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Document:Integrity Initiative Weekly Report 9th to 15th July 201815 July 2018reportEuan Grant'Anonymous'5,079
Document:Integrity initiative: Notes on discussions in Greece2017reportChris Donnelly
Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Greece
'Anonymous'20,306II looking hard for Russian influence. It "is insidious but everywhere, so it is difficult to pinpoint..Their funding is difficult to identify."
Document:Interfering with Laura Kuenssberg25 November 2019blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog7,446It's no coincidence that it is precisely the old and the poorly educated that are the targets of Dominic Cummings"Brexit election” strategy. If it comes off, Laura Kuenssberg and her fellow hacks will have proven that the power of the mainstream media is as yet unbroken.
Document:Internalised Danger6 November 2020blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog4,890America urgently needs a radical dose of social and economic reform as championed by Bernie Sanders. It needs the Green New Deal, and the world needs a real commitment in Washington to environmentalism.
Document:International Injustice: the Conviction of Radovan Karadzic30 March 2016articleDiana JohnstoneCounterpunch13,360Commentary on the guilty verdict on Radovan Karadzic by the International Criminal Court on 24 March 2016
Document:International Security Council, extract from The "Terrorism" Industry1990book extractEdward S. HermanThe "Terrorism" Industry9,344
Document:International justice: the South African complaint against Israel for “genocide” in Gaza10 January 2024ArticleUnited Nations Regional Information Centre for Western EuropeUNRIC7,309
Document:Interview with Donbas militia-man Artem23 August 2014interview transcriptVictor ShapinovSlavyangrad.org16,447Interview with a wounded and hospitalised Donbas militia-man conducted in August 2014
Document:Interview with Donetsk militia-man18 August 2014interview transcriptIlja DegtjarovSlavyangrad.org19,372Interview with a native Donetsk militia-man fighting against the Ukrainian army in Eastern Ukraine + video of captured Ukrainian soldier. More organ trafficking corroboration
Document:Interview with Igor Strelkov - 8 July 20148 July 2014interview transcriptFirst Republic TV channelNo Limit to Our Anger24,690Transcript of video interview with DPR Militia commander Igor Strelkov following the militia breakout and evacuation from Slavansk, Eastern Ukraine
Document:Interview with Osama bin Laden28 September 2001interviewOsama bin LadenUmmat17,437Interview with Osama bin Laden by Pakistani newspaper soon after the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon
Document:Inteview with Michael Smith27 July 2005interviewMichael SmithDowningStreetMemo.com12,514
Document:Intrigues at Geneva 225 January 2014articleIgor PankratenkoOriental Review13,400US Shenanigans at the Geneva 2 'peace' conference on Syria
Document:Introduction BanksJune 2018project proposalEuan GrantAnonymous5,059"We shall be approaching a range of international banks and institutions, including the BBA and ABI, together with major accountancy firms. We will use the results of these discussions to inform academia, think tanks and central government in the UK, particularly NCA, HMRC and MOD. We will also seek to put our views and, with permission, those of others into the public domain in a range of countries."
Document:Introduction to Deloitte LLPJune 2018introduction letterEuan GrantAnonymous6,160"We shall be approaching a range of international banks and institutions, including the BBA and ABI, together with major accountancy firms. We will use the results of these discussions to inform academia, think tanks and central government in the UK, particularly NCA, HMRC and MOD. We will also seek to put our views and, with permission, those of others into the public domain in a range of countries."
Document:Invasion of Saudi Arabia9 July 2004articleTanya C. HsuGlobal Research22,682
Document:Invasions of the Mind Snatchers19 February 2014articleNebojsa MalicRon Paul Institute11,316A good introduction to the current template and modus-operandi of US/NATO-sponsored "Regime-change" operations which began with the destruction of Yugoslavia and have been repeated in at least a dozen countries in so-called "colour revolutions" and the "Arab Spring" in the decade or so since
Document:Investigation of allegations of inhuman treatment of people and illicit trafficking in human organs in Kosovo25 January 2011webpageDick MartyCouncil of Europe429
Document:Invoice Eduard Abrahamyan26 December 2018invoiceIntegrity InitiativeAnonymous1,204Invoice from Eduard Abrahamyan for work performed
Document:Invoice Integrity Initiative Italy13 December 2018invoiceAtlantic Treaty Association
Fabrizio Luciolli
Anonymous835Invoice from the Italian Atlantic Treaty Association for the inaugural event of the Italian cell ('cluster') of the UK deep state faction, the Integrity Initiative, plus for a report on Russian influence in Italian elections. The inaugural event presumably took place in London.
Document:Invoice Visit to Norway 23-4 January 2018 Alex FinnenInvoiceAlexander Finnen'Anonymous'1,200Proves Alex Finnen is connected to Norwegian cell
Document:Invoice for 2 articles by Dan Kaszeta26 December 2018invoiceIntegrity Initiative
Dan Kaszeta
Anonymous2,231Invoice for 2 articles written by Dan Kaszeta for Integrity Initiative “Poison gas” and "Nerve agents and treatment”
Document:Invoice to MoD for Ukrainian Visit22 November 2017success analysisChris Donnelly'Anonymous'580Invoice from Institute of Statecraft to the Ministry of Defence for Ukrainian visit to London
Document:Iran - This Is How We'll Close The Strait of Hormuz28 December 2011webpageMEMRI editorial staffMiddle East Media Research Institute320
Document:Iraq Options 8 March 20028 March 2002memoOverseas and Defence Secretariat24,706
Document:Iraq-Legal Background19 June 2005legal documentUK/FCOTimes Online12,451One of a collection of related leaked documents, this legal advice was appended as Annex A to the Cabinet Office briefing paper on Iraq of July 21, 2002. It was originally written in March 2002
Document:Iraq’s attack on the Kurds 1963-6512 February 2007book extractMark CurtisMark Curtis' Website15,043
Document:Irish government shocked at shooting by British Army3 January 2005articleEamon PhoenixIrish Times7,410
Document:Is Fukushima's nuclear nightmare over? Don’t count on it12 March 2016articleChris BusbyRussia Today11,978Update on the developing Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear disaster and a good illustration of BBC use of "Experts" to present and give credibility to outrageous falsehoods in support of the "nothing to see here" propaganda of the nuclear industry.
