JFK assassination]] and continued apace, sweeping doctors into cover-ups of [[cancer]] outbreaks, contaminated [[polio vaccine]], the arrival of the [[AIDS]] virus, and [[biological weapon]] research using infected [[monkeys]]."[[monkeys]].")
  • Paul Stephenson  + (Investigated [[Hillsborough disaster]], then resigned over suspected of involvement in the [ News International phone hacking scandal.])
  • Deborah Hersman  + (Investigated [[June 2009 Washington Metro train collision|collision of two Washington Metro trains]] and over 25 major transportation incidents.)
  • File:Damage.pdf  + (Investigation into media treatment of the inquest into the killing of three IRA members in Gibraltar on 6 March 1988)
  • Leveson Inquiry  + (Investigation of phone hacking)
  • Duncan Campbell  + (Investigations)
  • Anya Parampil  + (Investigative journalist at The Grayzone.)
  • Billy Six  + (Investigative journalist from Germany.<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup><sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a></sup>)
  • Michael Harris  + (Investigative journalist who attended the 1996 Bilderberg conference. Cancelled from [[corporate media]] after criticizing [[Israel]].)
  • Whitney Webb  + (Investigative journalist who has published many aspects of [[The Deep State]])
  • Asa Winstanley  + (Investigative journalist who quit the UK [[Labour party]])
  • Gaeton Fonzi  + (Investigator for the [[Church Committee]] and the [[House Select Committee on Assassinations]].)
  • Thomas Gates  + (Investment Banker, [[US secretary of defense]] for slightly over 1 year, attended the [[1968 Bilderberg]])
  • Air Force Office of Scientific Research  + (Invests in basic research efforts for the Air Force, in cooperation with private industry, academia, and other organizations.)
  • Answering Russia's Strategic Narratives  + (Invitation only one day event organised by The [[Hague Centre for Strategic Studies]], sponsored by [[The Institute for Statecraft]], about "[[Russian propaganda]]")
  • Document:Invoice for 2 articles by Dan Kaszeta  + (Invoice for 2 articles written by Dan Kaszeta for Integrity Initiative “Poison gas” and "Nerve agents and treatment”)
  • Document:Invoice Eduard Abrahamyan  + (Invoice from Eduard Abrahamyan for work performed)
  • Document:Invoice to MoD for Ukrainian Visit  + (Invoice from Institute of Statecraft to the Ministry of Defence for Ukrainian visit to London)
  • Document:Invoice Integrity Initiative Italy  + (Invoice from the Italian Atlantic Treaty AInvoice from the Italian Atlantic Treaty Association for the inaugural event of the Italian cell ('cluster') of the UK deep state faction, the Integrity Initiative, plus for a report on Russian influence in Italian elections. The inaugural event presumably took place in London.ral event presumably took place in London.)
  • Nicholas Eberstadt  + (Involved in a lot of [[deep state]] think tanks and planning committees.)
  • Jonathan Gruber  + (Involved in crafting US public health policy.)
  • Richard Stone (politician)  + (Involved in the [[dirty wars]] in Central-America in the 1980s)
  • Evelyn Shuckburgh  + (Involved in the post-war reorganisation of [[Western Europe]])
  • Iran  + (Iran possesses the 4th largest oil reserves of any nation state.)
  • Sharif University of Technology  + (Iran's leading institution for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.)
  • Daniel Graham  + (Iran-Contra)
  • Daniel Graham  + (Iran-Contra)
  • Daniel Graham  + (Iran-Contra connected CIA/DIA spook)
  • Hooshang Amirahmadi  + (Iranian American spook who attended Le Cercle.)
  • Hassan Firouzabadi  + (Iranian Armed Forces Chief of Staff (1989 to 2016), died of [[COVID-19]])
  • Pardis Sabeti  + (Iranian biologist, [[YGL 2012]], [[Rhodes Scholar 1997]], [[Global Commission for Post-Pandemic Policy]])
  • Tali Farhadian Weinstein  + (Iranian born attorney and academic with multiple [[deep state]] connections including [[Skull and bones]])
  • Qassem Soleimani  + (Iranian general killed in Iraq by the [[United States]] in an airstrike in January 2020.)
