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Document:The Coup of '63, Part 1

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Part 1 of Mark Gorton's summary of the JFK assassination.

Disclaimer (#3)Document.png essay  by Mark Gorton dated 2014/04/10
Subjects: JFK Assassination, The Cabal, Deep Politics
Source: Gawker (Link)
Local copy: File:The Coup of '63, Part 1 (Mark Gorton).pdf

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Similar to his "50 Years of the deep state". A work in progress.

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The Coup of ’63, Part 1

About 6 years ago, quite by accident, I took a passing interest in the assassination of JFK. My research into the assassination of JFK took me on a path into the dark underbelly of the CIA, and from there, I traced a web of criminality that ran throughout the huge sections of federal government, the political power structure, and the business interests that control our country.

As I researched more, I learned that the criminal network behind JFK’s assassination did not retire after his killing. Instead, the need to cover up past crimes has motivated them to commit more crimes in a never ending cycle that continues to this present day.

I have tracked this criminal network through time, and I have learned that this cabal has been the most significant political force in the United States for the last 50 years. Yet most people don’t have any idea that it exists.

My research project has grown to be a major interest in my life. I have a total of 180 books on the topics of the JFK assassination and the ensuing actions of the criminal cabal that seized control of our government. 70 of these books I have read cover to cover, and the rest I have either read a particular section or skimmed. I have dozens and dozens of books on my “to read” list, as I am continually researching different strands of government criminality. In addition to reading books, I have spent countless hours doing research on the internet.

I now have a profound understanding of the dark forces that control how politics in our country really work. 50 years ago a network of criminals took control of our government, and they have not let go until the present day. I cannot passively accept living in a country where the democracy has been overthrown, yet I cannot help but feel helpless against powerful forces that have been systematically killing their opposition for decades.

In my desire to heal our democracy, I have searched for answers as to how the powerless can confront the powerful. When confronted with evil that they could not prevent, Quakers have a tradition of bearing witness, so that this evil does not pass unnoted. On this 50th anniversary of the Coup d’état known as the JFK assassination, this document is my attempt to bear witness to the crimes of the last 50 years in my hope that, in my own small way, my voice can help repair our country.

As I have studied the hidden history of the United States for the last 50 years, I have not only learned of criminal networks embedded within our government, I also have learned the stories of many, many honest Americans who have fought to save our country. These unsung heroes of democracy have fought courageously to save the soul of our country. These Americans have risked their careers and their lives so that our dreams of freedom and democracy would not die.

This document is dedicated to the hundreds and hundreds of Americans who have paid with their lives the ultimate price of confronting the cabal embedded within our government.

The Coup of ‘63

Among serious researchers of JFK’s assassination, a remarkable unanimity of opinion has been achieved. Thanks to the tens of thousands of man years of effort that have gone into studying the JFK assassination, the depth and breadth of the plot can be known. The plot was a giant domestic conspiracy that involved elements of the entire US power structure.

The assassination of JFK was part of a full scale coup d’état, the violent take of over of our government by a group of criminals. I have not the slightest doubt in my mind that JFK’s assassination was the work of a network of criminals embedded within the political system and power structure of the United States. Key among the players in the Coup of ’63 were

In 1961, President Eisenhower in his farewell address warned against "the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought of unsought, by the military industrial complex". Eisenhower continued, "The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." Perhaps, Eisenhower may have more accurately have described this threat as the military – intelligence complex as the CIA had been operating free from proper oversight since its founding in 1947. Acting under the cover of protecting the world from communism, powerful interests found American imperialism to be enormously profitable, and the secrecy within the CIA provided the perfect environment for criminal elements to prosper.

JFK was aware of these forces, and he chose to fight against them. JFK and his brother RFK took on a host of entrenched corrupt interests: the CIA, big business, the mafia, and the corrupt Texas interests surrounding LBJ. A huge swath of the American power structure was at risk of being displaced and even ending up in jail by the crusades of the Kennedy brothers. LBJ was incredibly corrupt. He even had his own personal hit man, Mac Wallace, who had been killing people for a decade to keep LBJ’s crimes from being exposed. With RFK as attorney general, J Edgar Hoover of the FBI could no longer protect the mob. Top mafia chieftains including Carlos Marcello and Salvatore Trafficante risked trading their sweet mafia kingpin lifestyle for a life behind bars due to RFK’s crusade against the mafia. The CIA was out of control, and JFK had vowed to smash the CIA to 1000 pieces. Right wing cold warrior generals in charge on the US military were just itching for a (possibly nuclear) war with the Soviet Union, and JFK’s calls for peace were viewed as being treason among the right wing set. Leaders of giant companies used to having a compliant government do their bidding found that JFK actually looked out for the interests of the little guy. Add on to this, the Kennedys’ support for the civil rights movement gaining strength in the South, and a huge array of powerful entrenched, entitled interests was in position to be mobilized to resist change.

