Joël van der Reijden

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Person.png Joël van der ReijdenRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Founder/Owner ofISGP
Interests • Deep Politics
• Le Cercle
• The Pedophocracy

Template:WSUser Joël van der Reijden is an independent researcher, born in the Netherlands.


Full article: ISGP Archive

Joël van der Reijden created the Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics, a website formerly known as the Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions. The site published a number of studies on little known but apparently very influential organizations: Le Cercle, The 1001 Club, the Anglo-American Pilgrims Society, the American Security Council, the Center for Security Policy, the OSS Society, the AFIO and others.

The site also published on the Belgian X-Dossiers and related child abuse networks in which very powerful people were allegedly involved. Other topics include peak oil, the Kennedy assassinations, covert politics in Russia, and the site's "four establishment model" of covert politics in the West.

ISGP has created a highly unique database of over 1,000 important NGOs worldwide and all the key people running them. The information resulted in the site's "influence index".

Site Closure

ISGP was closed in late September 2010 "after the millionth page load". In cooperation with its owner, Wikispooks acquired an archive of the entire site and has since maintained a live copy of it on the Wikispooks server. Van der Reijden provided the Wikispooks archive with a number of major updates until 2013. A compressed backup of the site is available here.


Quotes by Joël van der Reijden

"Alt-right"“It should be clear that it is with the "Alt Right" where the term "conservative CIA" really comes into its own. As readers will quickly find out by analyzing all the entries here, there's really no point in calling the "Alt Right" the "Alt Right". It should either be called Old Right, or, more accurately, "conservative CIA". Similar to the "liberal CIA" social Democrats and the antifa, it's a completely artificial creation, meant to pervert huge anti-immigration sentiment among the population and prevent any kind of decent, honest research into conspiracies as JFK and 9/11. If you are against further Third World immigration - which easily 70-80% of whites are and 60% of minorities - or open to conspiracy, you are literally forced to take refuge in this pre-created political box and get behind one of the gurus here. Otherwise you and your opinions essentially don't exist.”7 April 2019ISGP
9-11/Air Defence“According to mainstream information, QRA intercepts happened at a rate of almost 400 times per year in the early 1990s. After the reduction to 7 sites, each with two jets, in the late 1990s, they still occurred roughly twice per week right up to 9/11. What are the details of these intercepts with regard to protocol/chain of command and reaction time?

Who exactly was responsible for the failure to redirect QRA jets, normally aimed at planes coming in from overseas, toward threats emerging from over the mainland?

Why were no QRA jets available at Andrews Air Force Base, right next to the nation's capital, a primary target for every terrorist in the world? Terrorists of various convictions have tried to target the White House and other buildings with airliners and small airplanes since at least 1974. What message does it send to world when the world's greatest superpower leaves its capital without air cover?

NORAD's Langley interceptors accidentally flew east over the ocean while they should have been heading to the north-west, towards Washington, D.C. This was standard operating procedure when pilots were scrambled but not provided with a target. How could this mistake happen, as any commander at any level should be aware of this basic procedure? Who is responsible?