  • Mohammad Sarafraz  + (Iranian media executive who was sanctioned by the EU as part of the campaign against [[PressTV]]. He later came out against the [[Iranian deep state]].)
  • Nematollah Nassiri  + (Iranian spook who co-founded the [[Safari Club]]. Assassinated in 1979)
  • Siamak Namazi  + (Iranian-American academic convicted of espionage by Iran in 2016. [[National Endowment for Democracy]] Fellow in 2005. Selected a [[Young_Global_Leaders|Young Global Leader]] by the [[World Economic Forum]] in [[2007]].)
  • Mazda Majidi  + (Iranian-American activist and writer)
  • Ladan Archin  + (Iranian-American protégé of [[Paul Wolfowitz]])
  • Hamid Biglari  + (Iranian-US finance executive who worked for [[Citigroup]].)
  • Anousheh Karvar  + (Iranian-born French labor union leader. Chair of [[Alliance 8.7]])
  • Iraq  + (Iraq possesses the 5th largest oil reserves of any nation state.)
  • Nouri al-Maliki  + (Iraqi Prime Minister during the US occupation. "'I have a name for you,' the CIA officer said. 'Maliki'".)
  • Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi  + (Iraqi defector purported to be the source of the lies about [[Saddam Hussein]]'s [[WMD]]s.)
  • Alia Muhammad Baker  + (Iraqi librarian who saved thousands of books during the war.)
  • University College Dublin  + (Ireland's largest university)
  • Patrick Collison  + (Irish "self-made billionaire" who attended the [[2017 Bilderberg]])
  • Séamus Woulfe  + (Irish Attorney General and Supreme Court Judge)
  • Paschal Donohoe  + (Irish Finance Minister)
  • Garret Fitzgerald  + (Irish Prime Minister, 5 Bilderbergs)
  • Mary Lou McDonald  + (Irish Sinn Féin politician)
  • Dave Cullen  + (Irish Youtuber and political dissident.)
  • Gene M. Murtagh  + (Irish businessman, CEO of Kingspan Group PLC.)
  • Sinéad Burke  + (Irish disability activist. [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2021]])
  • Jim Sheridan  + (Irish film director)
  • Gemma O'Doherty  + (Irish journalist who has been called a conspiracy theorist by the Irish media)
  • Michael McDowell  + (Irish lawyer)
  • Michael Noonan  + (Irish lawyer)
  • Thomas Byrne  + (Irish minister of European affairs)
  • Dolores Cahill  + (Irish molecular biologist and immunologist who early and loudly protested against the official pandemic narrative. Predicts disaster from experimental gene therapies peddled as vaccines.)
  • Charlie McCreevy  + (Irish politician, attended the [[2008 Bilderberg]] as [[European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services]])
  • David Byrne  + (Irish politician. Attorney General of Ireland in the late 1990s)
  • Dominic McGlinchey  + (Irish republican paramilitary with the Irish National Liberation Army)
  • Bono  + (Irish singer "kissing the arses of the ricIrish singer "kissing the arses of the rich and powerful" and preaching on global inequality while avoiding taxes according to [[Irish]] scolar [[Harry Browne]].<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>;/sup>)
  • University of Limerick  + (Irish university)
  • Kennedy family  + (Irish-American family. The most powerful political family in the [[United States]].)
  • Gerard Ryle  + (Irish-Australian investigative reporter, especially on safe subjects such as tax evasion)
  • Al-Mahdi al-Harati  + (Irish-Libyan rebel commander who received money from the CIA to be their proxy fighter in Libya and Syria.)
  • "Islamophobia"  + (Irrational and exaggerated [[fear]] of the Muslim faith.)
  • Document:Novichok And Theresa May's "45 Minute Moment"  + (Is [[Britain]]Is [[Britain]] off to war (in [[Syria]]) to save the government from all sorts of disasters back at home? Challenging a [[Theresa May|Prime Minister]] in the midst of an international conflict is always difficult – just look at the vitriol thrown at [[Jeremy Corbyn]] for doing so yesterday – who was proved right in the face of the same accusations with [[Tony Blair]].ny Blair]].)