But potential does not equal action, and it took the political genius of Lyndon Baines Johnson to activate these forces to bring about a Coup d’état. The Kennedys and Johnson were involved in a sub-rosa war from the beginning on their administration. Bobby Kennedy was telling the Washington press corps that it was open season on LBJ, and Bobby was having the justice department feed information on LBJ’s corruption to a number of different Senate investigations any one of which could have ended LBJ’s career and started his slide toward prison.

But LBJ may not have needed the impetus of fear for his career and freedom to motivate him to kill JFK. As majority leader of the Senate, LBJ was arguably the second most powerful man in Washington. Many of his colleagues were surprised when LBJ accepted the nomination for vice president, an office which his fellow Texan and former VP John Garner described as being “not worth a bucket of warm piss”. Clare Boothe Luce asked LBJ why he agreed to be VP, and LBJ told her that he had done research and 6 out of 33 of the presidents had managed to achieve office without being elected, and he told her “I’m a gambling man.” But a study of LBJ’s history shows that he was anything but a gambling man. In fact, LBJ was a man who left nothing to chance. Most likely, LBJ planned to kill JFK from the moment he considered becoming vice president.

Although John F. Kennedy was finally killed in Dallas on Nov 22, 1963, the plot to kill him was active for at least a couple of years. The first attempt to kill JFK, of which I am aware, was to take place in Mexico City at the end of June 1962 but was aborted due to last minute escape problems. From that time on, JFK was a hunted man. Other attempts were planned for Los Angeles, Grand Rapids, Chicago, Tampa, Miami, and Houston. The planned assassination attempt on JFK in Miami on June 18, 1963 was foiled when people loyal to JFK leaked word of the plot and the planned motorcade was canceled in favor of helicopter transport.

By the time Nov 22nd rolled around, LBJ was getting increasingly desperate. The Dec 6, 1963 issue of Life Magazine, due to be printed and mailed on Nov 29, 1963, was set to run an expose of Lyndon Johnson’s corruption that could have ended his career. The earlier plots to kill JFK that were designed with more distance between the coup plotters and the trigger men had failed, and now Johnson risked more active involvement by having his people directly orchestrate both the motorcade planning and the take apart of the president’s secret service protection.

By the time JFK’s motorcade rolled through Dallas, little had been left to chance. As Chauncy Holt said, “There were more mercenaries in Dealey Plaza that day than at a Soldier of Fortune convention”. The success of the Coup depended not upon the ability of the shooters to escape undetected, but upon the certitude that the cabal behind the assassination could control the investigation and the story reported in the media. JFK had no idea how little chance he had of making it through Dealey Plaza alive. The Dallas police protection of the motorcade route ended right at the start of Dealey Plaza. In fact, one of the shooters was probably a Dallas police officer. The secret service protection surrounding JFK was removed. In my estimate, 6 shooters awaited from a variety of vantage points. The secret service agent driving JFK’s car brought the car to a complete stop, and a barrage of shots from all directions converged on JFK. After confirming that JFK had been killed, JFK’s driver put the car in motion and continued driving.

The Coup of ’63 did not end with the killing of JFK. The shooting part of the assassination was relatively small compared to the cover up. The planning for the cover up was built into fabric of the plot. Lee Harvey Oswald was set up as the patsy. Oswald did not fire a shot in Dallas. Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA contract agent who had been sent into Russia as a fake defector. He then returned to the US and used his time in Russia as an entry into the left wing pro-Castro movement. Lee Harvey Oswald is a fairly minor character in the Coup of ’63, but through him, a multi-layered counter-intelligence plot can be seen.