Why weren't the pilots of the Langley jets provided with information on their target? Who is responsible for that?”
Jan Peter Balkenende“Of course, even if we ever determine that Volkert van der Graaf was an agent, wittingly or unwittingly, of a "liberal CIA", that does not mean that the Fortuyn case is automatically closed. In this article plenty of evidence has been presented that indicates Fortuyn and close allies as Theo van Gogh, Oscar Hammerstein, Gerard Spong and Tomas Ross, like Volkert van der Graaf and "liberal CIA" NGO network and Friends of the Earth, are part of a parallel security state-controlled network of (neo)conservatives and related right-wingers, which we could well term "conservative CIA". At a higher level, this (neo)conservative network actually got its way with the 2004 murder of Theo van Gogh by an Islamic radical.”ISGP
Klaas Bruinsma“Boys Club de Amstel ... ran by a certain Mr. Kroner [Kreuner]. A business partner of him was liquidated in the 90's, an acquaintance of de Dominee [Klaas Bruinsma], who regularly visited there. ... Getting back to Piet van Haut: This fantasy-filled caricature also brought along a certain Marc [Dutroux], later known as the Monster of Belgium. This Marc had contacts with Duscedo, of the imperium of the gentlemen Tukkers and consorts. [Incorrect, unclear sentence follows, so loosely translated:] With Charles Geerts pulling the strings.”2014
Klaas Bruinsma“Who is to say that Abbas, Bruinsma and "the Hakkelaar" weren't used as pawns in a game much larger than they were, much as Mink Kok seems to have been used time and again? They are allowed to flourish a little bit, receive a little protection, a little legal aid, and when their time is up some rival gang takes them out and that one gets the protection when necessary. It's entirely possible. But where would the manipulation of these mafia groups come from? Most likely CIA Gladio/"stay behind" networks, which, during the Cold War, revolved around Prince Bernhard and individuals as Bib van Lanschot and Cees van den Heuvel.”2014
Klaas Bruinsma“Is Bruinsma's early connection with Mabel a coincidence? Maybe. But there are an awful lot of coincidences here. Mafia bosses Klaas Bruinsma, Etienne Urka and John Engelsma all seem to have had close direct or, through Oscar Hammerstein and Frits Salomonson, very close indirect ties to the Dutch royal family. Rutger Schimmelpenninck, partner in Boekel de Neree and curator of Text Lite, also has very close ties to the royal family.”2014
Willem-Alexander Ferdinand“Readers might remember "Rob B." (Rob Boon), who, together with Salomonson, Hammerstein and Abbas was involved in apparent money laundering at Text Lite, Stichting Administratiekantoor Korf and the Femis Bank, largely for the Bruinsma mafia. It was already mentioned that Boon was also targeted by the Justice Department for fraudulent practices at Advideo. A quick look into this last company reveals a whole new cesspit with various claims being made involving famous Dutch media personalities, cocaine parties, sex farms, Dutch intelligence-financed assassinations to protect the royal family, and seemingly a violent child abuse network. The generally very accurate and informed Dutch conspiracy-research Kleintje Muurkrant didn't go into too much detail, because its editors decided that they "would like to last a little longer." As for the Bruinsma mafia itself, first a minor recap. Bruinsma's heirs, after he was assassinated in 1991, was the triumvirate Etienne Urka, John Engelsma, and Charles Geerts. Urka helped save Queen Juliana in 1975 and Engelsma was spotted running the 1999 New York Marathon with then-Crown Prince Willem Alexander. Both were supporters of Mabel Wisse Smit when she ran into trouble due to her history with the Bruinsma mafia. So was Geurt Roos, an important bodyguard of Bruinsma. Charles Geerts has no known ties to the royal family, but is known to have been rather friendly with mafia attorney Bram Moszkowicz.”2014ISGP
Gladio 3.0“To illustrate in a bit more detail, the terms "liberal CIA" and "conservative CIA" do not refer to establishment GOP and DNC candidates, nor to known superclass members: anyone from Donald Rumsfeld to a Henry Kissinger or Madeleine Albright - because we already know these people have their own agenda. No, these terms denote individuals and groups that present themselves as "opposition" to "the establishment" - but, through a combination of their (dogmatic) opinions and funding from various CIA-tied foundations (or the CIA itself) can be identified as "controlled opposition".”7 April 2019ISGP
Dennis Hastert“A second genuine element of Pizzagate is the case of former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, sentenced to prison in 2016 for being a "serial child molester". Lucky for him, the statue of limitations had run out on the most important charges, resulting in only 15 months in prison.

The Wikileaks releases revealed Tony Podesta acknowledging in a June 1, 2015 email to "have stayed in touch with denny Hastert [for] almost 50 years since Camp Nose." Obviously it would be interesting to know what Podesta and and others in government exactly knew about Hastert's behavior.

Peculiarly, when the indictment of Hastert was announced on May 28, 2015, John Podesta's old colleague from the Clinton administration, Jake Siewert (who also served in the Obama administration under superclass Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner and then became an executive at Goldman Sachs), sent him an email of only one sentence that read: "Might be time for Denny to vanish to an undisclosed Japanese island." That's a clear reference to Camp Nose, located on Osaka island, Japan, and where Tony Podesta (without John) went to in 1965 with Denny Hastert on a "People to People Student Ambassador Program". By the time they were sent over, Podesta and Hastert were in their early 20s and were involved in the oversight of some the youths.