  • Document:Justice for Megrahi - is Aamer Anwar capable of getting it?  + (Is [[Justice for Megrahi]] achieved by blocking ''[[Twitter]]'' accounts? Is [[Aamer Anwar]] capable of getting [[Justice for Megrahi]]?)
  • Mexico Autonomous Institute of Technology  + (Is considered one of Mexico's (neoliberal) [[think tank]]s and has the highest rank of admission to the Mexican Foreign Service)
  • Document:A Gareth Wiliams - Gudrun Loftus Axis?  + (Is there a connection between the death of Gareth Williams and the apparently accidental death of Oxford University academic Gudrun Loftus?)
  • Ansarallah  + (Islamist political and military organisation from Yemen.)
  • Niue  + (Island in the Pacific in free association with [[New Zealand]])
  • Malta  + (Island nation in the Mediterranean sea)
  • Mauritius  + (Island nation in the [[Indian Ocean]]. Now a [[tax haven]].)
  • Eire  + (Island off the coast of [[Great Britain]]. [[Ireland]] is a member of the [[EU]] but not [[NATO]].)
  • Iceland  + (Isolated island nation off the north west coast of [[Europe]]. Part of the [[Nordics]].)
  • Itamar Rabinovich  + (Israel Ambassador to the US back in the 1990s, attended the [[2012 Bilderberg]])
  • Document:Putin's triumph  + (Israel Shamir on the historical background to the politics of Vladimir Putin and the unfolding events in Ukraine and Crimea)
  • The Writings of Israel Shamir  + (Israel Shamir's personal web site. An archive of his writings.)
  • Document:The Brown Revolution in Ukraine  + (Israel Shamir's take on the February 2014 events in Western Ukraine with a pithy, numbered outline of this particular 'Regime-change' modus-operandi - one which is becoming wearily predictable and familiar to students of these things.)
  • European Leadership Network  + (Israel lobby group of nearly 300 past, present and future European leaders. Works to foster key ties between [[European]] and [[Israeli]] leaders, and [[empower]] friends of [[Israel]] across [[Europe]].)
  • Document:More than 500 jihadists cared for at the Ziv Medical Centre  + (Israel treats ISIS/Al-Qaeda fighters before returning them to fight in Syria)
  • 2018 missile attack on Russian IL-20 reconnaissance aircraft  + (Israel trying to start WW3 by having Russian plane shot down in war ruse.)
  • Danny Danon  + (Israel's Permanent Representative to the UN since 2015)
  • Israel/Borders  + (Israel's borders are unusual in having changed several times in living memory. Israel currently borders Lebanon in the north, Syria in the northeast, Jordan and the West Bank in the east, the Gaza Strip and Egypt on the southwest.)
  • Golan Heights  + (Israel's exploitation of wind energy in the occupied Golan Heights is legal under international law because it does not deplete the territory's natural capital. But oil drilling would violate that principle.)
  • Jewish Institute for National Security of America  + (Israeli "conservative" influence operation close to the [[military-industrial complex]], sending US police and military leaders to be trained in Israel.)
  • Document:Israel's omnicient ears  + (Israeli Signals Intelligence base at Urim in the Negev Desert)
  • Idan Ofer  + (Israeli WEF billionaire businessman)
  • Nahum Manbar  + (Israeli [[arms dealer]])
  • Benjamin Netanyahu  + (Israeli [[deep politician]] who has been [[Prime Minister of Israel]])
  • Yosef Kuperwasser  + (Israeli [[spook]])
  • Tanya Reinhart  + (Israeli academic and Anti-Zionist critic both of Israel's invasion and occupation of Lebanon and its occupation of the Palestinian territories after 1967. Lost her position at [[Tel Aviv University]] after bureaucratic harassment)
  • Operation Wooden Leg  + (Israeli air bombing of PLO headquarters in Tunisia in 1985.)
