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Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "The internet's most popular video sharing site". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Stephen Hadley  + (The fall guy for the bogus "Niger Uranium" scam.)
  • King family  + (The family of [[MLK]])
  • Bin Laden family  + (The family owning the largest construction firm in the world, closely connected to both the [[Bush family]] and the [[Saudi Royal family]].)
  • Document:Labour left breaks with Jeremy Corbyn over sending weapons to Ukraine  + (The far left wing of the [[Labour Party]] has split from [[Jeremy Corbyn]] on the [[2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine]])
  • Thomas Malthus  + (The father of depopulation justifications, both in British imperial ideology and among modern day billionaires.)
  • RCMP  + (The federal and national police service of [[Canada]])
  • Wag the dog  + (The film centers on a spin doctor and a Hollywood producer who fabricate an entire war)
  •  + (The films and journalism of John Pilger)
  • Arnaud Jacomet  + (The final Secretary-General of the [[Western European Union]])
  • Integrity Initiative/Leak/7  + (The final tranche of Integrity Initiative documents, released in March 2020, which gave an impression of the scale of the multi-million pound operation)
  • Mangala Samaraweera  + (The finance minister of [[Sri Lanka]] until just before [[COVID]]. He later died of the disease despite being vaccinated.)
  • Edward Brooke  + (The first African-American elected to the The first African-American elected to the US Senate. He attended [[Bilderberg 1969]], where one of the subjects was ''Elements of instability in Western Society''. Of possible relevance is that Brooke sat on a commission investigating the causes of over 150 riots throughout the [[United States]] in [[1967]]. He was also mooted as a candidate for Vice President. mooted as a candidate for Vice President.)
  • Bilderberg/1954  + (The first Bilderberg meeting, attended by 68 men from Europe and the US, including 20 businessmen, 25 politicians, 5 financiers & 4 academics.)
  • Remdesivir  + (The first FDA-approved drug for treatment of COVID, highly expensive, poor safety profile, promoted by [[Anthony Fauci]]. US hospitals were paid to use it on patients, although it did not improve recovery rates.)
  • Pierre Quesnay  + (The first General Manager of the [[Bank for International Settlements]].)
  • Giuseppe Petrilli  + (The first Italian European Commissioner on the [[Hallstein Commission]] 1958-1961. Attended [[Bilderberg/1965|1965 Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Oliver Coppard  + (The first Jewish metro mayor in England; a supporter of [[15-minute cities]])
  • Perry Fellwock  + (The first NSA whistleblower)
  • Václav Klaus  + (The first Prime Minister of the Czech Republic. Cercle repeated visitor)
  • Hastings Ismay  + (The first Secretary General of NATO.)
  • William Henry Draper Jr.  + (The first US Ambassador to NATO)
  • Rutgers University  + (The first US university to announce it would discriminate against students who had not received a [[COVID-19 vaccination]].)
  • James Forrestal  + (The first [[US Secretary of Defense]], died in mysterious circumstances in [[Bethesda Naval Hospital]], Maryland)
  • Jim Yong Kim  + (The first [[World Bank President]] since 1995 who was not a member of the [[Bilderberg Steering committee]].)
  • Terrance Yeakey  + (The first [[policeman]] on the scene of the [[Oklahoma City bombing]]. Reportedly a [[suicide]].)
  • 2021 Newfoundland and Labrador general election  + (The first [[postal voting]]-only election in [[Canada]]. Hampered by [[COVID-19 ]], the voting process was not simple. Unsurprisingly, the results couldn't have been better for the governing Liberals.)
  • Royal Agricultural University  + (The first agricultural college in the English-speaking world.)
  • Kim Il-sung University  + (The first and most important university in [[North Korea]])
  • Anwar al-Awlaki  + (The first assassination victim in modern times for whose death the US government has openly admitted responsibility.)
  • Otis G. Pike  + (The first congressman to battle the NSA)
  • Patrice Lumumba  + (The first democratically elected Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo, abducted, tortured and murdered. Foreign intelligence service involvement is strongly suspected.)
