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Group.png Israel/Lobby  
US Israel Lobby.jpg
Type informal
Interest ofAnnual Conferences on Israel's Influence, Council for the National Interest, WinterWatch

The Israel lobby is a term sometimes used to describe individuals and groups which seek to influence the foreign policy of the United Kingdom in favour of bilateral ties with Israel, Zionism, Israel, or the policies of the Israeli government. Such individuals and groups, Lawyers for Israel for example, may seek to influence politicians and political parties, the media, the general public or specific groups or sectors.


In April 2021, "Architects of Repression: How Israel and Its Lobby Put Racism, Violence and Injustice at the Center of US Middle East Policy" by Walter L. Hixson was published.[1] The book put to rest any doubt as to whether the Israel lobby has played and continues to play the crucial role in enabling aggression, the suppression of Palestinian rights, and the failure to achieve a comprehensive Middle East peace accord.

Richard Falk, professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University, is the former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967 and claims:

“A devastating, learned, brilliantly narrated study of how the extremities of US pro-Israeli policy came about and were maintained despite decades of severe Israeli crimes victimising the Palestinian people as a whole in what had been their native country. Essential reading for anyone willing to expose themselves to inconvenient truths that definitively depict one of the darkest chapters in America’s foreign policy.”[2]


On 13 May 2018, The People's Britain published on its Facebook page an investigation by Al Jazeera into the Israel Lobby:

"Al Jazeera goes undercover inside the Israel Lobby in Britain. We expose a campaign to infiltrate and influence youth groups, including the National Union of Students, whose president faces a smear campaign coordinated by her own deputy and supported by the Israeli Embassy."[3]

James Chubb commented:

"Exposed: Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs coordinates Labour Friends of Israel and their campaign of false accusations of antisemitism to counter BDS. Viva BDS!"[4]

On 4 July 2023, Asa Winstanley tweeted:

The reason Labour abstained on the anti-BDS Bill is simple: that’s what they were instructed to do by the Israel lobby: this Labour document I obtained last year proves it. See my full report: "Secret document reveals Israel lobby’s dominance of Labour".[5]
James Purnell former chair of LFI



Page nameDescription
Mega GroupA super-secret, by-invitation-only group of powerful American and Canadian "mega-billionaires," who meet behind closed doors twice a year, to set the overall policy for the "official" Israel Lobby in North America
World Jewish Congress


A Israel/Lobby victim on Wikispooks

Alison ChablozProfessional musician harassed and prosecuted in the UK for publishing satirical songs about 'The Holocaust'


Related Quotation

Thomas Massie“"Everybody but me has an AIPAC person. It's like your babysitter, your AIPAC babysitter, who's always talking to you for AIPAC." He added that these "babysitters" tend to be from the representative's district, but they're firmly part of AIPAC.”Thomas MassieJune 2024


Related Documents

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