Mid-level deep event

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Lee Harvey Oswald Assassination.jpg
The assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald, part of the cover up of the JFK assassination, was a mid-level deep event.

Mid-level deep events, such as assassinations, are harder to hide than low-level deep events and their wider relevance may be unclear event to the astute student of deep politics. Commercially-controlled media is often used to mis-represent the facts in an effort to obscure the event's deep political relevance, and more drastic actions may be employed to handle would be whistleblowers of those with evidence which could threaten to unmask the truth.



Page nameDescription
"Gulf of Tonkin Incident"Two faked attacks used by the USA as a casus belli to commit ground forces to the Vietnam War.
1980 Camarate air crashA covert assassination of Adelino Amaro da Costa, to cover up the October surprise conspiracy.
1986 United States bombing of LibyaA tactical air attack on Libya by the United States which targeted Muammar Gaddafi but missed
1994 Scotland RAF Chinook crashA helicopter crash incident which killed all on board, including almost all the UK's senior Northern Ireland intelligence experts.
1998 United States embassy bombingsA pair of simultaneous explosions in Kenya and Tanzania, blamed on Al Qaeda.
2001 Mexican legislative assembly attackTwo Israelis caught with false passports grenades, explosives and guns in the Mexican parliament a month after 9-11. Later released without charge. Western corporate media aware but uninterested.
2004 Madrid train bombingsA Spanish equivalent of 7/7, targetting civilians and blamed on Al Qaeda
2005 London bombingsA series of coordinated attacks on London's public transport system during the morning rush hour, allegedly carried out by four Muslim suicide bombers.
2006 Mexico DC-9 drug bustA DC-9 made an emergency landing and was found to be containing over 5 tonnes of cocaine. The pilot "disappeared", unnamed, and the plane was deregistered and sold within days to an unknown customer in Venezuela.
2007 Yucatan Gulfstream drug crashA plane used by the CIA for rendition, which later crashed in Mexico, with tons of cocaine aboard.
2014 Australia turboprop drug bust35 kg of heroin were accidentally found by local police aboard a CIA plane
2015-11 Paris attacksA series of coordinated terrorist attacks in France. Suicide bomber remembered to bring his passport, which survived blast.
2016 Berlin attackReported truck hijacking in Berlin attributed to ISIL.
2016 Brussels BombingA terrorist attack in Brussels involving 3 explosions which reportedly killed more than 30 people and injured hundreds more. Responsibility for the attack was immediately attributed to ISIS by the commercially-controlled media, clearly assuming the people are still buying this "Muslim suicide bomber" Official Narrative
2016 Munich shootingA shooting spree supposedly carried out by an 18 year old, for as yet unexplained purposes.
2016 Orlando nightclub shooting2016 mass shooting at gay nightclub in Florida
2017 Barcelona attacksAttackers were police informants and under intense surveillance. Happened at a convenient time for the Spanish government.
2017 Manchester bombingA highly suspicious 2017 bombing in Manchester, UK, that reportedly killed 22 people and injured hundreds. Provided a pretext for suspending campaigning in the UK/2017 General Election
2017 Westminster attackA combined vehicle assault and stabbing at an iconic London location
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine/Premature deathPremature deaths of mostly Russian businessman during and around when the Russian invasion commenced. There may be Ukrainian and others as well. As the list grows, it appears the men are being targeted in dozens of western countries as well.
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine/Wagner coup attemptAn attempted coup, by some seen as false flag by Putin to lure out generals and double agents within the Russian State, by others as the sign the Russian state will collapse in the 2020s.
9-99/Ryazan incidentMoscow FSB officers discovered wiring up what looked like a bomb in the basement of a building by night. Local FSB unaware. Claimed to be a terror drill but no documentation was presented. Instead documents were sealed and discussion of it prohibited in the Duma.
A Spreading PlagueTabletop simulation of a global biological warfare attack predicting an apocalyptic outcome. Included several senior pandemic planners. Held February 2019.
Air disasterThese are of particular interest on Wikispooks if there is a suggestion that they are non-accidental.
American Airlines Flight 587A catastrophic plane crash in New York City exactly two months and one day after 9-11.
Annecy shootingsA mysterious shooting which was generally avoided by the corporate media.
Arms for Libya 2.0A replay of the original Arms For Libya, in that a US deep state arms dealer was charged with selling weapons to Libya. However, in contrast to the original case, Marc Turi had a secret ace in the hole which caused the USDOJ to drop all charges and hush the affair up.
Atlantic StormA scenario designed to mimic a summit of transatlantic leaders forced to respond to a bioterrorist attack. Recommended militarization, vaccination and stockpiling drugs. Held January 2005.
Avianca Flight 203
Bay of Pigs InvasionA deliberately botched attempt to invade Cuba by the CIA, devised as a way to entrap JFK into full scale military action against Cuba. Unsuccessful, since JFK however refused to be manipulated.
Bologna bombingA murderous attack on the Italian public, carried out by the MI6/CIA led Operation Gladio, blamed on communists, as part of a wider program to prevent their electoral success in Italy.
Boston Marathon bombingsA suspicious bombing with an even more suspicious attempt at a clean up - including the murder of Ibragim Todashev while in police custody.
Catastrophic ContagionAn preparation exercise laying the groundwork for a "pandemic" for two areas that largely avoided the "Covid jab" - children and the continent of Africa.
Charlie Hebdo shootingJanuary prelude to the November 2015 mass murder in Paris when 139 were killed and 352 injured
China/EncirclementUSA and allies encirclement of China.
Clade XA pandemic/biowarfare preparation exercise by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. Held May 2018.
Colgan Air Flight 3407A plane crash which killed a prominent 9-11 truther, Beverly Eckert who refused to accept money from the 9-11/Compensation fund and instead pursued justice in the legal system.
Crimson ContagionAn U.S. nationwide exercise in how to handle an influenza pandemic. Held January to August 2019
Cyber Polygon 2020tabletop exercise on cyber security of the financial system
Dag Hammarskjöld/Premature death
David Kelly/AssassinationOn 17 July 2003, David Kelly allegedly committed suicide by swallowing 29 co-proxamol tablets and cutting to his ulnar artery (wrist) with a blunt pruning knife. He was writing a book exposing high level corruption at the time and had given no indication of depression. An official inquest was commenced but never completed.
Day X plotA failed attack which appears to have been intended as a false flag to be blamed on Syria.
Diana Spencer/Premature deathA highly suspicious event.
EgyptAir Flight 990Unclear plane disaster. The NTSB concluded this was a deliberate act, the ECAA disputed this conclusion.
Event 201A Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security/World Economic Forum/Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored large scale simulation of a global coronavirus pandemic predicting an apocalyptic outcome. Held October 2019.
Exercise AliceSecret 2016 UK pandemic exercise modelling the impact of a coronavirus outbreak
Exercise Mataika2018 "pandemic" exercise planning for non-pharmaceutical interventions like social distancing and face masks, and contact tracing. "Dissent is quashed using various means"
Gerald Bull/AssassinationThe killing of Gerald Bull as he returned home from his nearby office whilst unlocking the door to his Brussels, Belgium appartment.
HMS Defender Crimea controversyA diplomatic military controversy between Russia and the UK
InslawComplex financial/political fraud the full dimensions of which were never uncovered, but some of which were forced onto the official record.
... further results
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