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Document:Objectives, Tasks and Cluster activities and RelationshipsEuan GrantAnonymous13,001Euan Grant lists an extensive list of willing collaborators. Intelligence people, non-fiction authors and lots and lots of media.
Document:October Surprise Memo4 November 1991memoPaul BeachConsortium News2,643A "smoking gun" internal memo as regards the October Surprise; it references a meeting about how to keep the conspiracy hidden. In particular, it mentions a cable from the Madrid embassy confirming Bill Casey's presence there.
Document:Off the Leash: How the UK is developing the technology to build armed autonomous drones10 November 2018ArticlePeter BurtDrone Wars UK9,688The United Kingdom should make an unequivocal statement that it is unacceptable for machines to control, determine, or decide upon the application of force in armed conflict and give a binding political commitment that the UK would never use fully autonomous weapon systems
Document:Old Sarum Secrets4 November 1976reportUnknownNewsline9,111
Document:Oligarchs and Corruption Proposed ProgrammeJune 2018project proposalEuan GrantAnonymous5,429

"Early briefings of Press and media where Institute of Statecraft has particular links with the Times, Telegraph, Guardian and BBC TV and radio and specialist correspondents. Need to strengthen with the Mail."

The document proves that Integrity Initative is not only influence network: "Use US and Canadian contacts to do likewise re powerful and influential North American networks."

Document:Olof Palme - The Man Who Played With Fire2020book reviewSimon MatthewsLobster Magazine17,456Bernt Carlsson, a colleague of Olof Palme’s and UN Commissioner for Namibia 1987-1988, died in the Lockerbie bombing on 21 December 1988. Carlsson's presence on Pan Am Flight 103 has been cited as the reason it was bombed.
Document:Olof Palme — South African Spies Likely Murdered Sweden Prime Minister12 March 2018ArticleLudwig De BraeckeleerIntel Today6,857Top Secret Apartheid Intelligence Report says that Olof Palme must “now be seen as an enemy of the State”
Document:Omidyar-Greenwald-Rosen15 December 2013articleAnonymousCryptome32,551
Document:Omidyar’s PayPal Corporation Said To Be Implicated in Withheld NSA Documents11 December 2013articleSibel EdmondsBoiling Frogs Post25,655
Document:On Death and Derivatives29 January 2014articleDavid MaloneGolem XIV - Thoughts12,772Connecting the dots between a series of premature deaths of bankers and the financial derivatives 'time-bomb'
Document:On Gaza, Sunak's Tories and Starmer's Labour have merged into a single pro-war party22 January 2024ArticlePeter OborneMiddle East Eye15,703If the ICJ rules in South Africa’s favour then Rishi Sunak, as well as US President Joe Biden, will be wide open to the charge that they are aiding and abetting genocide. And so will Labour’s Keir Starmer.
Document:On Her Majesty's Secret Service - Uncensored1 April 2001webpageGordon LoganCryptome394
Document:On Ken Livingstone21 September 2023ArticleGraham BashJewish Voice for Labour7,667Madeleine Kingston adds: "I worked with Ken for several years when he was Mayor of London. I was a middle aged woman and he was always lovely to work with, extremely egalitarian, never patronising and always generous, courteous and respectful. He always related to me as a comrade and a friend."
Document:On Naval Blockades and A Hard Days War11 October 2018ArticleChristopher BlackNew Eastern Outlook9,977The NATO leadership are in love with war. They enjoy frightening people. They enjoy the killing. It gives them a thrill talking about it when they sit down in their comfortable chairs and have their cocktails after a hard days war.
