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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value ""All the news that fits our views"..". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 206 results starting with #1.

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List of results

     ("All the news that fits our views"..)
    • New York Times  + ("All the news that fits our views"... A [[US Deep state]] affiliated [[newspaper]] "to make a professional [[middle class]] comfortable and feel that everything is OK.")
    • Clyde Tolson  + ("Alter Ego" of his close friend [[FBI director]] [[J. Edgar Hoover]])
    • Clyde Tolson  + ("Alter Ego" of his close friend [[FBI director]] [[J. Edgar Hoover]])
    • Clyde Tolson  + ("Alter Ego" of his close friend [[FBI director]] [[J. Edgar Hoover]])
    • Democracy Now!  + ("Alternative" media with nothing much to say about [[deep politics]].)
    • Enron  + ("America's Most Innovative Company" for six consecutive years, especially in the accounting department. Massive bankruptcy in December 2001)
    • Oath Keepers  + ("American far-right anti-government militia whose leaders have been convicted of violently opposing the government of the United States")
    • Max Frankel  + ("Among the 20th century's most influential journalists" and later editor of the ''[[New York Times]]'' who attended the 1966 Bilderberg age 36)
    • College of Europe  + ("An elite finishing school for aspiring Eurocrats".)
    • Forward Thinking  + ("An organisation which claims to be working to solve the middle east crisis", with at least 3 senior staff of the [[Institute for Statecraft]])
    • Hillel Neuer  + ("An outspoken defender of Israel")
    • Sue Grey  + ("Anti vax" lawyer from New Zealand)
    • First Draft  + ("Anti-disinformation" organization founded in 2015, when NATO started a drive to control the news narrative.)
    • Marcus Birks  + ("Anti-vaxxer musician" dies of [[COVID]]?)
    • Document:Who Really Killed Chris Hani?  + ("Apart from [[Chris Hani]]"Apart from [[Chris Hani]]’s murder, we deal with five others, spread over three decades: [[Patrice Lumumba]] in September 1961; [[Dag Hammarskjöld]] on 18 September 1961; [[Olof Palme]] on 28 February 1986; [[Bernt Carlsson]] on 21 December 1988; and [[Anton Lubowski]] on 12 September 1989."nton Lubowski]] on 12 September 1989.")
    • Document:Speech to the European Parliament by Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director of ICAN  + ("Are you going to support the new [[Trump Nuclear Doctrine]]"Are you going to support the new [[Trump Nuclear Doctrine]]? Join the thinking of [[Russia]], [[North Korea]]? Cheer on a new nuclear arms race? Or are you going to support the work for the [[Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons|prohibition and the elimination of nuclear weapons]]? You cannot do both."[[Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons|prohibition and the elimination of nuclear weapons]]? You cannot do both.")
    • Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 16  + ("As [[James Lewis QC]]"As [[James Lewis QC]] and [[Edward Fitzgerald QC]] exchange pleasantries, as the friendly clerks try to make the IT systems work, and my mind swims in horrified disbelief. They are discussing a fate for [[Julian Assange]], my friend, as horrible as that of the thousands who over 500 years were dragged from this very spot and strung up outside. They are all chatting and working away as though we were a normal part of civilised society." were a normal part of civilised society.")
    • Document:Brief on Monitoring Moldovan 2019 Elections  + ("As a conclusion, it is absolutely important for foreign missions and observers to start monitoring the Moldovan elections already now, since elections are made long before the voting date!")
    • Joe Glenton  + ("As a former soldier who served in [[Afghanistan]], it saddens me but I'm gonna be honest with you and tell you that the last 20 years in [[Afghanistan]] was a complete waste of time, waste of money, waste of lives.")
    • Tendayi Achiume  + ("As of June 2022, 72.09% of people in high income countries had been vaccinated with at least one dose of the [[COVID-19 vaccine]], whereas only 17.94% of people in low-income countries have been vaccinated")
    • Kurt Campbell  + ("Asia Tsar" under president [[Joe Biden]])
    • Xan Smiley  + ("Bagehot" and "Charlemagne" columnist. Attended spooky [[Le Cercle]].)
    • Ian Pannell  + ("Based primarily in Afghanistan, reporting on the battle against the Taliban and the struggle for democratic change.")