  • Yair Klein  + (Israeli arms dealer known for his activities in the 80s)
  • Dan Gertler  + (Israeli billionaire businessman in natural resources)
  • Lev Leviev  + (Israeli billionaire supporter of the Hasidic movement)
  • Dan Halpern  + (Israeli diplomat who passed confidential US documents to [[AIPAC]], to lobby for a trade agreement massively favorable to [[Israel]].)
  • Yossi Avni-Levy  + (Israeli diplomat.)
  • Teva  + (Israeli drug company)
  • Tom Segev  + (Israeli historian)
  • Élie Barnavi  + (Israeli historian who attended the [[2004 Bilderberg]])
  • Document:A Close Look at the Pro-Israeli Lobbies inside Britain  + (Israeli influence in the politics of the UK)
  • Rafi Eitan  + (Israeli intelligence agent, who led a large number of assassinations and other deep events. "All intelligence work is a partnership with crime. Morals are put aside")
  • Ronen Bergman  + (Israeli journalist who published ''Rise and Kill First: The secret history of Israel’s targeted killings'' - in reality a very flattering [[limited hangout]].)
  • Moshe Schnitzer  + (Israeli key player in the international diamond trade)
  • Rubin Academy of Music  + (Israeli music academy)
  • Ariel Levite  + (Israeli nuclear expert and war hawk who attended [[Bilderberg/2012]], where one of the subjects was "What Can the West Do about Iran?". Works for Carnegie Endowment.)
  • Ophir Pines-Paz  + (Israeli politician who in 2010 announced he was retiring from politics and leaving the Labor Party, which he said "had abandoned its values over the past 15 years".)
  • Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies  + (Israeli pro-military think tank, supporter of [[ISIS]].)
  • Itamar Ben-Gvir  + (Israeli settler, activist and politician)
  • Ehud Barak  + (Israeli spook who was [[Prime Minister of Israel]] from May 1999 to March 2001. Pal of [[Jeffrey Epstein]].)
  • NSO Group  + (Israeli technology firm focused on cyber intelligence.)
  • Miko Peled  + (Israeli-American peace activist and author. Proponent of Israeli-Palestine single-state.)
  • Natalie Portman  + (Israeli-born actress who was a research assistant for [[Alan Dershowitz]])
  • Arnon Milchan  + (Israeli/American billionaire spook businessman and film producer.)
  • Stanley Fischer  + (Israeli/US central banker and quad Bilderberger)
  • European Medicines Agency  + (Issued guidance that [[chloroquine]] and [[hydroxychloroquine]] were only to be used in clinical trials or emergency use programs.)
  • Quango  + (It describes an ostensibly non-governmental organisation performing governmental functions,)
  • Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery – Assange Hearing Day 1  + (It does not matter to [[Vanessa Baraitser|Baraitser]]It does not matter to [[Vanessa Baraitser|Baraitser]] or [[Emma Arbuthnot|Arbuthnot]] if there is any genuine need for [[Julian Assange|Assange]] to be incarcerated in a bulletproof box, or whether it stops him from following proceedings in court. [[Vanessa Baraitser|Baraitser]]'s intention is to humiliate [[Julian Assange|Assange]], and to instill in the rest of us horror at the vast crushing power of the state.r at the vast crushing power of the state.)
  • Document:Phone Wrecks: The Secret Agenda of Ashton and Nuland  + (It has become a predictable and all-to-familiar feature of US sponsored regime-change operations that mysterious snipers turn out to kill both government forces and opposition protesters before disappearing.)
  • Document:A Moment in History  + (It is ESSENTIAL that every [[Labour Party]]It is ESSENTIAL that every [[Labour Party]] member reading this blog acts NOW to try to get rid of those dreadful [[Tony Blair|Blairite]] MPs. If you do not act, the historic moment will be missed and the chance to move [[England]] and [[Wales]] away from [[neoliberalism]] may be permanently surrendered.[[neoliberalism]] may be permanently surrendered.)
  • Document:Epstein's Death Must Be the Start, not the End, of the Investigation  + (It is a great shame that in the [[UK]], the [[Establishment]] has been able to characterise the falsifications of [[Carl Beech]] as discrediting the entire notion of historical [[Mind control/Child Abuse|child sexual abuse]].)
