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(Changed start date at the Arlington Institute.)
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|image=James Woolsey.jpg
|image=James Woolsey.jpg
|constitutes=spook, lawyer
|constitutes=spook, lawyer, deep politician
|spouses=Suzanne Woolsey
|description=Ex CIA director still (per 2020) very active in deep state networks.
|interests=Electromagnetic Pulse
|alma_mater=Stanford University, St John's College (Oxford), Yale Law School
|alma_mater=Stanford University, St John's College (Oxford), Yale Law School
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|birth_name=Robert James Woolsey Jr.
|birth_name=Robert James Woolsey Jr.
|title=Director of Central Intelligence
|title=Director of Central Intelligence
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|end=December 7, 1979
|end=December 7, 1979
}}'''Robert James "Jim" Woolsey Jr''', a former director of the U.S. [[Central Intelligence Agency]], is a US [[deep politician]] who as of 2020 was still <i>very</i> active in deep state networks. He participated in the uncannily correct 2001 [[Dark Winter]] bioterrorist exercise. Since his CIA job, he has been counsel for major corporations, in both commercial arbitrations and the negotiation of joint ventures and other agreements, including as Vice President at [[Booz Allen & Hamilton]] for Global Strategic Security<ref>'Profile: James Woolsey', [http://www.rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/1391.html ''Right Web''], accessed 1 April, 2009.</ref>, and is active in deep state networks like the [[Henry Jackson Society]].
'''R. James Woolsey, Jr.''', a former director of the U.S. [[Central Intelligence Agency]], is Vice President at [[Booz Allen & Hamilton]] for Global Strategic Security. Previously, he was partner at the law firm of [[Shea & Gardner]].
In March 2020, he became honorary co-chairman of the [[Secure the Grid Coalition]], "where our nation’s existence depends" on the commission's ability  "address the incredible vulnerabilities of the U.S. electric grid to all hazards,"<ref>https://michaelmabee.info/former-cia-director-james-woolsey-on-grid-physical-security/</ref> He is not the only deep state actor with an interest in this subject. Some analysts have put the renewed attention in the subject in conncection with the preparation for a possible [[false flag]] incident<ref>https://www.bitchute.com/video/XPuZW2FvtIZu/</ref> involving an [[Electromagnetic Pulse]] or a [[cyberattack]], destroying the electricity supply for extended periods.
Woolsey was a [[Rhodes Scholar]] from 1963-1965, a graduate of [[Stanford University]] and a 1968 graduate of Yale Law School. During his military service in the U.S. Army, he served as an adviser on the U.S. Delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I), Helsinki and Vienna, from 1969 to 1970. <ref>'Biography of R. James Woolsey', [http://www.theglobalist.com/AuthorBiography.aspx?AuthorId=62 ''The Globalist'']</ref>
Woolsey has held important positions in both Democratic and Republican administrations. His influence has been felt during the administrations of [[Jimmy Carter]], [[Ronald Reagan]], [[George H. W. Bush]], and [[Bill Clinton]], and his deep state activities continued afterwards too.
==Early Career==
Woolsey started his career in the law firm [[Shea & Gardner]].
Woolsey has served in the U.S. government as Ambassador to the Negotiation on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), Vienna, 1989-1991, Under Secretary of the Navy (1977-1979), and General Counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services, 1970-73.<ref>'Countering the Changing Threat of International Terrorism', [http://www.fas.org/irp/threat/commission.html FAS website]</ref>
He was also appointed by President [[Reagan]] as Delegate at Large to the U.S.-Soviet [[Strategic Arms Reduction Talks]] (START) and Nuclear and Space Arms Talks (NST) in Geneva between 1983 and 1986. He was also a member of the [[Policy Advisory Board]] to the Secretary of Defense.
In 1992, Woolsey joined the newly-formed [[Arlington Institute]] as a director.<ref>U.S. Government Printing Office. (1993, February). ''Nomination of R. James Woolsey to be Director of Central Intelligence.'' Senate Committee on Intelligence. https://web.archive.org/web/20240117002533/https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/103296.pdf</ref>
==Middle Career -CIA, Project for a New American Century==
Woolsey was Director of Central Intelligence under President [[Bill Clinton]], 1993-95. After a brief and unhappy tenure, he went back to [[Shea & Gardner]], which represents a number of major corporate clients, including defense contractors [[Boeing]] and [[Lockheed Martin]]. In 2003, the firm was registered as a foreign agent performing lobbying and legal services for the [[Iraqi National Congress]].<ref>http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/fara/reports/December31-2003.pdf</ref>