    • Military intelligence  + ("Battlefield intelligence")
    • Biblioteca Pleyades  + ("Biblioteca Pleyades" is Spanish for "Pleiades Library")
    • Conservative Inc.  + ("Big Con enforce the guidelines of Big Tech and punish conservatives on their behalf")
    • Charlie Hatton  + ("Brand Development Consultant", was Senior Programme Manager of the [[Integrity Initiative]])
    • Tarique Ghaffur  + ("Britain's most senior Asian police officer by some way and a Muslim to boot." In 2008 settled a race discrimination claim against Scotland Yard, accepting a £280,000 out of court settlement.)
    • Bratislava Global Security Forum/2022  + ("Building Resilience in a Divided World")
    • Felipe Rodriguez  + ("CIA Chief")
    • Seth Moulton  + ("CIA Democrat" politician who was selected a [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2016|Young Global Leader]] by the [[World Economic Forum]] in 2016.)
    • Robert Anderson  + ("Canadian holding company with far flung international interests")
    • Jürgen Stark  + ("Chief economist" of the [[European Central Bank]] for some years)
    • North America  + ("Cleaned" (or gifted by god according to A"Cleaned" (or gifted by god according to Americans) with a near genocide by [[American]], [[Canadian]] and [[Spanish]] forces on [[Native Americans]], this continent saw the largest empire without a royal figurehead rise to world domination within 300 years. Mainly dominated by the [[US]].[[US]].)
    • "Climate change/Hurricane"  + ("Climate change" supposedly increases the frequency of hurricanes.)
    • "Climate change/Flood"  + ("Climate change" supposedly increases the risk of floods.)
    • Josh Arnold-Foster  + ("Co-produced report on integration of security and development in ADB projects in Afghanistan")
    • J. Clifford Baxter  + ("Committed suicide". Prior to his death he had agreed to testify before [[Congress]])
    • Ignas Stankovičius  + ("Concepts development for an improvement of a state functions and institutions." [Note that the group only officially started in 2006])
    • Conscription  + ("Conscription means writing someone's name on a list–a list that, unfortunately, a lot of people usually don't want to be on!")
    • Zachary Petrizzo  + ("Conservative activist turned leftist propagandist". Very suspect.)
    • Henry Makow  + ("Conspiracy theorist" and the inventor of the boardgame Scruples.)
    • Gary Mack  + ("Consumed with what happened in Dealey Plaza, Mack started out chasing [[conspiracy theories]] and ended up chief historian and archivist of the assassination.")
    • Gary Underhill  + ("Convinced that the [[JFK assassination]] was carried out by "a small clique in the CIA.")
    • Mabel van Oranje  + ("Coordinated all international OSI advocacy activities aimed at international policy change")
    • Morris Busby  + ("Coordinator for Counterterrorism", [[US Ambassador to Colombia]])
    • Michèle Coninsx  + ("Counter-Terror" expert working in [[UN/CTED]].)
    • Document:Bid for MoD Funding 2017-2018  + ("Creation of a Europe-wide network of groups who understand the danger of Russian active measures and who can pass the message on to their own decision-makers and public, often using material which we initiate")
    • Hadia Tajik  + ("Crown princess of the Labour Party" supported by [[Gro Harlem Brundtland]]. Selected a [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2016|Young Global Leader]] by the [[World Economic Forum]] in 2016.)
    • Deep state operative  + ("Deep state operative" is an umbrella term for those who work for the deep state, whether knowingly or unknowingly.)
    • Ginkgo Bioworks  + ("Designs, engineers, develops, tests and licenses organisms" with [[CIA]] funding - but with doubtful actual technical capacities and [[Theranos]]-like business model.)
    • Ignas Stankovičius  + ("Development of the Lithuanian defense system and armed forces")
    • Oliver Robbins  + ("Director of Intelligence Security and Resilience"?)
    • "Disaster"  + ("Disasters" - real or imagined - have been abused as manipulation and [[Fear|scare]] tactic. Or, for outright '''[[racketeering]]''')
    • Hypocricy  + ("Do as I say, not how I do")
    • Dr Rola  + ("Dr. Rola" appeared in late Summer 2013 on the BBC to make an emotional appeal for bombing Syria. She portrayed herself as an aid worker, but her real name was not disclosed and her background was left unexplained.)