The fact is, it's entirely possible that John or Tony Podesta already communicated to Siewert, a frequent contact of theirs, about a May 19 email to the Podestas from Masahiko Horie, an old member of Camp Nose who went there with Tony Podesta and Hastert. If not, that would be very strange coincidence and very much indicitive of Hastert's pedophile activities going back all the way to Camp Nose. But even then, why single out Nose? So most likely it's the former - there's been communication. And that doesn't exclude the latter possibility.”
LSV Minerva“Back in the day, both Frits Salomonson and Oscar Hammerstein were members of the elite Minerva fraternity, together with much of the royal family, not to mention Joris Demmink and Pieter Bakker Schut. Both also served as "praeses" (basically a squad or platoon commander) in the Minerva-linked Pro Patria ("Pro-Homeland") , a patriotic militia for drunk students that serves as a ceremonial guard during events associated with the royal family. Once a year Prince Bernhard came to talk to its leadership. Reportedly Demmink also served in Pro Patria. Holland's most famous comedian, Youp van 't Hek, actually wrote a few words about Pro Patria in a 1990s fax to Frits Bolkestein, a right-wing Bilderberg participant who has played a central role in the rise of Holland's "populist" candidates Geert Wilders and Thierry Baudet. In his 1998 book Fax, we read: "As you know I come from the circle of preppy frat boys and I inquired a little with some guys who in that period were stomping around at Leiden's Minerva. ... Don't let them tell you anything Frits [Bolkestein, a Bilderberg visitor], that Pro Patria is a very creepy little club about which the most disgusting stories are making the rounds. Stories I don't even dare to write down and which are so terrible that they couldn't have been made up by the most treacherous mind. Even if 10 percent is true, then you become uncontrollably nauseous for a long time."”2014ISGP, JVDH
Netherlands/Deep state/Functions“The accusations against Bruinsma, Geerts, Scala and Videorama speak for themselves. And this same group has its ties to members of the Dutch royal family. Not mentioned yet, in 1989 Geerts put up a $500,000 bail for U.S. porn boss Reuben Sturman, a good friend of his. Back in the 1970s and 1980s Sturman and his partner Robert DiBernardo, both working for the Gambino crime family (DiBernardo was murdered on orders of John Gotti, soon after he (once again) was indicted for production and distribution of child pornography), maintained a virtual monopoly on the hardcore porn industry in the United States. They were also repeatedly accused of involvement in the production and distribution of child pornography, which until the late 1970s still was somewhat sanctioned. A gigantic portion of this type of material actually was imported from the Netherlands at the time.”October 2014ISGP
Manuel Noriega“[Manuel Noriega] allied himself with the Medellin Cartel, his country serving as an important transit point for cocaine towards the United States. The Reagan administration worked with Noriega in support of the Nicaraguan contras, but by 1989 the dictator was growing out of control and had become such a liability to the United States, that George H. W. Bush ordered an invasion of Panama to capture Noriega. During his trial in the early 1990s, numerous witnesses/drug traffickers accused Noriega of drug trafficking, along with ties to George H. W. Bush, Colonel Oliver North and other CIA Contra figures.<a href="#cite_note-33">[33]</a> As the torture-murder of Hugo Spadafora in particular revealed, Noriega also was an extreme human rights violator who, similarly to the drug cartels and the CIA, had no problem torturing his enemies to death.<a href="#cite_note-34">[34]</a>27 August 2016ISGP
Vladimir Putin“Putin is a modern KGB/FSB elitist who has subdued the oligarchs and think tank elite. His power comes from the FSB old boys and the oil, gas, media and defense corporations he has taken control of.”2005ISGP
Russia/Deep state“Putin is a modern KGB/FSB elitist who has subdued the oligarchs and think tank elite. His power comes from the FSB old boys and the oil, gas, media and defense corporations he has taken control of.”2005ISGP
Taiwan“CIA reports from 1952, and published in 2007, give additional confirmation that Kodama and some of his associates had been recruited by Army G-2 in order to help the United States fight communism. Kodama's group sent spies to surrounding communist countries and delivered mercenaries to Chiang Kai-shek's regime in Taiwan. In the documents the CIA also claims that the group was primarily working for themselves and were a great danger to the democratic process in Japan. [47] Unsurprisingly, MacArthur was a great supporter of Chiang Kai-shek on Taiwan, in contrast to President Truman and the State Department. Reportedly, MacArthur, as Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers in Japan, was asked to help put together a plan to remove Kai-shek - but he refused”2014ISGP
The Philippines“1995, Catholics for a Free Choice, 'Opus Dei: The Pope's Right Arm in Europe': "The Hanns-Seidel Foundation, based in Germany, is accredited with and receives funding from the European Union. The foundation is linked with the CSU (the Bavarian Christian Democrat) party of the late Fritz Pirkl, who was in the European Parliament and served on the boards of directors of Hanns-Seidel and the Rhine-Danube Foundation. Together with Limmat, Hanns-Seidel has funded Opus Dei’s extensive operations in the Philippines, including the Centre for Research and Communication. The centre’s "self-declared task is to form the future economic and political elite of the country," writes Opus Dei critic Peter Hertel. "Under President Corazon Aquino, Opus members have put a decisive stamp on the country’s Constitution."”20 JL
Maarten van Traa“As just stated, back in the early 1990s Langendoen and Van Vondel played a key role in the IRT affair. However, the more one tries to understand the affair, the vaguer it gets. Langendoen and Van Vondel allowed drug shipments to pass through customs in order to be able to find and arrest the major mafia bosses behind the trafficking, a typical American strategy that before and since the IRT affair has largely been illegal in the Netherlands. A June 1999 article explains the affair in the following manner: "Criminals didn't import 100 kilos [of cocaine] with help from the Dutch police, as the 1996 Van Traa Commission concluded, but 15,000 kilos of cocaine has been brought to market. But for the rest everything is a-okay.