Woolsey is one of the signers of the 26 January, 1998, [[Project for the New American Century]] (PNAC) letter sent to [[President Clinton]].<ref>[http://web.archive.org/web/20011017062421/http://www.newamericancentury.org/iraqclintonletter.htm web.archive.org/New American Century website], accessed 1 April, 2009.</ref> He was also one of the signers of another PNAC document, 'Statement on Post-War Iraq' on 19 March, 2003.<ref>'Statement on Post-War Iraq', [http://web.archive.org/web/20030602195343/http://www.newamericancentury.org/iraqstatement-031903.htm web.archive.org/New American Century website], accessed 1 April, 2009.</ref>
During Clinton’s second term, Woolsey served on the [[Donald Rumsfeld|Rumsfeld-chaired]] [[Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat]], whose final 1998 report issued the alarmist conclusion that several “rogue” countries would be able to target the United States with ballistic missiles in a few short years.<ref> William D. Hartung with Jonathan Reingold, “About Face: The Role of the Arms Lobby in the Bush Administration’s Radical Reversal of Two Decades of U.S. Nuclear Policy,” World Policy Institute, Arms Trade Resource Center, May 2002.</ref>
Woolsey was a Commissioner on the National Commission on Terrorism<ref>'Countering the Changing Threat of International Terrorism', [http://web.archive.org/web/20000818195629/http://w3.access.gpo.gov/nct/ web.archive.org/National Commission on Terrorism website], accessed 1 April, 2009.</ref> which delivered the [[Report of the National Commission on Terrorism]] to President [[Bill Clinton]] in June 2000. At the time, he was a partner at the law firm of [[Shea & Gardner]] "with a practice in the fields of civil litigation, alternative dispute resolution, and corporate transactions."<ref>'Countering the Changing Threat of International Terrorism', [http://www.fas.org/irp/threat/commission.html FAS website]</ref>
===911 and Iraq War===
Woolsey became a prominent media presence after 9/11, criticizing opponents of the Bush administration’s “war on terror” and characterizing the conflict in stark, existential terms.
Woolsey was an outspoken proponent of invading Iraq even before [[9/11]]. Following [[9/11]], Woolsey was part of a circle of national security hawks that aggressively promoted a theory that basically held that [[Saddam Hussein]] was behind it, and immediately began to push for military action against [[Iraq]] —a policy he had supported long before 9/11. [[Paul Wolfowitz]] sent Woolsey to the UK to press the British government for supposed evidence showing that Saddam was the mastermind of 9/11. Woolsey also pushed the theory—advanced by [[Dick Cheney]] that [[Mohamed Atta]], the alleged lead 9/11 hijacker, had met with an Iraqi intelligence officer in [[Prague]] months before 9/11. (This was not true either.) And Woolsey championed an Iraqi defector who claimed to have information on WMDs in Iraq, though this defector had been judged a fabricator by US intelligence.
He recently served as counsel for major corporations in both commercial arbitrations and the negotiation of joint ventures and other agreements. <ref>'Profile: James Woolsey', [http://www.rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/1391.html ''Right Web''], accessed 1 April, 2009.</ref>
==Later Career==
Woolsey has contiuned being a prominent talking head in security matters in [[corporate media]].
He is involved in several hawkish pro-Israeli efforts, especially against [[Iran]]. Woolsey championed President [[Obama]]’s decision to broaden U.S. involvement in rolling back the (CIA created) [[Islamic State]] in [[Iraq]] and [[Syria]] (ISIS). After the November 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris, Woolsey called for a “coalition with us and [[France]] and [[NATO]]” to “go after them.<ref>http://www.cnbc.com/2015/11/16/ex-cia-director-woolsey-we-have-to-go-after-isis.html</ref>
He has been a stern critic of negotiations with Iran. Regarding the interim nuclear deal signed between Iran and world powers in November 2013, Woolsey said, “We are basically caving in.” “Now it’s going to be hard to move it where we should move it if we want to cause major disruption in the Iranian government, and I think we should want to do that.<ref>http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/02/01/ex-cia-director-compares-obamas-dealings-with-iran-to-actions-of-notorious-nazi-appeaser/</ref>
[[Image:James Woolsey 2015.jpg|thumbnail|250px|left|Woolsey in 2015]]
Besides serving as Director of Central Intelligence, Woolsey has served in the U.S. government as Ambassador to the Negotiation on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), Vienna, 1989-1991, Under Secretary of the Navy (1977-1979), and General Counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services, 1970-73. <ref>'Countering the Changing Threat of International Terrorism', [http://www.fas.org/irp/threat/commission.html FAS website]</ref>
He was also appointed by the President as Delegate at Large to the U.S.-Soviet Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) and Nuclear and Space Arms Talks (NST) in Geneva between 1983 and 1986.
Woolsey derided the July 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 world powers as “worse than worthless.”<ref>http://www.newsmax.com/Newsmax-Tv/james-woolsey-peter-vincent-pry-iran-deal/2015/09/02/id/673281/</ref>
