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EireIsland off the coast of Great Britain. Ireland is a member of the EU but not NATO.
El SalvadorA small Spanish-speaking nation state in Central America. Brutal CIA proxy war in the 1980s
Equatorial GuineaVery small country in Central Africa, between Gabon and Cameroon. Rich in oil.
EritreaThe only country in the world without anyone "vaccinated" against "Coronavirus".
EstoniaEstonia is the most northern of the Baltic States. Formerly part of the USSR, now EU and NATO.
EswatiniSmall African Kingdom; surrounded by South Africa.
EthiopiaThe most populous landlocked country in the world.
FijiOne of the world's first nation states to mandate Covid vaccination for certain adults.
FinlandNordic country, borders Russia.
FranceA European nation, former colonial power, permanent seat on the UNSC
GabonFrench speaking country on the west coast of Africa.
GambiaThe smallest country in mainland Africa.
GeorgiaA former part of the USSR.
Germany"The economic powerhouse of Europe" - Germany dominates the European Union.
GhanaFormerly known as the "Gold Coast", Ghana has one of the most stable governments in Africa. A member of the African Union and the Commonwealth of Nations
Greece"In 2006... the third biggest arms importer after China and India."
GrenadaA Caribbean island, that had a coup in the 1980s.
GuatemalaCountry in Central America. High rates of poverty, crime, drug cartels, and instability.
GuineaFrench speaking country in West Africa.
Guinea-BissauPortuguese ex-colony "narco-state" in West Africa.
GuyanaThe only UK colony on the mainland on South America.
HaitiCaribbean country; shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic. The poorest country in North America, Haiti has faced natural disasters, economic crises and political instablity for many years.
HondurasCentral American country; formerly part of the Spanish Empire.
HungaryFormerly communist country in Eastern Europe, now a member of NATO, and the EU, Hungary is currently lead by Viktor Orban, an adversary of Brussels.
IcelandIsolated island nation off the north west coast of Europe. Part of the Nordics.
IndiaThe "Jewel in the Crown" of the British Empire. Until independence in 1947 it was ruled from London under the auspices of a British-appointed Viceroy whose powers were absolute.
IndonesiaA large nation in South East Asia
IranIran possesses the 4th largest oil reserves of any nation state.
IraqIraq possesses the 5th largest oil reserves of any nation state.
IsraelOnly country in the world to be founded, led and designated by and for Jewish people after the Holocaust. Zionists achieved this with forms of land grabbing, apartheid and murder of Palestinians, but saying that is apparently.... antisemitic...
ItalyEuropean country that has the sixth-largest national wealth and third-largest central bank gold reserve. Italy/Deep state is an integral part of the SDS.
JamaicaCaribbean island
JapanA populous country in East Asia. People are traditionally extremely law abiding by European standards.
JordanMiddle Eastern kingdom.
KazakhstanUranium/tar sands rich central Asian nation, former part of the USSR.
KenyaFormer UK colony in East Africa
KiribatiSmall island nation in Oceania.
KuwaitKuwait has the 6th largest oil reserves of any nation state.
KyrgyzstanA former part of the USSR.
LaosA socialist state and the only landlocked country in Southeast Asia.
LatviaFormer USSR, now NATO and EU. The middle country of the Baltic States. SDS power consolidation in 2021
LebanonReligiously diverse Middle Eastern country.
LesothoSmall landlocked nation in Africa.
LiberiaThe only state in Africa never subjected to colonial rule and Africa's oldest republic.
LibyaLibya has larger proven oil reserves than any other African nation, ranking 9th in the world. It was provided with a lot of bomb making equipment in the late 1970s in the Arms for Libya clandestine weapons deal. NATO airstrikes killed 60,000 Libyan civilians in 2011.
LiechtensteinAlpine principality nation. Liechtenstein has one of the highest gross domestic products per person in the world when adjusted for purchasing power parity.
LithuaniaFormerly part of the USSR, now NATO and the EU. Since 2021, aggressive mandation of vaccines.
LuxembourgOne of the richest and smallest sovereign states in the world.
MadagascarA large island off southern Africa
MalawiFormer UK colony in East Africa