Document:On The Psychology Of The Conspiracy DenierTim FoyleOffGuardian13,827
Document:On the Pavement with Wikileaks7 April 2019blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog6,183Pretty well all of the Western media is going to want to focus on these false anti-Assange narratives, and they will be determined to give as little attention as possible to the fact he is a publisher facing trial for publishing leaked state documents which revealed state wrongdoing. It is a classic and fundamental issue of freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
Document:On the Protocols20 April 1943statementEzra PoundWikispooks research8,881
Document:Only a failing US empire would be so blind as to cheer Netanyahu and his genocide26 July 2024ArticleJonathan CookMiddle East Eye16,207Members of the US Congress roared “USA!” to their satrap from Israel, just as Roman senators once roared “Glory!” to generals whose victories they assumed would continue forever. Every empire falls. Its collapse becomes inevitable once its rulers lose all sense of how absurd and abhorrent they have become.
Document:Open Letter on Retraction and Pledge to Boycott Elsevier4 December 2013open letterInstitute of Science in SocietyInstitute of Science in Society3,046
Document:Open Letter to Erdogan30 March 2016open letterElliott Abrams
John Hannah
Michael Rubin
Paul Wolfowitz
Paula Dobriansky
Eric Edelman
Robert Kagan
Joshua Muravchik
Randy Scheunemann
Robert Ford
Joe Lieberman
Paul Bremer
James Denton
Dennis Ross
Anne-Marie Slaughter
Max Boot
Kenneth Weinstein
Frank Loy
Morton Abramowitz
Aykan Erdemir
Douglas Feith
5,487Open letter from a number of neocon deep state actors warning Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan to change his ways. The letter was published three months before the failed 2016 Turkish coup d'état attempt.
Document:Open Letter to The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay28 January 2012open letterDirk AdriaensensGlobal Research80,141
Document:Open letter to Ban Ki-Moon from Richard Falk7 February 2016open letterRichard FalkMy Catbird Seat11,425On-the-button open letter from Richard Falk to Ban Ki-moon about Israeli attacks on the latter for his modest, reasonable and accurate criticism of Israeli policy - Schadenfreude would be understandable in light of Richard Falks experience at Moon's hands.
Document:Open letter to President Putin from 300 Germans10 April 2014letter300 German citizensNeue Rheinilche Zeitung7,657An open letter to President Vladimir Putin from 300 Germans about the secession of Crimea and events in Ukraine since November 2013
Document:Operation Black Dog2000articleDavid GuyattDeep Black Lies18,156The story of a US covert, airborne biological weapons attack on Iraq during the first US-Iraq war of 1990
Document:Operation Gladio1999articleDavid GuyattDeep Black Lies17,556How European extreme left-wing organisations were manipulated and set up as patsies for indiscriminate acts of terrorism aimed at discrediting the Left and preventing the accession of Left-leaning and communist to government.
Document:Operation Market Garden1952book chapterOreste Pinto82,671Chapter 9 of Spycatcher By Lt. Col. Oreste Pinto Published by Panther Books
Document:Operation Mockingbird20 August 2011webpageJohn SimkinSpartacus Educational209
Document:Operation Shady RAT2 August 2011webpageDmitri AlperovitchMcAfee Blog Central351
Document:Operation Two-Fold25 January 2008articleDouglas Valentine25,374
Document:Organised 911 DisinformationNovember 2010article'A Staff Writer'Rock Creek Free Press17,240This makes particular reference to the "Citizens Investigation Team" and the video of their evidence <a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>
Document:Organized Political Terrorism31 July 2011articleJames PetrasGlobal Research12,257
Document:Orwell's 1984 - Irregular warfare against Eurasia23 June 2014articleWayne MadsenStrategic Culture Foundation10,105From Halford Mackinders Heartland Theory to 21st century Colour revolutions, Orwell's dystopian 1984 vision is being realised.
Document:Oslo - Down to the New World Order25 July 2011articleRichard CottrellProgRESSive7,034
Document:Oslo attacks - more false-flag evidence26 July 2011webpageStephen LendmanStephenLendman.org282
Document:Our Secret Servants - The Shayler Affair1 January 1998ArticleRobin RamsayLobster Magazine13,545MI5 and its schizophrenic relationship with government
Document:Our Spartan Future: Neo-feudalism2011Book excerptRosa Koire4,567Rosa Koire's assessment why policies lead to undesirable outcomes.