The Coup of ’63 had within it many, many contingency strategies built. The Coup went almost according to plan. The only thing that went wrong on Nov 22, 1963 was that the Dallas police failed to kill Lee Harvey Oswald, so Jack Ruby was tasked with the ensuing killing of Oswald. However, the coup plotters had no way of knowing that things would go so smoothly, so they embedded within Oswald a variety of cover stories which could have been deployed under different scenarios. Oswald could have been made to look like a racist, a [Cuban]], a Russian, or even to have mob ties. However, since the coup went so close to plan, he was declared to be a lone nut and dismissed as such.

The contingencies beyond how to blame Oswald were much more serious. If it were superficially obvious that JFK’s killing was the result of a conspiracy, Castro was to be blamed, and an invasion of Cuba was to quickly follow. Many anti-Castro Cubans who participated in the Coup were deeply disappointed that the invasion of Cuba never materialized.

My studies of the Coup of ’63 have led me to believe that even graver fall back strategies were embedded in the plot. If JFK’s killing was obviously perceived as being part of large conspiracy, and the US public was not buying the Castro did it angle, the Coup plotters were in truly dire straits. These desperate men who ran the military, the FBI, some of largest companies in the world, and the US government faced the prospect of being hung for treason. I believe that the darkest scenarios envisioned by the Coup plotters involved declaring martial law and blaming the Russians and taking the country to (and possibly over) the brink of nuclear war with Russia.

Interestingly, the Russian intelligence was aware of the plans to kill Kennedy, and they were aware that through Lee Harvey Oswald they were to be set up to take the blame. So in September of 1963, the KGB attempted to kill Lee Harvey Oswald to prevent themselves from being sucked into a false war, but the assassination capabilities of the Russians within the United States were fairly limited, and the KGB was unable to kill Oswald.

The Cover Up

Elaborate plans for the cover up of JFK’s assassination went into action after his killing. JFK’s body was secretly rushed to Washington, DC aboard Air Force 2 while an empty casket sat in the hold of Air Force 1 and LBJ countermanded secret service advice and stalled taking off by demanding to be sworn in on the tarmac in Dallas. JFK’s body was then worked on in pre-autopsy surgery to reconstruct his skull and hide the nature of his wounds. The autopsy itself was conducted at Bethesda Naval hospital outside of Washington, DC under control of the top military brass. The clearest evidence of the military involvement in the Coup can be seen in handling of the autopsy.

The lead agency in the cover up was the FBI. The FBI was pushing the "Oswald did it", "case closed" party line within 2 hours of JFK’s death. The entire FBI investigation was aimed at convicting Oswald and ignoring or destroying any evidence that pointed in another direction. Witness intimidation was frequently employed for anyone who had testimony that contradicted what the FBI wanted to hear.

When despite the most earnest pronouncements of J. Edgar Hoover, the public still was skeptical of the official version of who killed JFK; LBJ put together the Warren Commission. The Warren Commission was made up of some of the most eminent men in the country including Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Earl Warren. The Warren Commission was designed to approve the already firm FBI conclusions, and with a bit of extra process, it did exactly that. JFK’s bitter enemy and Coup leader Allen Dulles was the most active member of the Warren Commission. Key other commission members active in the cover-up were Council on Foreign Relations Chairman John McCloy, Gerald Ford and Earl Warren himself. Commission member Senator Richard Russell was a man of great integrity, and despite his being LBJ’s mentor in the Senate, he insisted on issuing a dissenting report. However, Senator Russell’s report was suppressed and only surfaced decades later in his private papers. The Warren Commission had no investigative resources of its own, and it relied completely upon FBI investigators. The Warren Commission did interview witnesses, but it cherry picked the witnesses to obtain testimony that favored its preordained conclusions. Warren Commission staff attorneys steered witnesses away from relevant insights and also falsified testimony in order to cover up inconvenient facts that happened to poke through.

The threat of nuclear war was embedded in the fabric of the plot which was used to cow business, media and government leaders, who under other circumstances would not have gone along with a cover up of the assassination, into tacitly working with the Coup plotters.