During his military service in the U.S. Army, he served as an adviser on the U.S. Delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I), Helsinki and Vienna, from 1969 to 1970. <ref>'Biography of R. James Woolsey', [http://www.theglobalist.com/AuthorBiography.aspx?AuthorId=62 ''The Globalist'']</ref>
On the Wednesday prior to the US airstrike that assassinated Iranian general [[Quassem Soleimani]], Woolsey appeared on the conservative [[Newsmax TV]] and said, “We ought to target all of the facilities of the Revolutionary Guard.<refhttps://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/01/with-a-war-against-iran-brewing-dont-listen-to-the-hawks-who-lied-us-into-iraq/</ref>>
He also promotes a hard line on [[North Korea]], invoking in May 2013 the generally discredited threat that North Korea could launch a nuclear device in the stratosphere to trigger an [[electromagnetic pulse]] (EMP) that would cripple U.S. infrastructure. “An EMP attack,” Woolsey claimed, “would collapse the electric grid and other infrastructure that depends on it—communications, transportation, banking and finance, food and water—necessary to sustain modern civilization and the lives of 300 million Americans.” <ref>http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424127887324482504578455451910706908</ref>
Woolsey is a former [[Rhodes Scholar]], a graduate of [[Stanford University]] and a 1968 graduate of Yale Law School.
He is also a member of the [[Policy Advisory Board]] to the Secretary of Defense.
In March 2020, he became honorary co-chairman of the [[Secure the Grid Coalition]], "where our nation’s existence depends" on the commission's ability  "address the incredible vulnerabilities of the U.S. electric grid to all hazards,"<ref>https://michaelmabee.info/former-cia-director-james-woolsey-on-grid-physical-security/</ref> He is not the only deep state actor with an interest in this subject. Some analysts have put the renewed attention in the subject in conncection with the preparation for a possible [[false flag]] incident<ref>https://www.bitchute.com/video/XPuZW2FvtIZu/</ref> involving an [[Electromagnetic Pulse]] or a [[cyberattack]], destroying the electricity supply for extended periods.
Woolsey is one of the signers of the 26 January, 1998, [[Project for the New American Century]] (PNAC) letter sent to President [[William Jefferson Clinton]]. <ref>[http://web.archive.org/web/20011017062421/http://www.newamericancentury.org/iraqclintonletter.htm web.archive.org/New American Century website], accessed 1 April, 2009.</ref> He was also one of the signers of another PNAC document, 'Statement on Post-War Iraq' on 19 March, 2003. <ref>'Statement on Post-War Iraq', [http://web.archive.org/web/20030602195343/http://www.newamericancentury.org/iraqstatement-031903.htm web.archive.org/New American Century website], accessed 1 April, 2009.</ref>  
==Political Positions==
Woolsey declared that the [[NSA]] leaker [[Edward Snowden]] “should be  prosecuted for treason [and] hanged by his neck until he is dead.<ref>https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3327298/Ex-CIA-head-James-Woolsey-said-d-like-watch-Edward-Snowden-hanged-treason.html</ref>
Woolsey was a Commissioner on the National Commission on Terrorism <ref>'Countering the Changing Threat of International Terrorism', [http://web.archive.org/web/20000818195629/http://w3.access.gpo.gov/nct/ web.archive.org/National Commission on Terrorism website], accessed 1 April, 2009.</ref> which delivered the [[Report of the National Commission on Terrorism]] to President [[Bill Clinton]] in June 2000. At the time, he was a partner at the law firm of [[Shea & Gardner]] "with a practice in the fields of civil litigation, alternative dispute resolution, and corporate transactions." <ref>'Countering the Changing Threat of International Terrorism', [http://www.fas.org/irp/threat/commission.html FAS website]</ref>
==Other Connections==
Woolsey has had lucrative board of directors positions in a number of defense companies, generally in fields related to technology and security, including [[Martin Marietta]]; [[British Aerospace]]; [[Fairchild Industries]]; and [[Yurie Systems]].
Woolsey is connected with the [[Scowcroft Commission]] (also see [[Brent Scowcroft]]) and the [[Rumsfeld Commission]] (also see [[Donald H. Rumsfeld]]). He is currently chairman of [[Freedom House]], reputed to be affiliated with the [[Council on Foreign Relations]] (of which he is believed to be a member), is on the board of the [[Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs]] ([[JINSA]]), a member of the [[Committee for the Liberation of Iraq]], on the board of the [[Washington Institute for Near East Policy]], a senior advisor for [[Americans for Victory Over Terrorism]] (AVOT), and a principal in [[Paladin Capital Group]].<ref>[http://web.archive.org/web/20030216015211/http://www.paladincapgroup.com/paladinteam/team.htm web.archive.org/Paladin Capital Group website], accessed 1 April, 2009.</ref> He is Vice President of [[Booz Allen &  Hamilton]], the lead contractor for the [[Total Information Awareness]] programme.