  • Document:Ed Miliband’s decision to oppose military action against Syria is an action of statesmanship of which Britons will be proud  + (It is all very well to rush to war in a surge of moral outrage, it is quite another to spell out clearly what are the war objectives and how exactly they are to be achieved.)
  • Document:The EHRC’s report into Labour antisemitism is the real ‘political interference’  + (It is instructive to compare the certaintyIt is instructive to compare the certainty with which the [[EHRC]] treats Councillor [[Pam Bromley]]’s ambiguous remarks as irrefutable proof of [[antisemitism]] in [[Labour Party|Labour]] with its complete disregard for unmistakably [[antisemitic]] comments from [[Boris Johnson]], the man actually running the country. That lack of concern is shared, of course, by the [[corporate media|establishment media]] and [[Jewish]] leadership organisations.Jewish]] leadership organisations.)
  • Document:Time to Start Paying Attention: The US Just Bombed Russians in Syria  + (It is not clear if [[Russia]]It is not clear if [[Russia]] has a retaliation of its own in mind, but we would do well to remember that when similar incidents took place last year, Russia indicated that they would begin targeting [[US]] jets if they had to. Almost immediately after this stark warning, [[Australia]] pulled its planes out of its air missions in [[Syria]].[[Syria]].)
  • Document:The Framing of al-Megrahi  + (It is not difficult to achieve a conviction of the innocent)
  • Document:The Price of Peace  + (It is not possible to understand the curreIt is not possible to understand the current state of play in [[Brexit]] negotiations, without understanding that those effectively driving the [[Conservative Party|Tory Party]] position do not view a hard border with [[Ireland]] as undesirable. They view it as a vital achievement ''en route'' to rolling back power sharing and all the affirmative measures which brought peace to [[Northern Ireland]], in an affirmation of the glory and power of [[Unionism in Ireland|unionism]].[[Unionism in Ireland|unionism]].)
  • Document:Northern Ireland Information Service - Misinformation  + (It is now well established (and has been aIt is now well established (and has been admitted by the government), that the task of the Information Policy branch of Army headquarters in the early to mid 1970s was disinformation. False stories were spread in order to discredit the [[IRA]] as well as other enemies of the [[MI5|Intelligence services]], such as Loyalist politicians and the Labour politicians and the Labour government.)
  • Document:Why is the CBC Lying About Venezuela  + (It is our responsibility as people living in the [[United States]] and [[Canada]] to elevate the voices of poor, working and oppressed people in [[Venezuela]] who support the revolutionary government of President [[Nicolás Maduro]].)
  • University of Economics Prague  + (It is the largest university in the field of economics, business and information technology in the Czech Republic,)
  • Document:Monbiot is not only a hypocrite, but a bully too  + (It is time for [[George Monbiot]]’s legion of supporters to call him out. Not only is he a hypocrite, but he is becoming an increasingly dangerous one!)
  • Document:We the People…  + (It is time for the dusty antique concept of 'WE THE PEOPLE' to be revived and given determined mass support)
  • Document:Brexit reveals Corbyn to be the true moderate  + (It is time to stop acting like zealots for [[neoliberalism]], squabbling over which brand of turbo-charged [[capitalism]] we prefer, and face up to our collective responsibility to change our and our children’s future.)
  • Document:What is Left for Palestine?  + (It was a beautiful day in [[Glasgow]]It was a beautiful day in [[Glasgow]] yesterday for the [[Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign]] demo, and it was great to be able to meet up again with so many magnificent and public-spirited people. It was an especially young crowd, which was excellent, and I was able to meet many [[Palestinians]] who drew comfort from the public support at a traumatic the public support at a traumatic time.)
  • Namebase  + (It was never going to win any prizes for presentation, but Namebase had a lot of information, especially about post-WWII US spooks. Its disappearance from the web by 2023 is an irreparable loss for the study of deep politics.)
