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Netherlands/Member of the House of Representatives

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Employment.png Netherlands/Member of the House of Representatives
(Member of the House of Representatives)

Form the Dutch lower house. Are popular guests at Bilderberg.


So far 31 Dutch Representatives have visited the Bilderberg at least once:

 Bilderberg meetingsDescription
Jozias van Aartsen1One time Bilderberger
Ernst Hirsch Ballin1Dutch politician, only Minister to have ever "burned" a suspected Mossad agent on a political party list on the order of the AIVD. Also pressured an MP to stop investigating Justice Secretary-General Joris Demmink.
Frits Bolkestein4Quad Bilderberger Dutch Defence minister, mentor of Geert Wilders
Laurens Jan Brinkhorst3Dutch politician & lawyer who attended the 1970 and 1974 Bilderbergs
Kathalijne Buitenweg1Dutch politician who attended her first Bilderberg in 2019 while chair of the parliamentary committee Digital Future.
Sharon Dijksma1Dutch politician who attended the 2016 Bilderberg
Wim Duisenberg8President of the European Central Bank, 7 Bilderbergs
Willem van Eekelen1Dutch Defence Minister who founded the JASON Institute. Ardent supporter of both NATO and EU.
Frank de Grave1Acting Mayor of Amsterdam in 1994. 1999 Bilderberg. Tried exposing a big Dutch bank to the De Nederlandsche Bank, was ignored initially. Became a member of the Council of State in 2018.
Frank Heemskerk1Spokesperson for the World Bank. State secretary for Economical affairs. Secretary General of the European Round Table of Industrialists
Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert1Dutch Defence Minister, connected to the 2015 Hawija bombing, lied about knowledge of any deaths and covered-up any juridical complicity with Mark Rutte & Bert Koenders.
Wopke Hoekstra2Dutch Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister
Wim Kok2Dutch Minister of State, Dutch PM, Bilderberg, sued for war crimes in Yugoslavia where he and Jozias van Aartsen blamed "the wind" for missing targets by thousands of meters, killing dozens. Court found NATO and the Dutch Air Force and not the wind guilty, as NATO "used wrong legal basis".
Neelie Kroes8Attended all Bilderbergs from 2005 up to 2012. European commissioner
Pieter Lieftinck1Dutch politician who worked for the World Bank and IMF. Attended the February 1957 Bilderberg Meeting
Sicco Mansholt2Attended the 1963 and 1964 Bilderberg, later installed as President of the European Commission. In 1971 he became a proponent of the Club of Rome's degrowth plans.
Ad Melkert2Dutch politician who attended the 1996 and 2001 Bilderberg meetings as potential next Prime Minister.
Hans van Mierlo1Shadow-cabinet member. Opposed peace movement. Liaison for US cruise missiles on Dutch soil. Dutch Defence minister. Lied about nuclear weapon storing at Dutch Air Force on US orders. Received orders from the US to not arrest Surinam dictator Desi Bouterse for drug trading (while the CIA was busy with Bouterse). Single Bilderberg.
Roelof Nelissen1Dutch politician and former Finance Minister who attended the 1979 Bilderberg as senior executive of ABN AMRO
Schelto Patijn1Dutch politician and civil servant who attended 1972 Bilderberg meeting while director of the Europe institute of the University of Leiden. Later Mayor of Amsterdam.
Ivo Samkalden4Dutch politician who attended 4 Bilderbergs in the early 1960s. Law and order mayor of Amsterdam from 1967 to 1977. Opposed many peace-projects.
Diederik Samsom1Dutch euro-politician and Bilderberger. As senior EU bureaucrat, forced through €1 trillion+ "green" buildings directive making home ownership unaffordable.
Norbert Schmelzer1Dutch politician, diplomat and economist who attended the 1969 Bilderberg meeting and then became Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1971 to 1973.
Max van der Stoel1Dutch deep politician. Main coordinator of the Dutch-division of Operation Gladio from the 1980s.
Frans Timmermans1Spooky Dutch Bilderberger politician who was Foreign Minister during the shoot down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, and played an important role in the following propaganda campaign. As EU Commissioner, responsible for introducing Agenda 2030 directives designed to reduce both home ownership and the farming sector by demanding new very costly inputs. Also wants GMO crops.
Berend Udink2Double Bilderberger Dutch politician
Joop Den Uyl1Politician. Dutch Prime Minister. Deep state functionary. Teenage Adolf Hitler fan. While leading the most "socialist" coalition in Dutch history Den Uyl's cabinet secretly smuggled weapons to Israel for the Yom Kippur War, trained their soldiers, set up the first national counterterrorism units used in controversial missions, cover-up Prince Bernhard Northrop Affair.
Maxime Verhagen1Dutch politician who attended the 2006 Bilderberg meeting. As a student he was member of LSV Minerva. Part of the European Israel lobby.
Klaas de Vries1Single Bilderberg retired Dutch politician who attended Atlantic Storm
Jacques Wallage1Dutch politician who attended Bilderberg/1995.
Gerrit Zalm1Dutch politician. Shell. Attended the Bilderberg in 2014, personally prosecuted for money laundering at ABN AMRO Bank.