    • Amil Khan  + ("Drafted in to help Oxfam GB manage its response to the 2010 Pakistan floods. Led a team of media, advocacy and policy advisors engaging Pakistani decision makers to affect strategic change in policy")
    • Munich Security Conference/2021  + ("Due to [[Covid-19]], no regular Munich Security Conference could be held in 2021.")
    • Document:Goliath's Revenge - Israel and Apartheid South Africa  + ("During the [[apartheid]]"During the [[apartheid]] years I practised as a [[human rights]] lawyer and one of my colleagues defended a young boy, charged with assaulting a police officer. He had thrown a stone at the man, who was on board a tank-like military vehicle, but had arrogantly left his helmet off. A law in force with regard to firearms required a warning shot to be fired in certain circumstances. The prosecutor then demanded of the latter-day David: ‘Why did you not throw a warning stone?’" ‘Why did you not throw a warning stone?’")
    • Document:Oligarchs and Corruption Proposed Programme  + ("Early briefings of Press and media where "Early briefings of Press and media where Institute of Statecraft has particular links with the Times, Telegraph, Guardian and BBC TV and radio and specialist correspondents. Need to strengthen with the Mail." </br></br>The document proves that Integrity Initative is not only influence network: "Use US and Canadian contacts to do likewise re powerful and influential North American networks." and influential North American networks.")
    • Amnesty International  + ("Effectively, Amnesty International and AIUSA function as tools for the imperialist, colonial and genocidal policies of the United States, Britain, and Israel." Revolving leadership door with US government.)
    • World Fellows Program/2002  + ("Eighteen emerging international leaders...")
    • William Maillard  + ("Eisenhower republican"; Ambassador to the [[Organization of American States]])
    • George H. W. Bush  + ("Embarked on a massive criminal romp"...)
    • Natalia Antaleva  + ("Expert in fake news and state repression of independent media across Ukraine and the CIS countries", attended the II [[Tackling Tools of Malign Influence]] conference)
    • Robert Kupperman  + ("Expert" catapulted into media prominence as a terrorism expert during the Reagan years.)
    • Clint Watts  + ("Expert" on Russian interference)
    • "Extremism"  + ("Extremism" is used as a more modern replacement for "terrorism", one that is used to facilitate the criminalisation of ideas as well as just actions. It [[polarises]] the world into the normal ("[[mainstream]]") and the abnormal, unhealthy ("extreme").)
    • Document:UN Secretary-General invokes Article 99 on Gaza  + ("Facing a severe risk of collapse of the humanitarian system in [[Gaza]], I urge the [[UN Security Council]] to help avert a humanitarian catastrophe and appeal for a humanitarian ceasefire to be declared.")
    • Bulgaria Analytica  + ("Fack checker" with "notably opaque" funding)
    • "Fake News"  + ("Fake news website" is a meme started after the 2016 US election, to disparage websites that dissent from the opinions expressed by [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]].)
    • "Fake news website"  + ("Fake news website" is a meme started afte"Fake news website" is a meme started after the 2016 US election, to disparage websites that dissent from the opinions expressed by [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]]. It backfired and lead to the phrase "[[fake news]]", which ''promoted'' scepticism about corporate media and discouraged uncritical belief in their output.ouraged uncritical belief in their output.)
    • Preston Manning  + ("Father of modern-day Canadian Conservatism", and founder of the green conservative movement. Attended [[Bilderberg 1998]] as Leader of the Opposition.)
    • Pierre Gallois  + ("Father of the French atom bomb", [[Bilderberg]], [[Le Cercle]])
    • Perry Kucinich  + ("Fell down dead six months after his brother [[Dennis Kucinich]] called for new [[9/11]] investigation and introduced a resolution to impeach [[Dick Cheney]]." His sister died a year later.)
    • Barbara Amiel  + ("Ferocious defender of Israel" who married media baron [[Conrad Black]] in 1992. Accompanied him to the [[1993 Bilderberg]].)