  • Document:Losing the Plot: reflections on the Gaza debate debacle  + (It wasn’t the [[SNP|Nasty Nats]] that lost the plot. It was the [[Labour Party]], and [[Lindsay Hoyle|the Speaker]]. I trust they have now lost [[Scotland]].)
  • Document:Interfering with Laura Kuenssberg  + (It's no coincidence that it is precisely tIt's no coincidence that it is precisely the old and the poorly educated that are the targets of [[Dominic Cummings]]’ [[Brexit|"Brexit election”]] strategy. If it comes off, [[Laura Kuenssberg]] and her fellow hacks will have proven that the power of the [[corporate media|mainstream media]] is as yet unbroken.rporate media|mainstream media]] is as yet unbroken.)
  • Iraq Historic Allegations Team  + (It's stated purpose is to investigate allegations of abuse of Iraqi citizens by British Service personnel during the occupation.)
  • Marco Panara  + (Italian "[[center-left]]" business journalist, regular at [[WEF AGM]]s)
  • Ivo Nutarelli  + (Italian Air Force pilot witnessing or participating in the events around the shoot down of flight [[Itavia Flight 870]] in 1980. Died in deadly acrobatic show accident in 1988.)
  • Corrado Passera  + (Italian Bilderberg banker)
  • Innocenzo Cipolletta  + (Italian Bilderberg businessman financier)
  • Paolo Fresco  + (Italian Bilderberg businessman. Ex [[Fiat]] Chairman)
  • Beppe Severgnini  + (Italian Bilderberg journalist who reported in April 2020 that "A whole generation is being wiped out.")
  • Carlo Rossella  + (Italian Bilderberger journalist)
  • Paolo Savona  + (Italian Bilderberger politician)
  • Eugenio Cefis  + (Italian Deep state deep state operative. Founder of [[P2]]. [[1965 Bilderberg]])
  • David Sassoli  + (Italian MEP; European Parliament President, presumed dead from the "vaccines" he himself promoted.)
  • Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa  + (Italian Minister of Economy and Finances, Bilderberg steering committee)
  • Carlo Sartori  + (Italian TV manager at RAI and a prominent mass media analyst)
  • Pasquale Saraceno  + (Italian [[Christian Democracy (Italy)|Christian Democrat]] economist. Very unusual [[Bilderberg Steering committee]] member in that he only attended a single Bilderberg.)
  • Ciriaco De Mita  + (Italian [[Christian Democracy]] prime minister.)
  • Giuseppe Glisenti  + (Italian [[TLC]] member who went to the [[1971 Bilderberg]], involved in European integration)
  • Luigi Barzini  + (Italian [[anti-communist]] journalist and politician, Attended [[1980 Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Roberto Burioni  + (Italian [[virologist]] and academic who was given prominence in Italy for his strong stance against the [[antivaccination]] movement. The loudest proponent of the [[lockdowns]] and other policies from the start of [[Covid]] in 2020.)
  • Gian Migone  + (Italian academic who attended the [[1971 Bilderberg]] aged 30. Son of the senior diplomat [[Bartolomeo Migone]]. Nominally on the left, he has significant ties to the [[transatlantic]] deep state.)
  • Cesare Merlini  + (Italian academic, [[Brookings Institute]])
  • Eugenio Henke  + (Italian admiral who held the positions of director of the [[Servizio Informazioni Difesa|Defense Information Service]] (SID), where he was involved in several dramatic incidents.)
  • Bruno Branciforte  + (Italian admiral. The last head of the [[Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Militare|Italian Military Intelligence and Security Service]]Italian admiral. The last head of the [[Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Militare|Italian Military Intelligence and Security Service]] and first leader of the [[Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna|Italian External Intelligence and Security Agency]].[[Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna|Italian External Intelligence and Security Agency]].)
  • Vittorino Chiusano  + (Italian advisor to deep politician [[Giovanni Agnelli]]. Attended all the Bilderberg meetings from [[Bilderberg 1963|1963]] up to [[Bilderberg 1967|1967]].)
  • Rinaldo Petrignani  + (Italian ambassador to Washington, Deputy Secretary General of [[NATO]], then [[Italy–USA Foundation]] and board positions in armaments companies.)