He is a member of the [[Gatestone Institute]].
Woolsey is Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board of [[Global Options, Inc.]]/[http://www.globalops.com/advisory_board.html#r_woolsey Global Options, Inc.]. He also sits on the Board of the [[North American Industrial Hemp Council]]. <ref>'Board of Directors 2008-2009', [http://naihc.org/NAIHC_overview/board.html NAIHC website]</ref>
Woolsey is Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board of [[Global Options, Inc.]]/[http://www.globalops.com/advisory_board.html#r_woolsey Global Options, Inc.]. He also sits on the Board of the [[North American Industrial Hemp Council]]. <ref>'Board of Directors 2008-2009', [http://naihc.org/NAIHC_overview/board.html NAIHC website]</ref>
== Quotes ==
Woolsey is connected with the [[Scowcroft Commission]] (also see [[Brent Scowcroft]]) and the [[Rumsfeld Commission]] (also see [[Donald H. Rumsfeld]]). He is currently chairman of [[Freedom House]], affiliated to the [[National Endowment for Democracy]], is on the board of the [[Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs]] ([[JINSA]]), a member of the [[Committee for the Liberation of Iraq]], on the board of the [[Washington Institute for Near East Policy]], a senior advisor for [[Americans for Victory Over Terrorism]] (AVOT), and a principal in [[Paladin Capital Group]].<ref>[http://web.archive.org/web/20030216015211/http://www.paladincapgroup.com/paladinteam/team.htm web.archive.org/Paladin Capital Group website], accessed 1 April, 2009.</ref> He is Vice President of [[Booz Allen &  Hamilton]], the lead contractor for the [[Total Information Awareness]] programme.
Speaking to a group of college students on 2 April, 2003, former [[CIA]] Director Woolsey revealed, '''"...the United States is engaged in World War IV, and that it could continue for years."''' Woolsey described the Cold War as the third world war. He then said '''"This fourth world war, I think, will last considerably longer than either World Wars I or II did for us. Hopefully not the full four-plus decades of the Cold War."''' <ref>[http://www.noutopia.com/index.html#anchor219255 Noutopia website]</ref>
Speaking to a group of college students on 2 April, 2003, former [[CIA]] Director Woolsey revealed, '''"...the United States is engaged in World War IV, and that it could continue for years."''' Woolsey described the [[Cold War]] as the third world war. He then said '''"This fourth world war, I think, will last considerably longer than either World Wars I or II did for us. Hopefully not the full four-plus decades of the Cold War."'''<ref>[http://www.noutopia.com/index.html#anchor219255 Noutopia website]</ref>
When James Woolsey, the former [[CIA]] director and current [[Pentagon]] adviser, appeared on "Nightline" five days after [[9/11]] and suggested that America had to strike [[Iraq]] for sponsoring [[terrorism]], Ted Koppel rebutted: "Nobody right now is suggesting that Iraq had anything to do with this. In fact, quite the contrary."
When James Woolsey, the former [[CIA]] director and current [[Pentagon]] adviser, appeared on "Nightline" five days after [[9/11]] and suggested that America had to strike [[Iraq]] for sponsoring "[[terrorism]]", Ted Koppel rebutted: "Nobody right now is suggesting that Iraq had anything to do with this. In fact, quite the contrary."
Mr. Woolsey replied: "I don't think it matters. I don't think it matters." <ref>Maureen Dowd, 'Bomb and Switch', [http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/04/opinion/04DOWD.html ''The New York Times''], 4 June, 2003.</ref>
Mr. Woolsey replied: "I don't think it matters. I don't think it matters." <ref>Maureen Dowd, 'Bomb and Switch', [http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/04/opinion/04DOWD.html ''The New York Times''], 4 June, 2003.</ref>
Line 55: Line 97:
===Lobbies & Think Tanks===
He worked on the Advisory Board of the [[Endowment for Middle East Truth]].
*[[American Congress for Truth]]
*[[American Congress for Truth]]
*[[Americans for Victory Over Terrorism]] - Senior advisor
*[[Americans for Victory Over Terrorism]] - Senior advisor
*[[Arlington Institute]] - Board member<ref>Fisher, R. (2013). ''Managing Democracy, Managing Dissent: Capitalism, Democracy and the Organisation of Consent.'' Corporate Watch c/o Freedom Press. https://web.archive.org/web/20231213231516/https://corporatewatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/MDMD-Master-PDF1.pdf</ref>
*[[Benador Associates]]
*[[Benador Associates]]
*[[Center for Strategic and International Studies]] - Trustee
*[[Center for Strategic and International Studies]] - Trustee
Line 113: Line 156:
*USF&G: Former board member<br>
*USF&G: Former board member<br>
*Aerospace Corporation: Former director<br>
*Aerospace Corporation: Former director<br>
*Yale Law School: L.L.B. (1968)<br>
*Oxford University: M.A., Rhodes Scholar (1963-1965)<br>
*Stanford University: B.A.<br>
==Contact Details==
Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton<BR>
8283 Greensboro Drive<BR>
McLean, VA 2210<BR>
'''Tel:''' 703/377-0809<BR>
'''Fax:''' 703/902-3533<BR>
'''Email:''' woolsey_jim@bah.com
==External Links==
==External Links==