  • Eric Jones  + (The first director of GCHQ)
  • Şafak Pavey  + (The first disabled woman in the Turkish parliament)
  • Downing Street memo  + (The first documrentary evidence that the [[Invasion of Iraq]] was based on a lie.)
  • James Klugmann  + (The first editor)
  • Katharine Viner  + (The first female editor-in-chief of ''[[The Guardian]]'')
  • Mansfield Smith-Cumming  + (The first holder of this job)
  • Daniel Fried  + (The first holder of this job)
  • Dwight Eisenhower  + (The first holder of this office)
  • Lyman Kirkpatrick  + (The first holder of this position)
  • L. Douglas Heck  + (The first holder of this position)
  • Dick White  + (The first holder of this position.)
  • Bruno Branciforte  + (The first holder of this post)
  • Karl Gether Bomhoff  + (The first holder of this post)
  • Tedros Ghebreyesus  + (The first holder of this post who is ''not'' a medical [[doctor]]. Infamously suggested COVID fatality was "about 3.4%" on 3 March 2020.)
  • Bandar bin Sultan  + (The first holder of this post.)
  • Giovanni Carlo  + (The first holder of this post.)
  • Security and Defence Learning/2005  + (The first in a sequence of 8 annual conferences on "defence" and "security", chaired by [[Harold Elletson]].)
  • 9-11/Joint Congressional Inquiry  + (The first inquiry into 9/11, by its own admission "not in the blame game". It produced an 800 page report of which 28 pages were censored, and released in redacted form in July 2016.)
  • Syngman Rhee  + (The first leader, whom the US placed as a leader they could control.)
  • Salvador Allende  + (The first marxist to be elected in [[South America]]. Deposed by the [[CIA]].)
  • Le Cercle/1968 (New York)  + (The first meeting of [[Le Cercle]] in America. End date uncertain)
  • Laila Freivalds  + (The first minister in Sweden to have resigned twice under scandalous circumstances.)
  • Basil Zaharoff  + (The first modern arms dealer, cunning, aggressive and ruthless.)
  • John Jacob Astor  + (The first multi-millionaire in the US)
  • Iris Adams  + (The first nurse to have the [[COVID-19/Vaccine]] at the hospital she worked at. Months later she died from [[COVID]] days before retirement.)
  • Iran/1953 coup d'état  + (The first of many large scale [[coups]] was carried out at the behest of [[big oil]], by the CIA. The report of the [[inaugural Bilderberg]] next year termed this "firm Western action in Persia ... [that] had produced successful results.")
  • Integrity Initiative/Leak/1  + (The first of many leaks which exposed covertly organised groups of Russophobic academics, journalists, government officers and [[deep state operatives]] who strategised about how to alert to people to a purported Russian "threat".)
  • Harvey Milk  + (The first openly gay elected official in the history of California. Assassinated.)
  • 9-11/WTC7/Destruction/Foreknowledge  + (The first reference to a third tower collapsing is by Jane Standley of the BBC at around 10:45 a.m. Other references are later that afternoon.)
  • Spanish autonomous community  + (The first sub-national level of political and administrative division in Spain)
  • Operation Cyclone  + (The first time the CIA officially met [[Osama Bin Laden]]The first time the CIA officially met [[Osama Bin Laden]], they deemed him part of the hero movement to protect the world against [[Soviet]] influence. In Operation Cyclone, the CIA funded him and allowed entire cities to become death traps with the narrative of giving Soviets their own Vietnam.ative of giving Soviets their own Vietnam.)
  • Joseph McBride  + (The first to discover documentary evidence that [[George H. W. Bush]] was an undercover CIA operative.)
  • Gill Marcus  + (The first woman Governor of the [[South African Reserve Bank]])
  • Nancy Astor  + (The first woman to take her seat in Parliament, a key member of the [[Cliveden Set]])
  • Klaus Blech  + (The first years as West German Ambassador to the Soviet Union)
  • British Airways  + (The flag carrier airline of the [[United Kingdom]])
  • Guizhou University  + (The flagship institution of higher learning in Guizhou province, [[China]].)