    • Flashpoint  + ("Flashpoint delivers actionable intelligence... ")
    • Document:Russia and the Italian Elections  + ("For internal use only". Analysis of Itali"For internal use only". Analysis of Italian election meddling - where some political parties apparently are trying to influence public opinion: "In Italy, appears evident that the promotion of a strategy to spread disinformation and to influence the Italian political opinions, has been limited and came much more from national populist parties, rather than from Russia or whatsoever foreign country."rom Russia or whatsoever foreign country.")
    • Document:The Israeli Terrorist State  + ("For me it is now axiomatic that there is "For me it is now axiomatic that there is no [[two state solution]] and that [[apartheid]] [[Israel]] must be completely dismantled as an entity. I believe that more and more people around the entire globe believe that now.</br></br>"And if we have to dismantle our own political and media classes to get there, so be it."and media classes to get there, so be it.")
    • Forced disappearance  + ("Forced disappearance" of someone is their secret abduction or imprisonment, typically by a political organisation or national government.)
    • Graham Brookie  + ("Former U.S. government advisor on homeland security and counterterrorism" connected to the [[Integrity Initiative]]/[[Institute for Statecraft]] complex)
    • Renee DiResta  + ("Former" CIA operative)
    • Renee DiResta  + ("Former" CIA operative who is "leader of the global censorship industry" as research manager at [[Stanford Internet Observatory]].)
    • John Maury  + ("Formerly" of the [[CIA]])
    • Jean-Marie Messier  + ("France's most colourful and controversial business leader", [[WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow/1993]])
    • Henri de Castries  + ("French President of Bilderberg")
    • Gordon Corera  + ("Frequently in contact" with the [[Integrity Initiative]])
    • Ecosia  + ("Green" search engine)
    • Harold Goulding  + ("HMS Cochrane II (supply & accounting base for tenders, Rosyth) (for duty with Naval Officer-in-Charge, Methil)")
    • Jessica Ashooh  + ("Hawkish young mandarin hothoused at elite universities and in the halls of state power")
    • Basil Mavroleon  + ("He was close to the Kennedys and almost m"He was close to the Kennedys and almost married a Heseltine. He'd been a Wall Street broker and a war correspondent. He'd even been a leader of the Mujahideen. So why did Carlos Mavroleon die of a heroin overdose in a rundown hotel near the Afghan border?"n a rundown hotel near the Afghan border?")
    • Document:Allan Francovich Obituary  + ("He was, above all, a seeker after truth, wheresoever that truth might lead." - An appreciation from a friend.)
    • Abingdon School  + ("Highly selective, strongly academic" upper-class English boarding school for boys)
    • Klas Bergenstrand  + ("His mysterious death in 2007 - officially from a heart attack - "came as a shock".)
    • Madison Grant  + ("Hitler's American guru")
    • Paul Finney  + ("Honorary Bilderberg Secretary General for the United States" as of 1981, US editor and author)
    • Document:British Jewish Zionist MP Gerald Kaufman says Israel acting like Nazis in Gaza  + ("However many [[Palestinians]]"However many [[Palestinians]] the [[Israelis]] murder in [[Gaza]], they cannot solve this existential problem by military means. It is time for peace, but real peace, not the solution by conquest which is the [[Israelis]]' real goal but which it is impossible for them to achieve. They are not simply [[war criminal]]s; they are fools."[[war criminal]]s; they are fools.")
    • Jean Ziegler  + ("Hunger is [...] the main cause of death on our planet. And this hunger is man-made. Whoever dies of hunger, dies of murder. And this murderer's name is debt.")
    • Philip Mountbatten  + ("I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus.")
    • Document:The beginning of the end  + ("I don't think there's any chance [[Humza Yousaf]]"I don't think there's any chance [[Humza Yousaf]] has won the [[2023 Scottish National Party leadership election|SNP leadership election]] legitimately. But this morning I'm deeply worried that those still controlling the party have absolutely nothing left to lose by fixing it in his favour." left to lose by fixing it in his favour.")
    • Document:The Rejection of Starmerism  + ("I don’t think any Prime Minister has ever come to power with less popular enthusiasm than [[Keir Starmer]].")
    • File:WFS klaus lecture 2012.pdf  + ("I feel obliged to warn against the arguments and ambitions of the believers in the global warming doctrine...")
