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Integrity Initiative/LeakA series of 7 leaks, starting on 5 November 2018, of unknown origin and veracity. After some time, the II disputed the authenticity of some of the documents, but was not clear about which.
Itavia Flight 870Suspicious plane crash that was the subject of complex legal action.
J. D. Tippit/MurderAn accessory murder to the JFK assassination
John Lennon/Assassination“Listen, if anything happens to Yoko and me, it was not an accident.” Jose Sanjenis Perdomo, the assassin who chose the staff of Operation 40, was the doorman of The Dakota hotel, a name not reported by commercially-controlled media at the time of the assassination.
July 2021 Gulf of Oman incidentIncident in July 2021
June 2017 London attackThree men drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge and attacked people with knives.
Korean Air Lines Flight 0071983 plane shootdown that killed Larry McDonald, who was interested in investigating the Trilateral Commission.
La Belle discotheque bombingA bombing in West Berlin, blamed by the US on Libya.
Lavon AffairA false flag bombing campaign carried out in Egypt against US, UK and Egyptian targets. Israel was caught and exposed - and officially admitted responsibility some 51 years later.
Lee Harvey Oswald/AssassinationThe JFK assassination plan was that Oswald, the "lone nut" patsy, would be shot, but he was captured alive. This presented a problem, so Jack Ruby was tasked with eliminating him.
Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114Forty two years later, in another case of mass murder in Sinai, Russian Airbus Metrojet Flight 9268 exploded on 31 October 2015 killing all 224 passengers and crew
Lock StepA Rockefeller Foundation sponsored large scale simulation of a global pandemic followed by a world totalitarian outcome. Held October 2010
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370A commercial airliner which went missing. Reported to be seen flying towards black site, Diego Garcia. The prime-minister of Malaysia became visibly concerned that Boeing and the CIA were covering up something.
Malcolm X/AssassinationA US Deep State backed assassination
Markovic affairWhen a sexual blackmailer was killed in 196, it soon turned out he had pictures of very prominent persons, including future President Georges Pompidou and his wife Claude.
Metrojet Flight 9268Metrojet Flight 9268 disappeared from radar at 31,000 feet, exploded and crashed killing everyone on board.
Nice truck eventFrench vehicle-ramming attack in Nice on 14 July 2016. It was filmed by Richard Gutjahr, who 8 days later filmed the shooting in Munich.
Oklahoma City bombingA highly suspicious terrorist bombing that was initially blamed on "Muslims", then on lone nuts Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. Many questions remain answered about the official narrative.
Operation Fast and Furious
Operation NorthwoodsA plan devised within the US government in the early 1960's to carry out terrorist attacks on US citizens and have them blamed on Cuba. Never implemented. Some parts are eerie similar to the first few hours of 9-11.
Orlando Letelier/Assassination
Pacific EclipseDecember 2019 pandemic planning exercise. Using mathematical modelling to create scary-sounding predictions for a smallpox epidemic, the real purpose of the exercise was to indoctrinate the participants from 200 organizations in the necessity of coerced "interventions" to avoid a doomsday scenario. The indoctrination came to fruition during the fake official narrative during Covid.
Pan Am Flight 103When Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland on 21 December 1988, killing all 259 passengers and crew on board, news reports cited UN Assistant Secretary-General, Bernt Carlsson, as its highest-profile victim. US and British intelligence operatives, posing as Lockerbie investigators, ignored the evident targeting of the UN diplomat and instead focused on the jumbo jet. With the result that the wrong country was blamed and an innocent person convicted of the Lockerbie bombing.
Paul Wellstone/AssassinationA crash officially recorded as an accident, but which several researchers consider to have been a covert assassination.
Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological RisksSimulation of a global influenza pandemic predicting an apocalyptic outcome. Held February 2020, with a who-is-who of pandemic planners. Held February 2020.
Profumo Affair
RFK/AssassinationThe assassination of Robert Kennedy, who had resolved to bring to track down and prosecute the killers of him brother, JFK, once he had himself become president.
Russia/EncirclementAn effort driven by the United States to place military capability in countries neighboring Russia.
SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028A tabletop pandemic planning exercise that gave advice how to handle "communication challenges" in a vaccination campaign after the public has become aware that it is more damaging than the disease. Held October 2017.
Skripal AffairA purported chemical weapons attack. The Integrity Initiative carried out extensive research into how to control the narrative of the event.
Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack
TWA Flight 800An extremely suspicious air crash, which occurred simultaneously with a live fire exercise being carried out by the US Navy.
The secret war against SwedenA large number of "Soviet" submarine intrusions in Swedish waters in the 1980s, in reality committed by NATO under false flag. The intrusions were about deception and PSYOPs, to change the mindset of the Swedes, to make them adapt to US interests.
USS Liberty IncidentA 1967 false flag attack by Israel that tried and failed to sink the USS Liberty, a United States Navy signals intercept ship. The investigation was told to "conclude that the attack was a case of 'mistaken identity' despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary." Israel paid compensation but always contested that it was accidental.
Underwear bombingA successful engineer supposedly turns "extremist", joins Al-Qaeda and boards a plane with a professional made bomb in his underwear without a passport. His handler has never been found.
Wapiti Aviation Flight 402The sudden plane crash which killed Alberta Opposition leader Grant Notley at the start of his burgeoning political career.
Western Global Airlines N545JN67 tons of cash and a body found on a CIA plane. Not known to have been reported by corporate media in Europe or North America.