Revision as of 01:47, 26 February 2024

Person.png James Woolsey   C-SPAN ISGP MilitaristMonitor NNDB Powerbase SourcewatchRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
(spook, lawyer, deep politician)
James Woolsey.jpg
BornRobert James Woolsey Jr.
Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.
Alma materStanford University, St John's College (Oxford), Yale Law School
SpouseSuzanne Woolsey
Founder ofEuropean Foundation for Democracy
Member ofAmerican Committee for Peace in Chechnya, American Congress for Truth, Arlington Institute, Association of Former Intelligence Officers, Atlantic Council/Board, Benador Associates, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, Committee on the Present Danger/Members, Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Freedom House, Global Panel Foundation/Board of Advisors, Henry Jackson Society/International Patrons, Jewish Institute for National Security of America, Phi Beta Kappa, Prague Security Studies Institute, Rhodes Scholar/1963, United Against Nuclear Iran, United States Committee for a Free Lebanon
InterestsElectromagnetic Pulse
Ex CIA director still (per 2020) very active in deep state networks.

Employment.png Director of Central Intelligence

In office
February 5, 1993 - January 10, 1995
Preceded byRobert Gates

Employment.png Undersecretary of the Navy

In office
March 9, 1977 - December 7, 1979
BossEdward Hidalgo

Robert James "Jim" Woolsey Jr, a former director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, is a US deep politician who as of 2020 was still very active in deep state networks. He participated in the uncannily correct 2001 Dark Winter bioterrorist exercise. Since his CIA job, he has been counsel for major corporations, in both commercial arbitrations and the negotiation of joint ventures and other agreements, including as Vice President at Booz Allen & Hamilton for Global Strategic Security[1], and is active in deep state networks like the Henry Jackson Society.