  • University of Zagreb  + (The focal institution of higher education in [[Croatia]], educating most of the members of the Croatian intelligentsia.)
  • Ambassador/Honduras  + (The foreign ambassadors to the [[Central American]] republic of [[Honduras]])
  • UK/Army  + (The foreign enforcement arm of the UK government.)
  • James Bamford  + (The foremost journalist publishing about the NSA.)
  • Mordechai Vanunu  + (The former Israeli nuclear technician who,The former Israeli nuclear technician who, citing his opposition to weapons of mass destruction, revealed details of Israel's nuclear weapons program to the British press in 1986.He was captured by Mossad, kidnapped and subsequently imprisoned for 18 years, including 11 years in solitary confinement. He continues to be subject to harrassment and forbidden to speak to foreigners or to leave speak to foreigners or to leave Israel.)
  • Huseyin Kocadağ  + (The former Istanbul Deputy police Chief killed in the [[Susurluk car crash]])
  • Jack Dorsey  + (The former [[CEO]] of [[Twitter]].)
  • Hissène Habré  + (The former [[CIA]] backed dictator of [[Chad]]. He was victorious over [[Muammar Gaddafi]] in the [[Toyota War]].)
  • Vitaly Shishov  + (The former head of the [[Belarusian House in Ukraine]] which helps people escape repression in [[Belarus]]. He was found hung. Suspected to be an assassination made look like a [[suicide]].)
  • Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi  + (The founder of the first influential movement for a united Europe.)
  • Joseph Farah  + (The founder, editor and CEO of WorldNetDaily)
  • Integrity Initiative/Leak/4  + (The fourth Integrity Initiative Leak, from early 2019.)
  • Freedom of movement  + (The freedom to move around.)
  • Gerald MacGuire  + (The front man for the [[Business Plot]], reportedly died of [[pneumonia]] due to exhaustion the next year.)
  • Document:Sanitising the Iraq War  + (The full horror of what Blair unleashed wiThe full horror of what Blair unleashed will never be truly understood in the West. And, internationally the full consequences of [[Iraq War|this war]] are still to be felt. As the sister of a soldier killed in [[Iraq]] said: “There is one terrorist in this world and his name is [[Tony Blair]].”Tony Blair]].”)
  • Document:Washington Wants Syria's Oil  + (The future of [[Syria]] and its geopolitical strategic equation will depend on who controls the oil-rich region of [[Deir al-Zor]].)
  • Document:Russia’s “Save Ukraine” Memorandum: Prevent the Ukraine from “Going Fascist”  + (The geo-politics of the 2013-14 Ukraine riots and the US push for 'Regime-change' from the perspective of a high-level Russian think-tank.)
  • Document:Behind the Greek Debt  + (The geoplitics underlying what is presented as a crisis of national indebtedness)
  • Document:5G Trade Wars: the US Empire Strikes Back  + (The global [[5G]]The global [[5G]] marketplace in the control of private monopoly [[capitalism]] will result in something akin to [[Orwell]]’s 1984 nightmare. That will turn every man, woman and child on the planet into a consumer automaton monitored continuously by big business.on monitored continuously by big business.)
  • Internet  + (The global system of interconnected computer networks.)
  • Office for Students  + (The government-approved regulatory and competition authority for the higher education sector in England)
  • Alliance 90/The Greens  + (The green party of [[Germany]]. Originally anti-war, it is now the foremost war party in Europe. Also proponent of [[Covid-19]] agenda. Now being positioned to government by the deep state.)
  • Document:Hushing Up - and Profiting from - Saudi Aggressions while Warmongering against Russia  + (The gross hypocricy inherent in the foreign policy actions of Anglo-US-NATO governments)
  • Facebook/Oversight board  + (The group charged with deciding what could be said on Facebook, and what should be removed)
  • Adelaide Establishment  + (The group of wealthy landowners and industrialists who have played a considerable role in the history of [[South Australia]] since 1836.)
  • Bilderberg/Steering committee  + (The group that chooses the guests, venue, dates and agenda of Bilderberg meetings. Its constitution appears to be chosen by the [[Bilderberg advisory committee]].)