    • Document:Sunak likes the single market. So why doesn't Labour?  + ("I had many criticisms of [[Thatcherism]]"I had many criticisms of [[Thatcherism]] and its impact on unemployment and social harmony, but one thing [[Margaret Thatcher]] got right was the importance of the [[EU single market]] and attracting [[Japan]]ese, [[German]] and other firms to the [[UK]]. All this is now up for grabs by [[Starmer]] and his team."[[Starmer]] and his team.")
    • Document:Why I No Longer Stand with Israel, and Never Will Again  + ("I stand with [[Palestine]]"I stand with [[Palestine]], because I stand for the children of [[Israel]] and [[Palestine]], knowing full well that the only chance they have of a future where they can live together as neighbours united in peace, instead of enemies united in war, is for a free and independent [[Palestine]] to exist." ([[Scott Ritter]])[[Scott Ritter]]))
    • Document:JD Vance has some weird influences  + ("I think [[Trump]]"I think [[Trump]] is going to run again in 2024", [[JD Vance]] once said. "I think that what [[Trump]] should do, if I was giving him one piece of advice: Fire every single midlevel bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people."tive state, replace them with our people.")
    • Anthony Poshepny  + ("I used to collect ears... I had a big, green, reinforced cellophane bag as you walked up my steps.")
    • Hiroshi Mikitani  + ("I want [COVID-19] vaccinations to proceed at warp speed", head of Japan's biggest online retailer)
    • Mark Little (Journalist)  + ("I've started to see the spread of misinformation as a global health crisis. Misinformation is that serious a threat to our society.")
    • Ian Pannell  + ("Ian worked primarily for BBC Breakfast News and morning radio, reporting on the Bush administration and US affairs in the post 911 world and the launch of the "war on terror".")
    • File:America's Secret Establishment.pdf  + ("If I have a magnum opus, this is it.")
    • Document:High-stakes fight for one tree comes to an autumnal crunch  + ("If insurers are allowed to succeed here it will threaten many thousands of trees across the country", says barrister [[Paul Powlesland]]. "The fact is we all have a stake in Haringey's Oakfield plane – as long as it still stands.")
    • Document:US says Israel may have breached international law with American weapons in Gaza  + ("If that sounds like extreme linguistic, legal and moral gymnastics in defence of continuing [[US]] complicity in [[genocide]], it's because that is exactly what it is.")
    • Clermont Set  + ("If the original Clermont set were defined by one quality, it was a reckless taste for taking risks." Many members had many connections to other [[deep state milieux]] including [[Le Cercle]] and [[The Bilderberg]].)
    • Peter Wennink  + ("If there’s one person in Europe you need on your side to solve the global chips-shortage crisis, it’s Wennink.")
    • Document:England prepares to leave the world  + ("If you believe you are a citizen of the world you are a citizen of nowhere." [[Theresa May|Mrs May]] will pass into folklore with that line, just as [[Margaret Thatcher|Mrs Thatcher]] is remembered for "There is no such thing as society.")
    • Greece  + ("In 2006... the third biggest arms importer after [[China]] and [[India]].")
    • Herbert Cordt  + ("In attendance" at the Bilderberg as an Economic Advisor to the Federal Minister of Finance)
    • Roger Stone (Bilderberger)  + ("In attendance" at the [[1971 Bilderberg]])
    • Bernard Snoy et d'Oppuers  + ("In charge of European and international affairs as well as financial and monetary questions.")
    • Victor Rothschild  + ("In so many aspects of spying that he seemed like a super-agent, sabotaging every Western intelligence initiative for 20 years after the war")
    • Science Media Centre  + ("Independent" media briefing centre for scientific issues in the UK, enjoying close links with the British government and corporations.)
    • Greg Rowett  + ("Information warfare specialist" at the [[Institute For Statecraft]])
    • Leonard Schapiro  + ("Inner-circle" British Cold War propagandist.)
    • Dmytro Kolomoiets  + ("Intelligence Officer who has specialised in CT and other relevant skills", Institute for Statecraft)
    • Mark Hatfield  + ("Interfered with disciplinary procedures designed to prevent favoritism at the agency")
    • Alberto Pinto  + ("Interior designer known for his lavish-beyond-lavish creations for the superrich." Flew on the Lolita Express.)
    • Hans Holmér  + ("Investigated" the [[assassination of Olof Palme]])
    • Ilan Pappe  + ("Israel's bravest, most principled, most incisive historian.")