In March 2020, he became honorary co-chairman of the Secure the Grid Coalition, "where our nation’s existence depends" on the commission's ability "address the incredible vulnerabilities of the U.S. electric grid to all hazards,"[2] He is not the only deep state actor with an interest in this subject. Some analysts have put the renewed attention in the subject in conncection with the preparation for a possible false flag incident[3] involving an Electromagnetic Pulse or a cyberattack, destroying the electricity supply for extended periods.


Woolsey was a Rhodes Scholar from 1963-1965, a graduate of Stanford University and a 1968 graduate of Yale Law School. During his military service in the U.S. Army, he served as an adviser on the U.S. Delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I), Helsinki and Vienna, from 1969 to 1970. [4]

Woolsey has held important positions in both Democratic and Republican administrations. His influence has been felt during the administrations of Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton, and his deep state activities continued afterwards too.

Early Career

Woolsey started his career in the law firm Shea & Gardner.

Woolsey has served in the U.S. government as Ambassador to the Negotiation on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), Vienna, 1989-1991, Under Secretary of the Navy (1977-1979), and General Counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services, 1970-73.[5]

He was also appointed by President Reagan as Delegate at Large to the U.S.-Soviet Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) and Nuclear and Space Arms Talks (NST) in Geneva between 1983 and 1986. He was also a member of the Policy Advisory Board to the Secretary of Defense.

In 1992, Woolsey joined the newly-formed Arlington Institute as a director.[6]

Middle Career -CIA, Project for a New American Century

Woolsey was Director of Central Intelligence under President Bill Clinton, 1993-95. After a brief and unhappy tenure, he went back to Shea & Gardner, which represents a number of major corporate clients, including defense contractors Boeing and Lockheed Martin. In 2003, the firm was registered as a foreign agent performing lobbying and legal services for the Iraqi National Congress.[7]

Woolsey is one of the signers of the 26 January, 1998, Project for the New American Century (PNAC) letter sent to President Clinton.[8] He was also one of the signers of another PNAC document, 'Statement on Post-War Iraq' on 19 March, 2003.[9]

During Clinton’s second term, Woolsey served on the Rumsfeld-chaired Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat, whose final 1998 report issued the alarmist conclusion that several “rogue” countries would be able to target the United States with ballistic missiles in a few short years.[10]

Woolsey was a Commissioner on the National Commission on Terrorism[11] which delivered the Report of the National Commission on Terrorism to President Bill Clinton in June 2000. At the time, he was a partner at the law firm of Shea & Gardner "with a practice in the fields of civil litigation, alternative dispute resolution, and corporate transactions."[12]

911 and Iraq War

Woolsey became a prominent media presence after 9/11, criticizing opponents of the Bush administration’s “war on terror” and characterizing the conflict in stark, existential terms.

Woolsey was an outspoken proponent of invading Iraq even before 9/11. Following 9/11, Woolsey was part of a circle of national security hawks that aggressively promoted a theory that basically held that Saddam Hussein was behind it, and immediately began to push for military action against Iraq —a policy he had supported long before 9/11. Paul Wolfowitz sent Woolsey to the UK to press the British government for supposed evidence showing that Saddam was the mastermind of 9/11. Woolsey also pushed the theory—advanced by Dick Cheney that Mohamed Atta, the alleged lead 9/11 hijacker, had met with an Iraqi intelligence officer in Prague months before 9/11. (This was not true either.) And Woolsey championed an Iraqi defector who claimed to have information on WMDs in Iraq, though this defector had been judged a fabricator by US intelligence.

Later Career

Woolsey has contiuned being a prominent talking head in security matters in corporate media.

He is involved in several hawkish pro-Israeli efforts, especially against Iran. Woolsey championed President Obama’s decision to broaden U.S. involvement in rolling back the (CIA created) Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). After the November 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris, Woolsey called for a “coalition with us and France and NATO” to “go after them.” [13]

He has been a stern critic of negotiations with Iran. Regarding the interim nuclear deal signed between Iran and world powers in November 2013, Woolsey said, “We are basically caving in.” “Now it’s going to be hard to move it where we should move it if we want to cause major disruption in the Iranian government, and I think we should want to do that.”[14]

Woolsey in 2015

Woolsey derided the July 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 world powers as “worse than worthless.”[15]