  • Giulio Pastore  + (Italian anti-communist labor leader and [[Christian Democracy (Italy)|Christian Democrats]] politician who attended two Bilderbergs in the 1950s)
  • Carlo Ratti  + (Italian architect inventor who has focused on COVID-19)
  • Imbriani Longo  + (Italian banker)
  • Franco Bernabè  + (Italian banker and manager, Steering Committee of the Bilderberg)
  • Lorenzo Bini Smaghi  + (Italian banker who attended [[Bilderberg/2024]])
  • Alessandro Vanzetto  + (Italian business executive for [[FIAT]])
  • Antonio D'Amato  + (Italian business leader and president of [[Confindustria]] from 2000 to 2004.)
  • Umberto Agnelli  + (Italian business magnate with multiple deep state connections including the [[Bilderberg Steering committee]].)
  • Il Sole 24 Ore  + (Italian business newspaper. Many staff with a Bilderberg habit.)
  • Roberto Olivetti  + (Italian businessman)
  • Mario Schimberni  + (Italian businessman)
  • Francesco Cingano  + (Italian businessman and financier)
  • Flavio Briatore  + (Italian businessman mentioned in Jeffrey Epstein's black book.)
  • Leopoldo Pirelli  + (Italian businessman who attended 3 Bilderbergs in the [[1960s]])
  • Aurelio Peccei  + (Italian businessman who attended 4 Bilderbergs in the 1960s, founder of the [[Club of Rome]])
  • Marco Tronchetti Provera  + (Italian businessman who attended the [[1993 Bilderberg|1993]] and [[2004 Bilderberg]]s)
  • Gabriele Galateri  + (Italian businessman who attended the [[2004 Bilderberg]])
  • Alberto Pirelli  + (Italian businessman who attended the [[first Bilderberg]] and 7 others up to [[Bilderberg/1963|1963]].)
  • Roberto Poli  + (Italian businessman with ties to some of the most important families in Italy and their family companies.)
  • Antonio Zappulla  + (Italian businessman; [[Reuters/CEO]])
  • Alighiero De Micheli  + (Italian businessmen, [[President of Confindustria]] 1955-1961, where he aimed to get the industry owners to enter more actively in the life of the country, especially as regards political problems.)
  • Paolo Zannoni  + (Italian businessmen, banker, Bilderberg Steering committee, Goldman Russia)
  • Marcella Glisenti  + (Italian catholic intellectual and third world solidarity activist. Wife of one of the founders of [[Christian Democracy (Italy)|the deep state Christian Democrat party]]. Visitor to the [[1977 Bilderberg]])
  • Salvatore Rossi  + (Italian central banker who attended the 2018 Bilderberg.)
  • Ignazio Visco  + (Italian central banker, widely quoted on COVID-19 by [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]])
  • Paolo Vittorelli  + (Italian centre-left politician and [[TLC]] member who attended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1960s. Worked with the British during [[WW2]]. First president of the [[Institute for Research and Defense Information Studies]].)
  • Vicenza  + (Italian city with huge US military presence. HQ of [[European Gendarmerie Force]]/)
  • Raffaele Girotti  + (Italian company manager and politician who attended the [[1973 Bilderberg]])
  • La Repubblica  + (Italian corporate newspaper)
  • Claudio Bisogniero  + (Italian diplomat)
  • Girolamo Messeri  + (Italian diplomat and politician. Wrote a treatise on Algeria. Attended the [[1960 Bilderberg]])
  • Alberico Casardi  + (Italian diplomat. Unlike many NATO Deputy Secretary Generals, he is not suspected to have been a Bilderberg member.)
  • Francesco Giavazzi  + (Italian double Bilderberg economist)
  • Vittorio Barattieri  + (Italian economist interested in [[privatization]])
  • Siro Lombardini  + (Italian economist who attended the [[1973 Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Alberto Alesina  + (Italian economist who attended the [[2018 Bilderberg]] and "strongly agreed" with the Bilderbergers' [[COVID Lockdown]] policy.)