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Document:Death Wish 2023blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog17,519"The practical problem with James Sherr’s call for total war is that Ukraine really does not have the population numbers to sustain to victory a total war against Russia. It is just going to run out of people, as indeed the much trumpeted counteroffensive appears to have done."
Document:December 2016 Papal Letter6 December 2016letterCardinal Raymond Burke
Jorge Mario Bergoglio
719A leaked "strictly confidential" set of two letters: one from Pope Francis (in Italian & English) to Knights of Malta Cardinal Patron Raymond Burke, who has added his own covering letter addressed to Grand Master Festing. Pope Francis appears to demand that Freemasonry ("relativist" groups contrary to the Catholic faith) be rooted out of the Knights, and that those complicit (e.g., von Boeselager) in practices contrary to Church teaching be dealt with.
Document:Deception and distraction strategies relating to the John F Kennedy Assassination2017articleGarrick AlderLobster Magazine36,028
Document:Declaration of the Latvian Antiglobalists7 September 2011statement'The Latvian AntiGlobalists'AntiGlobalist.lv2,532
Document:Decoding Edward Jay Epstein's 'LEGEND'Robin RamsayLobster Magazine21,295Robin Ramsay claims that Edward Jay Epstein's Legend is disinformation.
Document:Deconstructing Nuclear Experts31 March 2011articleChris BusbyGlobal Research18,070This article was written just 2-3 weeks after the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi. It is notable for its scathing dismissal of official efforts to play down the seriousness of the radiation health effects of the disaster and in particular the credibility of the so-called experts regularly wheeled out by the commercially-controlled media.
Document:Defend Freedom of Expression – Support Mark Hirst15 May 2020ArticleTommy SheridanSolidarity13,704If we don’t speak up now in defence of those guilty of no crime other than expressing their opinions and speaking truth to power then we will all one day be caught in the tangled web of thought control and authoritarian rule which will render us powerless to oppose injustice and resist draconian restrictions on our freedoms.
Document:Defending the UN Charter by Use of the Veto11 February 2012articleRonda HaubenTaz.de15,591A timeline summary of political/diplomatic events leading to the Russia/China veto of the February 2012 UNSC resolution on Syria.
Document:Democratic State v Deep State1 January 2008essayOla TunanderPRIO49,819An excellent introduction to deep politics. By clarifying the real role of the Secret Intelligence Services and the policy agenda they under firm control in most Western 'Democracies' (especially the UKUSA nations), it demonstrates the irrelevance of the party-political masquerade.
Document:Depopulation of the Chagos Islands 1965-7312 February 2007book extractMark CurtisMark Curtis' Website19,426
Document:Depravity Redefined - Selling US Slaughter in Syria8 September 2013article'Tony Cartalucci'Land Destroyer Report12,543How horrific images are used to manipulate gullible publics into defending the indefensible in Syria
Document:Destroying Syria23 January 2018ArticlePhilip GiraldiThe Unz Review14,097Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi says the United States has zero evidence on the Syrian conflict. Someone should remind the President that similar scenarios did not turn out very well in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.
Document:Determined on war - questions neither Bush nor Blair would answer24 January 2003articleTony BennThe Morning Star5,041
Document:Diane Abbott – 2019 Speech on Julian Assange11 April 2019SpeechDiane AbbottUKPOL5,384We only have to look at the treatment of Chelsea Manning to see what awaits Julian Assange if he is extradited to the US
Document:Did Canadian taxpayers foot Islamic State’s recruitment bill5 November 2015ArticleTony GoslingRedress Information & Analysis6,660Pieces in the secret service puzzle, such as how the girls were persuaded to get on the flight to Istanbul and how Canadian intelligence knew where and when they would be arriving remain unanswered. And this systematic failure of London’s media to report the key facts in this story begs the question: why have we not been told the full story?
Document:Did Corbyn leak the Labour GE2017 manifesto11 May 2017ArticleSKWAWKBOXSkwawkbox.org3,542Did Jeremy Corbyn or another member of Labour's senior leadership team leak the draft manifesto as a political masterstroke?
Document:Did German bungling lead to Pan Am 103?24 September 1989ArticleGavin HewittThe Washington Post17,060The blunders of "Operation Autumn Leaves" didn't end with the case of Marwan Khreesat. One of those arrested in the 26 October 1988 sweep was a Palestinian by the name of "Ramzi Diab" which was not his real name, it turned out. That name had been taken from an Israeli passport stolen in Spain. The German police suspect he may actually have transported the Lockerbie bomb.
Document:Did POLICE turn Bristol ‘Kill the Bill’ protest into a riot?22 March 2021blog postMike SivierVox Political9,104It is impossible to condemn the people for the Bristol ‘Kill the Bill’ riot when we know it is entirely possible that it was engineered by Priti Patel and the police.
Document:Did SA spies bomb UN boss’ plane?17 August 2015ArticleDe Wet PotgieterCity Press7,295Susan Williams writes that in this set of documents – headed ‘Top Secret’ and ‘Your Eyes Only’ – Allen Dulles, the then director of the US Central Intelligence Agency, had promised full cooperation with Operation Celeste, which had also been agreed with British intelligence agency MI6.
Document:Did the White House Help Plan the Syrian Chemical Attack28 August 2013articleYossef BodanskyOilPrice.com11,959
Document:Dikgang Moseneke to join bench of judges in Israel-Hamas world court case5 January 2024ArticleKgaugelo MaswenengTimesLive2,591Should presiding American Judge Joan Donoghue recuse herself when it comes to determining whether US staunch ally Israel has committed genocide in Gaza?