    • Isabel Maxwell  + ("Israel’s “Back Door” Into Silicon Valley", big sister of [[Ghislaine Maxwell]])
    • Document:Terrorism, Transit and Public Safety - Evaluating the Risks  + ("It is important for individuals and publi"It is important for individuals and public officials to take all risks into account and avoid overreacting to transit terrorism risks in ways that increase overall danger." An investigation into the ''real'' rather than the perceived risks of public and private transport. Contains some basic points that reveal the purported "terrorist threat" to be vastly exaggerated.errorist threat" to be vastly exaggerated.)
    • Marcia Angell  + ("It is simply no longer possible to believ"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the [[New England Journal of Medicine]]."[[New England Journal of Medicine]].")
    • Document:PanAm-Rätsel LOCKERBIE: Es war Südafrika!…so wie bei Olof Palme  + ("It would have been easy for [[South Africa]]"It would have been easy for [[South Africa]]n [[secret service]] agents, who had infiltrated [[Sweden]]'s anti-apartheid movement, to exchange [[Bernt Carlsson|Carlsson]]'s tape recorder in a hotel room against one containing the bomb. And then placing it inside one of those 'ubiquitous' [ Samsonite suitcases,] so beloved by the peripatetic [[Bernt Carlsson]]."[[Bernt Carlsson]].")
    • Document:Spy behind Donald Trump 'golden shower' dossier feared president had been 'compromised by foreign power'  + ("It's political rhetoric to call the [[Steele dossier|dossier]]"It's political rhetoric to call the [[Steele dossier|dossier]] phoney. The memos are field reports of real interviews that [[Christopher Steele|Chris]]'s network conducted and there's nothing phoney about it. We can argue about what's prudent and what's not, but it's not a fabrication."d what's not, but it's not a fabrication.")
    • Julia Azari  + ("It’s time to give the elites a bigger say in choosing the president")
    • Mother Jones  + ("Judging by the journalism being offered ("Judging by the journalism being offered (and not offered) by...Mother Jones and other recipients of their funding, the big establishment foundations are successfully sponsoring the kind of "opposition" that the US ruling elite can tolerate and live with.” ruling elite can tolerate and live with.”)
    • Document:Ben Goldsmith and his "party people": Friends in low places  + ("Just had a glimpse of [[Jeremy Corbyn|Corbyn]]’s Britain. A birthday party for my sister-in-law in Notting Hill invaded and shut down by a vicious bottle-throwing hard Leftist crowd (from the [[Grenfell Tower fire|Grenfell]] march), because they could.")
    • US/DOJ/Corruption  + ("Justice is something that exists outside the borders of the [[United States]]. Never expect to find justice within the United States.")
    • William Mulholland  + ("Larger-than-life chief executive officer at Bank of Montreal". Attended the [[1983 Bilderberg]])
    • Shyam Sunder  + ("Lead investigator" into the [[destruction of WTC7]].)
    • Anthony Cavendish  + ("Leading member" of [[Le Cercle]].)
    • Elaine Birch Ruffell  + ("Led assessment & disruption of narcotic trafficking from Afghanistan to Europe.")
    • Michael Brown  + ("Legendary as a disaster in his own right", Brown's appointment as head of FEMA shows the dangers of appointments made through cronyism.)
    • Javier Milei  + ("Libertarian" politician and economist who became president of Argentina in December 2023. Converted to [[Judaism]] for political gain, very open to the US [[MIC]].)
    • Lisa Pease  + ("Lifelong information activist" and JFK & RFK Assassination researcher)
    • Mirja Jarimo-Lehtinen  + ("Local organiser" for the [[1994 Bilderberg]]. Also "in attendance" at the [[1994 Bilderberg]].)
    • Ian Ferguson  + ("Lockerbie Cover-Upper" Ian Ferguson)
    • Ng Lap Seng  + ("Macau Crime Lord" and kingpin of the inte"Macau Crime Lord" and kingpin of the international slave prostitution trade. Considered to be a highly influential individual in the Guangdong and Greater China circles. Also said to have close connections with senior Chinese military officials. Ng used a proxy to give more than $1 million into the [[Riadygate|Bill Clinton 1996 campaign]].[[Riadygate|Bill Clinton 1996 campaign]].)