The media complicity in the Coup of ’63 can be traced in part to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Elite members of the CFR such as Allen Dulles, Nelson Rockefeller, George Herbert Walker Bush and McGeorge Bundy were sponsors of the JFK assassination. CFR members, Allen Dulles, John McCloy and Gerald Ford played dominant roles in the Warren Commission cover up of the coup d’état. A remarkable fraction of the publishers, editors and senior reporters of the most important media outlets in the country were also members of the Council of Foreign Relations including: Henry Luce (Publisher Time/Life), Clair Boothe Luce, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger (Publisher NY Times), William Paley (Owner CBS), Walter Cronkite (CBS), Dan Rather (CBS), Bob Schieffer (CBS), Peter Jennings (ABC), James Reston (NY Times), Anthony Lewis (NY Times), Harrison Salisbury (NY Times), Jack Valenti, Daniel Schorr, and in later days Rupert Murdoch, Michael Eisner, Bill Clinton, George Stephanopoulos, Brian Williams. The list goes on and on.

Any questioning of the Warren Commission involved impugning the honor of their CFR colleagues who ran the Warren Commission, and any serious investigation of the JFK assassination would have risked accusing their fraternity brothers of treason. The secrets of JFK’s assassination were so close to home that ignorance and denial were safer than the truth.

Now some reporters weren’t part of this club, and doggedly tried to find the truth. Reporters who could not be controlled were murdered by the criminals running the government. Over the years, certainly 50 and more likely more than 100 people have been killed to preserve the secrets of the Coup of ’63. Many witnesses, reporters, people who knew too much, plot members at risk of being exposed, overzealous law enforcement officials have all been killed. Some of these deaths were clearly violent. Many were made to look like something else.

Anyone who was a threat to the exposure of the cabal that took over the government had to be neutralized. In order to do this, the Cabal behind the Coup of ’63 built a mechanism of domestic death squads, and also the mechanism to cover up these crimes.

The Quickening of the Cabal

The criminals who took over the government had an incredible fear of being exposed. If exposed, they would be hung for treason. Fear of exposure bound the network behind the Coup of ’63 into an incredibly powerful political force which has dominated the American federal political system for the last 50 years.

The assassination continues to be an important event that every American should take the time to understand because the powerful forces that seized control of our government 50 years ago have not let go. As I studied the Coup of ’63, I began to perceive this Cabal behind JFK’s assassination, and I as I have studied their actions, I have understood their desperate need to control the American political system. If the Cabal were ever to lose control of the American political system, they risk exposure for a litany of crimes which continue to this present day.

6 years ago, I started studying the JFK assassination out of curiosity. But as I came to understand the Coup of ’63, and I was able to perceive the Cabal behind the Coup as an incredible political force, I began to study a series of events. Many of these events were also “conspiracies” dismissed at crazy by the mainstream media, and I saw that these conspiracies were the work of this same network of people. And what I have been doing for the last several years has been tracking the work of this evolving cabal through time.

In order to escape justice for their heinous crimes, the Cabal needed to build a number of capabilities for themselves. The Cabal needed to be able to kill with impunity anyone who threatened to expose them. They needed to be able to control the press, and they need to control the presidency, federal law enforcement agencies, and the intelligence community. Operating under the secret cover of “national security” from within intelligence agencies (CIA, ONI, military intelligence, etc.), the Cabal has able to systematically destroy threats to itself. With control of the FBI, justice department, DEA, ATF, etc., the Cabal has been able to insure that no serious investigation its crimes would take place. And massive, highly successful programs to control the press, like the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, have insured that the mainstream media would systematically ignore and dismiss all claims of high level government corruption.

With the control of law enforcement, intelligence agencies and the press, the Cabal built itself the perfect machine for committing crimes and getting away with them. And with these capabilities, the Cabal has run amok for the last 50 years.

The Assassination of RFK

The RFK assassination gives a good idea of the capability of this system. Bobby Kennedy knew that his brother had been killed by a conspiracy. He had a vague sense of the outlines of this conspiracy, but trapped within the Johnson administration, he lacked the power to determine the truth for sure. Bobby’s plan was to wait until he could attain the presidency, and then with the full power of the presidency, he would relentlessly hunt his brother’s killers and avenge JFK’s death.

The Cabal could not allow RFK to become president, and from the moment they seized power, they worked relentlessly to build the mechanism to let them kill Bobby Kennedy and cover up the truth behind his killing. The Cabal acquired a variety of mechanisms to kill their enemies. One such mechanism was to use Special Forces operatives from the US Military who had been trained to obey orders unquestioningly, and once told that someone was an enemy of the state, they would ignorantly and dutifully dispatch this person. Since WWII, the mafia and the CIA had developed a close and mutually supportive relationship, in many cases, mob hit men could be deployed on behalf of their intelligence and political masters. Within the CIA and other intelligence organizations were cold blooded hit men who knew well that they were part of a criminal network embedded within the government. In addition, many alliances existed between international intelligence agencies. Assassination capabilities were often traded between these agencies. In cases of a high profile killing where a patsy was needed, brainwashed killers from the CIA’s MKUltra program could be deployed. Since the early 1950’s, the CIA’s MKUltra program had been using drugs, hypnosis, and a combination of other techniques to produce robot assassins.