Document:Out of the Closet on UFOs16 February 2014articleRichard ThiemeThiemeworks8,028Richard Thieme admitting to believing in UFO's (the variety that have no explanation other than that they are the transports of non-human sentient beings or robots and of other than earthly origin).
Document:Outline Concept paper for IfS US programme v6 28 08 2017 (003)26 December 2018request for US supportIntegrity InitiativeAnonymous3,439
Document:Outrage over killing of journalists is essential11 November 2018ArticleMuhammad Idrees AhmadBella Caledonia6,933Above all we need to protect the laws and institutions which would have protected Anna Politkovskaya, Marie Colvin and Jamal Khashoggi had they been universal. We need to treat a threat to journalists anywhere as a threat to journalists everywhere.
Document:Outside In: The Trump Administration’s Plan to Remake the Middle East10 October 2018ArticleTed SniderMondoweiss14,316Benjamin Netanyahu refers to his doctrine as Outside In: first you pacify the Outside and ally with the Sunni Arab states (Egypt and Saudi Arabia) outside of Israel, then, in exchange, you extract a peace plan out of them that you then impose Inside on a Palestine now devoid of allies and leave it helpless to hold out against a peace plan forced on the Palestinians by Donald Trump.
Document:Overthrow Inc6 August 2009articleStephen GowansStephen Gowans' blog44,709
Document:PT35B - The Most Expensive Forgery in History18 October 2017ArticleLudwig De BraeckeleerIntel Today28,671Ludwig De Braeckeleer proves that the Lockerbie bomb timer fragment PT/35(b) is a "fragment of the imagination"
Document:Paddies Join Global Spy Network5 May 2000articleUnknownThe Phoenix12,345The text of an article that appeared in an Irish news magazine, "The Phoenix", dated May 5th 2000, claiming that Ireland has become part of the ECHELON organisation.
Document:Pakistan Military version of Border Post Attack1 February 2012reviewAsif Haroon RajaPakistan Observer8,480Pakistani military review of the NATO attack on two of its border posts on 26 November 2011
Document:Palestine - The Illusion of Power and the Calculus of Dispossession12 November 2011webpageZahir EbrahimHuman Beings First638
Document:Pan Am Flight 103: It was the Uranium6 January 2014articlePatrick HaseldineThe Ecologist16,932Following Bernt Carlsson's untimely death in the Lockerbie bombing, the UN Council for Namibia inexplicably dropped the case against Britain's URENCO for illegally importing yellowcake from the Rössing Uranium Mine in Namibia.
Document:PanAm-Rätsel LOCKERBIE: Es war Südafrika!…so wie bei Olof Palme6 October 1996ArticleKurt SeinitzKronen Zeitung4,329"It would have been easy for South African secret service agents, who had infiltrated Sweden's anti-apartheid movement, to exchange Carlsson's tape recorder in a hotel room against one containing the bomb. And then placing it inside one of those 'ubiquitous' Samsonite suitcases, so beloved by the peripatetic Bernt Carlsson."
Document:Parody Britain and the Death of the Fourth Estate9 December 2021ArticleMike SmallBella Caledonia5,581This is a ruling elite, a governing class that comes from the same strata, shares the same education and is literally inter-married. In this context the idea that such a media can hold the powerful to account is of course laughable. The British media is incestuous and dysfunctional.
Document:Paul Wilkinson, extract from The "Terrorism" Industry12 May 1990book extractEdward S. HermanThe "Terrorism" Industry19,942
Document:PayPal Partnering With Anti-Defamation League to Share Info With Law Enforcement, Determine Who Can Use Their Services26 July 2021ArticleCassandra FairbanksThe Gateway Pundit2,462The censorship industry colludes with law enforcement and financial services in order to censor more.