    • Mino Pecorelli  + ("Maverick journalist with excellent secret service contacts" shot dead in Rome a year after former [[Italian Prime Minister]] [[Aldo Moro]]'s 1978 kidnapping and subsequent killing.)
    • Angus Taverner  + ("Media Ops Policy & Plans")
    • John Oakes  + ("Media asset" of [[James Jesus Angleton]] who ran the editorial page of the ''[[New York Times]]''.)
    • Integrity Initiative  + ("Military-directed" "extremely shady covert disinformation and anti-democratic [[deep state]] outfit" that promotes [[Russophobic]] [[propaganda]]. Exposed by a set of 7 caches of documents, posted online. Later deleted its website.)
    • Joseph-Désiré Mobutu  + ("Mobutu’s career would not have been possible without the [[CIA]] and full [[US]] support, and he wrecked his country," says [ Brian Urquhart])
    • Mossad  + ("Mossad" (Hebrew for Institute) is an abbreviation for ha-Mossad le-Modiin ule-Tafkidim Meyuhadim (Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks). It is the [[Israel]]i State Agency with overall responsible for external intelligence and covert operations.)
    • World Fellows Program/2006  + ("Most exciting is their potential for future leadership on the global stage," said Program Director [[Daniel C. Etsy]].)
    • Gary George Gray  + ("Mr Gary George Gray has been appointed in a total of 438 companies. Mr Gary George Gray is no longer active in 437 of these appointments.")
    • Fritz Ermarth  + ("Mr. Ermarth planned and organized interagency multicrisis simulations designed to test Community management knowledge and skills. He led a special interagency team studying intelligence strategy and management for the future.")
    • Document:Labour costs pass £500,000 in hearing over leaked antisemitism report  + ("Much of the [[Labour Party]]"Much of the [[Labour Party]] machinery from 2015-18 was openly opposed to [[Jeremy Corbyn]], and worked to directly undermine the elected leadership of the party...from winning elections to building a functioning complaints and disciplinary process" – Summary of leaked internal report (page 29).mmary of leaked internal report (page 29).)
    • Jeffrey Goldberg  + ("Netanyahu's faithful stenographer")
    • Ben Nimmo  + ("Nimmo is a former spokesperson for NATO, who has essentially dedicated his career to fear-mongering about Russia.")
    • National Security Agency  + ("No Such Agency". Spook agency working closely with Silicon Valley)
    • Document:Pierre Omidyar: giving until it hurts  + ("No billionaire media mogul is ever going to be in the service of working people, no matter how much rhetoric about freedom of speech is deployed in the promotion of his or her product...")
    • Arthur Sackler  + ("No single individual did more to shape the character of medical advertising than the multi-talented Dr. Arthur Sackler. His seminal contribution was bringing the full power of advertising and promotion to pharmaceutical marketing.")
    • Lockheed  + ("Nobody is doing a better job of arming the world than Lockheed-Martin")
    • Kees van der Pijl  + ("Not Saudis, [[9-11/Israel did it|Israeli]]s blew up Twin Towers with help from [[Zionist]]s in [[US]] govt")
    • Edward Korry  + ("Not a nut or bolt shall reach Chile under Allende. Once Allende comes to power we shall do all within our power to condemn Chile and all Chileans to utmost deprivation and poverty")
    • Document:Nicola Sturgeon – Used and Discarded  + ("Numerous sources have reported in the las"Numerous sources have reported in the last few days that [[Police Scotland]] have now been given the go ahead by the [[Crown Office]] to pursue a criminal case over the £600,000 missing money. That seems the most likely explanation for the timing of [[Nicola Sturgeon]]'s resignation today."[Nicola Sturgeon]]'s resignation today.")
    • John Helmer  + ("Old school Moscow-based foreign correspondent")
    • Michael Jon Hand  + ("One of Australia's most wanted fugitives" now living in Idaho, USA.)
    • Burton Kanter  + ("One of Chicago's most prominent-and controversial-tax attorneys")
    • George Carlin  + ("One of the greatest political pundits in American history", a comedian who developed an interest in [[deep politics]] towards the end of his life.)