Not long after Bobby Kennedy declared his candidacy for president, an assassination team stalked and killed Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. This assassination team was composed of the primary shooter, Thane Eugene Cesar (dressed as a security guard), MKUltra subject Sirhan Sirhan (who discharged his gun wildly), and a network of handlers and other helpers.

In case the lone nut cover of Sirhan Sirhan did not hold, the RFK killing was designed to be blamed on first the Palestinians, and then a combination of the Russians and Aristotle Onassis. Onassis hated Bobby Kennedy and wanted him out of the way so he could marry Jackie Kennedy. Onassis was brought into the plot by intelligence operatives, and he did fund some of the assassination plot. Although Onassis was involved in the plot to kill RFK, the hierarchy behind the assassination was headed by LBJ. Just as with the killing of JFK, the cover up of RFK’s assassination was a larger operation than the killing itself. During the early 1960’s, the CIA engaged in joint training exercises with local police departments across the country. Nominally, the training was intended to improve federal/local cooperation on intelligence matters. In reality, these exercises provided a mechanism for the CIA to control local police investigations across the country.

Manuel Pena, the LAPD officer with control of the RFK assassination, had previously worked doing special ops for the CIA. He had worked closely with David Morales, a CIA hit man who had a significant operational role in the JFK assassination. Beyond developing assassination and cover up capabilities, the five years between the Coup of ’63 and RFK’s killing had allowed the Cabal to consolidate their control of the press. CIA agents were inserted as reporters and editors at all of the major media outlets in the country. The meme that "conspiracy theorists" were kooks was developed within the CIA and deployed with great effectiveness. During the 1960’s, the overwhelming mass of news information reaching the eyes and ears of Americans came from 15 organizations: NBC, ABC, CBS, AP, UPI, Time-Life, McGraw Hill, Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report, NY Times, Washington Post, Metromedia, Westinghouse, Capital Cities, the North American Newspaper Alliance, and the Saturday Evening Post. The Cabal was successful in co-opting the top management at each of these organizations and enlisting them into active involvement in the cover-up of the Coup of ’63.

During the period 1964-68, internal research teams in several of these organizations reached the conclusion that the Kennedy Assassination had been a result of a conspiracy. In each and every case, management at the highest editorial and corporate level took actions to overrule, suppress, lock up, edit or otherwise alter these internal findings to back up the conclusions of the Warren Commission. Project Mockingbird was a CIA program to control the US press. The exact size of Project Mockingbird remains classified, but bits of information have slipped out over time that allow for budgetary estimates to be computed. In 1978, the CIA propaganda budget was estimated to be $265 million and involved 2,000 personnel making it larger than the combined budgets of Reuters, the Associated Press and United Press International. In 1977, Carl Bernstein reported that the CIA had over 400 reporters and editors at major US media outlets on its payroll. Decedents of this program continue up until the present day.

The Cabal behind the Coup of ‘63’s Ongoing Battle to Control the Presidency

Controlling the presidency was a key for the Cabal members behind the Coup of ’63. With Bobby Kennedy out of the way, the Cabal worked to steer the 1968 election to Richard Nixon by using agent provocateurs to instigate riots in Chicago at the 1968 democratic convention. In addition, the anti-war, reform political coalition that was beginning to coalesce around [[Martin Luther King]] was neutralized by the state sponsored killing of MLK. Dr. King’s assassination was organized by J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI, military intelligence, and elements of the Memphis Police Department. New Orleans mafia kingpin Carlos Marcello, who played a meaningful role in JFK’s assassination, played a significant role in the Martin Luther King’s killing. In the case of Dr. King’s assassination, James Earl Ray was the patsy who was set up to take the blame although he had no involvement in the shooting. The actual assassination was handled by elements of the Memphis police with help from the local mafia at the request of Carlos Marcello. A back up team of army snipers “Operation Detachment Alpha 184 team” under the direction of the 902nd military intelligence group were also present in Memphis the day of the assassination as a back-up in case the mafia/Memphis police department team did not get the job done. Although the military snipers had MLK in their sights, they were not required to fire.Nixon’s Relationship with the Cabal Nixon was not a Cabal member, but he was controllable. Nixon’s political career had been sponsored by Cabal members Prescott Bush and Dulles Brothers and their Eastern business establishment allies. During his first term, Nixon grappled with the CIA but did nothing serious to reign in its excesses. As the Cabal behind the Coup of ’63 positioned itself for the 1972 election, Nixon still seemed to be the best option for them. Nixon had a reputation for using dirty tricks, and Nixon was certainly no angel, but much of the dirty, criminal political tricks done on Nixon’s behalf were the work of a network of people loyal not to Nixon but the Cabal.