Document:Dimitri Khalezov Interview14 October 2010interviewDaniel Estulin
Dimitri Khalezov
Mathalba80,418Daniel Estulin probes the startling claims of Dimitri Khalezov - an ex-Soviet army nuclear weapons specialist - about the events of 9-11 and the then pending extradition of his colleague Victor Bout from Thailand to the USA on arms trafficking charges
Document:Diplomatic Protection, the case of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe14 November 2017ArticleOliver MilesLondon Review of Books4,611Perhaps the best thing we could do for Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe would be to take a lead in offering assistance following the earthquake in Iran on Sunday
Document:Discernment: Why information statecraft matters26 December 2018strategy documentIntegrity Initiative
Chris Donnelly
Anonymous16,603Musings on how to keep media dominance and control young minds
Document:Discussion with Artur Gherman re the situation in Moldova, 28 01 201726 December 2018DiscussionIntegrity InitiativeAnonymous2,678
Document:Dishonesty and the Science-Policy Interface1 November 2011presentationChris BusbyCan Do Better48,339A hard-hitting indictment of Western Scientific Establishments in glossing over the issue of nuclear safety, and attacking those, such as Busby, who are independently researching the effects of ionising radiation on human health. Powerful interests clearly feel threatened by Dr Busby's work and are seeking to suborn the scientific process to their own ends whatever the catastrophic effects on human health of disasters such as Fukushima.
Document:Dissident British ex-diplomat Craig Murray indicted for blog posts in Kafkaesque case27 April 2020ArticleBen NortonThe Grayzone7,486“The state believes it has finally discovered a way to put me in prison without the inconvenient hurdle of a jury of my peers. This really is the epitome of bad law. To use it against freedom of speech is disgusting.”
Document:Domestic Covert Ops for Socialists and Progressives13 March 2010open letterMichael B. Green9-11 Research25,113
Document:Domestic Determinants of Russia’s anti-Western Campaign28 November 2018analysis draftHannes Adomeit'Anonymous'5,761II analysis of Russian foreign policy (outline)
Document:Don't Mention the War1994book extractDavid MillerDon't Mention the War: Northern Ireland, Propaganda and the Media23,489
Document:Don't stop Iran now, it's on a roll18 March 2014articleMK BhadrakumarIndian Punchline5,471In the Spring of 2014, geo-political events are aligning and shifting in Iran's favour. The US and Israel don't like it.
Document:Donald Rumsfeld and the demolition of WTC 722 May 2014articleKevin RyanWashington's Blog11,634Further evidence of Donald Rumsfeld's complicity in the events of 9/11, with particular reference to his substantial connection to WTC7 and his lying about it and its destruction..
Document:Donnelly Workshop Sept 1926 December 2018workshop participantsIntegrity InitiativeAnonymous2,067
Document:Don’t Laugh! It’s “Anti-Semitic”!4 February 2014articleJonathan AzaziahMask of Zion73,113All you need to know about French Comedian Dieudonne and the interests prompting both the French and UK Establishments to such ridiculous and downright nasty demonisation of him
Document:Doreen and Karen – a tale of two mothers15 August 2013articleFrancis Carr BegbieOccidental Observer15,423A startling and telling comparison of the treatment of two horrific racially-motivated murders by the UK Establishment.
Document:Douma ‘attack’ witnesses speak at Russia-called OPCW briefing at The Hague26 April 2018ArticleRussia Today4,243Halil al-Jaish who tended to people at the Douma hospital that day, told the press conference that some of the patients had indeed experienced respiratory problems. The symptoms, however, were caused by heavy dust, which engulfed the area due to recent airstrikes, and no one showed any signs of chemical warfare poisoning.
Document:Downing Street MemoJuly 2002memoMatthew RycroftSunday Times8,900The now infamous memo about the 2003 Invasion of Iraq
Document:Downing Street Minutes 23 July 200223 July 2002memoMatthew RycroftSunday Times7,214The text of a memo written by Matthew Rycroft, a Downing Street foreign policy aide in July 2002 and addressed to David Manning, then foreign policy advisor to Tony Blair who appointed him Ambassador to the US in 2003. Published on 1 May 2005
Document:Dr Waney Squier - Medical Mafia Victim21 March 2016articleChristina EnglandHealth Impact News14,877Commentary on the decision of the UK General Medical Council to terminate Dr Squier's medical career over her 'expert witness' evidence in a number of criminal legal proceedings involving alleged 'Shaken baby syndrome' - An example of the 'Medical Mafia' enforcing its dogma
Document:Draft agenda for the conference Tackling Tools of Malign Influenceconference planChris Donnelly'Anonymous'8,234Draft conference plan for the Tackling Tools of Malign Influence event
Document:Drool Britannia22 January 2016articleMark NesopKremlin Stooge22,321Commentary on the Owen Inquiry Report into the death of Alexander Litvinenko
Document:Dropping bombs on behalf of Al Qaeda9 April 2017articlePeter HitchensMail Online5,611On Friday morning 7 April 2017 the United States Navy launched 59 cruise missiles on behalf of Al Qaeda
Document:Due process and the Kelly inquest30 April 2005statementDavid Halpin2,233
Document:During 19172001book extractAlexandre Isayevich SolzhenitsynEthnopolitics Online275
Document:During WWI (1914-1916)2001book extractAlexandre Isayevich SolzhenitsynEthnopolitics Online145
Document:During the 1920s2001book extractAlexandre Isayevich SolzhenitsynEthnopolitics Online170
Document:During the Civil War2001book extractAlexandre Isayevich SolzhenitsynEthnopolitics Online145
Document:During the Revolution of 19052001book extractAlexandre Isayevich SolzhenitsynEthnopolitics Online143
Document:During the period of Duma2001book extractAlexandre Isayevich SolzhenitsynEthnopolitics Online145
Document:During the reign of Alexander I2001book extractAlexandre Isayevich SolzhenitsynEthnopolitics Online143