On the Wednesday prior to the US airstrike that assassinated Iranian general Quassem Soleimani, Woolsey appeared on the conservative Newsmax TV and said, “We ought to target all of the facilities of the Revolutionary Guard.”<refhttps://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/01/with-a-war-against-iran-brewing-dont-listen-to-the-hawks-who-lied-us-into-iraq/</ref>>

He also promotes a hard line on North Korea, invoking in May 2013 the generally discredited threat that North Korea could launch a nuclear device in the stratosphere to trigger an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that would cripple U.S. infrastructure. “An EMP attack,” Woolsey claimed, “would collapse the electric grid and other infrastructure that depends on it—communications, transportation, banking and finance, food and water—necessary to sustain modern civilization and the lives of 300 million Americans.” [16]

In March 2020, he became honorary co-chairman of the Secure the Grid Coalition, "where our nation’s existence depends" on the commission's ability "address the incredible vulnerabilities of the U.S. electric grid to all hazards,"[17] He is not the only deep state actor with an interest in this subject. Some analysts have put the renewed attention in the subject in conncection with the preparation for a possible false flag incident[18] involving an Electromagnetic Pulse or a cyberattack, destroying the electricity supply for extended periods.

Political Positions

Woolsey declared that the NSA leaker Edward Snowden “should be prosecuted for treason [and] hanged by his neck until he is dead.”[19]

Other Connections

Woolsey has had lucrative board of directors positions in a number of defense companies, generally in fields related to technology and security, including Martin Marietta; British Aerospace; Fairchild Industries; and Yurie Systems.

He is a member of the Gatestone Institute.

Woolsey is Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board of Global Options, Inc./Global Options, Inc.. He also sits on the Board of the North American Industrial Hemp Council. [20]

Woolsey is connected with the Scowcroft Commission (also see Brent Scowcroft) and the Rumsfeld Commission (also see Donald H. Rumsfeld). He is currently chairman of Freedom House, affiliated to the National Endowment for Democracy, is on the board of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), a member of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, on the board of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a senior advisor for Americans for Victory Over Terrorism (AVOT), and a principal in Paladin Capital Group.[21] He is Vice President of Booz Allen & Hamilton, the lead contractor for the Total Information Awareness programme.


Speaking to a group of college students on 2 April, 2003, former CIA Director Woolsey revealed, "...the United States is engaged in World War IV, and that it could continue for years." Woolsey described the Cold War as the third world war. He then said "This fourth world war, I think, will last considerably longer than either World Wars I or II did for us. Hopefully not the full four-plus decades of the Cold War."[22]

When James Woolsey, the former CIA director and current Pentagon adviser, appeared on "Nightline" five days after 9/11 and suggested that America had to strike Iraq for sponsoring "terrorism", Ted Koppel rebutted: "Nobody right now is suggesting that Iraq had anything to do with this. In fact, quite the contrary."

Mr. Woolsey replied: "I don't think it matters. I don't think it matters." [23]

'only fear will re-establish Arab respect for us'.


He worked on the Advisory Board of the Endowment for Middle East Truth.

Private Military Contractors (Mercenaries)

Government Posts/Panels/Commissions

  • Defense Department: Member, Deterrence Concepts Advisory Panel
  • National Commission on Energy Policy: Member
  • National Commission on Terrorism: Member (1999-2000)
  • Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the U.S. (Rumsfeld Missile Commission): Member (1998)
  • Central Intelligence Agency: Director (1993-95)
  • Negotiations on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE): Ambassador and U.S. Representative (1989-91)
  • President's Commission on Federal Ethics Law Reform: Member (1989)
  • President's Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management (Packard Commission): Member (1985-1986)
  • U.S.-Soviet Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START): Delegate at Large (1983-1986)
  • Nuclear and Arms Space Talks (NST): Delegate at Large (1983-1986)
  • President's Commission on Strategic Forces (Scowcroft Commission): Member (1983)
  • Department of the Navy: Under Secretary of the Navy (1977-79)
  • U.S. Senate: General Counsel, Committee on Armed Services (1970-1973)
  • Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT): Advisor, U.S. Delegation, Helsinki and Vienna (1969-1970)