  • Jonathan Institute  + (The group which held the now infamous [[JCIT]].)
  • Russell Cornell Leffingwell  + (The group's first chairman)
  • Big Agriculture  + (The handful of food and chemical companies which completely dominate what we eat and how food is made, supposedly in competition with one another.)
  • Yevhen Fedchenko  + (The head of [[stopfake]]. Traumatized by the [[2014 Ukraine coup]]. [[II]]-member.)
  • Yvette D'Ath  + (The health minister of [[Queensland]] during [[COVID]].)
  • US/Supreme Court  + (The highest court of the [[US]], appointed by congress and their president, and therefore also influenced and controlled by elements of the corrupt [[US/DS]].)
  • US/Prison  + (The highest per-capita incarceration rate in the world)
  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology  + (The highest ranked technical university in [[Sweden]].)
  • Diazepam  + (The highest selling drug in the US between 1968 and 1982, under the brand name Valium.)
  • Stanislav Lunev  + (The highest-ranking [[GRU]] officer to [[Defection|defect]] from [[Russia]] to the [[United States]].)
  • Stockholm Network/History  + (The history of the Stockholm Network)
  • File:Affaire Williamson.pdf  + (The hounding of Bishop Williamson by the Catholic Church Hierarchy over his opinions about 'The Holocaust')
  • Ferdinando Brachetti Peretti  + (The husband of [[Nicole Junkermann]])
  • WW3  + (The hypothetical dystopian successor to [[World War II]] which haunts the [[MAD]] holders of [[nuclear weapons]]...)
  • Polexit  + (The idea of [[Poland]] leaving the [[EU]].)
  • Eugenics  + (The idea of breeding humans, allegedly discontinued, but under a guise resumed in modern institutions.)
  • Culture of impunity  + (The idea that particular circumstances will prevent one from being punished — a key component in the development and operation of the [[deep state]].)
  • Fraser Wilson  + (The identification of this person with the Wikipedia page is tentative.)
  • Environmentalism  + (The ideology of Green Politics; advocates campaign for environmental protection.)
  • Document:President Abbas’ Rebuke to Theresa May over Palestine  + (The ignored part of the [[Balfour Declaration]]The ignored part of the [[Balfour Declaration]] to which [[Mahmoud Abbas|Abbas]] referred is of course:</br>“It being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in [[Palestine]].”Palestine]].”)
  • Document:Nothing has Changed  + (The ill-judged words of the [[Theresa May|present Prime Minister]] perhaps accidentally illuminate something important about the true character of the [[Conservative Party]]: “Nothing has Changed”.)
  • Inflation  + (The increase in prices of goods and services in an economy)
  • Document:Assange Final Appeal – Your Man in the Public Gallery  + (The indictment describes [[Wikileaks]] as a “non-state hostile [[intelligence agency]]”. That was plainly an accusation of [[espionage]]. This is self-evidently a politically motivated prosecution for a political offence.)
  • File:Bush Indictment.pdf  + (The indictment of former U.S. president George W. Bush for his role in authorizing and overseeing his administration’s well-documented torture program.)
  • Document:Chemtrails-Deep Shield  + (The individual featured appears to have an "inside track" on the chemtrail spraying programme. There was an opportunity to ask specific questions relating to the aerial spraying and the "insider" then answered the questions.)
  • Document:First thoughts on the Euro Summit’s statement on Greece  + (The initial reaction of former Greek Syriza Party Finance Minister, Yanis Varaoufakis, to the Euro-Summit agreement on Greek debt)
  • Diana Spencer/Inquest  + (The inquest into the death of Diana, Princess of Wales)
  • University of Bristol  + (The intake of state school pupils is lower than many [[Oxbridge]] colleges. Fired Professor [[David Miller]].)
  • International Court of Justice  + (The international court charged with preveThe international court charged with preventing war crimes which is constitutionally unable to carry out its mission as regards the permanent members of the UN security council (and their allies) which are also (more or less) the world's most active weapons producers and wagers of illegal war.apons producers and wagers of illegal war.)
