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Formation23 July 1952
Type international
Interest ofJosep Borrell, Poul Skytte Christoffersen, Netherlands/Deep state, Wolfgang Streeck, Guy Verhofstadt
Member ofG-20, Global Counter Terrorism Forum
EU/Counter-terrorism Coordinator
EU/Member of Parliament


An example

Page nameDescription
EurozoneMonetary union in Europe.


Related Quotations

Black site“The European Parliament denounces the lack of co-operation of many member states and of the Council of the European Union with the investigation; Regrets that European countries have been relinquishing control over their airspace and airports by turning a blind eye or admitting flights operated by the CIA which, on some occasions, were being used for illegal transportation of detainees; Calls for the closure of [the US military detention mission in] Guantanamo and for European countries immediately to seek the return of their citizens and residents who are being held illegally by the US authorities; Considers that all European countries should initiate independent investigations into all stopovers by civilian aircraft [hired by] the CIA; Urges that a ban or system of inspections be introduced for all CIA-operated aircraft known to have been involved in extraordinary rendition”European Parliament2006
Europe/Deep state“A Briton agreed that "supranational consciousness" was not yet very fully developed within the E.C. countries, and thus it was important to avoid the supranational ambitions of the E.C. institutions going too far too fast.”1989
Walter Hallstein“He was ardently wedded to the thesis of the super-State, and bent all his skilful efforts towards giving the Community the character and appearance of one. He had made Brussels, where he resided, into a sort of capital. There he sat, surrounded with all the trappings of sovereignty, directing his colleagues, allocating jobs among them, controlling several thousand officials who were appointed, promoted and remunerated at his discretion, receiving the credentials of foreign ambassadors, laying claim to high honors on the occasion of his official visits, concerned above all to further the amalgamation of the Six, believing that the pressure of events would bring about what he envisaged.”Charles de Gaulle
Walter Hallstein
Jean-Claude Juncker“We decide something, then put it in the air and wait a while to see what happens. If there is no great shouting and no uprisings, because most people do not even understand what has been decided, then we will continue - step by step, until there is no turning back.”Jean-Claude Juncker1999
Jarosław Kaczyński“Of course, Germany operates under the veil of the European Union. Remember, we are not arguing with the EU, we are its loyal members, we argue with Germany. We just do not want the old German idea from the 1915 book, called ‘Mitteleuropa’, in which Poland was planned to be a country subordinate to Germany, which can develop economically, but must always be clearly behind Germany,”Jarosław Kaczyński25 September 2022
Albin Kurti“The European Union is our destiny”Albin Kurti4 November 2021
The Philippines“1995, Catholics for a Free Choice, 'Opus Dei: The Pope's Right Arm in Europe': "The Hanns-Seidel Foundation, based in Germany, is accredited with and receives funding from the European Union. The foundation is linked with the CSU (the Bavarian Christian Democrat) party of the late Fritz Pirkl, who was in the European Parliament and served on the boards of directors of Hanns-Seidel and the Rhine-Danube Foundation. Together with Limmat, Hanns-Seidel has funded Opus Dei’s extensive operations in the Philippines, including the Centre for Research and Communication. The centre’s "self-declared task is to form the future economic and political elite of the country," writes Opus Dei critic Peter Hertel. "Under President Corazon Aquino, Opus members have put a decisive stamp on the country’s Constitution."”Joël van der Reijden
20 JL


Known members

All 27 of the members already have pages here:

AustriaGerman-speaking republic in Central Europe. Since the end of the Cold War, Austria has become increasingly westernised.
BelgiumFormer European colonial power
BulgariaThe poorest country in the European Union.
CroatiaFormerly part of Yugoslavia, Croatia is westernising at a rapid rate, with membership of the European Union and NATO being achieved relatively quickly after independence.
CyprusA small, divided, island in the Mediterranean. Greek Cyrpus was aggressively pushing the COVID-19/Vaccine in May 2021.
Czech RepublicFormerly communist, central European nation.
DenmarkMember of the EU, NATO.
EireIsland off the coast of Great Britain. Ireland is a member of the EU but not NATO.
EstoniaEstonia is the most northern of the Baltic States. Formerly part of the USSR, now EU and NATO.
FinlandNordic country, borders Russia.
FranceA European nation, former colonial power, permanent seat on the UNSC
Germany"The economic powerhouse of Europe" - Germany dominates the European Union.
Greece"In 2006... the third biggest arms importer after China and India."
HungaryFormerly communist country in Eastern Europe, now a member of NATO, and the EU, Hungary is currently lead by Viktor Orban, an adversary of Brussels.
ItalyEuropean country that has the sixth-largest national wealth and third-largest central bank gold reserve. Italy/Deep state is an integral part of the SDS.
LatviaFormer USSR, now NATO and EU. The middle country of the Baltic States. SDS power consolidation in 2021
LithuaniaFormerly part of the USSR, now NATO and the EU. Since 2021, aggressive mandation of vaccines.
LuxembourgOne of the richest and smallest sovereign states in the world.
MaltaIsland nation in the Mediterranean sea
NetherlandsPoliticly fragmented and very densely populated country. Had very lenient drug and (underage) sex laws. Named a "narco-state" by neighbouring countries. Home of the first Bilderberg meeting.
PolandFast growing, revived country since World War 2. Became a very loyal US Deep State parter. The populace are by a mile the biggest supporters of NATO presence in Europe.
PortugalPolitically very controlled country, with a duopoly between socialist parties. Refused a War on Drugs, with successful results.
RomaniaEuropean country. Location of a deep state attempted coup involving Dick Cheney, NATO and a VIPedophile ring.
SlovakiaFormerly communist country in Eastern Europe. Now a member of NATO and the European Union.
SloveniaA small country in Europe that was never part of the Warsaw Pact.
SpainSeemingly a tropical easy-going country on the southern border of Europe. Spain has had trouble running a “death squad-free” democracy since Franco retired. Spain has seen the bloodiest post Gladio 1 terror attack take place in Madrid in 2004, and was a battleground of the Ifs and GRU during the 2010s.
SwedenA nation state which is heavy on social control, but which defied the SDS COVID lockdown policy.


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