Corporate Connections/Business Interests

  • Booz Allen Hamilton: Vice President, Global Strategic Security Division (July 15, 2002)
  • Paladin Capital Group's Homeland Security Fund Investment Committee: Principal and Member
  • Linsang Partners, LLC: Board member
  • BC International Corporation: Board member
  • Fibersense Technology Corporation: Board member
  • Invicta Networks, Inc.: Board member
  • DIANA, LLC; Agorics, Inc.: Board member
  • Sun HealthCare Group, Inc.: Board member
  • Global Options, Inc.: Vice Chairman, Advisory Board
  • Benador Associates: Member, International Speakers Bureau
  • Shea & Gardner (Washington, D.C.): Former managing partner (1995-2001)
  • Martin Marrietta: Former board member
  • Fairchild Industries: Former board member
  • British Aerospace: Former board member
  • Yurie Systems, Inc.: Former board member
  • USF&G: Former board member
  • Aerospace Corporation: Former director

External Links


Events Participated in

Herzliya Conference/200721 January 200724 January 2007Israel
Tel Aviv
Reichman University
"The conference examined the array of dangers, threats and difficulties Israel has faced since early 2006, identified a broad web of problems in all of the fundamental strata upon which national security is based, and proposed strategies for action."
Herzliya Conference/20092 February 20094 February 2009Israel
Reichman University
Munich Security Conference/200920092009Germany
The 45th Munich Security Conference
Munich Security Conference/20105 February 20107 February 2010Germany
An anti-war demonstration outside described it as "Nothing more than a media-effectively staged war propaganda event, which this year had the purpose of justifying the NATO troop increase in Afghanistan and glorifying the continuation of the war as a contribution to peace and stability."
Operation Dark Winter22 June 200123 June 2001Washington DC
Andrews Air Force Base
An exercise where senior former officials would respond to a bioterrorist induced national security crisis. Uncannily predicted the 2001 anthrax attacks and other narratives. Held June 2001.
Many thanks to our Patrons who cover ~2/3 of our hosting bill. Please join them if you can.


  1. 'Profile: James Woolsey', Right Web, accessed 1 April, 2009.
  2. https://michaelmabee.info/former-cia-director-james-woolsey-on-grid-physical-security/
  3. https://www.bitchute.com/video/XPuZW2FvtIZu/
  4. 'Biography of R. James Woolsey', The Globalist
  5. 'Countering the Changing Threat of International Terrorism', FAS website
  6. U.S. Government Printing Office. (1993, February). Nomination of R. James Woolsey to be Director of Central Intelligence. Senate Committee on Intelligence. https://web.archive.org/web/20240117002533/https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/103296.pdf
  7. http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/fara/reports/December31-2003.pdf
  8. web.archive.org/New American Century website, accessed 1 April, 2009.
  9. 'Statement on Post-War Iraq', web.archive.org/New American Century website, accessed 1 April, 2009.
  10. William D. Hartung with Jonathan Reingold, “About Face: The Role of the Arms Lobby in the Bush Administration’s Radical Reversal of Two Decades of U.S. Nuclear Policy,” World Policy Institute, Arms Trade Resource Center, May 2002.
  11. 'Countering the Changing Threat of International Terrorism', web.archive.org/National Commission on Terrorism website, accessed 1 April, 2009.
  12. 'Countering the Changing Threat of International Terrorism', FAS website
  13. http://www.cnbc.com/2015/11/16/ex-cia-director-woolsey-we-have-to-go-after-isis.html
  14. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/02/01/ex-cia-director-compares-obamas-dealings-with-iran-to-actions-of-notorious-nazi-appeaser/
  15. http://www.newsmax.com/Newsmax-Tv/james-woolsey-peter-vincent-pry-iran-deal/2015/09/02/id/673281/
  16. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424127887324482504578455451910706908
  17. https://michaelmabee.info/former-cia-director-james-woolsey-on-grid-physical-security/
  18. https://www.bitchute.com/video/XPuZW2FvtIZu/
  19. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3327298/Ex-CIA-head-James-Woolsey-said-d-like-watch-Edward-Snowden-hanged-treason.html
  20. 'Board of Directors 2008-2009', NAIHC website
  21. web.archive.org/Paladin Capital Group website, accessed 1 April, 2009.
  22. Noutopia website
  23. Maureen Dowd, 'Bomb and Switch', The New York Times, 4 June, 2003.
  24. Fisher, R. (2013). Managing Democracy, Managing Dissent: Capitalism, Democracy and the Organisation of Consent. Corporate Watch c/o Freedom Press. https://web.archive.org/web/20231213231516/https://corporatewatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/MDMD-Master-PDF1.pdf