  • Document:The new mind control  + (The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do)
  •  + (The internet's first site to permit free up and download of MP3s, now has over 70,000 MP3s available for download, including a lot of independently produced radio shows on political topics)
 (The internet's most popular video sharing site)
  • Lauri Fitz-Pegado  + (The inventor of the [[Nurse Nayirah]] lie which was instrumental in facilitating the [[First Gulf War]])
  • Jean de Broglie  + (The investigation into his 1976 assassination was soon classified as a military secret.)
  • Malaysia Airlines Flight 17/Criminal Investigation  + (The investigation into the fate of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17)
  • File:TPP-Investment-Chapter.pdf  + (The investment chapter draft of the proposed TPP Treaty)
  • Hart Island  + (The island was part of a [[COVID-19/Media Manipulation|corporate media manipulation campaign]] during the [[COVID|COVID event]], creating an impression of an out-of-control mass death.)
  • Willem Oltmans  + (The journalist to whom George de Mohnrenschildt entrusted some of his inside knowledge on the JFK Assassination before being himself assassinated.)
  • Stéphane Goux  + (The judge whose handling of the Dutroux Affair was publicly protested by the jurors.)
  • Gerald Bull/Assassination  + (The killing of Gerald Bull as he returned home from his nearby office whilst unlocking the door to his Brussels, Belgium appartment.)
  • University of São Paulo  + (The largest Brazilian public university and the country's most prestigious educational institution)
  • Trinity Mirror  + (The largest British newspaper, magazine and digital publisher)
  • Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions  + (The largest and most influential umbrella organization of labour unions in Norway, closely connected to the [[Norwegian Labour Party|Labour Party]].)
  • Gujarat University  + (The largest and oldest university in Gujarat.)
  • Aarhus University  + (The largest and second oldest research university in Denmark)
  • Aalto University School of Business  + (The largest business school in [[Finland]].)
  • Toxic Dagger  + (The largest chemical warfare exercise in the UK, coinciding with the [[Skripal Affair]]. Held February 2018.)
  • Asia  + (The largest continent on earth.)
  • Ukraine  + (The largest country entirely within [[Europe]], a former part of the [[USSR]])
  • Kyiv National Economic University  + (The largest economic educational institution in the Ukraine)
  • Koç Holding  + (The largest industrial conglomerate in Turkey,)
  • Russia  + (The largest nation state in the world)
  • Pacific Ocean  + (The largest ocean in the world)
  • Christian Social Union  + (The largest political party in [[Bavaria]].)
  • Christian Democratic Union  + (The largest political party in [[Germany]].)
  • Augustana College  + (The largest private university in South Dakota)
  • University at Buffalo  + (The largest public university in the state of New York)
  • Axel Springer Publishing House  + (The largest publishing house in Europe.)
  • National Security Archive  + (The largest repository of declassified U.S. documents outside the federal government.)
  • Élisabeth Badinter  + (The largest shareholder of [[Publicis Groupe]])
  • Bucharest Polytechnic Institute  + (The largest technical university in Romania)
  • University of Auckland  + (The largest university in New Zealand)
  • University of Ulster  + (The largest university in Northern Ireland)
  • University of Lisbon  + (The largest university in Portugal.)
  • University of Arkansas  + (The largest university in [[Arkansas]])
  • University of Warsaw  + (The largest university in [[Poland]])
  • Comenius University  + (The largest university in [[Slovakia]])
  • University of Aix-en-Provence  + (The largest university in the French-speaking world)
  • University of New Hampshire  + (The largest university in the US state of [[New Hampshire]])
  • University of Mississippi  + (The largest university in the state by enrollment)
  • Porter Goss  + (The last DCI. After this the job was split into "Director of National Intelligence" (DNI) and the "Director of the Central Intelligence Agency" (D/CIA).)
  • Manlio Brosio  + (The last Secretary General of NATO who was appointed before he attended the Bilderberg.)
  • Manlio Brosio  + (The last Secretary General of NATO who was appointed before he attended the Bilderberg.)