"Various justice officers, an independent Wierenga Commission (1994), the parliamentary enquete [Van Traa] commission (1995) and the rijksrecherche [FBI] (1996) never managed to fully clarify the IRT affair. What is certain is that under the leadership of two Haarlem detectives, Langendoen and Van Vondel, who worked for the IRT team, about 100,000 kilos of soft drugs was brought onto the market during infiltration attempts [i.e., authorized pass-throughs]. But many questions remained unanswered. It is unclear, for example, how the police financed the drug imports and there was evidence that cocaine was imported royally. "Teeven and his chief officer H. Vrakking - who in 1993 decided to dissolve the IRT team... - have always been anxious to demonstrate that especially the Haarlem branch of the IRT team [i.e., Langendoen and Van Vondel] was out of line. ... Teeven recently opened negotiations with the for arms trafficking sentenced Mink K., who earlier had been a target of the IRT."

The primary target of the IRT team was mafia boss Klaas Bruinsma. After he was murdered in 1991 his successors as John Engelsma, porn boss Charles Geerts, and especially Etienne Urka became the target of the IRT. No one was caught, however, and reportedly the IRT was so "fixated" on the Bruinsma/Urka network that they forgot to pay attention to the network of Mink Kok, who, together with his allies, managed to smuggle 15 tons of cocaine through the backdoor. Certainly Kok's partner, Jan Femer, referred to the IRT years of 1991-1993 as the "golden years": "We could bring in almost anything: hash, coke, heroin, semtex, whatever we wanted." Kok was arrested in August 1994 in relation to an assassination a year earlier.”
Donald Trump“Break with tradition, or so it seems. Vilified by the entire Rockefeller and liberal media establishment, but strong evidence he himself is "conservative CIA". Brought to power by "conservative CIA" CNP financiers/members as the Mercers, Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway. Trump himself has many long-standing, curious security state and establishment ties, among them: in December 2000 Trump was part of a 94-guest dinner organized by Bilderberg steering committee-, Pilgrims Society-, and 1001 Club-member Conrad Black, where Trump was seen chatting with Henry Kissinger at a table. Happy Rockefeller, the widow of Nelson Rockefeller; Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Richard Perle, Vernon Jordan and later exposed serial pedophiles Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell all were part of this dinner.”2020ISGP
UFO“So, are Unacknowledged Special Access Programs out of control in the United States? Good question. The term "Special Access Program", let alone "Unacknowledged Special Access Program", is only very seldom mentioned in the media. For example, these terms have not been mentioned at all in relation to the NSA spy revelations in recent years of William Binney and Edward Snowden, even though one would expect that many of the NSA spy programs as PRISM, Stellar Wind, Boundless Informant and JTRIG fell into this category. The term "Special Access Program" did recently surface with regard to the Hillary Clinton email scandals. As Obama's secretary of state, Clinton, against protocol, maintained a private mailbox full of information on all kinds of Special Access Programs. No details on these programs have been provided.”ISGP
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