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Henry Sloane Coffin5 January 187725 November 1954Priestleading liberal Presbyterian leader. Bonesman.
Marie Colvin12 January 195622 February 2012USJournalistCorporate war reporter. Died while embedded with rebel forces in Syria.
John Sherman Cooper23 August 190121 February 1991Diplomat
US lawyer who refused to sign the draft of the Warren Commission Report until a qualifying statement was inserted.
Gregory Craig4 March 1945LawyerWhite House Counsel 2009-2010
Andrew Crockett23 March 19433 September 2012USCentral bankerIMF, BIS, Bank Of England, JP Morgan
Homer Stille Cummings30 April 187010 September 1956LawyerUnited States Attorney General from 1933 to 1939.
Nelson CunninghamUSLawyer
Deep state operative
Well-connected Kissinger associate
Chris Cuomo9 August 1970USJournalistCNN journalist shortlisted by 21st Century Wire for the 2017 Horace Greeley Award for Best Fake News Journalist, but surprisingly did not win
George Daniels1953Judge
Deep state functionary
Blamed 9/11 on Iran, but ruled that Saudi Arabia had "sovereign immunity" from prosecution.
Richard Danzig8 September 1944US Secretary of the Navy 1998-2001
F. Trubee Davison7 February 189614 November 1974USSpook
Son of influential banker Henry Davison. Worked with deep state operatives Judge Gary and Bill Donovan. After WW2 Director of Personnel for the CIA.
Ron DeSantis14 September 1978Soldier
A frontrunner for the Republican Party Presidential nomination in 2024.
Howard Dean17 November 1948PoliticianUS politician whose 2004 campaign was involved in the 2006 Mexico DC-9 drug bust.
Brian Deese17 February 1978USEconomistAmerican economic advisor to presidents. Revolving door to Blackrock. Attended the 2023 Bilderberg meeting.
David Dellinger22 August 191525 May 2004USActivist
Frederick B. Dent17 August 1922Politician
Chauncey Depew23 April 18345 April 1928Politician
Deep state operative
US deep state operative, classmate of two future US Supreme Court Justices, a member of Psi Upsilon, Skull and Bones, Corsair Club, The Pilgrims Society...
Marshall Diggs7 November 1888September 1968USLawyer
Norman Dodd29 June 18991 January 1987Bank manager and congressional investigator who exposed how tax-exempt foundations were subverting the United States Government by other than constitutional means. He then proceeded to show that this applied to the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and Carnegie Endowment.
Klaus von Dohnányi23 June 1928GermanPoliticianAttended two Bilderbergs in the 1970s. Mayor of Hamburg in the 1980s.
John Thomas Downey19 April 193017 November 2014USSpook
Central Intelligence Agency officer who was captured in China in November 1952 and imprisoned until March 1973.
William Draper15 January 1928USBusinesspersonformer President of the Export–Import Bank of the United States. He also led the highly strategic United Nations Development Programme, the biggest source of multilateral development grant assistance, and the U.S. Export-Import Bank. Both institution have a huge influence on policies in countries in the global south, an influence which he also made sure was used. Skull and Bones. Atlantic Council. His father was active in population control.
John B. DunlopUSAcademic
Spooky US expert on Soviet Union and Russia, focusing on ethnic nationalist separatism.
Eric Edelman1951USPoliticianUS diplomat/politician whom Sibel Edmonds named as a corrupt individual of interest.
Tom Engelhardt1944USAuthor
Editor of, a website critical of US foreign policy, but not touching deep politics much.
Richard Falk13 November 1930USAcademic
Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University and former UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories
Walter E. Fauntroy6 February 1933Activist
John Ferguson191524 August 1970USLawyerUS lawyer, attended the first Bilderberg and 7 others in the 1950s. US Ambassador to Morocco 1962-64
Jonathan Finer1976Lawyer
Deep state actor
US deep state actor, Bilderberger, 7th Floor Group, CFR, friend of UK and US deep state functionaries
Mark Fishman1947USResearcher
Biotech researcher for Novartis who attended the 2013 Bilderberg.
William Foltz193627 October 2013USAcademicUS academic who attended the 1979 Bilderberg. National Intelligence Officer for Africa from 1995-1997.
Abe Fortas19 June 19105 April 1982Academic
Jodie Foster19 November 1962USActorHollywood movie star. Had multiple stalkers who wanted to kill Ronald Reagan.
Charles Freeman2 March 1943USDiplomat
Deep state operative
Long time president of the Middle East Policy Council. Close relations to Saudi Arabia and Iran. Le Cercle, Bilderberg
David Frum30 June 1960CanadaPropagandist
Deep state functionary
Neoconservative deep state operative who coined the phrase "axis of evil"
Evan Galbraith2 July 192821 January 2008USDiplomat
Deep state functionary
Attended the 1982 Bilderberg as US Ambassador to France
James K. Galbraith29 January 1952USEconomist
David Gergen9 May 1942USDeep state operativeWhite House insider since the 1970s. Two Bilderbergs in the 1990s. Operation Dark Winter
Carl Gershman20 July 1943Spook
Deep state actor
President of the National Endowment for Democracy since it was founded in 1984. His entire career has been in and around CIA-connected entities.
G. McMurtrie Godley23 August 19171999USDiplomatA US diplomat
Gregg Gonsalves21 October 1963Activist
Promoted "social distancing". during the COVID-19 panic
Austan Goolsbee18 August 1969USEconomistSkull and Bones economist. Obama advisor. One of the WEF's 100 Global Leaders for Tomorrow. Fan of heavy COVID-19 bailouts
Porter Goss26 November 1938Spook
Deep state operative
Susan Graber5 July 1949USJudgeThe US judge who commented on Saleh v. Bush
Madison Grant19 November 186530 May 1937USLawyer
"Hitler's American guru"
Gordon Gray30 May 190926 November 1982USSpook
Marshall Green27 January 19166 June 1998USDiplomat
Deep state actor
US coup master
Eldon Griffiths25 May 19253 June 2014UKPolitician
British Conservative politician and journalist. Attended Le Cercle.
Briton Hadden18 February 189827 February 1929USEditor
Media mogul
Co-founder of Time Magazine with Henry Luce, who gained hold of company after Hadden died prematurely in 1928.
Morton Halperin13 June 1938USLawyer