  • Shaker Aamer  + (The last UK national to be released from [[Guantanamo Bay]], where he was held for 13 years and subjected to torture after refusing to spy for [[MI5]].)
  • JFK  + (The last US president to effectively seek to promote the welfare of the US population.)
  • Chris Patten  + (The last holder of the job. The colony was handed over to [[China]].)
  • Bruno Branciforte  + (The last holder of this post)
  • Duke University/School of Law  + (The law school and a constituent academic unit of [[Duke University]], [[North Carolina]])
  • Moritz College of Law  + (The law school of [[Ohio State University]],)
  • William Pepper  + (The lawyer who ''successfully'' brought a legal case against the US government for the [[MLK assassination]].)
  • Potchefstroom University  + (The leadership of the university was part of the [[deep state]] [[Afrikaner Broederbond]] during the apartheid-era.)
  • Document:Women's March petitions Jack Dorsey to ban Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from Twitter  + (The leading American feminist organisationThe leading American feminist organisation is pressuring [[Twitter]] to remove Representative [[Marjorie Taylor Greene]] from their platform. She stands accused of promoting "[[conspiracy theories]]" about [[COVID]] over her scepticism of [[Fauci]]. She has been [[censored]] before. How much longer is there before she is permanently banned?is there before she is permanently banned?)
  • Frank Kitson  + (The leading theorist and practitioner of [[counterinsurgency]]The leading theorist and practitioner of [[counterinsurgency]] to have emerged from the British military. His tactics included the use of 'counter-gangs' involved in [[false flag operations]], [[torture]], [[extrajudicial assassinations]], and setting up [[pedophile blackmail operations]]. Aide-de-Camp General to the Queen from 1983 to General to the Queen from 1983 to 1985.)
  • Extradition  + (The legal alternative to [[extraordinary rendition]]. Some countries do it, some don't.)
  • "Sovereign immunity"  + (The legal doctrine, applicable in many countries of the world, that national governments and government officials are effectively 'above the law', i.e. cannot be tried.)
  • Guy Verhofstadt  + (The liberal political group of the European Parliament)
  • Nutrition  + (The life sustaining content of [[food]], as distinct from qualities such as taste and texture)
  • Document:David Cameron's 'counter extremism' experts work with far-right Donald Trump sympathisers  + (The link between the two organisations ([[Henry Jackson Society]] and [[Quilliam Foundation]]) and [[Donald Trump]] is [[Frank Gaffney]], who was the chief inspiration for Trump’s call to ban Muslims from entering the [[United States]])
  • US/Assassinations since 1945  + (The list is very incomplete....)
  • Roman Missal  + (The liturgical book that contains the texts for mass in the Catholic Church.)
  • Document:Chris Donnelly proposal to FCO  + (The local partner then needs to do or commThe local partner then needs to do or commission an assessment of the agents or promoters of corruption and influence, eg key businessmen or politicians, as well as opposition politicians and clean businessmen, journalists etc who can be allies. These we bring out on trips to London, HQ NATO etc.bring out on trips to London, HQ NATO etc.)
  • Headquarters  + (The location where most, if not all, of the important functions of an organization are coordinated.)
  • Louis J. Lefkowitz  + (The longest serving [[New York Attorney General]]. Plenty of licensing corruption on his watch.)
  • Cordell Hull  + (The longest serving [[US Secretary of State]], granted the [[Nobel Peace Prize]] in 1945 for his role in establishing the [[United Nations]], and was referred to by [[President Roosevelt]] as the "Father of the United Nations".)
  • J. William Fulbright  + (The longest serving chairman in the history of the [[Senate Foreign Relations Committee]].)
  • Dennis Hastert  + (The longest serving republican speaker of the house.)
  • Pierre Nkurunziza  + (The longest-ruling [[President of Burundi]]. Died suddenly in 2020 after expelling the [[WHO]] team and refusing to impose restrictions as a response to [[COVID-19]].)
  • Enver Hoxha  + (The longest-serving head of state in the [[Eastern Bloc]] with nearly 41 years in power. Survived MI6/CIA regime change attempt.)