Office Holders on Wikispooks

Wopke Hoekstra31 March 202110 January 2022
Sharon Dijksma23 March 201721 February 2007
Gideon Markuszower2017
Kathalijne Buitenweg20172021
Sharon Dijksma8 May 201219 September 2012
Sharon Dijksma17 June 201016 January 2012
Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert17 June 20105 November 2012
Maxime Verhagen17 June 201014 October 2010
Frans Timmermans9 June 20105 November 2012
Diederik Samsom30 January 200314 December 2016
Frank Heemskerk20032006
Pieter Omtzigt2003
Ronald Plasterk26 July 200223 May 2002
Geert Wilders26 July 200223 May 2002
Jozias van Aartsen23 May 200230 November 2006
Klaas de Vries23 May 200230 November 2006
Gerrit Zalm23 May 200227 May 2003
Annemarie Jorritsma23 May 200230 January 2003
Frank de Grave18 January 20021 June 2004
Geert Wilders25 August 199823 May 2002
Ronald Plasterk25 August 199823 May 2002
Annemarie Jorritsma19 May 19983 August 1998
Jozias van Aartsen19 May 19983 August 1998
Ad Melkert19 May 199817 October 2002
Gerrit Zalm19 May 19983 August 1998
Hans van Mierlo19 May 199818 August 1998
Frans Timmermans6 May 199822 February 2007
Sharon Dijksma17 May 199421 February 2007
Maxime Verhagen17 May 199422 February 2007
Wim Kok17 May 199422 August 1994
Ernst Hirsch Ballin17 May 19941 June 1995
Jacques Wallage17 May 199426 August 1998
Frits Bolkestein14 September 198921 September 1999
Ank Bijleveld27 March 19891 March 2001Also in 2010.
Annemarie Jorritsma30 July 198622 August 1994
Frits Bolkestein3 June 198624 September 1988
Hans van Mierlo3 June 198622 August 1994
Wim Kok3 June 19866 November 1989
Ad Melkert3 June 198622 JL
Neelie Kroes3 June 198614 July 1986
Maarten van Traa19861997Died in suspicious "car accident" after investigating police involvement in drug smuggling.
Joop Den Uyl16 September 198224 December 1987
Annemarie Jorritsma16 September 19823 June 1986
Frank de Grave18 January 19821 June 1990Also in 1992
Neelie Kroes25 August 19814 November 1982
Jacques Wallage10 June 19817 November 1989
Willem van Eekelen19811982
Wim Duisenberg16 January 197828 June 1978
Frits Bolkestein16 January 19785 November 1982
Max van der Stoel16 January 197811 September 1981
... further results


Related Quotation

Gideon Markuszower“The current immigration policy is one big crime against the Dutch people. And they, all of you here should be brought before a tribunal”Gideon Markuszower2022


Employee on Wikispooks

Maarten van TraaChairman of the Parliamentary Commission Research Methods19941996
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