The 1968–72 period saw the emergence of a young Karl Rove under the tutelage of CIA asset Robert Bennett and political slime master Donald Segretti. Segretti, Rove and company conducted a series of disinformation campaigns against strong democratic candidates Edmund Muskie, Edward Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey and Henry Jackson insuring that Nixon would face off against the fairly weak George McGovern. The promised entrance into the 1972 presidential race of George Wallace as a 3rd party candidate threatened to drain votes from Nixon, and throw the election to the democrats. To neutralize Wallace, the Cabal decided to have him killed. A network of people including Rove mentor Donald Segretti coordinated the shooting of Wallace which didn’t kill him but left Wallace paralyzed and knocked him out of the race insuring Nixon’s election.

Once Nixon was elected to his second term as president, he achieved a degree of independence that made him a danger to the Cabal. Deep down, Nixon was never as corrupt as core Cabal members, and toward the end of his first term, he began making plans to purge the entire senior leadership of the CIA. Unfortunately, Nixon did not realize that the CIA had the White House bugged and his senior staff filled with spies, so the Cabal leadership was well aware of Nixon's plans. Nixon had a reputation for being paranoid. Yet he was not paranoid enough. His enemies had him surrounded to a degree which he did not understand.

Although Cabal members put Nixon on his path to power, they never trusted Nixon, and as early as 1966 (before Nixon is even an official candidate for President), the Cabal worked to booby trap Nixon's administration, and in 1973, after Nixon had stopped being a compliant servant of the Cabal, they set off the booby trap in the form of the Watergate Coup, and they pulled Nixon down from power just as they put him up.

The traditional story of Watergate is one where Nixon does a bunch of bad things, gets caught, tries to cover it up, and is forced to resign; however, in reality Watergate was a plot by the Cabal behind the Coup of ’63 and corrupt elements within the CIA and military intelligence to depose Nixon. By 1973, the original leaders of the Cabal were dying off: Allen Dulles died in 1969, J Edgar Hoover in 1972, and LBJ in 1973. The death of their leaders created a power vacuum at the top of the Cabal, and as the Cabal was fighting off threats from the outside world, an internal battle was taking place for control of the Cabal and ultimately the control of power in America. Three factions fought for power: a network of old boys from the OSS (the Office of Strategic Services, the WWII precursor to the CIA), a group within the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), and a group within the CIA led by George H. W. Bush. The Watergate Coup served several purposes, but perhaps its most lasting impact was to ensconce George H. W. Bush as the new head of the Cabal. George H. W. Bush’s father was Prescott Bush, who was the best friend of Allen Dulles. Dulles dominated the CIA from 1953 until he was fired by JFK in the wake of the Bay of Pigs disaster. Like his father, George H. W. Bush was a graduate of Yale and a member of Skull and Bones. In a world where connections and pedigree mattered, George H. W. Bush was the crown prince within the CIA.

The first stages of the Watergate Coup involved creating a fake scandal to force the resignation of Vice President Spiro Agnew. With Agnew out of the way, the Watergate Coup plotters were free to place one of their own in position to take the presidency. Nixon wanted to appoint John Connelly of Texas as VP, but Connelly was not a Cabal member, so the Republican establishment loyal to Bush threatened to block Connelly’s nomination, and Nixon was forced to pick a Vice President acceptable to the Cabal. Gerald Ford, as a member of the Warren Commission, had played a key role in covering up the Coup of ’63. Ford was not an inner circle member of the Cabal behind the Coup of ‘63, but he was solidly aligned with them and could be counted on to support and enable the secret government structures buried within the national security state.