  • Ebola  + (The lurid exaggerations in the media presentation of Ebola have many similarities to Covid-19)
  • Central Office of Information  + (The main UK government body dealing with official advertising and publicity)
  • BOSS  + (The main [[South African]] state intelligence agency)
  • Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise  + (The main [[employers' organisation]] in [[Norway]]. The Presidents and Director-Generals have a Bilderberg habit.)
  • Declaration of Currency Independence  + (The main author, [[John McAfee]], died mysteriously in jail the next month.)
  • Cleveland Dodge  + (The main donor to the US presidential campaign of [[Woodrow Wilson]].)
  • Heathrow  + (The main international airport serving [[London]], UK.)
  • House Committee on Government Reform  + (The main investigative committee of the [[United States House of Representatives]].)
  • UN/General Assembly  + (The main policy-making, and representative organ of the [[United Nations]].)
  • Tbilisi State University  + (The main university in Georgia.)
  • University of Paris  + (The main university in Paris, France, active from 1150 to 1970, when it was divided into 13 autonomous universities.)
  • University of Ouagadougou  + (The main university in the African nation of [[Burkina Faso]])
  • National University of Lesotho  + (The main university in the South African nation of [[Lesotho]].)
  • Abe Saffron  + (The major figure in organised crime in Australia in the latter half of the 20th century.)
  • China National Petroleum Corporation  + (The major national oil and gas corporation of [[China]].)
  • The Bolsheviks  + (The majority faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party.)
  • Auto industry  + (The manufacturing of motor vehicles is a major industry in the world economy.)
  • Rudy Giuliani  + (The mayor of New York on 9-11, who has made contradictory and unexplained statements about 9-11.)
  • Document:How They Get Away With It  + (The mechanics of a cover-up)
  • Document:Ellwood vs Ellwood  + (The media profile of former minister LieutThe media profile of former minister Lieutenant Colonel The Right Honourable [[Tobias Ellwood]] has increased as a result of [[COVID-19]]. A recent interview of his on [[Sky News]] regarding the [[2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine]] has raised a few eyebrows.[[2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine]] has raised a few eyebrows.)
  • Document:The Truth on the Rocks  + (The media research goup at Glasgow UniversThe media research goup at Glasgow University has conducted a major survey of the media's handling of the killings in Gibraltar of the three IRA members on March 6 last year up to but not including the coverage of the inquest in September. It represents a serious indictment of the British media's handling of the affair and particularly that of The Sunday Times. We publish here in full the Glasgow University Media Research Unit survey.gow University Media Research Unit survey.)
  • Therapeutic Goods Administration  + (The medicine regulatory agency most captured by [[Big Pharma]] in the world.)
  • Bilderberg/1973  + (The meeting at which the 1973 oil crisis appears to have been planned.)
  • Militarisation  + (The mentality, methods and tools of the [[military]] are increasingly being applied across society)
  • Document:Credit Suisse and the power of money  + (The merger creates a monster bank with a bThe merger creates a monster bank with a balance sheet total of CHF (Swiss francs) 1.5 trillion ($1.6 trillion), almost twice the [[gross domestic product]] of [[Switzerland]], which amounted to CHF 771 billion in 2022. If it enters a tailspin, it will trigger a tsunami that will drag the Swiss state budget and parts of the world economy into the of the world economy into the abyss.)
  • UN/SC  + (The military arm of the UN. It is able to The military arm of the UN. It is able to change rules in the [[UN Charter]], and is able as only [[UN]] entity to send or deploy the [[military]] of the UN and its permanent members to countries. It hasn't proved to be very consistent and is often in a stalemate because of veto powers and [[deep lobbying]].[[deep lobbying]].)
  • Canada/Military  + (The military of [[Canada]])
  • Pakistan/Deep state  + (The military plays an very notable role in Pakistani politics.)
  • Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority  + (The ministry in charge of civil aviation in [[Egypt]]. Investigations include [[EgyptAir Flight 990]], [[EgyptAir Flight 804]] and [[Metrojet Flight 9268]].)