Document:Is Martin McGuinness a British Agent?6 February 2006articleBrian NugentIndymedia36,684
Document:Is Oil Behind Washington’s Venezuela Coup Madness3 February 2019ArticleWilliam EngdahlNew Eastern Outlook9,752Leaving aside whether or not Maduro is a saint, the decision by President Trump to back the Bolton-Pence call for a US intervention in Venezuela may prove a fatal error for the Trump presidency.
Document:Is Perfidious Erdogan Destroying Russia for The Great Turan23 January 2022ArticleWilliam EngdahlWilliamengdahl.com12,923
Document:Is Putin Weaponising Stupidity?19 March 2016articleRob SlaneThe BlogMire7,280Theatre of the absurd - the Western establishment obsession with demonising Vladimir Putin
Document:Is The BBC Anti-Labour?December 2019ReportPaddy FrenchPress Gang6,061Paddy French's antidote to John Ware's Panorama programme "Is Labour Anti-Semitic?"
Document:Is Ukraine drifting toward civil war and Great Power confrontation?20 February 2014articlePaul Craig RobertsInstitute for Political Economy7,701The solution to a 'problem' requires that the nature of the problem be accurately diagnosed and understood; the mass of the worlds populations - especially in the West are uniformly miss and dis-informed about major issues rendering genuine 'solutions' impossible - it is the SOP of US-Western Power
Document:Is media just another word for control?2 January 2014audio transcriptJohn PilgerJohnPilger.com7,001This is a transcript of John Pilger's contribution to a special edition of BBC Radio 4's 'Today' programme, on 2 January 2014, guest-edited by the artist and musician Polly Harvey.
Document:Is the State of Emergency Superseding the US Constitution29 November 2010articlePeter Dale Scott42,303
Document:Is the burning of fossil fuel a significant planetary activity?21 August 2010articleDenis RancourtActivist Teacher Blog15,460
Document:Is this the Epicentre of Corbyn’s Antisemitism Story?8 April 2019ArticleTruePublicaGlobal Research12,900We are being immersed in a disgraceful environment of political propaganda, disinformation and downright lies cooked up by those with vested interests and promoted by the billionaire offshore owners of the press and fellow travellers such as Ruth Smeeth and contriving organisations such as the British-American Project
Document:Israel Goes to Court for the Crime of Genocide12 January 2024ArticlePhilip GiraldiThe Unz Review13,710The plan by America’s “best friend” and “closest ally” to nuke the world even has a name: the “Samson Option,” recalling how the Biblical strongman Samson brought down the temple where the Philistines were mocking him, killing thousands of them.
Document:Israel Stooges Freak Out over Baroness Jenny's Remarks - Again3 November 2018ArticleStuart LittlewoodAmerican Herald Tribune15,694Baroness Jenny Tonge: "The Pittsburgh synagogue shooting was an absolutely appalling and a criminal act, but does it ever occur to Bibi and the present Israeli government that its actions against Palestinians may be reigniting anti-Semitism? I suppose someone will say that it is anti-Semitic to say so?"
Document:Israel simply has no right to exist3 January 2001articleFaisal BodiThe Guardian5,756A brief historical overview of Israel's claimed and much vaunted "right to exist" as a "Jewish State". The article demonstrates that the validity of the claim rest upon a single Biblical Old Testament source and nothing else. So far as the UN and international law are concerned, the claim would not stand scrutiny and adjudication by a truly impartial court of qualified law practitioners and judges.
Document:Israel v the United States and Iran7 September 2010emailUnknownTBR News27,722
Document:Israel; Dark thoughts and Desperation7 April 2002articleDavid PerlmutterLos Angeles Times4,929
Document:Israel's International Conspiracy9 February 2016ArticlePhilip GiraldiThe Unz Review15,842Wherever one goes – Western Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Statesthere is a well-organised and funded lobby ready, willing and able to go to war to protect Israel.
Document:Israel's omnicient earsSeptember 2010articleNicky HagerLe Monde Diplomatique5,558Israeli Signals Intelligence base at Urim in the Negev Desert
Document:Israeli immigration plan for ethnically pure bunker state18 January 2012articleJonathan CookThe National5,838
Document:Israel’s Information Ops20 August 2014articlePhilip GiraldiThe American Conservative13,011An overview of complex, worldwide Israeli 'Information Operations' conducted in support of its murderous military
Document:It's not Russia that is destabilising Ukraine7 April 2014articleSergei LavrovThe Guardian7,188Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov - a voice of calm reason in a world gone mad - condemns the West for its uncooperative and obstructionist behaviour over the developing situation in Ukraine and appeals for rational cooperation to prevent civil war.
Document:It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war30 April 2014articleSeumas MilneThe Guardian9,106A rare note of sanity (and accuracy) on the 2014 Ukraine coup from a western corporate media