The Watergate burglars themselves were headed by CIA agent E. Howard Hunt. Hunt had been a key operational player in the Coup of ’63. He was even clearly photographed as one of the three tramps arrested near Dealey Plaza immediately after the shooting of JFK. On his death bed, Hunt confessed to his involvement in the Coup of ’63 and named LBJ as the leader of the plot. To execute the Watergate break in, Hunt rounded up some old Cuban comrades who had also been active in supporting JFK’s assassination. To those in the know, the makeup of the Watergate burglars was a clear signal that Watergate was a plot on behalf of the Cabal behind the Coup of ’63.

To execute the disinformation campaign surrounding Watergate, the Watergate Coup plotters turned to ex-naval intelligence officer, Bob Woodward, who had been inserted into the Washington Post. Woodward then proceeded to craft a series of stories that make up much of the myth of Watergate that we know today.

In order to complete the take down of Nixon, the President had to be denied the due process which could have allowed him an effective legal defense before the House Judiciary Committee where the impeachment resolutions regarding Watergate had been referred. At this time, in 1973, a young Hillary Clinton was working as a staff lawyer for the committee. Even this early in her career, Clinton showed her willingness to ally herself with powerful, corrupt interests. Clinton along with several other staff members of the committee conspired to deny Nixon access to legal counsel. In order to pull this off, Hillary wrote a fraudulent legal brief and confiscated public documents to hide her deception. Her boss Jerry Zeifman later fired Hillary for her unethical actions and said about Hillary, “She was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”

This concludes part 1 of my attempt to summarize the hidden political history of the United States since 1963. Additional pieces in this series will be sent out at a future date.


Rather than a set of traditional footnotes or bibliography, these reference notes are intended to be a guide to research by readers rather than a specific set of citations.

Coup of ’63

The best short(ish) essay on the Coup of ’63 that I have found is written by Austin, TX based researcher Robert Morrow. At the end of this essay, you will find a great reading list and lots of great google searches: Robert Morrow is a great reader and synthesizer of information on a variety of topics. If you want to start digging into the Coup of ’63 you can read his entire site: [1].

A fantastic source of information of the Coup of ’63 and the ensuing history of corruption can be found on Spartacus, a collection of mini-biographies put together by British historian John Simkin. John Simkin has read and synthesized an absolutely huge amount of material. Spartacus is a great resource for any researcher looking to get up to speed on these topics. The site can be a bit confusing to navigate at first, but it is well worth taking the time to learn to use it.

The Cover Up

  • “The Warren Omission”, by Walt Brown
  • “A Citizen’s Dissent, Mark Lane Replies To the Defenders of the Press and Communications Industry, To

the Establishment Intellectuals and Commentators and Tells the Often Grim Story of how His Dissent was Almost Silenced.”, by Mark Lane Silencing the Kennedys, “The Taking of America, 1-2-3” Chapter 7 “The Control of the Kennedys, Threats and Chappaquiddick”, by Richard Sprague

The Assassination of RFK “Nemesis: The True Story of Aristotle Onassis, Jackie O, and the Love Triangle That Brought Down the Kennedys”, by Peter Evans

The Assassination of Martin Luther King

  • “Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King”, by William Pepper; Highly Recommended

Jim Douglass’ very good summary of the MLK assassination: The 1972 Election Biography of Donald Segretti on Spartacus: Biography of Arthur Bremer on Spartacus: The Control of the Media “Taking of America, 1-2-3” Chapter 9, by Richard Sprague Jerry Policoff’s story of the New York Times cover-up: Watergate Family of Secrets, by Russ Baker: Highly Recommended * “Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat, and the CIA”, By Jim Hougan

George H. W. Bush

  • Family of Secrets, by Russ Baker: Highly Recommended
  • “George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography”, but Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, a bit over the top, but a lot of really good material
  • “Defrauding America: Encyclopedia of Secret Operations by the CIA, DEA and Other Covert Agencies”, by Rodney Stich
  • “The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider”, by Al Martin: a poorly written book filled with a lot of great information from someone in the middle of The Enterprise.
  • “The Mafia, CIA and George Bush”, by Peter Brewton
  • “The Immaculate Deception”, by Russell Bowen
  • Editors note: No longer available, and not archived by Web.Archive.Org