  • World Fellows Program/2016  + (The mission of the program is to cultivate and empower a network of globally engaged leaders)
  • Security  + (The modern interpretation involves control technology, while a more traditional interpretation involved relationships.)
  • Money/Creation  + (The money creation process is not only a [[Third rail topic]], off limits to [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]]. It is also subject to a wide ranging and extensive misdirection campaign.)
  • Socialist Review  + (The monthly magazine of the British Socialist Workers Party)
  • Tom Cotton  + (The most Hawkish senator in US Congress. Elected, funded and guided by [[AIPAC]], advocates war crimes, jailing kids and aunts for "corruption of blood". Tried very infamously to sabotage the Iran Nuclear Deal.)
  • Water  + (The most basic resource needed for life, and unavailable to more than 1 billion people worldwide. :-( ...)
  • 2010 Cumbria shootings  + (The most deadly gun attack carried out in the UK since the 1996 [[Dunblane school massacre]], attributed to "[[lone nut]]" [[Derrick Bird]])
  • 2017 Las Vegas shooting  + (The most deadly mass shooting in US history, one about which many questions - most particularly "Why?" - remain unanswered. The original [[official narrative]] of a single "[[lone nut]]" shooter was confused as of February 2018.)
  • Skull and Bones  + (The most elite US secret society, largely unknown until its influence was publicised by Antony Sutton, who highlighted in particular its members' apparently insatiable desire for power and their mutual loyalty in spite often of public antagonism.)
  • Pacific-Union Club  + (The most exclusive gentlemen's club in [[San Francisco]].)
  • Pandora Papers  + (The most expansive leak of tax haven files in history)
  • UK/2012 Health and Social Care Act  + (The most extensive reorganisation of the structure of the National Health Service in England to date.)
  • CIA  + (The most high profile of the US intelligenThe most high profile of the US intelligence agencies, a covert agent of foreign policy. Funded by a 'black budget' derived from the global drug trade, the CIA is experienced at assassination, blackmail, instigating coups and other such covert deep state actions. Its scrutiny in the early [[1970s]] however led to the development of more secure bases for the most sensitive deep state operations. the most sensitive deep state operations.)
  • University of Toronto  + (The most important university in Canada)
  • Hollywood  + (The most influential cinema industry of the world is in the [[US]]. It holds some dark secrets regarding [[child]] [[rape]], [[social engineering]] and more.)
  • Agnelli family  + (The most influential dynasty in Italy, founded by [[Giovanni Agnelli]])
  • University of Texas at Austin  + (The most liberal school in Texas.)
  • Phil Ochs  + (The most political singer/songwriter against the [[war in Vietnam]]. Survived strangulation attack by "robber" that may have been CIA operation.)
  • Fort Hood  + (The most populous U.S. military installation in the world, the number and particularly the type of crimes reported in and around the facility is suspicious and has the hallmarks of either a black site or quite a chaotic base.)
  • Ethiopia  + (The most populous landlocked country in the world.)
  • China  + (The most populous nation state in the world)
  • Gannett  + (The most powerful [[mass media]] [[newspaper]] company in the [[USA]].)
  • Norwegian Intelligence Service  + (The most powerful deep state entity in Norway)
  • C-4  + (The most powerful non-nuclear explosive, sThe most powerful non-nuclear explosive, supposedly very tightly controlled. However, in 1982 a long time CIA operative exported 20 tons, almost the entire US domestic stockpile, to Libya, and trained [[Muammar Gaddafi]]'s forces how to use it for bomb making.]]'s forces how to use it for bomb making.)
  • Pakistan Military Academy  + (The most prestigious military academy in Pakistan, training future leaders.)
  • Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv  + (The most prestigious university in Ukraine)
  • Seoul National University  + (The most prestigious university in [[South Korea]])
  • Le Cercle/2016 (Washington)  + (The most recent Cercle meeting known to have been photographed. Guest [[Václav Klaus]] later published 7 photos of the event online.)
  • UK/Ambassador  + (The most senior British diplomatic representatives to non-commonwealth nations)
  • Joint Chiefs of Staff  + (The most senior military leaders in the [[United States]])