Bilderberg/Guests/Visit count/4

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Bilderberg Guests Visit count 4.png
This page lists the Bilderbergers who have attended exactly 4 meetings


4 Visits

Graham Allison23 March 1940USAttended the Bilderberg in 2007 after a 33 year break. First attended, as a speaker, in 1970, aged 30. Multiple deep state connections.
Egon Bahr18 March 192219 August 2015GermanQuad Bilderberger German SPD politician
Jacques Baumel6 March 191817 February 2006FranceFrench Gaullist politician who attended 4 Bilderbergs from 1963 to 1967
Bjarni Benediktsson30 April 190810 July 1970IcelandMain responsible for Iceland joining NATO in 1949, against significant opposition, and for giving the United States Air Force a lease on Keflavík Airport. Prime Minister of Iceland for most of the 1960s. Died in 1970 from a fire soon after his 4th Bilderberg
Nicolas Beytout8 June 1956FranceQuad Bilderberg French editor/journalist
Erik Boheman19 January 189518 September 1979SwedenSwedish diplomat, 4 Bilderbergs from 1958 to 1962. Some Wallenberg Sphere connections.
Frits Bolkestein4 April 1933NetherlandsQuad Bilderberger Dutch Defence minister, mentor of Geert Wilders
Pierre Bonvoisin19031982BelgiumAttended the first Bilderberg and three more. Société Générale de Belgique. Councilor to King Baudouin. Father of Benoît de Bonvoisin
Walter Boveri6 December 189420 March 1972SwitzerlandAttended the Bilderbergs from 1959 to 1962
Nicholas Brady11 April 1930USAttended 4 Bilderbergs in the 1980s. Bilderberg Steering committee, Book and Snake, CFR
Thomas Buberl24 March 1973GermanGerman poly-Bilderberg money manager, WEF AGMs, WEF YGL 2008
Alastair Buchan9 September 19184 February 1976UKSon of a spook, propagandist and UK deep state operative. Commandant of the Imperial Defence College, four Bilderbergs
William Burns4 April 1956USPoly Bilderberger US diplomat, US/Deputy Secretary of State
Richard Burt3 February 1947USUS Deep state operative who took part in the discussion about "terrorism" at the 1986 Bilderberg. Founded Diligence
Louis Cabot192129 January 2021USQuad Bilderberger Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
John Chafee22 October 192224 October 1999USAttended 4 Bilderbergs between 1979 to 1992
Flavio Cotti18 October 193916 December 2020SwitzerlandSwiss politician who attended 4 Bilderbergs in the 1990s, when he led attempts to further Switzerland's political integration into the European Union.
Pascal Couchepin5 April 1942SwitzerlandSwiss President, 4 Bilderbergs
Aage Deleuran11 October 19251 July 1999DenmarkDanish quad Bilderberger editor
Kemal Derviş10 January 1949TurkeyUNDP administrator, 4 times Bilderberger, Brookings
Pierre Dupuy9 July 189621 May 1969CanadaCanadian diplomat who conducted delicate missions in Vichy France. Like his son, Michel Dupuy, a Bilderberger diplomat
José Entrecanales1 January 1963SpainBillionaire Spanish businessman
Gazi Ercel20 February 1945TurkeyTurkish central banker and 4 times Bilderberger
Amintore Fanfani6 February 190820 November 1999ItalyQuad bilderberger, Italian PM
Stanley Fischer15 October 1943Israel
Israeli/US central banker and quad Bilderberger
Tom Foley6 March 192918 October 2013USQuad Bilderberger, CFR with US Deep state connections
Fritz Gerber22 March 1929SwitzerlandQuad Bilderberger Swiss Drug company director
Jean-Louis Gergorin1946FranceAttended 4 Bilderbergs from 1997 to 2003. Sentenced to 3 years in prison for slanderous denunciation, forgery, concealment of breach of trust and theft
Allan Gotlieb28 February 192818 April 2020CanadaQuad Bilderberger Canadian diplomat
Katharine Graham16 June 191717 July 2001USQuad Bilderberger, TLC, deep state functionary?
Ronald Grierson6 August 192123 October 2014UKSpooky financier/businessman
Guillaume Guindey19 June 190911 March 1989FranceQuad Bilderberg BIS General Manager. Marshall Plan. Advised General de Gaulle to repatriate the French gold reserve from the United States.
Alfred Gusenbauer8 February 1960AustriaClub de Madrid, quad Bilderberger Austrian politician
Arthur Hartman12 March 192616 March 2015US4 times Bilderberger
Helmut Haussmann18 May 1943GermanQuad Bilderberger German politician
Hans Heckmann10 October 1934SwitzerlandExecutive Vice President and Member of the Executive Board, Union Bank of Switzerland. 4 Bilderbergs
Jim Hoagland22 January 1940USUS journalist whose Deep state connections include the CFR, Hoover Institution, Institute for Strategic Dialogue and 4 visits to the Bilderberg
Robert D. Hormats13 April 1943USDeep state connected vice Chairman of Kissinger Associates.
Paul Jolles25 December 191911 March 2000SwitzerlandQuad Bilderberger Swiss diplomat businessman
Sigrid Kaag2 November 1961NetherlandsDutch diplomat and politician. Although an outspoken feminist, Kaag vocally opposed a public trial regarding dozen of reports of sexual abuse within her own party. A successful and career-diplomat, named by Geert Wilders as the "namesake of a runway at Schiphol Airport", she has attended two Bilderberg meetings.
Karl Kaiser8 December 1934GermanGerman academic and contact of Henry Kissinger. Spoke at 3 of the 4 Bilderbergs he attended
John M. Keane1 February 1943USUS four star general who did "alarmingly little while the [9-11] attacks were underway." Four Bilderbergs, starting in 2005.
Walther Kiep5 January 19269 May 2016GermanPolitician, financial fraudster, perjurer, attended 4 Bilderbergs from 1974 to 1980
Klaas Knot14 April 1967NetherlandsBIS, 4 Bilderbergs, Central banker,Trilateral Commission
Max Kothbauer30 March 1950AustriaAustrian economist and banker. Former Bilderberg Steering committee.
Alexandre Lamfalussy26 April 19299 May 2015BelgiumBIS manager, First President of the European Monetary Institute, 4 Bilderbergs
Halvard Lange16 September 190219 May 1970NorwaySuspected Norwegian deep state operative. Norwegian Foreign minister for nearly 20 years.
Kurt Lauk19 May 1946GermanBilderberg businessman and politician, advisor to Angela Merkel, heavy Munich Security Conference habit
Arrigo Levi17 July 192624 August 2020Italy
Italian journalist who attended 4 Bilderbergs in the early 1970s when working for La Stampa.
Walter Levy21 March 191110 December 1997USUS spooky economist, headed the petroleum section of the Office of Strategic Services
... further results

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