    • Charles Murray  + ("One of the most influential social scientists in America", AEI, Bilderberg)
    • Meyer Lansky  + ("One of the most notorious gangsters in th"One of the most notorious gangsters in the history of American organized crime and is notable for being the only famous mobster rising to notoriety in the 1920s who managed to die an old man and never serve a day in jail" because he had blackmail material on [[J. Edgar Hoover]].[[J. Edgar Hoover]].)
    • Emergent BioSolutions  + ("One of the most politically-connected yet scandal ridden vaccine companies in the United States")
    • Nicholas Fairbairn  + ("One of the most powerful men in Scotland" and [[UK/VIPaedophile]])
    • Brand Fourie  + ("One of the most remarkable diplomats South Africa ever produced")
    • John Deuss  + ("One of the most successful international wheeler-dealers of recent decades" who lived "a charmed life on the edge" with help from the UK and US deep states)
    • Max Cleland  + ("One of the only vigilant members of the 9/11 Commission", who resigned and denounced it as a cover-up.)
    • Hanif Qadir  + ("One of the very first specialist Prevent/CVE Intervention Provider. Engaged & Mentored 100's of High risk & those at risk individuals.")
    • 2011 Attacks on Libya  + ("Perhaps one of the most egregious examples of US military aggression and lawlessness in recent memory", carried out under a pretext of "[[humanitarian intervention]]".)
    • Fred Matser  + ("Philanthropist" who has been called "the Dutch [[Bill Gates]]".)
    • Mexico  + ("Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States!")
    • Juan María Nin Génova  + ("Prestigious Spanish banker with great international influence". 5 Bilderbergs)
    • Ralph Reed  + ("Preternaturally boyish spear carrier for the religious right")
    • Richard McCormack  + ("Primary focus" on "geopolitics and the global economy".)
    • Richard McCormack  + ("Primary focus" on "geopolitics and the global economy".)
    • Richard McCormack  + ("Primary focus" on "geopolitics and the global economy".)
    •  + ("Progressive" website producing [[enemy images]], owned by the same man who owns "fact checker" [[Snopes]])
    • Dmytro Kolomoiets  + ("Promotion of Folgat's Defense and Security Solutions to Ukrainian and international markets.")
    • Josh Arnold-Foster  + ("Provide advice on political and governmental defence and security policy development to a range of clients in the defence and aerospace sector")
    • Veracity Worldwide  + ("Provides highly developed business intelligence". Spooky connections.)
    • Brandi Vann  + ("Quite possibly one of the most important people in the world during the Covid pandemic)
    • Christopher Curwen  + ("Regarded as a safe pair of hands."<sup id="cite_ref-dorrill753_1-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-dorrill753-1">[1]</a></sup>)
    • US/Department/State/International Visitor Leadership Program  + ("Remarkably prescient when it comes to guessing who might one day govern the planet")
    • Sinking of The Maine  + ("Remember the Maine" - a sudden sinking the nature of which remains subject to debate)
    • Ian Pannell  + ("Reporting on major news stories around the world with particular focus on the Middle East, in particular Syria.")
    • Elaine Birch Ruffell  + ("Responsible for identifying & containing threats to sources, staff & operations; and assessment of security clearances")
    • John Bourn  + ("Ringside seat" to the [[Al-Yamamah|Al-Yamamah arms deals]])
    • Elly Schlein  + ("Rising star" of Italian politics with heavy deep state backing.)
    • Dominic Waghorn  + ("Routinely amplifies the views of the UK government in its military and foreign policies and provides almost no serious attempts to independently scrutinise or criticise them")
    • Kakistocracy  + ("Rule by the worst.")
    • Kleptocracy  + ("Rule by thieves.")
    • "Russian Propaganda"  + ("Russian Propaganda" is much talked about recently by NATO-aligned countries.)
    • Saak Karapetyan  + ("Russian deputy attorney general" who reportedly died in a [[helicopter crash]])
    • Kseniya Kirillova  + ("Russian dissident journalist and expert on [[Russian Propaganda|Russian propaganda]] and disinformation" who was a member of the [[Integrity Initiative]].)
    • David Leask  + ("Russophobe nutter" journalist who has been openly working with the [[Integrity Initiative]])
    • Lowell Jacoby  + ("Saddam Hussein appears determined to retain his WMD and missile programs.")